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CHAPTER | 14 |

ӽ Periodic and oscillatory motions : Periodic motion; Oscillatory motion; Periodic functions.
ӽ Simple harmonic motion : Introduction; Equation of SHM; Phase; Velocity and acceleration in SHM;
Graphical representation of SHM; Force law for SHM-oscillations of a spring; Spring pendulum; Energy in
SHM; Simple pendulum; Factors affecting period of simple pendulum; Effect of the density of medium on
time period of simple pendulum; Effect of the uniform electric field on simple pendulum has charge; Various
types of SHM.
ӽ Damped and undamped simple harmonic motion : Undamped oscillations; Damped oscillations.
ӽ Forced oscillations and resonance : Free oscillations; Forced oscillations; Resonance.


(To-and-fro motion repeatedly about a fixed point in a definite
interval of time)

Periodic Motion Simple Harmonic Motion

(Motion which repeats itself (Special type of periodic or oscillation
at regular intervals of time) motion where the restoring force is directly
proportional to the displacement and acts in
the direction opposite to displacement
F ∝ – x)

Damped oscillations and Free oscillations and

undamped oscillations forced oscillations

Mind Map : Oscillations at a Glance

bjective Physics


Periodic and Oscillatory Motions

ӽ A motion which repeats itself in equal intervals of time is called periodic motion. In periodic motion, force is
always directed towards a fixed point which may or may not be on the path of motion. Of ex. circular motion,
orbital motion, motion of planets around the sun etc.
ӽ A periodic motion in which particles of the body repeatedly move to and fro along the same path about the mean
position is called oscillatory or vibratory motion. Eg. motion of simple pedulum, spring pendulum.
ӽ Periodic functions are those functions which are used to represent periodic motion. A function f(t) is said to be
periodic, if, f (t) = f (t + T) = f (t + 2T)

Simple Harmonic Motion

ӽ In linear SHM, restoring force is directed towards the mean position and its magnitude at any instant is directly
proportional to the displacement of the particle from the mean position at that instant.
F ∝–x
∴ F = –kx
where k is known as force constant. Its SI unit is N/m and dimensions are [M1L0T−2].
Equation of SHM
ӽ Equation of displacement : In linear SHM,
F = – kx
∴ ma = –kx
∴ a = x

d2x −k  dv d 2 x 
∴ = x  a   
dt 2 m  dt dt 2 

∴  2x  0 ...(i)
dt 2
Figure 1 : Projection
k of uniform circular
∴ ω= = constant
m motion on any diameter
Equation (i) is called differential equation of linear SHM. The projection of uniform circular motion on any
diameter of reference circle is also SHM.
ӽ If the projection is taken on x-axis, then equation of SHM is given by, x = A sin ωt
ӽ Equation of velocity : As we know that the velocity is the rate change of displacement. So,
dx d  x 
= (A sin ωt) = Aω cos ωt = A 1  sin 2 t  v   A  x  A  sin t 
2 2
v= ...(i)
dt dt  
At mean position or equilibrium position, x = 0 and θ = ωt = 0.
Velocity of particle is maximum, and it is vmax = Aω
At extreme position,
x = ± A and, θ = ωt = π/2
Therefore, velocity of oscillating particle is zero, v = 0
From equation (i), v2 = ω2 (A2 – x2) = A2ω2 – ω2x2
v2 x2
Therefore,  =1
A 2 2 A 2
Oscillations Chapter | 14 |
ӽ Equation of acceleration : The acceleration of a particle executing SHM at any instant is the rate of change of its
velocity at that instant.
dv d
a =  ( A cos t ) = Aω2 sinωt = –ω2x [... x = a sin ωt]
dt dt
ӽ Equation of time period : Time taken to complete one SHM is called period of SHM. For a particle executing
SHM, time period :
 F  kx 
2 2  k x 
T =      ; T  2  ma  kx 
 k  m a
m x
 k a
ӽ Equation of frequency : As we know the relation between frequency and time period,
1 1 k 1 a
n =  
T 2 m 2 x

ӽ Phase of an SHM gives the state of oscillation of a particle in SHM. It gives the position and direction of motion
of the particle with respect to some reference position such as the mean position. The displacement of a particle
executing SHM is given by, x = A sin (ωt + f).
■ The term (ωt + f) is called phase angle or phase of SHM.
■ ϕ is called as initial phase or epoch of SHM.
Velocity and Acceleration in SHM
ӽ The displacement of a particle executing SHM is given by, x = A sin (ωt + f). Where, (ωt + f) is a phase of SHM.
Then velocity is given by,
dx  
v= = Aω cos(ωt + f) = Aω sin (t +  ) + 
dt  2
ӽ and the acceleration is given by,
a= = Aω2 sin(ωt + f) = ω2 A sin [(ωt + f) + π]
ӽ From above, we get that,
Phase of displacement = (ωt + f)
Phase of velocity = (t   )  
Phase of acceleration = (ωt + f + π]

Graphical Representation of SHM

ӽ Graphs for displacement, velocity and acceleration against ωt :
ӽ Particle starts SHM from mean position : When α = 0 and t = 0, then
x = A sin ωt; v = aω cos ωt and; a = – aω2 sin ωt

Figure : Graphs of displacement, velocity and acceleration against ωt when particle starts SHM from mean position
bjective Physics

ӽ Particle starts SHM from extreme position : When, α = π/2 and t = 0, then,
x = A cos ωt; v = – Aω sin ωt and; a = –Aω2 cos ωt


A A  3
 2 2 2
O  t O  3 2 t O 2 t
3  2
–A 2 2 –A 2 –A 2

Figure : Graphs of displacement, velocity and acceleration against ωt when particle starts SHM from extreme position
Note : To represent x, v, and a versus time graph, replace radian angle by suitable values of T.

Force Law for Simple Harmonic Motion : Oscillations of a Spring

ӽ When a spring is stretched or compressed from its normal position by a small distance x, then a restoring force is
produced in the spring. It is given by,
F ∝–x
∴ F = – kx
Where, k is known as spring constant.
ӽ Spring constant depends upon radius and length of the wire used in spring and it is inversely proportional to the
spring length  k   . When a spring of length l is cut in two pieces of length l1 and l2 such that,
k (n + 1)
l1 = nl2, then; k1 = and; k2 = (n + 1)k
and ratio of spring constants,
k1 1
k2 n

Spring Pendulum
ӽ If mass is attached to ‘spring’ and it is displaced through small distance and released, then spring pendulum
performs linear SHM. When a mass m is suspended from a massless spring of spring constant k, then its time
period is given by,
T = 2π
Where, k = force per unit displacement,
m = mass attached to spring.
Energy is SHM
ӽ When a particle executes SHM, then it possesses PE as well as KE. PE and KE possessed by a particle are due to
restoring force and motion of particle respectively. The kinetic energy of a particle in SHM is given by,
1 1 1
KE = mv 2  m 2 A2 sin 2 (t   )  m 2 ( A2  x 2 )
2 2 2
As we know that, F = – kx
Work done due to displacement,
dW = – Fdx
x x x2
∴ W =  dW  k  xdx  k
0 0 2
ӽ This work is stored in the form of PE.
1 1
∴ PE = m 2 x 2  kx 2
2 2
Oscillations Chapter | 14 |
ӽ So total energy, TE = PE + KE
1 1
= kx 2  k  A2  x 2 
2 2
1 2 1 1
∴ TE = kA  m 2 A2  (4 x 2 n 2 mA2 )
2 2 2

Simple Pendulum
ӽ When pendulum is displaced from equilibrium through small angle θ, then component of weight, mg cos θ, is
balanced by the tension in the string and component of weight, mg sin θ, tries to bring the bob back to the equilibrium.
Thus, restoring force, F = mg sin θ, where, negative sign indicates that force opposes angular displacement.
ӽ As θ is small, then sinθ ≈ θ and
θ =  T
radius l
∴ F = – mg θ T
mg X

∴ ma = −mg
l mg cos
x Figure: Simple pendulum
∴ a = −g ;∴a∝–x
This means that, pendulum performs linear SHM about equilibrium position.

Factors Affecting Period of Simple Pendulum

ӽ Effect of height : The value of g decreases with height from earth’s surface, gh = g 1   . So that time period
increases.  R

ӽ Effect of depth : Value of g also decreases with depth from earth’s surface, gd = g 1   . Therefore, time period
increases.  R
ӽ Effect of weightlessness : In the state of weightlessness (g = 0), time period becomes infinity, T = ∞.
Effect of the Density of Medium on Time Period of Simple Pendulum
ӽ If the bob of pendulum of density σ is made to oscillate in a liquid of density ρ then,
Wʹ = W – upthrust; mgʹ = mg – Vρg; Vσgʹ = Vσg – Vρg

∴ g’ = g 1   ;  T '  2
1   g
... σ > ρ, ∴ g > g, ∴ T’ > T,

Effect of Uniform Electric Field (E) on Simple Pendulum with Charge (q)
ӽ If the simple pendulum has charge q and is oscillating in a uniform electric field E, which is :
ӽ Opposite to g : If an electrostatic force qE is applied opposite to the force of gravity mg, then time period is given
T = 2π
ӽ In the direction of g : If an electrostatic force qE is applied in the direction of force of gravity mg, then time period
is given by,
T = 2π
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ӽ Perpendicular to g : If an electrostatic force qE is applied perpendicular to force gravity mg, then time period is
given by,
T = 2π 1/ 2
 2  qE  2 
 g +   
  m  

Various Types of SHM

ӽ SHM of a liquid in U-shaped tube : If a liquid of density ρ contained in a vertical U-tube performs SHM in its
two limbs, then time period,
L h
T = 2  2
2g g
ӽ Where, L = total length of the liquid column
ӽ h = Height of undisturbed liquid in each limb (L = 2h)
ӽ SHM of a floating cylinder : If l is the length of cylinder up to which it is dipped in a liquid then,
ӽ Time period,
T = 2
A g
ӽ Where, m is the mass of the cylinder.
ӽ A is the area of the cross-section of a cylinder, σ is the density of the liquid,
h l
T = 2  2
g g

Where, h is the height of the cylinder of density ρ.

