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Golden cucumber

Timun Mas

Once upon a time, there lived a widow named mbok Rondo who really wanted a child, and mbok
Rondo worked as a small farmer.

(Di zaman dahulu hidup seorang janda bernama Mbok Rondo yang sangat menginginkan seorang anak
dan Mbok Rondo bekerja sebagai petani kecil.)

Mbok Rondo: "Finally my work is finished, if I could have children I definitely wouldn't be tired"

(Mbok Rondo :"Akhir nya pekerjaan ku selesai andai aku bisa mempunyai anak pasti saya tidak kelelahan

* Mbok Rondo was returning home when on the way Mbok Rondo met Ike's mother

* (Mbok Rondo pun pulang saat diperjalanan Mbok Rondo bertemu Ibu Ike)

Ike's mother: eh mbok rondo where did you come from, mbok?

(Ibu Ike: "Mbok Rondo abis darimana mbok)

Mbok Rondo: This is ma'am...I'm from the rice fields, where is Ike's mother also from??

(Mbok Rondo:"Ini Bu saya dari sawah,Ibu Ike juga darimana?")

Ike's mother: Mbok Rondo didn't see what I brought???

(Ibu Ike: "Mbok Rondo tidak lihat saya bawa apa?")

Mbok Rondo:" Must be Ike's mother from the grave"

(Mbok rondo: "Pasti Ibu Ike dari kuburan ")

Ike's mother: "ah... Mbok Rondo can do it ma'am, I'm from the market to buy vegetables,Then I'll say
goodbye first"

(Ibu Ike :"Ah Mbok Rondo bisa aja ,iya nih Bu saya dari pasar membeli sayuran,kalau gitu saya pamit
dulu yah").

Mbok Rondo : "Yes, mother, please, I also want to go home, ma'am"

(Mbok Rondo:" Iya Ibu silahkan saya juga mau pulang Bu")

*One day, mbok rondo meet Buto ijo

*(Suatu hari Mbok Rondo bertemu Buto ijo)

Buto ijo :" hey... old woman, no need to be afraid of you, I won't eat you ha...ha...ha... I'm here to give
you this"

(Buto ijo :"Hey perempuan tua, tidak perlu takut kamu, saya tidak akan menyantapmu ha ..ha..ha.Aku
kesini ingin memberikan ini")

Mbok Rondo: "Is that true, Buto Ijo?"

(Mbok Rondo:" Benarkah itu apa Buto ijo?")

Buto ijo: "these are cucumber seeds that you will plant in your garden, but there is a condition that if the
child is 17 years old you must hand it over to me"

(Buto ijo:" Ini adalah biji timun nanti kamu tanam dikebunmu ,ada syarat nya jika anak itu berusia 17
tahun kamu harus serahkan kepada saya")

* Because she really wanted a child, she agreed to Buto Ijo's conditions, Mbok Rondo planted the
cucumber, and two months later...

*(Karena begitu menginginkan anak ,ia pun menyetujui persyaratan Buto ijo,Mbok Rondo pun
menanam timun itu,dan dua bulan kemudian)
Mbok Rondo: "Thank God my plant is bearing fruit, I'll just take it home"

(Mbok Rondo:" Syukurlah tanaman aku berbuah,Aku bawa pulang saja lah")

* When he got home, Mbok Rondo opened the cucumber and was surprised by the contents of the
golden cucumber

* (Sesampainya dirumah Mbok Rondo membuka timun dan terkejut dengan isi timun emas itu)

Mbok Rondo: "Hah...there's a baby girl, I've been dreaming of this child and this baby is very beautiful. I'll
name it Timun Mas because it was born from a golden cucumber"

(Mbok Rondo:" Hah.. ada bayi perempuan,aku udah mengidam-idamkan anak dan bayi ini sangat
cantik ,aku akan beri nama dia Timun Mas karena lahir dari timun yang berwarna emas")

* 17 years later Timun Mas grew into a beautiful girl,and Timun played with his friends

(17 tahun kemudian Timun Mas tumbuh menjadi gadis cantik,dan Timun Mas bermain bersama
teman teman nya.)

Timun Mas: "Ayu and Gendhis let's play congklak under the tree"

(Timun Mas: "Ayu dan Gendhis main congklak yuk dibawah pohon itu")

Ayu&ghendis: "come on gasken"

(Ayu& ghendis "Ayoo, gasken")

Ike's mother: "ehh.. Ayu come on son, let's go home first, let's eat, then play again"

(Ibu Ike : "ehh ..Ayu ayo nak pulang dulu nak makan,nanti main lagi")

Ayu : "friends, I'm going home first, I'll come back later"

(Ayu:"Teman teman aku pulang dulu,nanti aku kesini lagi")

Ghendis&Cucumber :" yes, be careful"

(Ghendis & Timun:" Iya ayu hati hati")

* In the afternoon Timun Mas looked for firewood to help his mother. Timun came home to see his
mother who was contemplating

(Di siang hari timun mas mencari kayu bakar membantu ibu nya ,Timun pun pulang melihat ibu nya
yang sedang merenung)

Timun Mas: "Mom, what are you thinking?"

(Timun Mas: "Ibu,apa yang sedang ibu pikirkan")

Mbok rondo: "How about it... I don't want you to be sad, I don't want to lose you, son".

