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Status of women in Islam


The pre-Islamic era, known as the age of Jahiliya, meaning the age of barbarism, darkness, and
The position of woman at the time of Prophet Muhammad was no better than that of animals:
they had no legal rights; in youth they were the goods and chattels of the father; after marriage
the husband became their lord and master. Polygamy was universal, divorce was easy and
female infanticide was common
Daughters were used to buried alive
The Hadiths mentioned in Bukhari narrated the second Caliph Umar saying "We never used to
give significance to ladies in the days of the pre-Islamic period of ignorance, but when Islam
came and Allah mentioned their rights, we used to give them their rights but did not allow them to
interfere in our affairs.”
Islam revolutionized women's role in society unlike any force before, as it uplifted their status in
both the public and domestic spheres, and declared them as morally equal in God's view. Islam
provided women with rights that men must fulfill upon them, such as the dowry, inheritance, and
financial maintenance in divorce, and condemned the practice of female infanticide and abuse.

Pre-Islamic Condition
During the pre-Islamic period, the Arabs used to receive news of the birth of a female
contemptuously. Their faces would become overcast with worriment, and in a depressed state
they would hide away from society. The fear that an increase in female offspring would result in
economic burden, and the fear of the humiliation frequently caused when girls were captured by
a hostile tribe and subsequently preferring their captors to their parents and brothers. Feeling of
poverty and disgrace led them to bury their daughters alive.

After Islam

Respect of daughters/ sisters According to the Quran and Hadith

The holy Quran says: “Those who kill their children out of their foolishness are the greatest
losers”. The Prophet (SAW) says: “The person who brings up three daughters or sisters, educates
them, teaches them good manners and behaves kindly with them until they become independent
of his care by the will of God, is entitled by God to enter paradise, and it also applies to one
daughter or sister too”
A Muslim should celebrate the birth of a daughter happily. There should be no difference in
treatment between boys and girls. Parents should love daughters and treat them kindly. They
should be given their prescribed share of their property. They have a right of education and a
choice of their husband. Marrying them with a good husband is also the parents' responsibility.

o Daughters should be cared for as carefully as sons.

o They should always be allowed freedom in choices.
o They have a right to their parents’ legacy.
Prophet’s Examples

An integral part of Islam is maintaining ties of kinship. While Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬loved all his
children equally, he had a very special relationship with his youngest daughter, Fatima which sets
an example for the Muslims that how they should treat their daughters.

In many cultures and societies, the relationship between the father and daughter is a very
reserved one, involving a minimal expression of emotions.
In contrast, the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and Fatima were quick to express their affection for each other.
Ayesha (RA) narrates regarding the two of them: “Whenever she came to him, he got up to
[welcome] her, took her by the hand, kissed her, and made her sit where he was sitting;
and whenever he went to visit her, she got up to [welcome] him, took him by the hand,
kissed him, and made him sit where she was sitting.” (Abu Dawud)

Responsibilities of daughters:

o Domestic duties
o Obedient to parents
o Take care of parents need when they are vulnerable or weak, especially in old age
o In modern world, daughters help their fathers financially to meet needs of the family.

Pre-Islamic Condition:

o Before Islam there was no legal status of women.

o Fathers sold their daughters into marriage for a price
o Husband could terminate the union at will, and women had little or no property or succession

After Islam

o Islam elevated the position of the women as wives as well.

Respect of Wives  According to the Quran and Hadith:

Sura Al Baqarah Ayat 187 says: “They (your wives) are your garments and you are their
garments”. Sura Al Rum Ayat 21 says: That Allah has created mates so that they may live in
peace, love and mercy with each other. In response, the wife should be caring and loving
towards the husband and the children. She should be faithful to the husband and must not meet
those who are unlike by the husband. A Hadith says: “The best among you is the one who
is the best towards his wife”.
Last Sermon of the Prophet (saw) says: “Wives have rights over their husbands and
husbands have rights over their wives. Treat them well and be kind to them for they are your
partners and committed helpers”.
Wives are equal to their husbands and they are partners to their husbands in family life. Mehr,
the amount committed by the husband at the time of marriage, should be given to the wife at the
time of Nikah. She can own her property and her earning. She can receive inheritance from her
relatives and the expenditure of the house is the responsibility of the husband.
Teachings of Islam;

o The husband should be kind and fair with her.

o Wives are equal to their husbands.
o Wives are partners with their husbands in family life.
o Wives have financial independence.
o Wives have a right to financial support.
o Wives are primarily responsible for the home.
o Wives have a right to divorce.

Prophet’s Examples

Throughout his life, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) treated his wives the way they should be treated.
They were gratified by his presence, tenderness, affection and the love he provided to them.
He always used to ensure justice with his wives. His wife, Aisha (RA). Was the one he spent his
last days with and throughout their marriage,

Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Treated her in a very gentle way. As she was very young when
married Prophet (SAW) used to play with her and they usually have race with each other. He
always ensured to exchanged sweet words with all of his wives, help them in their house chores
and please them in every possible way.

Responsibilities of Wives:

o Wife should be faithful and loyal to her husband,

o Obey him and fulfil her domestic duties.
o Wife should be devoted to her husband sincerely.
o She should not defiant or insolent in her dealings with him.
o Women should also fulfil her marital duties.
o She should not let anyone enter his house that he disapproves.


Pre-Islamic Condition

Before Islam there was no status of women in any form whether they were mother, daughter
or wives. Mothers were inherited to their sons after the death of their husbands.

After Islam

As mothers, the status of women has been raised by Islam to such extent that it has been
declared that Paradise has been placed under the feet of the mother and even service of
mother has equal rewards as Jihad.
Respect of Mothers According to the Quran and Hadith

Mothers deserve respect because they bore pains during our bringing up.
he Prophet (saw) says: “Paradise lies at the feet of mothers”.
Once a man asked the Prophet (saw):
“Who deserves my best care”? Three times he said: “Your mother” and fourth time he
said “Your father”.

It is narrated by Asma bint Abu Bakr that during the treaty of Hudaibiyah, her mother, who was
then pagan, came to see her from Makkah. Asma informed the Messenger of Allah of her arrival
and also that she needed help. He said: Be good to your mother (Bukhari, Muslim).

Abdullah ibn Amr related that the Messenger of Allah said: The major sins are to believe
that Allah has partners, to disobey one's parents, to commit murder, and to bear false
witness (Bukhari, Muslim).

Quran says, “And We have enjoined on man [to be good] to his parents: in travail upon
travail did his mother bear him and his weaning was over two years. Be thankful to Me
and to your parents, unto Me is the final destination."[Noble Quran 31:14]
Mothers should be paid respect and treated with kindness. Children must not be rude with them
and they should not use taunting language. Even if, in their opinion, they are wrong, they should
keep their temper in control.

It is the duty of mothers to bring up children according to Islamic teachings. They should give
children Islamic manners and modern education. Mothers should make children her friends and
take them into confidence in family matters.
Prophet SAW used to visit his mother’s grave and he also used to show great love and respect
to his foster mother.

In expressing the dignity of the mother, the Holy Prophet SAW said, “One who looks at the face
of his mother with sentiments of reverence and love once, is rewarded as if he had
performed the Pilgrimage”

Responsibilities of Mothers or both Parents in Islam:

o They have the main responsibility for bringing up children.

o Instill / teach Moral Values
o They are the first teachers of faith and proper conduct.
o Provide comfort, favorable environment for the growth of the family
o Treat all the children equally with justice
o Parents should arrange marriage of their children at right age
o They deserve respect from their children because of what they have done for them.

 Islam Beliefs and Practice by Yasmin Malik
 Islamiyat with SKH

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