ӽ SHM of a small ball rolling down in hemispherical bowl :
T = 2
Where, R is radius of the bowl and r is radius of the ball.
ӽ Conical pendulum : The time period of a conical pendulum is given by,
l cos 
T = 2
Where l is the length of the string and θ is the angle which the string makes with the vertical.
ӽ Torsional pendulum : The time period of a torsional pendulum is given by,
T = 2π
where I is the moment of inertia of the disc about the suspension wire as axis of rotation and C is the restoring
torque per unit twist.
Gr 4
C =
where r is the radius, l is the length and G is the modulus of rigidity of a wire respectively.

Damped and Undamped Simple Harmonic Function

ӽ When a system oscillates with a constant amplitude which does not change with time, its oscillations are called
undamped oscillations. The energy of the system executing undamped oscillations remains constant and it is
independent of time.
Oscillations Chapter | 14 |
ӽ The oscillations of a body whose amplitude goes on decreasing with time are called as damped oscillations. Due
to decrease in amplitude, the energy of the oscillator also goes on decreasing exponentially.
ӽ The force which produces a resistance to the oscillations is called damping force. If the velocity of oscillator is v,
then damping force, Fd = –bv where, b = damping constant
ӽ Resultant force on a damped oscillator is given by,
F = FR + Fd = – kx – bv
∴ ma = –kx – bv
d2x dx
∴ m 2
+b + kx = 0
dt dt
ӽ Displacement of damped oscillator is given by, x = xme–bt/2m sin (ω’t + f)
Where ω΄ = angular frequency of the damped oscillator
ω΄ = 02  (b / 2m) 2   (b / 2m) 2
ӽ The amplitude decreases continuously with time according to, x = xme–(b/2m)t.
ӽ For a damped oscillator, if the damping is small, then the mechanical energy decreases exponentially with time as,
E = kxm2 e − bt / m
ӽ Maintained oscillations : The oscillation in which the loss of oscillator is compensated by the supplying energy
from an external source are known as maintained oscillation.

Forced Oscillations and Resonance

ӽ The oscillations of a particle with fundamental frequency under the influence of restoring force are called as free
oscillations. The amplitude, frequency and energy of oscillation remain constant. Frequency of free oscillation is
called natural frequency.
ӽ The oscillation in which a body oscillates under the influence of an external periodic force is known as forced
oscillation. The differential equation of forced damped harmonic oscillator is given by,
d2x dx
m 2 +b + kx = F0 cos ωdt
dt dt
where ωd is the angular frequency of the external force.
ӽ The phenomenon of increase in amplitude when the frequency of the driving force is close (equal) to natural
frequency of oscillator is called resonance. It is a special case of forced oscillation. Condition for resonance is
ω = ωd.

(c) periodic but not simple harmonic
Periodic and Oscillatory Motions (d) non-periodic but simple harmonic
3. All oscillatory motions are necessarily periodic
1. Periodic motion is one which : motions but :
(a) repeats in position only (a) all periodic motions are not oscillatory
(b) repeats in phase only (b) all periodic motions are oscillatory
(c) repeats in both position and phase after regular (c) all periodic motions are SHM
intervals of time (d) all periodic motions are non-harmonic
(d) repeats in period 4. On being displaced, a liquid contained in a U-tube-
executes :
2. A particle is moving in a circle with uniform speed.
(a) angular motion
Its motion is : (b) periodic but not simple harmonic
(a) periodic and simple harmonic (c) oscillatory motion
(b) a periodic (d) relative motion
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5. Displacement of a particle performing oscillatory- (b) inertia of the system

motion at any instant is : (c) extension or displacement of the system
(a) the distance of particle from its mean position (d) air resistance
(b) the distance of particle from reference point 12. Which one of the following is NOT a characteristic
(c) the distance of particle from extreme position of SHM ?
(d) the distance covered (a) Its acceleration is maximum in the extreme posi-
6. Which one of the following is not a periodic motion ? tion.
(a) Rotation of the earth about its axis. (b) It is the projection of a uniform circular motion
on a diameter.
(b) A freely suspended bar magnet displaced from its
N-S direction and released. (c) Its velocity is maximum at the mean position.
(c) Motion of hands of a clock. (d) Its velocity time graph is a straight line.
(d) An arrow released from a bow. 13. The graph between restoring force and time in case
of SHM is :
7. Figure depicts x-t plots for linear motion of a parti-
(a) a straight line (b) a circle
cle. Which of the plots represents periodic motion ?
(a) x (c) a parabola (d) a sine curve
14. For a particle executing simple harmonic motion
t(s) which of the following statements is NOT correct ?
(a) The total energy of the particle always remains
(b) the same.
(b) The restoring force is always directed towards a
–3 –1 0 1 3 t(s) fixed point.
(c) The restoring force is maximum at the extreme
(c) x
(d) The acceleration of the particle is maximum at
the equilibrium position.
1 4 7 10 13 t(s) 15. The acceleration of particle in SHM :
(d) None of these (a) always acts in variable direction.
8. Sine and cosine functions are : (b) acts in the direction of displacement.
(a) algebraic functions (c) acts in opposite direction of displacement.
(b) logarithmic functions (d) acts always in the downward direction.
(c) periodic functions 16. When the amplitude of a particle executing SHM is
increased slightly, its period :
(d) non-periodic functions
(a) increases.
(b) remains unchanged.
Simple Harmonic Motion (c) decreases.
(d) may increase or decrease.
9. The equation of a simple harmonic motion is given 17. The displacement of a particle in SHM is given by,
by, x = 8 sin(8πt) + 8 cos(8πt). The phase angle is : x = 0.20 sin (250 t) cm. The maximum speed of the
−1 4 3 particle is :
(a) tan (b) tan −1
3 4 (a) 25 cm/s (b) 50 cm/s
2 5 (c) 100 cm/s (d) 200 cm/s
−1 −1
(c) tan (d) tan 18. A particle is executing a linear SHM. Its velocity
3 8
at a distance x from the mean position is given by,
10. The displacement x in cm of a particle is x = 3 sin v2 = 144 – 9x2. The maximum velocity of the particle
314t + 4 cos 314t. Amplitude and initial phase are : is :
−1 4 3 (a) 12 unit (b) 18 unit
(a) 5 cm, tan (b) 3 cm, tan −1
3 4 (c) 24 unit (d) 36 unit
4 19. If the displacement (x) and velocity (v) of a parti-
(c) 4 cm, tan (d) 4 cm, 0 cle executing simple harmonic motion are related
9 through the expression 4v2 = 25 – x2, then its time
11. In the equation F = kx, the force constant k does NOT period is given by :
depend upon : (a) π (b) 2π
(a) elasticity of the system (c) 4π (d) 6π
Oscillations Chapter | 14 |
20. The displacement of a particle varies with time as 29. The equation of linear simple harmonic motion is
x = 12sin ωt – 16sin3 ωt (in cm). If its motion is x = 8 cos(12 πt) where x is in cm and t is in second.
SHM, then its maximum acceleration is : The initial phase angle is :
(a) 12 ω2 (b) 36 ω2 (a) 0 (b) π/4 rad
(d) 192 ω 2 (c) π/2 rad (d) 3π/4 rad
(c) 144 ω2
30. A particle is executing SHM along a straight line. Its
21. A body of mass 5 g is in SHM about a point with
velocities at distances x1 and x2 from the mean posi-
amplitude 10 cm. Its maximum velocity is 100 cm/s
tion are v1 and v2 respectively. Its time period is :
Its velocity will be 50 cm/s at a distance:
(a) 5 cm (b) 5√2 cm x12  x22 x22  x12
(a) 2 (b) 2
(c) 5√3 cm (d) 10√2 cm v12  v22 v12  v22
22. A particle in simple harmonic oscillation has an
acceleration 2.0 m/s2 at a distance 0.02 m. The angu- v12  v22 v12  v22
(c) 2 (d) 2
lar velocity of the particle is : x12  x22 x12  x22
(a) 10 rad/s (b) 2 rad/s 31. To make the frequency double of a spring oscillator,
(c) 100 rad/s (d) 1 rad/s we have to :
23. A particle executes harmonic motion with an angular (a) reduce the mass to one fourth
velocity and maximum acceleration of 3.5 rad/s and (b) quadruple the mass
7.5 m/s2 respectively. The amplitude of oscillation is : (c) double of mass
(a) 0.28 m (b) 0.36 m (d) reduce the mass to half
(c) 0.53 m (d) 0.61 m 32. When two displacements represented by y1 = a sin
24. A particle is executing simple harmonic motion with (ωt) and y2 = b cos(ωt) are superimposed the motion
an amplitude of 0.02 metre and frequency 50 Hz. is :
The maximum acceleration of the particle is : (a) not a simple harmonic.
(a) 100 m/s2 (b) 100 π2 m/s2 (b) simple harmonic with amplitude a/b.
(c) 100 π m/s2 (d) 200 π2 m/s2 (c) simple harmonic with amplitude a 2 + b2 .
25. The velocities of a particle performing linear SHM
are 0.13 m/s and 0.12 m/s, when it is at 0.12 m and ( a + b)
(d) simple harmonic with amplitude
0.13 m from the mean position respectively. If the 2
body starts from mean position, the equation of 33. A mass is suspended from a spring having spring
motion is : constant K is displaced vertically and released, it
(a) x = sin t (b) x = 313 sin t oscillates with period T. The weight of the mass sus-
pended is : (g = gravitational acceleration)
(c) x = 313 sin 313 t (d) x = 313 cos 313 t
KTg KT 2 g
(a) (b)
26. The amplitude and the periodic time of a SHM are 5 4π 2 4π 2
cm and 6 s respectively. At a distance of 2.5 cm from 2 2
the mean position, the phase will be : (c) KT g (d) KT g
2π 2 2π 2
π π
(a) (b) 34. A spring has a certain mass suspended from it and its
6 4
period for vertical oscillation is T. The spring is now
5π π cut into two equal halves and the same mass is sus-
(c) (d)
12 3 pended from one of the halves. The period of vertical
27. A particle is executing SHM of periodic time T. The oscillation is now :
time taken by a particle in moving from mean posi- T T
(a) (b)
tion to half the maximum displacement is (sin 30° = 2 2
0.5) :
(c) 2T (d) 2 T
(a) T/2 (b) T/4
(c) T/8 (d) T/12 35. A simple pendulum oscillates in air with time period
T and amplitude A. As the time passes :
28. The phase difference between the instantaneous
velocity and acceleration of a particle executing (a) T and A both decrease
SHM is : (b) T increases and A is constant
(a) Zero (b) 0.5 π (c) T remains same and A decreases
(c) 0.707 π (d) π (d) T decreases and A is constant
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36. The pointer reading v/s load graph for a spring ba- 42. Three masses 700 g, 500 g and 400 g are suspended
lance is as given in the figure. The spring constant is : at the end of a spring and are in equilibrium as shown
in figure. When the 700 g mass is removed, the sys-
Ext. (cm) 
tem oscillates with a period of 3 seconds; when the
20 500 g mass is also removed, it will oscillate with a
period of :

