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Determining the level of water pollution in Cisadane

river based on Hilsenhoff biotic index.


James P/ 11L/A11

Research Question 3

Hypothesis 3

Data 3

Analysis 4

Conclusion 4

I. Research Question

To what extent is the level of water pollution in Cisadane river reflected by the Trent biotic

II. Hypothesis
The more polluted river, due to the higher presence of contaminants and therefor creatures
will have a higher biotic index than the alternative rivers.

III. Data
Site 1

No Species Tolerance value Number of taxa class


1 Needle bug 3 8

2 Water strider 4 2 Acariformes

3 Pebble snail 1 6 Gastropoda

4 Crabs 6 1 Decapoda

Total 17

Site 2

No Species Tolerance value Number of taxa class


1 Water strider 4 20 Acariformes

2 Needle bug 3 14

3 Pebble snail 1 1 Gastropoda

Total 35

Biotic index:
Site 1:
(8 x 3) + (2 x 4) +…. = 44/17 = 2.58

Site 2:
(4 x 20) + (14 x 3) + 1 = 123/35 = 3.51

IV. Analysis
Based on the data above, it can be observed that in site 1, the number of species which
were observed were much higher compared with site 2. River 1 is upstream which means
that there would be less pollution because it is closer to the source. On the other hand
river 2 is more downstream which means that more people are likely to use it causing the
river to be more polluted. The biotic index calculated can be seen to be 2.58 and 3.51 which
means that river 1 has a higher biotic index than river 2. The lower the biotic index the lower
the amount of pollution so, from the calculations done river site 1 has less pollution
compared with river site 2.

V. Conclusion
From the analysis above, it is evident that the current of the river plays a significant role in
determining its biotic index with an upstream current indicating a lower biotic index
compared to a downstream current. Due to river 1 having a current that is seen to be more
upstream, there is less pollution due to it being closer to the source and thus is not too
polluted by humans and other factors. However, river 2’s more downstream current shows
that it is further away from its original source and thus has a higher chance of being polluted
by the population resulting in a higher biotic index.

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