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‫مكتب التحركات بجونة بورفؤاد‬

‫كراسة المواصفات الفنية‬

‫االعمال الصحية‬
‫مقدمة‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫تشمل هذه المواصفات بنود أعمال التجهيزات والتركيبات الصحية فى المباني بما تحتويه من‬
‫أعمال تغذية بالمياه وصرف صحي وتـهوية‪ .‬شاملة أعمال التوريد والتركيب والمـواد‬
‫جميع الخامات من األصناف الجديدة الممتازة من الفرز األول‪.‬‬
‫كذلك أعمال الصيانة المطلوبة إلتمام تنفيذ جميع أعمال التركيبات الصحية بما فى ذلك نقل‬
‫المخلفات إلى المقالب العمومية‪.‬‬
‫وتعتبر هذه المواصفات جزاءا مكمال وجزاءا ال يتجزأ من جميع مستندات التعاقد بما فيها‬
‫الرسومات التنفيذية ودفتر جميع مستندات التعاقد بما قيها الرسومات التنفيذية وقائمة البنود‬
‫وعندما يتم اإلشارة في مقايسة البنود والكميات إلى أى مادة فى هذه المواصفات وبالعبارة‬
‫(حسب المواصفات) فأن هـذا يعنى خضوع هذا البند لجميع ما جاء فى هذه المواصفات من‬
‫اشتراطات عامة وخاصة باإلضافة إلى ما جاء فـى هذه المادة وعلى المقاول قبل تقديم عطاءه‬
‫معاينة موقع العمل المعاينة النافية للجهالة ويعتبر تقدمه بعطائه موافقة تامة منه على جميع ما‬
‫ذكر فى مستندات التعاقد‪.‬‬

‫اشتراطات عامه‬ ‫‪.2‬‬

‫‪ -2/1‬الكودات وقوانين البناء‪- :‬‬
‫يجب تنفيذ جميع األعمال الصحية بحيث تتماشى وتتطابق على األقل مع متطلبات الكود‬
‫المصرى السس التصميم وشروط التنفيذ لهندسة التركيبـات الصحية للمبانى والكود المصرى‬
‫السس تصميم واشترطات التنفيـذ وقوانيـن البنـاء حسب أخر تعديـل لها‪ .‬وفى حالة زيادة‬
‫متطلبات واشتراطات مستندات التعاقد (بما فيها الرسومات التنفيذية وهذه المواصفات ومقايسة‬
‫البنود والكميات) عن متطلبات الكودات وقوانين البناء والمواصفات القياسية‪ ،‬يتم تنفيذ ما جاء‬
‫فى مستندات التعاقد‪.‬‬
‫‪ -2/2‬تنسيق األعمال الصحية مع األعمال األخرى‪-:‬‬
‫يجب تنسيق تسلسل تنفيذ أعمال التركيبات الصحية مع تسلسل تنفيذ جميع األعمال األخرى‬
‫(إنشائية ‪-‬معمارية – كهربائية – تكييف الهواء … الخ) بحيث يتم تركيب جميع األعمال‬
‫الصحية فى المكان الصحيح والمناسب وكذلك فى التوقيت المناسب لتقدم األعمال فى الموقع‪.‬‬
‫وأى األعمال يتم تركيبها فى غير مكانها أو فى وقت غير مناسب لتسلسل تنفيذ األعمال‬
‫األخرى يتم إزالتها وإعادة تركيبها فى مكانها الصحيح وبدون احتساب أية أجور أو تكاليف‬
‫إضافية أو إضافة مده زمنية إلى مدة تنفيذ العملية بسببها‪.‬‬

‫‪ -2/3‬الرسومات التنفيذية‪:‬‬

‫‪ -2/3/1‬الرسومات التنفيذية لألعمال الصحية هى رسومات بصورة عامة لألعمال المطلوب‬

