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CIE IGCSE English Language Your notes


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Your notes
If you think of the all questions that have come before this as an autopsy, than this Analysis question is
like the trial. And just like a lawyer or investigator would do, you need to look at the evidence – in this
case, your text extract – and ask three questions in order to interrogate it and get to the truth:
1. What have they done?
What have they written about? What’s the meaning and purpose of the text?
2. How have they done it?
What writing techniques have they used? Think of your figurative language techniques.
3. Why did they do it?
What effect were they hoping to achieve? How do they want you to think and feel?
How do you respond personally to the text – was the writer’s intention successful?

Meaning and Purpose

You should be able to work out the explicit and implicit meaning of the text using your Critical
Reading Tools.But this question is focused more on HOW they’ve written the text, rather
than WHAT they’ve written about.We’re looking at what core techniques they’ve employed to convey
the meaning.

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Writing Techniques
Going back to the criminal trial analogy, think of all the following techniques as pieces of evidence in Your notes
a crime! How many has the writer committed? Try to look out for these when you’re reading and see
how many you spot.If there are any terms you don’t know, write the word down on a revision card with
a brief definition next to it, then regularly test yourself on your new words until you remember them.

Exam Tip
When you’re asked to select three examples in the exam, don’t just write about the first three you
see! Pick out the best ones – those know you’ll have plenty to say about the effect. Also, don’t
set yourself an impossible task by choosing an obvious technique but then scramble to analyse
the effect. So if you pick out onomatopoeia, for example, of course write about the sounds the
writer wants you to ‘hear’– but why those noises specifically? How do they link to the meaning?

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Sentence Length
Look out for when writers vary the length of their Your notes
sentences. Good writing has varied sentence
lengths – it’s not just one long sentences after
another! That would just be boring. Think
about why they’ve chosen a short sentence
after a few long ones – is it to emphasise a
point? To shock the reader? To increase pace
for excitement or dramatic effect?If the writer
has noticeably varied their sentence lengths,
then comment on that as a technique
and explain why you think they did it.

Exam Tip
For extra marks in the exam, specify the sentence type.Is it a simple sentence, a compound
sentence, a complex sentence, a compound-complex sentence? Is the short sentence they’ve
used actually a fragment sentence? It’s worth brushing up on these when you’re revising as it
might get you a couple of extra marks!

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The writer has chosen specific words and phrases very carefully – Your notes
usually because they’re loaded with connotations which have a
particular effect on the reader.A word’s basic connotations
are positive or negative, which is always a good place to start! But
try to be more specific about the effect: does the writer want to
make you outraged, or upset, or amused etc?So if the writer uses
quite a powerful and impactful word, cut it out of the sentence and
hold it up to the light on its own; what other meanings can you see
there? Does it radiate a particular emotion? Do you think the writer
has consciously used these connotations to influence the reader
some how?For example:

” “Child badly bitten by dog”

“Child savagely bitten by dog”

That subtle but effective difference is down to that hyperbolic word “savagely” which has
connotations of a wild animal, something out of control, evil, and makes the image of the attack far
more dramatic. Just from one word.

” “Anger over exam grade boundaries”

“Fury over exam boundaries”

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The second heading is more sensationalist because the word “fury” has more emotionally charged
connotations; it implies people are besides themselves with rage, and encourages the reader to be
outraged, too.By showing the examiner you understand these techniques and connotations, you’re Your notes
demonstrating that you can’t be manipulated by language and you can spot manipulation a mile off!So
by showing the examiner you understand these techniques and connotations, you’re demonstrating
that you can’t be manipulated by language and you can spot manipulation a mile off!

Sounds also help to convey and emphasis the
meaning of a text.If you’ve noticed the writer has
used lots of consonance, for example, that
makes the writing sounds quite hard. Why have
they chosen to do that? Do those
repeated hard sounds create a sense
of anger or aggression, because the author
wants to provoke and antagonise?And
where assonance makes the writing sound soft,
does that create a soothing or gentle tone to
emphasise the sensitivity of the topic?

Language Effects
A really important thing to remember when you’re
commenting on the effect of the language is to
might sound like common sense, but lots of
students in the exam will write something they
don’t actually believe, but at least sounds
good!Make sure the effect you’re writing about
is genuine. If you spot a word that evokes
sympathy, ask yourself if you actually feel
sympathetic? If a phrase encourages the reader
to feel outrage – do you actually get that
feeling? If so, great – just make sure you explain
why and where that outrage comes from; either
a memory or personal experience of a topic, or just from a broad sense of injustice you share, which
you think the writer is relying on.But if you’re honest with yourself and your answer feels a little
contrived, then your examiner will think so too! You’ll get higher marks when your answer rings true and
sounds genuine.

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