0 1 2 3 4
Load (kg) 
(a) 0.1 kg/cm (b) 0.3 kg/cm
(c) 1 kg/cm (d) 5 kg/cm 700 g
37. Which of the following graphs depicts spring cons- 500 g
tant k versus length l of the spring correctly ? 400 g
(a) k
(a) 1 s (b) 2 s
l (c) 3 s (d) 12
(b) k 5
43. A mass m performs oscillations of period T when
l hanged by spring of force constant k. If spring is cut
in two parts and arranged in parallel and same mass
(c) k
is oscillated by them, then the new time period will
be :
(d) k

38. Spring-mass system oscillates with a frequency v. If
it is taken in an elevator slowly accelerating upward,
the frequency will :
(a) 2T (b) T
(a) increase (b) decrease
(c) remain same (d) become zero T
(c) (d) T/2
39. A spring of force constant k is cut into two pieces 2
such that one piece is double the length of the other. 44. A wall clock uses a vertical spring-mass system to
Then the long piece will have a force constant of : measure the time. Each time the mass reaches an
2 3 extreme petition, the clock advances by a second.
(a)   k (b)   k
3 2 The clock gives correct time at the equator. If the
clock is taken to the poles it will :
(c) 3k (d) 6k
(a) run slow
40. A body of mass m is attached to the lower end of
a spring whose upper end is fixed. The spring has (b) run fast
negligible mass. When the mass m is slightly pulled (c) stop working
down and released, it oscillates with a time period of (d) give correct time
3 s. When the mass m is increased by 1 kg, the time 45. What will be the force constant of the spring system
period of oscillations becomes 5 s. The value of m in shown in the figure ?
kg is :
(a) 9/16 (b) 3/4
(c) 4/3 (d) 16/9
41. A simple pendulum is made of a body which is a
hollow sphere containing mercury suspended by
means of a wire. If a little mercury is drained off, the
period of pendulum will :
(a) remain unchanged (b) increase
(c) decrease (d) become erratic
Oscillations Chapter | 14 |

 1 1
(a) (1 / 2π ) (k / m) (b) (1 / 2π ) (2k / m)
k1 (b)  + 
(a) + k2 2 k k
2  1 2  (c) (1 / 2π ) (3k / m) (d) (1 / 2π ) (mk)
1 1 2 1 51. The bob of a simple pendulum of mass m and total
(c) + (d)  +  energy E will have maximum linear momentum
2k1 k2  k1 k1  equal to :
46. The effective spring constant of two-spring system as 2E
shown in figure will be : (a) (b) 2mE
(c) 2mE (d) mE2
52. A particle at the end of a spring executes simple har-
monic motion with a period t1, while the correspond-
(a) k1 + k2 (b) k1k2/k1 + k2 ing period for another spring is t2. If the period of
(c) k1 – k2 (d) k1k2/k1 – k2 oscillation with the two springs in series is T, then :
47. A mass m is suspended separately by two different (a) T = t1 + t2 (b) T 2 = t12 + t22
springs of spring constant k1 and k2 gives the time-
period t1 and t2 respectively. If same mass m is co- (c) T −1 = t1−1 + t2−1 (d) T −2 = t1−2 + t2−2
nnected by both springs as shown in figure, then time 53. On earth, a body suspended on a spring of negligible
period t is given by the relation : mass causes extension L and undergoes oscillations
along length of the spring with frequency f. On the
moon, the same quantities are L/n and f respectively.
The ratio fʹ/f is :
(a) n (b) 1/n
(c) n −1/2 (d) 1
t1t2 54. In a spring block system, length of the spring is
(a) t = t1 + t2 (b) t = reduced by 1%. The time period will :
t1 + t2
(a) increase by 2% (b) increase by 0.5%
(c) t2 = t12 + t22 (d) t–2 = t12  t22
(c) decrease by 2% (d) decrease by 0.5%
48. Frequency of oscillation is proportional to : 55. A second’s pendulum is placed in a space laboratory
orbiting around the earth at a height 3 R from the
Earth’s surface where R is Earth’s radius. The time
period of the pendulum will be :
3k k (a) 0 (b) 2√3
(a) (b)
m m (c) 4 sec. (d) infinite
56. A uniform spring of force constant k is cut into two
2k m
(c) (d) pieces such that their lengths are in the ratio 1 : 2.
m 3k The ratio of the force constants of the shorter and
49. A block rests on a horizontal table which is executing longer pieces is :
SHM in the horizontal plane with an amplitude ‘a’. (a) 1 : 2 (b) 1 : 3
If the coefficient of friction is µ then the block just (c) 2 : 3 (d) 2 : 1
starts to slip when the frequency of oscillation is :
57. The ratio of energies of oscillations of two exactly
1 g ∝g
(a) (b) identical pendulums oscillating with amplitudes 5
2 a a cm and 10 cm is :
a a (a) 1 : 2 (b) 2 : 1
(c) 2π (d) (c) 1 : 4 (d) 4 : 1
µg ∝g
58. A simple spring has length l and force constant k. It
50. Two springs of force constants k and 2k are co- is cut into two springs of length l1 and l2 such that
nnected to a mass as shown below. The frequency of l1 = nl2 (n = an integer). The force constant of spring
oscillation of the mass is : of length l1 is :
(a) k(1 + n) (b) (k / n) (1 + n)
(c) k (d) k / n + 1
bjective Physics

59. A bent tube of uniform cross-section area A has a 63. What do you conclude from the graph about the fre-
non-viscous liquid of density ρ. The mass of liquid quency of KE, PE and SHM ?
in the tube is m. The time period of oscillation of the Energy Total energy
liquid is :

0 t
T/4 2T/4 3T/4 4T/4
(a) Frequency of KE and PE is double the frequency
m m
(a) 2 (b) 2 of SHM.
 gA 2  gA (b) Frequency of KE and PE is four times the fre-
quency SHM.
(c) 2 (d) None of these (c) Frequency of PE is double the frequency of KE.
(d) Frequency of KE and PE is equal to the fre-
60. Five identical springs are used in the following three quency of SHM.
configurations. The time periods of vertical osci- 64. A particle of mass 4 kg is executing SHM. Its dis-
llations in configurations (i), (ii) and (iii) are in the placement is given by the equation y = 8 cos[100t +
ratio : π/4] cm. Its maximum kinetic energy is :
(a) 128 J (b) 64 J
(c) 16 J (d) 32 J
65. The potential energy of a particle in SHM is :
(a) maximum at the centre of path
(b) minimum at the extreme position
(c) proportional to the displacement from the centre
1 1
(a) 1 : 2 : (b) 2 : 2 : (d) proportional to the square of displacement from
2 2 the centre
1 1 66. The potential energy of a particle executing SHM is
(c) : 2 :1 (d) 2 : :1 2.5 J when its displacement is half its amplitude. The
2 2
total energy of the particle is :
61. A U-tube is of non-uniform cross-section. The area (a) 2.5 J (b) 10 J
of cross sections of two sides of tube are A and 2A (c) 12 J (d) 20 J
(see fig.). It contains non-viscous liquid of mass m.
67. The bob of a simple pendulum executes simple har-
The liquid is displaced slightly and free to oscillate.
monic motion in water with a period t, while the
Its time period of oscillations is :
period of oscillation of the bob is t0 in air. Neglecting
A 2A A 2A frictional force of water and given that the density
y/2 of the bob is (4/3) × 1000 kg/m3. What relationship
y between t and t0 is true ?
(a) t = t0 (b) t = t0/2
(c) t = 2t0 (d) t = 4t0
m m
(a) T = 2 (b) T = 2 68. A simple pendulum is oscillating with amplitude A
3 gA 2  gA and angular frequency ω. At displacement x from
mean position, the ratio of kinetic energy to potential
(c) T = 2 (d) None of these energy is :
x2 x 2 − A2
62. Choose the WRONG statement from following. In (a) (b)
A2 − x 2 x2
(a) the acceleration is proportional displacement. A2 − x 2 A− x
(c) (d)
(b) the potential energy is proportional to displace- x2 x
ment. 69. For a particle executing SHM the displacement x is
(c) the restoring force is proportional to displace- given by x = A cosωt. Identify the graph which repre-
ment. sents the variation of potential energy (PE) as a func-
(d) the kinetic energy is zero at an extremity. tion of time t and displacement x :
Oscillations Chapter | 14 |
PE 75. The kinetic energy of a particle executing SHM is
I II III IV 16 J when it is at its mean position. If the amplitude
t of oscillation is 25 cm and the mass of the particle is
5.12 kg, then the time period of oscillation is :
(a) I, III (b) II, IV π
(a) s (b) 2π s
(c) II, III (d) I, IV 5
70. When a particle executing SHM oscillates with a fre-
(c) 5π s (d) 20π s
quency ν, then the kinetic energy of the particle :
76. In an artificial satellite, the use of a pendulum watch
(a) changes periodically with a frequency of v is discarded because :
(b) changes periodically with a frequency of 2v (a) the satellite is in a constant state of motion.
(c) changes periodically with a frequency of ν/2 (b) the acceleration due to gravity becomes zero in
(d) remains constant the earth satellite.
71. The variation of potential energy of harmonic osci- (c) the periodic time of the pendulum watch is
llator is as shown in figure. The spring constant is : reduced.
U (joule) (d) the periodic time of pendulum watch increases.
77. A particle is performing SHM. When acceleration
increases, its time period :
0.04 (a) increases (b) decreases
(c) remains same (d) None of these
0.01 78. A rod of mass M and length L is hinged at its centre
of mass so that it can rotate in a vertical plane. Two
y (in mm) springs each of stiffness k are connected at its ends,
(0, 0) 20 mn as shown in the figure. The time period of SHM is :

