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how to use Bored.Ai:

To operate the Bored.Ai, start your sentence with '!g1' and then add your text
description. The same goes on the other commands as well.

High resoultion wide picture

Gives 3 examples from each of the following commands: g2, g3, g6
Not for commercial use

Simpler photo contrast to !g1
Not for commercial use

Better for pictures with text
Not for commercial use

More accurate

!gdraw Outputs a drawing

Manipulate images with text prompt (through reply to an existing image

or initial image):

Refine details and style

Wide-view of !m1

Makes the picture sharper

Makes text sharper and clearer

Outputs a drawing

!mFaces Refines faces in the image

Check out Bored.Ai
on Discord

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