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National University - – CFD Campus

Of Computer & Emerging Sciences

CL3003– Management Info Sytem-Lab

Lab - 1

Instructor: Amna Waheed Email:

Sections: BBA-8A Due Date & 24-January-2024,
Time: 11:40 Am

Activity1: Grade Calculator

1. Create a New Excel Spreadsheet: Label columns with "Student ID," "Name," "Midterm
1," "Midterm 2," "Quizzes," "Assignments," "Class Participation," "Final Exam," and
"Total Grade."
2. Student Information: Input student information, including IDs and names.
3. Score Entry: Input scores for each student for Midterm 1, Midterm 2, Quizzes,
Assignments, Class Participation, and Final Exam.
4. Total Score Calculation: Use Excel formulas to calculate the total score for each student
by summing up the scores of all components.
5. Percentage Calculation: Calculate the percentage for each student based on their total
score and the maximum possible score.
6. Grade Allocation: Assign grades to students based on percentage ranges.
7. Component Averages: Calculate the average score for each assessment component
(Midterms, Quizzes, Assignments, etc.).
8. Conditional Formatting: Apply conditional formatting to highlight the highest and lowest
scores in each component.

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