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1.1…………………………………………………………….Basic Concepts

1.2……………………………………………………………..The Main Challenges Faced By The Public Administrators

1.3…………………………………………………………Suggestion To Mitigate The Public Administrators challenges



This paper addresses an important topic, illustrating the vast problems that Public Administrators
face based on the collective needs of their respective Populations, therefore this presentation is also
part of the main challenges faced by the Public Administrators in this country today and aims to
identify the main problems of organization and functioning of the Mozambican Public
Administration, specifically the same intends to recommend ways to mitigate the challenges faced
by the Public Administrators.
Basic Concepts

 Public Administration

Making an incursion on the existing literature on the subject, it is noted that there is no single
definition of this concept, although there is convergence in some aspects that form the basis of the
concept. To support this statement, some definitions that have been produced by several authors in
this area of science and knowledge are brought in this work.

Freitas do Amaral (2006), defines the Public Administration in an organic sense as being "a system of
organs, services and agents of the State as well as of other public legal persons, which ensure on
behalf of the collectivity the regular and continuous satisfaction of the collective needs of security,
culture and well-being"

According to the same author, Public Administration is the typical activity of public services and
administrative agents in the general interest of the community, with a view to the regular and
continuous satisfaction of the collective needs of security, culture and well-being, obtaining for this
purpose the most appropriate resources and using the most convenient ways.

According to the Government of Mozambique and as defined in its Strategic Plan for the
Development of Administration (PEDAP, also known as ERDAP, 2011-2025), Public Administration is
"a set of organs, services and employees and agents of the State, as well as other public legal
persons that ensure the provision of public services to the citizen" (MAE, 2011).

Public Administration is understood in a double sense: organic sense and material sense.

In the organic sense, public administration is the system of organs, services and agents of the State
and other public entities that aim at the continuous satisfaction of collective needs.

In the material sense, Public Administration is the very activity developed by those organs, services
and agents of the State. In other words, the Public Administration is endowed with powers that
constitute instruments of work.

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