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Certainly, here are some important verbal concepts in logic:

1. Statement: A statement is a declarative sentence that can be true or false, but not both
simultaneously. It is the basic unit of logical analysis.
2. Proposition: A proposition is a statement that is typically used in logic to discuss its truth value
(true or false) in a specific context.
3. Predicate: A predicate is a statement with one or more variables that can be replaced by
specific values to create a proposition. For example, "x is greater than 5" is a predicate.
4. Quantifier: A quantifier is a word or symbol that specifies the quantity of elements in a set.
Common quantifiers include "for all" (∀) and "there exists" (∃).
5. Negation: Negation is the process of forming the opposite of a statement. In symbolic logic, it is
often denoted by "~" or "¬."
6. Conjunction: Conjunction is the act of combining two or more statements using "and." In
symbolic logic, it is represented by "∧."
7. Disjunction: Disjunction is the act of combining two or more statements using "or." In symbolic
logic, it is represented by "∨."
8. Implication: Implication is a relationship between two statements where the truth of one
statement (the antecedent) logically leads to the truth of another statement (the consequent).
It is often denoted by "→" (implies).
9. Biconditional: A biconditional statement is a logical relationship between two statements
where each statement implies the other. It is often denoted by "↔" (if and only if).
10. Inference: Inference is the process of drawing conclusions from premises. It's a fundamental
concept in logic.
11. Valid Inference: An inference is valid if the conclusion logically follows from the premises. In
other words, if the premises are true, the conclusion must be true.
12. Fallacy: A fallacy is an error in reasoning or argumentation that leads to invalid conclusions.
Common fallacies include ad hominem, straw man, and circular reasoning.
13. Deduction: Deduction is a form of reasoning that involves deriving specific conclusions from
general principles. It is often associated with formal logic and syllogisms.
14. Induction: Induction is a form of reasoning that involves making generalizations based on
specific observations or evidence. It is often used to make predictions or draw probable
15. Abduction: Abduction is a form of reasoning that involves making the best possible explanation
for a set of observations or evidence. It is commonly used in problem-solving.
16. Premise: A premise is a statement or proposition that serves as a starting point for an
17. Conclusion: The conclusion is the statement or proposition that follows from the premises in an
18. Sound Argument: An argument is sound if it is both valid (the conclusion logically follows from
the premises) and all of its premises are true.
19. Valid Argument: An argument is valid if the conclusion logically follows from the premises,
regardless of the truth value of the premises.
20. Contradiction: A contradiction occurs when two statements or propositions cannot both be
true at the same time.

These verbal concepts are fundamental to understanding and working with logical statements
and arguments, whether in natural language or symbolic logic.

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