(a) 1 × 102
N/m (b) 150 N/m k
(c) 0.667 102 N/m (d) 3 × 102 N/m L. M
72. A body executes SHM, with an amplitude A. At what
displacement from the mean position is the PE of the k
body 25% of its total energy ?
(a) A/4 (b) A/2 M M
(c) 3A/4 (d) 2A/3 (a) 2π (b) 2π
6k 3k
73. A particle of mass 0.5 kg performs linear SHM. Its
velocity varies with time as shown in figure. The (c) 2π
(d) π M
total energy of the particle is : k 6k
79. A simple pendulum attached to the ceiling of a sta-
tionary lift has a time period T. The distance y co-
vered by the lift moving upwards varies with time t
0 2 as y = t, where y is in metre and t in second. If g = 10
t ms-2, then the time period of the pendulum will be :
–2 4 5
(a) T (b) T
(a) 0.2 π J (b) 0.1 π J 5 6
(c) 0.5 π J (d) π2 J 5 6
(c) T (d) T
74. The graph between total energy E and time for a par- 4 5
ticle executing SHM will be :
(a) (b) Damped and Undamped Simple
E E Harmonic Motion
t t 80. Match the following :
(c) (d) Column I Column II
d2y d2y
= v2 2 (i) Resonant
t t dt dx vibration
bjective Physics

(a) 2 × 3 (b) 23
(B) d2y (ii) Free vibra- (c) 32 (d) 3 × 22
= ω= 2
y 0
dt 2 tion 86. A pendulum with time period of 1 s is losing energy.
At certain time its energy is 45 J. If after completing
(C) d2y dy
+ 2k + ω2 y = 0 (iii) Damped 15 oscillations, its energy has become 15 J, its damp-
dt dt vibration ing constant (in s−1) is :
d2y 1
(D) + 2k
+ ω2 y (iv) Forced (a) 1/2 (b) ln3
dt 2
dt 30
= F sin ρt 1
(c) 2 (d) ln3
(v) Progressive 15
wave 87. Match the following :
(a) A–(i), B–(iii), C–(ii, iv), D–(v) Column I Column II
(b) A–(i), (iii), B–(ii), (v), C–(iii), D–(iv), (v) (A) Motion of a satellite (i) Damped
(c) A–(v), B–(ii), C–(iii), D–(i), (iv) oscillations
(d) A–(i), B–(ii), C–(iii), D–(iv)
(B) Motion of a simple (ii) Resonant
81. A block connected to a spring oscillates vertically. A
pendulum oscillations
damping force Fd, acts on the block by the surround-
ing medium. Given as Fd = − bV where b is a positive (C) Oscillation of (iii) Periodic
constant which depends on : stretched string in air motion
(a) viscosity of the medium (D) Flying off of a paper (iv) Simple
(b) size of the block rider placed on the harmonic
(c) shape of the block stretched string motion
(d) All of these
(a) A–(ii), B–(iii), C–(iv), D–(i)
82. Choose the false statement(s) for a forced oscillation.
(b) A–(iii), B–(ii), C–(iv), D–(i)
(i) Displacement amplitude of an oscillator is indepen-
dent of the angular frequency of the driving force. (c) A–(i), B–(iii), C–(ii), D–(iv)
(ii) The amplitude tends to infinity when the driving fre- (d) A–(iii), B–(iv), C–(i), D–(ii)
quency equals the natural frequency. 88. A particle of mass m is attached to a spring (of spring
(iii) Maximum possible amplitude for a given driving constant k) and has a natural angular frequency. An
frequency is governed by the driving frequency and external force F(t) proportional to cos ωt(ω ≠ ω0)
the damping. is applied to the oscillator. The displacement of the
(a) (i) only (b) (ii) only oscillator will be proportional to :
(c) (i) and (ii) (d) (i), (ii) and (iii) 1 1
83. If a simple pendulum has significant amplitude (up to (a) (b)
m(ω02 + ω 2 ) m(ω02 − ω 2 )
a factor of 1/e of original) only in the period between
t = 0 s to t = t s, then t may be called the average m m
(c) (d)
life of the pendulum, when the spherical bob of the ω − ω2
0 (ω + ω 2 )
pendulum suffers a retardation (due to viscous drag)
89. The amplitude of a damped oscillator decreases to
proportional to its velocity with b as the constant of
0.9 times its original magnitude in 5 s. In another 10
proportionality, the average life time of the pendu-
s it will decrease to α times its original magnitude,
lum is (assuming damping the small) in seconds :
where α equals :
(a) 0.693/b (b) b
(a) 0.7 (b) 0.81
(c) 1/b (d) 2/b
(c) 0.729 (d) 0.6
84. The amplitude of a damped oscillator becomes
(1/3rd) in 2 seconds. If its amplitude after 6 seconds
is 1/n times the original amplitude, the value of n is : Forced Oscillations and Resonance
(a) 32 (b) 33
90. In resonance :
(c) 3 3 (d) 23 (a) the energy released by the vibrating body is ma-
85. The amplitude of a damped oscillator becomes half ximum.
in one minute. The amplitude after 3 minutes will be (b) energy absorbed by the vibrating body is maxi-
1/X times the original, where X : mum.
Oscillations Chapter | 14 |
(c) neither energy is absorbed by the vibrating body 96. In case of a forced vibration, the resonance wave
nor energy is released. becomes very sharp when the :
(d) energy absorbed by vibrating body is minimum. (a) restoring force is small
91. What happens to the natural frequency of vibration (b) applied periodic force is small
of stretched spring, when its length and diameter are (c) quality factor is small
increased ? (d) damping force is small
(a) Frequency decreases 97. A forced oscillator is acted upon by a force F =
(b) Frequency increases F0 sin ωt. The amplitude of oscillation is given by
(c) No change in frequency 55
. The resonant angular frequency
(d) May increase or decrease
2ω − 36ω + 9

92. What is the amplitude of simple harmonic motion at

resonance in the ideal case of zero damping ? is :
(a) 0 (b) −1 (a) 2 unit (b) 9 unit
(c) 1 (d) Infinite (c) 18 unit (d) 36 unit
93. There is a large difference between the frequencies 98. Resonance occurs, when :
of external periodic force and natural frequency of a (a) a body vibrates at a frequency lower than its nor-
body. The body will : mal frequency.
(a) vibrate with large amplitude and frequency of (b) a body vibrates at a frequency higher, than its
force normal frequency.
(b) not vibrate (c) a body is set into vibrations with its natural fre-
(c) vibrate with small amplitude with its own fre- quency, by another body vibrating with the same
quency frequency.
(d) vibrate with small amplitude and with frequency (d) a body is made of the same material as the sound
of force source.
94. A small mass executes linear SHM about a point O 99. Which type of oscillations are damped oscillations ?
with amplitude r and period T. Its displacement from (a) Oscillations whose amplitude goes on increas-
O at time T/8 after passing through O is : ing.
r r (b) Oscillations whose amplitude remains same.
(a) (b)
2 2 2 (c) Oscillations whose amplitude is zero.
(d) Oscillations whose amplitude goes on decreasing
(c) r (d) and finally becomes zero.
2 8 100. Which of the following quantity does NOT change
95. A particle, with restoring force proportional to dis- due to damping of oscillations ?
placement and resisting force proportional to velo- (a) Angular frequency (b) Time period
city is subjected to a force F sin ωt. If the amplitude (c) Initial phase (d) Amplitude
of the particle is maximum for ω = ω1 and the energy 101. A body is set into vibrations with a strong external
of the particle is maximum for ω = ω2 then : force. The vibrations are :
(a) ω1 = ω0 and ω2 ≠ ω0 (a) free vibrations
(b) ω1 = ω0 and ω2 = ω0 (b) resonant vibrations
(c) ω1 ≠ ω0 and ω2 = ω0 (c) forced vibrations
(d) ω1 ≠ ω0 and ω2 ≠ ω0 (d) damped vibrations


2. Match the functions given in column I with the kinds
Periodic and Oscillatory Motions of motion they represent given in column II. Here k
is a positive real constant.
1. The function sin2(ωt) represents :
(a) a periodic, but not simple harmonic motion with Column I Column II
a period 2π/ω.
(A) sin(kt) + cos(kt) (i) Non-periodic
(b) a periodic, but not simple harmonic motion with
a period π/ω. and not simple
(c) a simple harmonic motion with a period 2π/ω. harmonic
(d) a simple harmonic motion with a period π/ω.
bjective Physics

(B) cos(kt) + 2sin2(kt) (ii) Periodic but not 4. A particle moves with simple harmonic motion in a
straight line. In first t s, after starting from rest it trav-
simple harmonic
els a distance a, and in next t s it travels 2a, in same
(C) e–kt (iii) Periodic and direction, then :
simple harmonic (a) amplitude of motion is 3a.
(D) tan(kt) (iv) Periodic with (b) time period of oscillations is 8t.
period π/k (c) amplitude of motion is 4a.
(a) A–(ii), B–(i), C–(iv), D–(iii) (d) time period of oscillations is 6t.
(b) A–(iii), B–(ii), C–(i), D–(iv) 5. The period of a simple pendulum inside a stationary
(c) A–(i), B–(iii), C–(ii), D–(iv) lift is T. The lift accelerates upwards with an acce-
(d) A–(iii), B–(ii), C–(iv), D–(i) leration of g/3. The time period of pendulum will be :
Simple Harmonic Motion (a) 2T 2
3 T
3. A wooden block performs SHM on a frictionless sur- (c) T (d)
face with frequency ν0. The block carries a charge 2 3
+Q on its surface. If now a uniform electric field E

is switched on as shown, then the SHM of the block

will be : Damped and Undamped Simple
Harmonic Motion
6. The damping force on an oscillator is directly pro-
portional to the velocity. The units of the constant of
+Q proportionality are :
(a) kg m s−2 (b) kg m s−1
(c) kg s −1 (d) kg s
(a) of the same frequency and with shifted mean
position. Forced Oscillations and Resonance
(b) of the same frequency and with same mean posi-
tion. 7. Resonance is an example of :
(c) of changed frequency and with shifted mean (a) tuning fork
position. (b) forced vibration
(d) of changed frequency and with same mean posi- (c) free vibration
tion. (d) damped vibration


