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Essay On Personality Traits

Crafting an essay on the intricate subject of personality traits can be quite challenging. It's not merely
about describing traits but delving into their nuances, origins, manifestations, and implications. One
must navigate through a vast array of psychological theories, empirical studies, and philosophical
perspectives to construct a comprehensive and insightful piece.

Moreover, the topic demands introspection and empathy to understand how various traits interact
within individuals and influence their behaviors, thoughts, and emotions. Expressing these
complexities in a coherent and engaging manner requires a deep understanding of human nature and
the ability to articulate abstract concepts with clarity.

Furthermore, discussing personality traits often involves addressing controversial topics such as
nature versus nurture, determinism versus free will, and the ethical implications of categorizing
individuals based on their traits. Balancing different viewpoints while maintaining a coherent
argument adds another layer of difficulty to the writing process.

In summary, tackling an essay on personality traits entails navigating through a maze of theories,
understanding human nature deeply, and addressing complex philosophical and ethical questions. It
demands not only research and analytical skills but also introspection and empathy to craft a
compelling piece that sheds light on this multifaceted topic.

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Essay On Personality TraitsEssay On Personality Traits
Electrical Functions Of Plant And Animal Cells
Among the various transport systems involved in basic cellular functions in plant and
animal cells, anion channels play a key role in various physiological functions. This
include cell osmoregulation, cell signalling, plant nutrition and compartmentalization of
metabolites and metal tolerance (reference). In plants, anion channels are reported to be
found in plasma membrane, tonoplast, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria and
chloroplasts. Plasma membrane channels have been the best characterized till date
compared to those located in other membranes.
How do they work?
Ion channels in general work like a switch mechanism namely open and close state
according to the factors that control their gating. When an ion channel is open, massive
ion fluxes occur based on their electrochemical gradient. Rapid development in
understanding of ion channels came into light when patch clamping technique was
developed by Neher and Sakmann in the late 1970 s. The electrophysiological properties
of plant cell membranes started being extensively studied even before the genes encoding
anion channels were identified. This is evident from the first anion channel structure
being determined in bacteria only in 2002.
At plant cellular membrane level, the highly negative membrane potential (below 100
mV) and the intracellular anion accumulation dictate anion efflux through anion channels
when they are at open state. In cases of carboxylic anions such as malate and citrate, the
pH gradient which is
Tenant Assured Controversy
There is a fine line between just enough information and too much information. Score
Assured, a British startup, crosses that line so far that the line is no longer visible.
Tenant Assured, a software created by Score Assured, gives landlords the power access
to prospective tenants social media accounts by sending them a link to the software.
When a tenant opts in , the software goes through all their social media accounts from
public posts to private chats and scans through them to compile a report about the tentant
that would help predict whether they would make a good tenant or not. Whether this
practice ethical or not is the question that needs to be addressed. I would argue from a
deontological perspective that it is indeed unethical not only because of its social effects
but because it does not take into account the startup s duties to not discriminate and
protect people s privacy.... Show more content on ...
According to CNET and Washington Post, score assured scrapes for keywords such as
loan and pregnant . It also gives information on your supposed personality, your
activity time on social media, your age, financial stress , crime, social proximity, and
more. By accessing your social media accounts, Tenant Assured basically has access to
all of ones personl identifying information. However, deciding on whether one makes a
good informant based on information that are not accurate or as pertinant such as
pregnancy and age is social bias and discrimination. While the US has laws against this
kind of discrimination according to the Verge, the UK apparently does not, an example
of a policy vacuum of which this software is taking advantage. This is deontologically
unethical because the creators of Tenant Assured have a duty to not discriminate against
other people. Yet in creating this software they are morally in the
The Determinants Of The National Business Environment
To better understand why some nations are more competitive than others, Porter
conducted the research in order to look for determinants in the national business
environment that can explain why in some countries firms in particular industries are
more successful than those in other nations . (Ard Pieter de Man, 1997, p. 48) The
research culminated in framework known as diamond which describes the determinants
of competitive advantage. Porter identified four attributes that promote or impede the
creation of competitive advantage: (1) factor conditions, (2) demand conditions, (3)
related and supporting industries, and (4) firm strategy, structure, and rivalry . (Dirk
Morschett, 2015, p. 176)
Factor conditions, represents the nation s factors of production, such as climate, land,
natural resources, skilled labor and infrastructure. Demand conditions, refers to the nature
and size of the domestic demand for an industry s products and services (Dirk Morschett,
2015, p. 178). Related and supporting industries determinant refers to the existence or
non existence in the national environment related suppliers and other industries that are
competitive in international markets. Firm strategy, structure and rivalry, refers to how
companies are created, organized and managed, as well as the nature of domestic rivalry
(Porter, 1990b, p. 81) Analyzing China and Egypt in terms of the competitiveness will
help to better understand how the diamond framework works.
China s economy is
Case Study On Cyberbullying
1.Direct Cyberbullying: Direct cyberbullying is to text threatening or abusing messages
to harass someone, emailing inappropriate video to someone directly, repeatedly send
unwanted instant messaging or texts.
2.Indirect cyberbullying: Indirect cyberbullying is tagging an embarrassing photo of
someone on social networking sites which can be viewed by anyone, forwarding a rude
or abusive email about someone else to your contacts, spread rumours, lies about
someone, refusing to socialize with the victim, bullying other people who wish to
socialize with the victim.