‫تنفيذها (‪ . )Shop Drawing‬وال يجوز قياس أى أبعاد من هذه الرسومات واعتبارها أبعادا‬
‫حقيقة للتنفيذ ويرجع دائما إلى الرسومات المعمارية لتحديد أى مقاسات أو محاور‪.‬‬
‫‪ -2/3/2‬الرسومات التنفيذية ال توضح بالتفصيل جميع القطع والمحابس والمشتمالت الالزمة‬
‫للتركيب ويرجع فى ذلك إلى ما جاء فى هذه المواصفات ودفتر البنود والكميات والكودات‬
‫المذكورة فى ‪.2/1‬‬
‫‪ -2/3/3‬على المقاول مراجعة الرسومات التنفيذية ودفتر البنود والكميات لتحديد الكميات‬
‫الالزمة للتنفيذ ومراجعة اتجاه االستعمال (يمين – ويسار) لتوريد القطع المناسبة من حيث اتجاه‬
‫االستعمال‪ .‬والمقاول مسئول عن صحة توريد الكميات الصحيحة والمناسبة لالستخدام‪.‬‬
‫‪ 2/3/4‬على المقاول مراجعة الرسومات المعمارية واإلنشائية والكهربائية ورسومات أعمال‬
‫تكييف الهواء لوضع الاجربة الخاصة باألعمال الصحية والمطلوبة لمرور المواسير فى األماكن‬
‫المناسبة وحسب تسلسل تنفيذ األعمال األخرى‪.‬‬

‫‪ - 2/4‬العينات ورسومات التشغيل واعتمادها‪- :‬‬

‫‪ -2/4/1‬على المقاول بعد إتمام التعاقد تقديم االتى إلى المهندس االستشاري المشرف على‬
‫التنفيذ لالعتماد (حسب ما سيذكر الحقا ‪ ) 3-4-2‬قبل التوريد وبما يتفق مع البرنامـج الزمني‬
‫العينات والجداول التي تبين والمواسـير واألدوات المختلفة والمواد المطلوب‬ ‫‪-‬‬

‫استخدامها فى تنفيذ جميع بنود األعمال حسب مـا جاء فى مستندات التعاقد‪.‬‬
‫الكتالوجات الفنية التي توضح اسم الشركات الصانعة وبلد الصنع والرسومـات‬ ‫‪-‬‬

‫والبيانات التي توضح مواصفاتها الفنية بكل دقة وكذلك شهادات االختبار التي تـمت‬
‫على جميع األعمال‪.‬‬

‫‪ - 2/5‬الرسومات التنفيذية النهائية ‪-:‬‬

‫على المقاول أن يوقع بالرسم بصفة دورية أى تغيير فى اتجاهات أو أماكن أى‬ ‫‪- 2/5/1‬‬
‫من بنود أعمال التركيبات الصحية على نسخة من الرسومات التنفيذية لألعمال الصحية تكون‬
‫موجـودة دائما فى موقع العمل‪.‬‬
‫على المقاول عند االنتهاء من تنفيذ جميع األعمال واختبارها وتسليمها تسليما‬ ‫‪- 2/5/2‬‬
‫ابتدائيا أن يقدم إلى المهندس المالك المشرف مجموعة كاملة من الرسومات النهائية بمقياس رسم‬
‫مناسب كون مكتوبا عليها ( حسب ما تم تنفيذه بالفعل على الطبيعة ‪ ) as built‬وتكون هذه‬
‫الرسومات على نسخة الكترونية ‪ + C.D‬نسختين مطبوعتين يكون واضحا بدقة فى هذه‬
‫الرسومات جميع ما تم تنفيذه من أعمال على الطبيعة تضمنـا ذلك أماكن تركيب األجهزة‬
‫ومسارات واتجاهات ومناسيب المواسير واأللوان لمميزة لـها وأماكن أبواب الكشف والصيانة‬
‫وغير ذلك من البيانات التى يمكن لرجوع إليها عند عمل لصيانة الدورية أو عند عمل أي‬
‫تعديالت أو توسعات فى لمستقبل ‪ .‬على أن تقدم هـذه الرسومات مع االستالم االبتدائي‬