(b) periodic but not simple harmonic

Periodic and Oscillatory Motions (c) simple harmonic with period 2π/ω
(d) simple harmonic with period π/ω
1. The displacement of a particle is represented by the 3. The equation of motion of a particle is x = a cos(αt)2.
π  The motion :
equation y = 3 cos  − 2ωt  . The motion of the
4  (a) periodic but not oscillatory
particle is : (b) periodic and oscillatory
(a) simple harmonic with period 2 π/ω (c) oscillatory but not periodic
(b) simple harmonic with period π/ω (d) neither periodic nor oscillatory
(c) periodic but not simple harmonic
(d) non-periodic Simple Harmonic Motion
2. The displacement of a particle is represented by the
equation y = sin3ωt. The motion is : 4. The relation between acceleration and displacement
(a) non-periodic of four particles are given below :
Oscillations Chapter | 14 |
(a) ax = +2x (b) ax = +2x2
(c) ax = −2x2 (d) ax = −2x
5. Motion of an oscillating liquid column in a U-tube
is :
(a) periodic but not simple harmonic
(b) non-periodic B
(c) simple harmonic and time period are indepen- D
dent of the density of the liquid
(a) D will vibrate with maximum amplitude.
(d) simple harmonic and time period are directly (b) C will vibrate with maximum amplitude.
proportional to the density of the liquid (c) B will vibrate with maximum amplitude.
6. A particle is acted simultaneously by mutually per- (d) All the four will oscillate with equal amplitude.
pendicular simple hormonic motions x = a cos ωt 9. A particle executing SHM has a maximum speed of
and y = a sin ωt. The trajectory of motion of the par- 30 cm/s and a maximum acceleration of 60 cm/s2.
ticle will be : The period of oscillation is :
(a) an ellipse (b) a parabola π
(a) π s (b) s
(c) a circle (d) a straight line 2
7. The displacement of a particle varies with time π
according to the relation y a sin ωt + b cos ωt : (c) 2π s (d) s
(a) The motion is oscillatory but not SHM.
10. When a mass m is connected individually to two
(b) The motion is SHM with amplitude a + b.
springs S1 and S2, the oscillation frequencies are
(c) The motion is SHM with amplitude a2 + b2.
ν1 and ν2. If the same mass is attached to the two
(d) The motion is SHM with amplitude a 2 + b2 springs as shown in figure, the oscillation frequency
would be :
[Hint : The sum of two SHMs of same frequencies is m s2
a SHM.]
8. Four pendulums A, B, C and D are suspended from
the same elastic support as shown in figure. A and C (a) ν1 + ν2 (b) ν 12 + ν 22
are of the same length, while B is smaller than A and
D is larger than A. If A is given a transverse displace- 1 2
(c)  + 
 ν1 ν 2  ν 12 − ν 22
ment : (d)


Directions : In the following questions, a statement of assertion is followed by a statement of reason. Mark the
correct choice as :
(a) If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
(b) If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(c) If assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) If both assertion and reason are false.

Periodic and Oscillatory Motions Simple Harmonic Motion

1. Assertion : The Earth revolves around the Sun is a 3. Assertion : In simple harmonic motion, the velocity
periodic motion not an oscillatory motion. is maximum when the acceleration is minimum.
Reason : All oscillatory motion is a periodic, but all Reason : Displacement and velocity of SHM differ
periodic motion is not necessarily oscillatory. in phase by π/2.
2. Assertion : Every periodic motion is not always a 4. Assertion : A particle executing simple harmonic
simple harmonic motion. motion comes to rest at the extreme positions.
Reason : The motion governed by the force law Reason : The resultant force on the particle is zero at
F = −kx is simple harmonic. these positions.
bjective Physics

5. Assertion : If a body is executing SHM, its accelera- 11. Assertion : If the amplitude of a simple harmonic
tion is in the direction of velocity of body. oscillator is doubled, its kinetic energy becomes four
Reason : The velocity and acceleration of a body are times.
acting in the same direction. Reason : The kinetic energy is directly proportional
6. Assertion : The force acting on a particle moving to the square of the amplitude of vibration of the har-
along x-axis is F = –k (x + v0t) where, k is a constant. monic oscillator.
Reason : To an observer moving along x-axis with 12. Assertion : If mass attached to a spring executing
constant velocity v0, it represents SHM. SHM is increased, time period of SHM increases.
7. Assertion : In SHM, the velocity and displacement Reason : T = 2π (1 / g ) where, l is the extension in
of the particle are in the same phase. the string.
Reason : Velocity is the ratio of displacement to the
time taken.
8. Assertion : The graph of total energy of a particle in Damped and Undamped Simple
SHM with respect to position is a straight line with Harmonic Motion
zero slope.
Reason : Total energy of particle in SHM remains 13. Assertion : The energy of the system is dissipated
constant throughout its motion. continuously in damped oscillations.
9. Assertion : Corresponding to a path difference x, the Reason : The oscillations remain approximately
2 periodic for small damping.
phase difference is x.

Reason : The phase difference between displace- Forced Oscillations and Resonance
ment and velocity of a particle executing SHM is π.
10. Assertion : If amplitude of simple pendulum 14. Assertion : Amplitude of a forced vibration can
increases then the motion of pendulum is oscillatory
never reach infinity.
but not simple harmonic.
Reason : The driving frequency cannot be increased
Reason : For larger amplitude θ is large and then
sin θ ≠ θ. So the motion is no longer SHM. beyond a certain limit.


Practice Time

1. (c) 2. (c) 3. (a) 4. (c) 5. (a) 6. (d) 7. (b) 8. (c) 9. (b) 10. (a)
11. (c) 12. (d) 13. (d) 14. (d) 15. (c) 16. (b) 17. (b) 18. (a) 19. (c) 20. (b)
21. (c) 22. (a) 23. (d) 24. (d) 25. (b) 26. (a) 27. (d) 28. (b) 29. (c) 30. (b)
31. (a) 32. (c) 33. (b) 34. (b) 35. (c) 36. (a) 37. (d) 38. (c) 39. (b) 40. (a)
41. (b) 42. (b) 43. (d) 44. (d) 45. (b) 46. (a) 47. (d) 48. (a) 49. (a) 50. (c)
51. (b) 52. (b) 53. (d) 54. (d) 55. (d) 56. (d) 57. (c) 58. (b) 59. (a) 60. (a)
61. (a) 62. (b) 63. (a) 64. (a) 65. (d) 66. (b) 67. (c) 68. (c) 69. (a) 70. (b)
71. (b) 72. (b) 73. (d) 74. (a) 75. (a) 76. (b) 77. (b) 78. (a) 79. (b) 80. (c)
81. (d) 82. (a) 83. (b) 84. (b) 85. (b) 86. (d) 87. (d) 88. (b) 89. (c) 90. (b)
91. (a) 92. (d) 93. (d) 94. (a) 95. (c) 96. (d) 97. (b) 98. (c) 99. (d) 100. (c)
101. (c).

High-Order Thinking Skill

1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (a) 4. (d) 5. (c) 6. (c) 7. (b).

Oscillations Chapter | 14 |

NCERT Exemplar Problems

1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (d) 5. (c) 6. (c) 7. (d) 8. (b) 9. (a) 10. (b).

Assertion and Reasons

1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (c) 5. (d) 6. (a) 7. (d) 8. (a) 9. (c) 10. (a)
11. (a). 12. (b) 13. (b) 14. (c).


Practice Time

1. (c) Periodic motion is one which repeats in both (b) In this case, the motion of the particle repeats
position and phase after regular intervals of time. itself after 2 sec. Hence, it is a periodic
motion, having period of 2 sec.
2. (c) A particle is moving in a circle with uni-
form speed. Its motion is periodic but not simple (c) It is not a periodic motion. This is because
harmonic. The motion of the body moving in of the particle repeats the motion in one
a uniform circular path is not SHM rather its position only. For a periodic motion, the
projection on any diameter of a circle is SHM. entire motion of the particle must be repeated
in equal intervals of time.
3. (a) Periodic motion is that motion which repeats
itself after equal intervals of time. The interval of 8. (c) Sine and cosine are unique because they are
time is called the time period of periodic motion. periodic functions. A periodic function is a
Example : (i) motion of planets around the Sun, function in which there is some positive constant
(ii) motion of the pendulum of a wall clock, k that for any x, f(x + k) = f(x). This means that the
(iii) motion of the hands of a clock etc. function repeats itself in periods.
If a body is moving back and forth repeatedly 9. (b) Given that,
about a mean position, it is said to possess The equation of a simple harmonic motion is,
oscillatory or vibratory motion. Example : (i) x = 8sin(8πt) 6cos(8πt).
motion of the pendulum of a clock, (ii) vibrations Equation of SHM is given by,
of the string of a sitar etc. An oscillatory motion x = Asin(ωt) Bcos(ωt)
is always periodic. A periodic motion may or
Comparing with given equation we get, A = 8 and
may not be oscillatory. For example, the motion
of planets around the Sun is always periodic but B = 6. Initial phase angle,
not oscillatory. The motion of the pendulum of a B
f = tan −1  
clock is periodic as well as oscillatory.  A
4. (c) If a liquid is taken in a U-tube, it maintains equal
−1  6 
level in both the columns of the tube. Thus, the = tan  
liquid starts oscillating in both the columns. This 8
motion of the liquid in the U-tube is SHM. −1  3 
= tan  
5. (a) Displacement of a particle performing oscillatory 4
motion at any instant is the distance of particle 10. (a) Resultant amplitude,
from its mean position.
A = 32 + 42
6. (d) An arrow released from a bow moves only in the
forward direction. It does not come backward. So = 9 + 16
this motion is not a periodic motion.
= 5 cm
7. (b) (a) It is not a periodic motion. This represents a
unidirectional, linear uniform motion. There 4
∴ tan f =
is no repetition of motion in this case. 3

bjective Physics

Or, We get,

−1  4 
f = tan   ω2 =
3 4
11. (c) In the equation F = kx, the force constant k does ∴ ω =
NOT depend upon inertia of the system. 2

