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Title: The Unstoppable Champion

As the sun set on the final day of the tournament, the tension in the arena was sensible. The
crowd held its breath as the two competitors, each hailed as a master of the game, faced off in
the ultimate showdown. The game had been a grueling (exhausting) test of strategy and skill,
.pushing both players to their limits
A young and unassuming (modest) challenger named Alex, had surprised everyone by making it
.to the finals. His opponent, had seemed unbeatable throughout the tournament
The first few moves of the final match were a strategic dance, each player carefully sizing up the
other, searching for the slightest weakness to exploit. The tension in the air was electric as the
audience followed every move with bated breath (eagerly or anxiously), knowing that one
.misstep could cost the challenger the victory
As the game progressed, it became clear that this was no ordinary match. It was a battle of
.cleverness, a clash of titans, and neither competitor was willing to back down
The decisive moment came when, against all odds, Alex executed a daring move that took the
champion by surprise. With nerves of steel and unwavering determination, Alex pressed his
.advantage, forcing the champion into a corner from which there was no escape
When the final move was made, the arena exploded with applause as the announcer declared
Alex the new champion. The impossible had been achieved, the unbeatable had been defeated,
and a new era in the game had begun. As Alex stood victorious on the stage, holding the dreamt
of trophy into the sky, he knew that this moment would be remembered for years to come.
Name: ______________________ English Department
Academic Year: 2023-2024
Date: ________________________ Listening Exam

Grade 7 “A,B,C,D”

Fill in with missing words. (2points)

When the final move was made, the arena ________________with applause as the

______________ declared Alex the new champion. The impossible had been ________________,

the ________________had been defeated, and a new era in the game had begun.

B. Circle the best choice. (2points)

1. What was the atmosphere like in the arena as the final match began?

a) Tense

b) Excited

c) Relaxed

d) Loud

2. What does the passage mainly describe?

a) A boring game

b) A friendly match

c) A battle of cleverness and skills

d) A mismatched competition

3. What was significant about Alex’s opponent?

a) He was the reigning champion.

b) He was unassuming.

c) He was experienced.

d) He was unbeatable.

4. How did the story end for Alex?

a) He lost the game

b) He broke the trophy

c) He became the new champion

d) He retired from the game

C. Answer by true or false and correct the false statements. (4points)

1. The tournament took place at night. ____________

2. The reigning champion easily defeated all opponents leading up to the finals. ____________

3. The audience remained silent during the final match. ____________

4. The final match was purely a test of physical strength. ___________

D. Give two characters traits to describe Alex. Choose from the words below and explain your

choice in a sentence. (2points)

Patient dexterous determined persevering committed kind competitive





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