C.Related work

In recent study on cyberbullying detection, Maral et al. [14], detect cyberbullying from
two perspectives: the users behavior and cross system analysis of users behavior. In first
case, author ... Show more content on ...
They consider user characteristics like age and gender for classification because
author assume that written language used by a harasser varies with the user s features
including gender ,which also helpful in getting better results in cyberbullying
detection. And in second case, author analyzes reaction of user against the harassing
messages. Also they analyze the type of messages posted by the user whether user is
posting vulgar messages to all users on different platform or he is targeting only
single user for bullying. Author used a supervised learning approach to train the
classifier. They employ Support vector Machines(SVM) in Weka tool. For cross
system analysis of user behavior, features used are TFIDF value of profane words in
each post and TFIDF value for personal pronouns used in each post, age, gender. For the
dataset used for cross system analysis, author manually identifies the users involved in
the cyberbullying in a social network like YouTube. Then using Social Graph API and
Mypes, they select publically accessible
Creating A Perfect World Or Defending The Country
George Paul Cicarlan Professor Kelly Coble International Ethics PHL 272I S01 29
September 2014 Creating a Perfect World or Defending the Country The world s
population is continuously increasing and laws are being made to maintain a global
social order. The social order includes, and is not limited to, world peace, free
international economy, international trade, and assurance that basic human rights
are respected by all nations and humans live a decent life, full of opportunities. This is
an ideal that we all aspire to, in a way or another and although we want to create a
perfect world, it is impossible to do so because of people s interests and their own
view of perfection. We, as humans, are not perfect, and therefore we cannot have a
perfect world. Many have tried to create ideas of what would make a perfect society.
Socrates, Plato and Aristotle have diligently tried for centuries to establish a well
balanced world in which each individual has their own freedom. More than two
thousand years have passed since then and the world is still struggling to find a way to
create a harmonious international society. Cosmopolitanism and anti cosmopolitanism
have different ideas on how we can achieve this goal. To me, a combination of the two
sounds more achievable. In this paper, I will try to demonstrate that today s world is a
combination of the two and ideas from both will take us a few steps forward towards an
international goal. Cosmopolitans argue that humans in a
Cultural Differences Between Brazil And Ecuador

(Brazil)There is no genuine dry season yet there are a few varieties in the time of the
year when most rain falls. Temperatures normal 25 °C (77 °F),with a huge temperature
variety amongst night and day than between seasons.(Ecuador) The beach front swamps
in the western piece of Ecuador are ordinarily warm with temperatures in the area of 25
°C (77 °F). ... The climate in Quito is steady with that of a subtropical good country

Political Issues

1). (Brazil). From the sixteenth to the mid nineteenth century, Brazil was a province and
a part of the Portuguese empire.When the Portuguese touched base in Brazil in 1500,
their circumstance as colonialists was altogether different from that of Spain in Mexico
and Peru. ... Show more content on ...
They had no towns, no household creatures. 2). (Brazil) The autonomy of brazil
included a progression of political and military occasions that happened in 1821 1824,
the vast majority of which included debate amongst brazil and Portugal with respect to
the call for freedom introduced by the Brazilian Empire. It is praised on September, 7
the commemoration of September 7, 1822, date official Prince Dom Pedro pronounced
Brazil s freedom from Portugal. Formal acknowledgment accompanied a settlement
marked by both Brazil and Portugal in late 1825.(Ecuador) 1).As the Inca, common war
seethed, in 1531 the Spanish arrived in Ecuador. Driven by Francisco

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