12. (d) Velocity time graph of SHM is not a straight line. 2

T =

13. (d) As we know that,
= 4π
F = Ma
20. (b) Given that,
= Mω2x
x = 12sin ωt – 16sin3 ωt
= Mω2 A sin ωt
= 4[3sin ωt – 4sin3 ωt]
Hence, graph between F and t is a sine curve. = 4[sin ωt][... sub 3θ = 3sin θ – 4sin3 θ]
14. (d) The acceleration of the vibrating particle is zero Therefore, maximum acceleration,
at the mean position and maximum at the extreme amax = Aω2
position. = 4 × 3(3ω)2
15. (c) The acceleration of particle in SHM acts in = 36 ω2
opposite direction of displacement. When the
21. (c) Given that,
displacement has its greatest positive value,
acceleration has its negative maximum value or m = 5 g,
vice-versa. A = 10 cm
vmax = 100 cm/s
16. (b) A very important property of simple harmonic
motion is that the period does not depend on the v = 50 cm/s
amplitude of the motion. Now,
17. (b) Given that, v2 = ω2 (A2 – x2) ...(i)
x = 0.20 sin(250t) vmax = ωA
Comparing with standard equation, 100 = ω × 10
x = A sin(ωt + α) ∴ ω = 10 rad/s
A = 0.20 From equation (i), we get
and ∴ (50)2 = (10)2 (102 – x2)
ω = 250 25 = 102 – x2
∴ vmax = Aω x2 = 100 – 25
= 250 × 0.20 ∴ x = 5√3 cm
= 50 cm/s 22. (a) Given that,
18. (a) Given that, a = 2 m/s2
x = 0.02 m
v2 = 9(16 – x2)
a = ω2x
v = vmax when x = 0 ∴ ω2 =
∴ v2max = 9(16 – 0)
= 144 =
∴ vmax = 12 unit
ω2 = 100
19. (c) Given that, ∴ ω = 10 rad/s
1 23. (d) As we know that,
v2 = (25 − x 2 )
4 amax = Aω2
Comparing it with ∴ A = 2
v2 = ω2 (A2 – x2) ω
Oscillations Chapter | 14 |

7.5 dx
= ∴ v =
(3.5) 2 dt
= 0.61 m = Aω cos ωt
 π
24. (d) As we know that, = Aω cos ωt  ωt +  and
amax = 4π2n2 A [... ω = 2πn]  2
= 4π2 × (50)2 × 0.02 dv
= dt
= 200π2 m/s2
25. (b) Given that, = Aω2 sin ωt
v2 = ω2 (A2 – x2) = Aω2 sin (ωt + π)
169 = ω2A2 – ω2 × 144 ...(i) Phase difference between acceleration and velo-
city is,
144 = ω A – ω × 169 ...(ii)
2 2 2
Subtracting equation (ii) from (i), we get =π −
25 = 25ω2
or, ω2 = 1 =
∴ 169 = ω2 (A2 – 144) ...(i)
= 0.5π
or, A2 = 313
29. (c) Equation of linear SHM is,
or, A = 313 x = 8cos(12πt)
∴ x = 313 sin t [... x = A sin ωt] We can write it like,
 π
26. (a) Given that, x = 8 sin 12π t + 
Displacement, x = 2.5 cm  2
Amplitude, a = 5 cm π
= rad.
Period, T = 6 s so f = 1/6 2
x = asin ωt Therefore, initial phase angle
2π t 30. (b) As we know that,
or, 2.5 = 5 sin
6 v22 = ω 2 ( A2 − x12 ) ...(i)
2π t π
∴ = v22 = ω 2 ( A2 − x22 ) ...(ii)
6 6
1 On subtracting equation (ii) from (i), we get
or, t = s
2 v12 − v22 = ω 2 ( x22 − x12 )
Phase difference corresponding to 6 sec. is 2π . v12 − v22
1 ω = x22 − x12
So, phase difference corresponding to sec. is
π 2
2π 2
i.e., . As, T = , we get
12 6 
27. (d) Let the equation of SHM of periodic time T, x22 − x12

y = A sin ωt T = v12 − v22
A  2π 
∴ = A sin  t 31. (a) As we know that,
2  T 
n ∝
2π t −1  1  m
∴ = sin  
T 2 To make the frequency double of a spring
T oscillator, we have to reduce the mass to one
∴ t = fourth.
28. (b) For particle executing SHM, we have 32. (c) Amplitude of resultant SHM,
x = A sin ωt R = A12 + A22 + 2 A1 A2 cos 90º
bjective Physics

38. (c) For spring-mass m system, the time period of the

R = A12 + A22 oscillation of mass m is defined as,
= a 2 + b2
33. (b) As we know that,
m L + y0
T = 2π
KT 2
∴ m =
4π 2
Weight = mg
KT 2
= g T = 2π m / k
4π 2
= 2π y / g
34. (b) As we know that,
T = 2π m = mass of particle
k = spring constant
Now, spring constant y = extension in spring
1 L = natural length of spring
R ∝
Length ( L) If g is changed, then y also changes so that y/g
So, when the spring is half in length, then k is constant, so the time period T of spring-mass
becomes twice. is independent from the variation in g. Hence, v
(frequency) will also not change.
T’ = 2π 39. (b) From the figure,
∴ T’ = k2 l2 = l/3
2 l/3
35. (c) When a simple pendulum oscillates in air k1 l1 = 2
continuously then its time period remains same
whereas amplitude decreases. lk l/3
36. (a) As we know that,
Spring constant,
F l/3
k =
1 As we know that,
= Slope of curve 1
k ∝
4 −1
∴ k = k2 l
30 ∴ = 1
k1 l2
= 2
30 =
= 0.1 kg/cm
37. (d) As we know that, or, l1 = 2l2
F Original length,
k= and increment in length is proportional to
x L = l1 + l2
the original length. So that, = 3l2
x ∝l If k is force constant of original spring, then
1 L
∴ k ∝ k1
l l
k 1

Oscillations Chapter | 14 |

3l2 (500 + 400)

= 2l = 2π ...(i)
2 k
or, l1 = 2l2 When 500 g mass is also removed, the left outmass
Original length, is 400 g. Therefore,
L = l1 + l2 400
t = 2π ...(ii)
= 3l2 k
If k is force constant of original spring, then Dividing equation (i) by (ii), we get
k1 L 3 900
= =
k l1 t' 400
3l2 t’ = 2 s
= 2l
2 43. (d) As we know that,
3 1
= T ∝
2 k
3 k1
or, k1 = k T2
2 ∴ T1
2 k
3 4k
or, k1 = k
2 1
40. (a) As we know that,
m or, T2 =
T = 2π 2
So that, =
T ∝ m
44. (d) If it gives correct time at equator, it will give
T1 m1
= correct time at poles also because the time period
T2 m2 of spring-mass system is independent of g.
According to the condition, we have 45. (b) In series combination,
m1 = m and m2 = m + 1 1 1 1
= +
3 m ks 2k1 k2
∴ =
m +1
5 −1
 1 1
m ∴ ks =  + 
9  2k1 k2 
∴ m +1 =
∴ 25 m = 9 m + 9 46. (a) When external force is applied, one spring gets
extended and another one gets compressed by
m = the same distance. So, that the force due to two
16 springs act in same direction.
41. (b) When some mercury is drained off, the centre of F = F1 + F2
gravity of the bob moves down and so length of ∴ – kx = – k1x – k2x
the pendulum increase, which result increase in or, k = – k1 + k2
time period.
47. (d) Equivalent spring constant for shown combination
42. (b) When mass 700 g is removed, the left out mass is k1 + k2. So, time period t is given by,
(500 + 400) g oscillates with a period of 3 sec.
Therefore, m
t = 2π
k1 + k2
3 =t
bjective Physics

Now, 53. (d) Oscillations along spring length are independent

m of gravitation.
t1 = 2π
k1 54. (d) As we know that,
m k ∝
and t2 = 2π Length of spring
By solving these equations, we get
−2 −2
t–2 = t1 + t2 T = 2π
48. (a) According to the condition,
keq = k +2k ⇒ T ∝
= 3k k

49. (a) For the block is about to slip, ∴ T ∝ Length of spring

mg = ω2a or, T ∝ L
ω = dT 1  dL 
a ∴ × 100 =   × 100
T 2 L 
1 µg
⇒ f = 1
2π a ∴ % change in T = (% change in length)
50. (c) As we know that,
= × 1% = 0.5%
f = 1 keffective
2π m
So that, time period will decreased by 0.5%.
1 ( k + 2k )
= 55. (d) The second pendulum placed in a space laboratory
2π m orbiting around the earth is in a weightlessness
state. So that, g = 0, so T = infinite.
= 1 3k
2π m 56. (d) Let k1 be the force constant of the shorter part
51. (b) As we know that, of the spring of length l/3. In a complete spring,
three springs are in series, each of force constant
ρmax = 2mEmax
52. (b) As we know that, So that, force constant of spring, k = k1/3 or
m k1 = 3k. If k2 is the force constant of the longer
t1 = 2π part of spring of length 2l/3, then force constant,
k2 = k1
m 2
and t2 = 2π
k2 = 3k
In series, effective spring constant, 2
1 k1 3k
k = ∴ k2
3k / 2
Therefore, time period =2
k1 2
m(k1 + k2 ) ∴ =
T = 2π ...(i) k2 1
kk k2
Now, 57. (c) The ratio of energies of oscillations of two exactly
identical pendulums,
2  1 1  4π m(k1 + k2 )

t12 + t22 = 4π m  +  = 1
 1 k 2  k1k2 mω 2 r12
E1 2
By using equation (i), we have = 1
E2 mω 2 r22
t12 + t22 = T2 2
Oscillations Chapter | 14 |
 r1  1 1 1
= :
=   k k /2 2 k
 r2 
2 1
 5 1 : 2:
=   2
 10 
61. (a) Suppose the liquid in left side limb is displaced
= 1 slightly by y, the liquid in right limb will increase
by y/2. The restoring force,
58. (b) Let k be a force constant of spring of length l2 and A 2A A 2A
l1 = nl2. This means that, a spring is divided into y/2
(n + 1) parts, each having force constant k. y
1 (n + 1) m
∴ =
k' k
or, k’ = (n + 1)k
F = –PA
The spring having length l1 = nl2 means there are  3y 
n springs, each having force constants k in series. = −ρ g   × 2 A
 2 
k′ is a spring constant of l1.
= 3ρgA(–y)
1 n
∴ = F
k" k' a =
= (n + 1)k = 3ρgA(–y)/m
On comparing with,
or, k” = (n + 1) a = ω2y, we get
3ρ gA
59. (a) The restoring force, ω =
T = 2
3 gA