‫‪ - 2/6‬متطلبات عامة لألجهزة والمعدات‪- :‬‬

‫يتم توريد وتركيب األجزاء واإلكسسوارات الالزمة لتشغيل األجهزة والمعدات‬ ‫‪- 2/6/1‬‬
‫حتى إذا لم يتم ذكرها فى المواصفات‪.‬‬
‫‪ - 2/6/2‬يتم تقديم عدد ثالث نسخ من تعليمات التشغيل والصيانة لألجهزة والمعدات التي سيتم‬
‫‪ - 2/6/3‬األجزاء المتحركة فى األجهزة والمعدات التي سيتم تركيبها يجب أن تكون فى حالة‬
‫اتزان سواء كانت فى حالة الحركة أو السكون‪.‬‬
‫‪ - 2/7‬العمالـه‪- :‬‬
‫يجب على المقاول استخدام عمال وفنيون ذوي مهارة عاليه في تنفيذ أعمال التركيبات الصحية‪.‬‬
‫‪ - 2/8‬نقل وتخزين المواد ووقايتها‪- :‬‬
‫‪ 2/8/1‬يجب نقل وتخزين المواد المستخدمة فى تنفيذ أعمال التركيبات الصحية بطرق تحفظها‬
‫من التلوث والرطوبة والتلف والكسر واالنبعاج وتحافظ على الشكل والمظهر الخارجي لها‬
‫وتحافظ على خواصها الميكانيكية والفيزيقية‪.‬‬
‫‪ 2/8/2‬يجب نقل وتخزين المواد المستخدمة فى تنفيذ أعمال التركيبات الصحية حسب‬
‫تعليمات الجهات ألصانعه لـها‪.‬‬

‫‪ - 2/9‬حماية األعمال‪- :‬‬

‫على المقاول اتخاذ كافة االحتياطات لحماية األعمال من أى أضرار أو تلفيات أو انسداد‬
‫طوال فترة التنفيذ‪ .‬وعليه تسليم جميع األعمال فى حالة سليمة ونظيفة‪.‬‬
‫‪ - 2/10‬التجارب واستالم األعمال‪- :‬‬
‫‪ - 2/10/1‬يجب أن تخضع جميع أعمال التركيبات الصحية للتجارب واختبارات التشغيل‬
‫واألداء والسالمة الالزمة التي تبين صالحيتها وكفاءتها ومطابقتها لـما جاء فى هذه‬
‫المواصفات وحسب ما جاء فى (‪ )1-2‬والباب الثالث‪.‬‬
‫‪ 2/10/2‬جميع التجارب التي يتم أجراءها تكون على نفقة المقاول وتجرى بواسطة عماله‬
‫المواد والخامات والمواصفات القياسية المطبقة‬ ‫‪.3‬‬
‫‪ - 3/1‬يجب أن تخضع جميع المواد والمنتجات الداخلة فى تنفيذ أعمال التجهيزات والتركيبات‬
‫محل التعاقد للمواصفات القياسية المصرية أو أحد المواصفات القياسية األجنبية وحسب ما جاء‬
‫فى ‪ ،3/3 ،3/2‬كحد أدنى‪.‬‬
‫‪ - 3/2‬تعطى األولوية للمواصفات الصادرة عن الهيئة المصرية العامة للتوحيد القياسي‬
‫(المواصفات القياسية المصرية‪.‬م‪.‬ق‪.‬م) على غيرها من المواصفات القياسية األجنبية األخرى‬
‫على أن يلتزم المقاول بتنفيذ أيه مواصفات قياسية خاصة باألعمال محل التعاقد تصدر عن‬
‫الهيئة المصرية العامة للتوحيد القياسي (المواصفات القياسية المصرية م‪.‬ق‪.‬م) قبل تقديم العطاء‬
‫على أن تحل هذه المواصفات محل ما يوازيها من المواصفات القياسية األجنبية‪.‬‬
‫‪ - 3/3‬المواصفات القياسية المصرية م‪.‬ق‪.‬م هي المواصفة التي تخضع لـها جميع أعمال‬
‫التجهيزات والتركيبات الصحية محل التعاقد‪.‬‬