(Mbok rondo:"Gimana ya...Ibu tidak mau kamu bersedih,ibu tidak mau kehilangan kamu nak")

Timun Mas: "What did you mean? Tell me honestly, ma'am"

(Timun Mas"Apa yang dimaksud ibu ,katakan sejujurnya Bu")

Mbok rondo: "Actually, you are what I promised to Buto Ijo...... after you are 17 years old, I will hand you
over to Buto Ijo"

(Mbok rondo:"Sebenarnya dirimu adalah yang ibu janjikan kepada Buto ijo.Setelah kamu umur 17 tahun
kamu akan ibu serahkan ke Buto ijo")

* Buto Ijo also came to collect his promise to the old woman

* (Buto ijo pun datang untuk menagih janji nya kepada perempuan tua itu)

Buto Ijo: "Where is the child we have agreed to, I will take him now"
(Buto ijo:"Mana anak yang sudah menjadi perjanjian kita ,aku akan membawa nya sekarang")

Mbok rondo: "Buto Ijo, the child is sick, give me 3 days before you come here again"

(mbok rondo : "Buto ijo, Anak itu sedang sakit,beri aku waktu 3 hari ,baru mau datang lagi kesini")

Buto Ijo:" OK, I'll come back after the child recovers"

(Buto ijo:"Baiklah,aku akan kembali lagi,setelah anak itu sembuh")

Mbok rondo: "My son came here first, son"

(Mbok rondo: "Anakku,kesini dulu nak")

Timun Mas: "What's wrong, Mom?"

(Timun Mas: "Ada apa ibu?")

Mbok rondo: "tomorrow morning "I will meet a hermit in the mountains to save you from Buto Ijo"

(Mbok rondo:"Besok pagi pagi sekali,ibu akan menemui pertapa digunung untuk selamatkan kamu dari
Buto ijo")

Timun mas:"Okay ma'am)

(Timun mas: "Baiklah Bu")

* The next day mbok rondo went to the mountain to meet the hermit

(Keesokan harinya mbok rondo pun ke gunung untuk menemui pertapa)

Mbok rondo: "excuse me Mbah"

(Mbok rondo: "Permisi Mbah")

Pertapa: "what's wrong ma'am"

(Pertapa:"Ada apa Bu")

Mbok rondo: 'I came here to ask Mbah for help"

(Mbok rondo:"Kedatangan saya kesini ingin meminta bantuan sama Mbah")

Pertapa : "what can I do to help"

(Pertapa:"Apa yang bisa saya bantu")

Mbok rondo: "Look, Mbah, I have a daughter named Timun Mas and I have a promise to Buto Ijo, but I
don't want to lose my daughter, Mbah".

(Mbok rondo:"Gini Mbah saya mempunyai seorang putri bernama Timun Mas dan punya janji pada
Buto ijo tapi saya tidak mau kehilangan putri saya Mbah ")

Pertapa: "OK, I will help you" (take something)

(Pertapa:"Ok,Saya Akan membantumu") ( *mengambil sesuatu* )

"Give this package to Buto Ijo and sprinkle them one by one"

("Berikanlah bungkusan ini untuk Buto ijo dan taburkan satu persatu")

Mbok rondo: "Thank you Mbah, then I'll say goodbye"

(Mbok rondo: "Terimakasih Mbah ,kalau begitu saya pamit")

* Mbok Rondo went home and gave the package to Timun Mas and told him all the conversation he
had with the hermit

* (Mbok Rondo pun pulang dan memberikan bungkusan kepada timun mas dan menceritakan semua
percakapan nya dengan pertapa)
Mbok rondo: "Timun mas , Timun Mas , if you meet Buto Ijo, scatter these packets one by one, son".

(Mbok rondo:" Timun mas ,Timun mas,jika kamu bertemu Buto ijo,taburkanlah bungkusan ini satu
persatu ya nak")

Timun Mas: "OK, thank you ma'am"

(Timun Mas: " Baiklah, terimakasih ibu")

* Suddenly Timun Mas meet Buto Ijo and she ran very fast

* (Tiba tiba Timun mas bertemu Buto ijo dan ia pun berlari dengan sangat kencang )

Timun Mas: I don't want to be your food

(Timun mas: "Aku tidak mau jadi santapanmu")

Buto ijo: Where are you going, girl?

(Buto ijo :"Mau kemana kau anak gadis")

Timun Mas: Ouch...I'm so tired

(Timun mas:"Aduh,aku lelah sekali")

* Timun Mas took out the package given from his mother and he scattered the packages one by one
and Buto Ijo was still safe

* (Timun Mas mengeluarkan bungkusan yang diberikan dari ibu nya,& ia pun menaburkan bungkusan
itu satu persatu dan Buto ijo pun masih selamat.)

Buto Ijo:" I can even cross the ocean, let alone what you're going to throw at me, I can definitely get
through it"
(Buto ijo :" lautan saja bisa ku sebrangi ,apalagi yang akan kamu keluarkan,aku pasti bisa melewatinya").

Timun Mas: "Ouch... how about this, I hope this last one can beat Buto Ijo"

(Timun Mas:"Aduh ,bagaimana ini ,semoga saja yang terakhir ini bisa mengalahkan Buto ijo itu")

*Finally, Buto Ijo was absorbed by the quicksand and Timun Mas lived happily with his mother forever

(Akhirnya Buto ijo itu terserap lumpur hisap & Timun mas hidup bahagia bersama ibu nya selamanya.)


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