62. (b) As we know that,

= – [ρg (2y sin 30º)]A 1
PE = mω ( x )
2 2

= ρg A (– y) 2
F ρ gA or, PE ∝ x2
∴ a = = (− y ) 63. (a) KE and PE completes two vibration in a time
m m
during which SHM completes one vibration.
On comparing with Thus, frequency of PE or KE is double than that
a = ω2y, we get of SHM.
64. (a) As we know that,
ρ gA
ω = 1 1
m KEmax = kA2 = mω 2 A2
2 2
m 1
∴ T = 2 × 4 × 104 × 64 × 10−4 = 128 J
 gA 2
60. (a) As we know that, 65. (d) As we know that,
1 1
T ∝ PE = mω 2 ( x 2 )
k 2
∴ T1 : T 2 : T3 or, PE ∝ x2

bjective Physics

66. (b) As we know that, 69. (a) In x = Acos ωt the particle starts oscillating from
1 extreme position. So at x = 0, its potential energy
PE = mω 2 x 2 is maximum.
70. (b) Frequency of kinetic or potential energy of a
= 2.5 J
particle in SHM is twice that of a particle in
A linear SHM. Also, the frequency of total energy
As x =
2 of particle in SHM is zero.
1  A 71. (b) Given that,
mω 2   = 2.5
2 2 Total potential energy = 0.04 J
Resting potential energy = 0.01 J
1 A2
∴ mω 2 = 2.5 Maximum kinetic energy = 0.04 – 0.01 = 0.03 J
2 4
∴ 0.03 J = mω A
2 2
mω 2 A2 = 10 J 2
2 1 2
Therefore, total energy of system = kA
= mω 2 A2 1  20 
2 ∴ 0.03 = ×k × 
= 10 J
2  1000 
67. (d) As we know that, ∴ k = 0.06 × 2500 N/m
 = 150 N/m

Vpeg 72. (b) According to given condition,
PE = × (TE)
x 100
 1 11 2 2
∴ mω x = 4  2 mω A 
2 2

mg 2  
1 2
l ∴ x2 = A
t0 = 2π 4
The restoring force in a liquid, or, x =
F = – (mg – V ρe g) sin θ
  73. (d) Given that,
  x
m   vmax = 2π m/s
= −  mg − × 1000 g   
 4   l 
  × 100   ∴ E =
1 2
mv max
 3   2
 3g   − x  g  − x  1
or, a = g −   =   = × 0.5 × (2π ) 2
 4  l  4  l  2
l = π2 J
∴ t = 2≠
( g / 4) 74. (a) Total energy for a particle executing SHM is
= 4t0 constant.
68. (c) As we know that, 75. (a) At the mean position, the velocity of the particle
1 is,
KE = mω ( A − x )
2 2 2

2 v = Aω
1 1 2  2π  2π 2 mA2
1 KE = mA ω = mA   =
2 2
KE = mω x
2 2

2 2 2  T  T2

KE A2 − x 2 Therefore,
PE x2
Oscillations Chapter | 14 |

2m l
T = πA T = 2π
KE 10
1/ 2
 2 × 5.12  π
T = 2π l
= π × 0.25 ×   = 0.2π = s
 16  5 12

76. (b) Time period of pendulum, So that,

l T 12
T = 2π ⇒ =
g T' 10
In artificial satellite, g = 0, therefore T → ∞. 5
⇒ T’ = T
77. (b) As we know that, 6

l d2y 2
2 d y
T = 2π 80. (c) Progressive wave = v
g dt 2 dx 2
As acceleration increases, time period decreases. d2y
Free vibration + ω2 y = 0
78. (a) For small θ, the restoring torque, dt 2
d2y dy
L Damped vibration 2
+ 2k + ω2 y = 0
dt dt
 Resonant vibration and Forced vibration
L/2 L/2
d2y dy
+ 2k + ω 2 y = F sin pt
dt dt

 kLθ L  kL2 81. (d) Fd = − bV, b depends on all the three, i.e., shape
trest =  × ×2= (−θ )
 2 2 2 and size of the block and viscosity of the medium.

Therefore, 82. (a) Displacement amplitude of an oscillator depends

α = t rest
on the angular frequency of the driving force.
I 83. (b) For damped harmonic motion,
kL2 / 2 6k ma = –kx – mbv
= 2
(−θ ) = (−θ )
ML / 12 M ma + mbv + kx = 0
M Solution to above equation is as follows.
∴ T = 2π
6k −
k b2
x = A0 e 2 sin ωt : with ω2 = −
m 4
79. (b) When stationary,
Where amplitude drops exponentially with time,
T = 2π −
g At = A0 e 2

When the lift is accelerating upwards, Average time t that duration when amplitude
drops by 63%, i.e., becomes A0/e.
T’ = 2π Thus,
At =
... y = t2 e
dy −
∴ vy = = 2t = A0 e 2
dv y bt −

ay = or, = A0 e 2
dt 2
or, t =
= 2 m/s2 b

bjective Physics

84. (b) Amplitude of a damped oscillator at any instant t Oscillation of stretched string in air — Damped
is given by, A = A0e–bt/2m where A0 is the original oscillations
amplitude. According to the question, when Flying off of a paper rider placed on the stretched
A0 string — Resonant oscillations
t = 2 s, A =
3 88. (b) Given that,
A0 x = A sin (ωt + f)
∴ = A0e–2b/2m
3 Where,
1 F0 F0
or, = e–b/m ...(i) A = =
3 m (ω0 − ω )
2 2 2 m (ω02 − ω 2 )

When, Here, damping effect is considered to be zero.

A0 1
t = 6 s, A = x ∝
n m(ω02 − ω 2 )
∴ = A0e–6b/2m 89. (c) Amplitude of damped oscillator,
A = A0e–λt
or, = e–3b/m For, t =5s
0.9 A0 = A0e–5λ
1 1 −b / m 3
e –5λ = 0.9
or, =   = (e )
For, t = 15 s
n 3
A = A0e–15λ = A0(e–5λ) = A0(0.9)3
∴ n = 32 [From eqn. (i)]
= 0.729 A0
85. (b) Amplitude of damped oscillator is,
So that,α = 0.729
A = A0e–λt 90. (b) In resonance, energy absorbed by the vibrating
A0 body is maximum.
For t = 1 min., = A0e–λt 91. (a) Frequency decreases when its length and diameter
are increased.
or, eλ = 2 92. (d) In an ideal environment where there is no
resistance to oscillatory motion, that is, damping
and for t = 3 min., A = A0e–λ×3
is zero. When we oscillate a system at its resonant
A0 frequency, since there is no opposition to
(e λ )3 oscillation, a very large value of amplitude will
A0 be recorded.
= 93. (d) There is a large difference between the frequencies
of external periodic force and natural frequency
86. (d) As we know that, of a body. The body will vibrate with small

bt amplitude and with frequency of force.
94. (a) Displacement from mean position O will be given
E = E0 e
by :
15 = 45e m x = r sin ωt
1 m T
= e r = amplitude and t =
3 8
[As no. of oscillations = 15, so t = 15 sec.]  T
∴ x = r sin  ω 
Taking log on both sides,  8
b 1  2 
= 1n 3 = r sin   ×
 2 
m 15 
 ×8 T =  
  
87. (d) Motion of a satellite — Periodic motion π r
Motion of a simple pendulum — Simple harmonic = r sin =
4 2
Oscillations Chapter | 14 |
95. (c) At maximum energy of the particle, velocity the body executing resonant vibrations. Less the
resonance takes place, which occurs when damping, greater will be the sharpness.
frequency of external periodic force is equal to 97. (b) At resonance, amplitude of oscillation is maxi-
natural frequency of undamped vibrations, i.e., mum,
ω2 = ω0. ⇒ 2ω2 – 36ω + 9 is minimum
Further amplitude resonance takes place at a ⇒ 4ω – 36 = 0 (derivative is zero)
frequency of external force which is less than the ⇒ω=9
frequency of undamped natural vibrations, i.e., 98. (c) When two bodies have the same frequency, then
ω1 ≠ ω0. one is excited and other vibrates with its natural
96. (d) In resonant vibrations of a body, the frequency of frequency due to resonance.
external force applied on the body is equal to its 99. (d) Any oscillation in which the amplitude of the
natural frequency. If on increasing and decreasing oscillating quantity decreases with time is known
the frequency of external force from the natural as damped oscillations.
frequency by a factor, the amplitude of vibrations
100.(c) Initial phase does not change due to damping of
reduces very much. In this case sharp resonance
will take place. But, if it reduces by a small factor
then flat resonance will take place. The sharp and 101.(c) A body is set into vibrations with a strong external
flat resonance will depend on damping present in force. The vibrations are forced vibrations.

High-Order Thinking Skill

1. (b) Given that, In the above equation, the term cos (kt) has

y = sin2 ωt a period of T = and cos 2kt has a period
2π T
= = . So that both terms repeat after
dy 2k 2
= 2ω sin ωt cos ωt = ω sin 2 ωt
dt time interval T. The other remaining term is a
constant and hence does not affect the period.
d2y But resultant is a combination of two harmonic
= 2ω2 cos 2 ωt
dt 2 oscillations hence, itself is a non-harmonic.
For SHM, (iii) e–kt decreases monotonically to zero as
t → ∞. It is non-periodic and hence not simple
d2y harmonic. A simple harmonic function has to
dt 2 be periodic.