‫التنفيــذ (مواصفات األعمال)‬ ‫‪.4‬‬

‫‪ 4/1‬التغذية بالمباه‬
‫‪ 4/1/1‬مواصفات األعمال‬
‫‪ 4/1/1/1‬مواسير التغذية بالمياه البالستيك من البولي بروبلين الخاصة بمياه الشرب‪.‬‬
‫(أ) تكون القطع الخاصة والملحقات من نفس مادة المواسير أو حسب ما سيذكر فى دفتر البنود‬
‫(ب) يشمل البند جميع الخرسانات الساندة للكيعان والمشتركات والقطح الالزمة للتوصيالت‬
‫واالقفزة وكل مايلزم التركيب والتي يتقدم المقاول بتفاصيلها لالعتماد مـن المهندس المشرف‬
‫قبل صبها‪.‬‬
‫‪ 4/1/1/2‬غرفة عداد المياه والمحابس‬
‫توريد وعمل غرفة من المباني الطوب المصمت بمقاس ‪ 0.90 × 0.60‬متر وعمقها ‪0.60‬‬
‫متر تبنى بسمك طوبه بمونة األسمنت والرمل بنسبة ‪ 3:1‬فوق فرشة من الخرسانة األسمنتية‬
‫بسمك ‪ 0.30‬متر ومقاس الفرشة الخرسانيه يزيد فى الطول والعرض بمقدار ‪ 0.15‬متر عن‬
‫مقاس الغرفة الخارجي وتطرطش وتبيض الغرفة من الداخل بمونة األسمنت بنسبة ‪300‬كجم‬
‫أسمنت للمتر المكعب رمل ويكون سمك البياض ‪ 2‬سم مع خدمـة السطح النهائي ولف الزوايا‬
‫واألركان‪ .‬ويشمل العمل توريد وتركيب غطاء من الصاج البقالوه بسمك ‪8‬مم مجمع على زوايا‬
‫حديد ويركب بواسطة مفصالت مثبته على حلق من الزوايا الحديد ويتم توريد وعمل وسيلة‬
‫ألحكام الغلق‪.‬‬
‫‪ 4/1/1/3‬عدادات المياه‬
‫العدادات المستعملة في قياس استهالك المياه تكون من العدادات المروحية ذات الفتحات‬
‫المتعددة‪ ،‬وقـرص البيان من النوع الجاف الذي ال يصل الماء إليه‪ .‬ويكون مطابقا للمواصفات‬
‫القياسية المصرية (م ق م ‪" )771‬عدادات المياه لألغراض المنـزلية “‪.‬‬
‫‪ 4/1/1/4‬محبس طراز سكينه‬
‫محبس من البرونز ذى السكينة (‪ )Gate valve‬وبما فيه أيضا التوصيالت واللحامات وكل ما‬
‫يلزم‪ ،‬ويمكن أن يكون من الزهر والقلب برونز حسب المذكور فى دفتر البنود والكميات‪.‬‬
‫‪ 4/1/1/5‬محبس قالووظى‬
‫محبس مما جميعه من البرونز القالووظى (‪ )Screw Down‬من النوع الثقيل‪.‬‬
‫‪ 4/1/1/6‬حنفيه براكور‬
‫حنفيه جميعها من البرونز من الطراز ذي الراكور لتركيب خرطوم‪ ،‬وبيد طاره‪.‬‬
‫‪ 4/1/2‬القياس والمحاسبة‬
‫‪ 4/1/2/1‬تقاس مواسير التغذية بالمياه بالمقطوعية طبقا للكميات الواردة بالمقايسة شامله جميع‬
‫أنواع التوريد والتركيب ويشمل الثمن جميع قطع االتصال الخاصة العادية والمسلوبة‬
‫والمشتركات والخرسانات الساندة لها والراكورات الالزمة للتنفيذ كما يشمل أعمال التثبيت‬
‫والدهانات والعزل والحفر والردم ونقل الزائد من الحفر إلـى المقالب العمومية وذلك لما يتم‬
‫تركيبه تحت األرض ويشمل السعر أيضا أعمال االختبار والتطهير‬
‫‪ 4/1/2/2‬تحسب المحابس والصمامات والحنفيات بالعدد حسب كل نوع شامله جميع أنواع‬
‫التوريد والتركيب وطلمبات المياه وحسب ما سيذكر بجداول الكميات‬
‫‪ 4/1/3‬االختبارات واستالم األعمال‬
‫‪ 4/1/3/1‬يتم تجربة المواسير المركبة بعد التركيب‪ .‬وتجرى التجربة بعد االنتهاء من تركيب‬
‫حيث يتم تركيب طلمبات على جميع مخارج التغذية ويتم ملئ جميع المواسير بالمياه يبطئ عن‬
‫طريق طلمبة يدوية خاصة باالختبار وذلك للتخلص من الهواء الموجود بالفرعه (الجزء) المراد‬
‫اختبارها ثم يتم قفل المحبس الذي يحكم هذه الفرعه ويتم ضغط المياه حتى نصل إلى ضغط‬
‫اختبار ‪ Psi 8.6( 125‬كيلو جرام ‪ /‬السنتيمتر المربع أو مره ونصف ضغط التشغيل أيهما‬
‫أكبر لمدة ‪ 3‬ساعات بدون حدوث أى تسرب فى المواسير أو القطع الخاصة أو هبوط فى‬
‫الضغط ويتم قراءة الضغط المطلوب ومالحظة عدم هبوطه بواسطة مقياس ضغط (‬
‫‪ )Pressure gauge‬ذو قدره مناسبة على تحمل ضغوط التجارب وفـى حالة ظهور أى‬
‫عيوب بالمواسير أو ملحقاتها يتم اإلصالح ثم تعاد التجربة األولى مره أخرى ‪.‬‬