Hence, function is not SHM, but periodic. (iv) tan (kt) is not simple harmonic. It is periodic
with a period T = πk.
2. (b) (i) The equation sin(kt) + cos(kt) can be written
 π 3. (a) Frequency does not depend on external force,
as 2 sin  kt +  . So, it represents simple
 4 T = 2π
harmonic motion whose time period T is given k
by k = 2π/T or T = 2πk .
∴ ν =
1 k
(ii) As we know that, 2π m
cos (kt) + 2sin2 (kt) = cos (kt) + (1 – cos 2kt) But mean position will shift.
= 1 + cos (kt) – cos(2kt) 4. (d) As we know that,
 1 − cos 2θ  x = A cos ωt
sin θ =

 2  Z y x
O a
bjective Physics

At, t = 0, x = A 5. (c) The lift accelerates upwards with an acceleration

When, t = t, x = A – a of g/3. Net acceleration,
When, t = 2t, x = A – 3a g 4g
g = g+ =
∴ (A – a) = A cos ωt 3 3
and, (A – 3a) = A cos 2ωt Time period,
= A (2cos2 ωt – 1) l l 3l
  A − a 2  Tʹ = 2π = 2π = 2π
g 4 4g
or, (A – 3a) = A  2   − 1 g
  A   3
A − 3a  A−a ⇒ Tʹ =
= 2  −1 T
A  A  2
⇒ A = 2a 6. (c) As we know that,
Now, A – a = A cos ωt F ∝ v; F = Kv
1 F
cos ωt = cos ⇒ K =
3 v
cos ωt = cos Insert the units,
π N kgms −1
ωt = = −1
= = kgs −1
3 ms ms −1
2π π
t = 7. (b) The change in time period compared to the
T 3
undamped oscillator increases by 8%.
T = 6t

NCERT Exemplar Problems

1. (b) The displacement of a particle is represented by, 2. (b) The displacement of a particle is represented by
y = sin3 ωt. We know that,
y = 3 cos   2t  . So that, sin 3θ = 3 sin θ – 4 sin3 θ
(3 sin t  4 sin t )
      y =
y = 3 cos   2t   3 cos    2t    4
4    4 
We know that, ⇒ 4 = 3ω cos ωt – 4 × [3ω sin 3ωt]
cos(–θ) = cos θ
So that, ⇒4× = – 3ω2 cos ωt + 12ω sin 3ωt
dt 2
y = 3 cos  2t   ...(i) d2y 3ω 2 sin ωt + 12ω 2 sin 3ωt
 4 ⇒ =
dt 2 4
Comparing with,
y = a cos (ωt + f0) d2y
That means is not proportional to y.
dt 2
Hence, (i) represents simple harmonic motion
with angular frequency 2ω. So, motion is not SHM as the expression is
So that, its time period, involving sine function. So that it will be a
periodic function.
T=  Also,
sin3 ωt = (sin ωt)3 = [sin(ωt + 2π)]3

Oscillations Chapter | 14 |
= [sin ω(t + 2π/ω)]3 6. (c) Given that,
So, given function shows a periodic motion with x = a cos ωt ...(i)
period of 2π/ω. x = a cos ωt ...(ii)
3. (c) The equation of motion of a particle is x = a cos αt)2 Squaring and adding both equations (i) and (ii),
is a cosine function and x varies between −a and we get
+a, the motion is oscillatory. Now checking for x2 + y2 = a2 cos2 ωt + a2 sin2 ωt
periodic motion, putting (t + T) in place of t. T is = a2
supposed as period of the function ω(t).
This equation represents equation of a circle.
x(t + T) = a cos[α(t + T)]2 Thus, trajectory of motion will be a circle.
= a cos[α2t2 + α2T2 + 2α2tT] 7. (d) The displacement equation,
≠ x(t) y = a sin ωt + b cos ωt
So that, it is not periodic.
x = a cos ωt + a cos ωt ...(i)
4. (d) In case of simple harmonic motion, the accelera-
Let, a = A cos f ...(ii)
tion is always directed towards the mean position
and so is always opposite to displacement. and b = A sin f ...(ii)
Squaring and adding both equations (ii) and (iii)
5. (c) If the liquid in U-tube is filled to a height h and
we get
cross-section of the tube is uniform and the liquid
is incompressible and non-viscous. Initially the a2 + b2 = A2 cos2 f + A2 sin2 f
level of liquid in the two limbs will be at the same = A2
height equal to h. If the liquid is pressed by y in
one limb, it will rise by y along the length of the ⇒ A = a 2 + b2
tube in the other limb, so the restoring force will
be developed by hydrostatic pressure difference. y = A sinf.sin ωt + A cosf.cos ωt
difference. = A sin (ωt + f)
= Aω cos(ωt + f)
y dt
y d2y
= Aω2 sin(ωt + f)
dt 2
= –Ayω2
= (–Aω2)y
Restoring force, d y
∝ (–y)
F = Weight of liquid column of height 2y dt 2
⇒ F = –(A ×2y × ρ) × g Hence, it is an equation of SHM with amplitude,
= –2Aρgy A = a 2 + b2
⇒ F ∝–y
Motion is SHM with force constant. 8. (b) As we know that length of pendulums A and C
k = 2 Aρg L
is same and T = 2π . That means their time
Time period, g
m period is same and so that they will have same
T = 2π
k frequency. Because of that, a resonance will take
place and the pendulum C will vibrate with maxi-
A  2h   mum amplitude.
= 2 2 A g 9. (a) Equation of an SHM is represented by,
y = a sin ωt
= 2π g v=
Which is independent of the density of the liquid. = aω cos ωt
bjective Physics

Hence, (v)max = aω Now the block is connected with two springs con-
Acceleration, sidered as parallel.
dx 2 So, the equivalent spring constant, keq = k1 + k2
a =
dt 2 Time period of oscillation of the spring block sys-
tem is,
= –aω2 sin ωt
Hence, amax = ω2a m
T = 2π
Maximum speed, vmax = ωA ...(i) keq
Maximum acceleration, amax = ω2A ...(ii)
Divide (ii) by (i), we get m
= 2
k1  k2
amax ω2 A
vmax ωA Hence frequency,
=ω v =
= 2π
∴ T 1 k  k2
= ...(iii)
 vmax  2 m
T = 2   1/ 2
 amax  1  k1 k2 
v = 2  m  m 
Where vmax = 30 cms–1, amax = 60 cms–2  
 30 cms −1  From equation (i), we get
∴ T = 2π  −2  k1
 60 cms  = 4≠ 2 v12
From equation (ii), we get
10. (b) When the mass is connected to the two springs
individually, k2
= 4π 2 v22
1/ 2
k1 k2 1  4 2 v12 4 2 v22 
v =   
2  1 1 
m m
2 2 1/ 2
1 k1 = v1  v22 
v1 = ...(i) 2 
2π m
1 k2 ⇒ v = v12 + v22
v2 = ...(ii)
2π m

Assertion and Reasons

1. (b) The motion which repeats itself over and over not satisfy this condition are not simple harmonic
again after equal intervals of time is known as motion.
periodic motion and when a body moves in to
3. (b) At the middle point velocity of the particle under
and fro motion over and over again about a fixed
SHM is maximum but acceleration is zero since
point, then its motion is called oscillatory motion.
displacement is zero. So, Assertion is true. We
So, the motion of Earth around Sun is not oscilla- know that,
tory as it is not a to and fro motion about a fixed
x = a sin ωt ...(i)
Where x is displacement and a is amplitude.
2. (a) A simple harmonic motion is a one in which the dx
object moves to and fro about a mean position, Velocity =
and the restoring force on the moving object is
directly proportional to its displacement in either = aω cos ωt
direction. All the other periodic motions which do = aω cos (–ωt)
Oscillations Chapter | 14 |

π  9. (c) The phase difference between displacement and

= aω sin  − (−ωt )  velocity of a particle executing SHM is π/2.
 2 
10. (a) Any pendulum undergoes simple harmonic
 π
= aω sin  ωt +  ...(ii) motion when the amplitude of oscillation is small.
 2 If the amplitude of the pendulum is large then
From equation (i) and (ii), it is clear that, velocity pendulum still oscillates, but the motion is no
π longer simple harmonic motion because the angu-
is ahead of displacement (x) by angle. lar acceleration is not proportional to the negative
of the angular displacement.
4. (c) The force at the extreme position is, F = mω2A
11. (a) The energy of the motion will be quadrupled (four
5. (d) When a body is executing linear SHM, its acce- times) if the amplitude of the SHM is doubled. It
leration at all instants is always directed towards is because the energy is proportional to the square
mean position but the direction of velocity is of the amplitude of a SHM.
either towards or away from mean position.
12. (b) Extension in the length of spring increases with
6. (a) With respect to an observer, the force on the par- the increase of the mass attached to it.
ticle, F = –k [x + (v0 – v0)t] = –kx so, it represents
SHM. 13. (b) In damped oscillation motion dies out eventually.
This is because the medium in which the oscilla-
7. (d) Here, Assertion is false because, the direction of tor executes vibrations, exerts a frictional or vis-
velocity in SHM can be towards or away from cous force on the oscillator. This force is called
mean position whereas the displacement is always the damping force. This force acts in direction
away from mean position. opposite to the direction of motion due to which
8. (a) The total energy of SHM = Kinetic energy of par- the amplitude of vibration gradually decreases.
ticle + potential energy of particle. The variation Hence, the energy of oscillator also decreases.
of total energy of the particle in SHM with time is Such a vibrating system is called damped har-
shown in a graph. monic oscillator. For example, the simple pendu-
lum executing oscillations in air or in any other
Zero slope medium, tuning fork, ballistic galvanometer are
A Total energy the damped harmonic oscillators.
Kinetic energh
Potential energy 14. (c) Damping can never be zero in reality, so ampli-
T/4 2T/4 3T/4 tude can never be infinity.


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