‫‪ 4/1/3/2‬يجب تطهير نظام التغذية بالمياه بالكامل وذلك حسب ما يلي‪- :‬‬
‫(أ) يجب أن تشمل عملية التطهير مواسير التغذية بالمياه الباردة والساخنة بعد تركيب جميع‬
‫المواسير والمحابس واألجهزة وجميع مكونات النظام وأيضا يعد إجراء جميع االختبارات‬
‫(ب) يجب أن تتم عملية التطهير بواسطة متخصصين مصرح لهم بالقيام بأعمال تطهير مياه‬
‫(ج) يجب غسل جميع فرعات المواسير بالمياه النظيفة للتخلص من األوساخ‪.‬‬
‫(د) يجب فك جميع المصافي التي قد تكون مركبه على المخارج ثم يعاد تركيبها بعد عملية‬
‫(هـ) يجب فصل نظام التغذية الذي سيتم تطهيره عن التغذية بالمياه تجنب حدوث تلوث‬
‫لمصدر التغذية‪.‬‬
‫(و) يتم ملئ شبكة التغذية بمحلول هيبوكلوريت (‪ )Hypochlorite‬يحتوي على ‪ 50‬جزء فى‬
‫المليون (‪ )ppm 50‬من أيون (الكلورين) ويبقى لمدة ‪ 24‬ساعة فى المواسير‪.‬‬
‫(ز) بعد عملية الملئ السابقة يجب أن يكون أيون الكلوريد (الكلورين) المتبقي ال يقل عن ‪5‬‬
‫جزء (‪ )50ppm‬وإذا كان أقل من ذلك يجب إعادة عملية التطهير‬
‫(ح) بعد ذلك يتم غسيل المواسير والنظام بأكمله بالمياه النظيفة حتى تكون كمية أيون الكلوريد‬
‫(الكلورين) المتبقية ال تزيد عن الكمية القادمة في المياه‪.‬‬
‫‪ 4/2‬الصرف‬
‫‪ 4/2/1‬اشتراطات خاصة بخطوط مواسير الصرف وملحقاتها‬
‫‪ 4/2/1/1‬يتم تركيب المواسير فى شبكات االنحدار بحيث تكون رؤوسها متجهة دائما إلى‬
‫االتجاه العلى وتوضع فى خطوط مستقيمة وحسب المناسيب‪.‬‬
‫‪ 4/2/1/2‬تركب جميع المواسير فى شبكات االنحدار بميول مناسبة وكافيه لتأمين سرعة‬
‫سريان تضمن عـدم حدوث ترسيب وفى نفس الوقت ال تسبب نحر فى جسم المواسير وحسب‬
‫ما جاء فى ‪.2/1‬‬
‫‪ 4/2/1/3‬يجب أن تمر المواسير التي تخترق األسقف أو الخرسانات داخل أجربه مناسبة على‬
‫أن يكون قطر الجراب الداخلي أكبر من القطر الخارجي للماسورة المارة خالله بمقدار‪ 6‬مم‬
‫على األقل ‪.‬‬

‫‪ 4/2/1/4‬غير مسموح باستخدام قطع االتصال ذات الرأس المزدوج فى أى جزء من أجزاء‬
‫العمل قبل الحصول على موافقة المهندس المشرف وعموما يحظر استخدامها رأسيا‪.‬‬

‫‪ 4/2/1/5‬إذا تم تركيب المواسير على الحوائط أو معلقه فى األسقف فيتم تثبيتها بواسطة أقفزه‬
‫أو عالقات تتكون من قطعتين تربطان سويا بواسطة الصواميل لسهولة فك وتركيب المواسير‬
‫دون الحاجة إلى فك العالقات أو األقفزه المثبتة في المباني أو الخرسانة وتركب المواسيـر‬
‫غير ملتصقة بالحوائـط أو األسقف ويشترط فى العالقات أن تكون مناسبة لنوع المواسير‬
‫وتتحمل أوزان المواسير ومحتوياتـها بأمان ‪ .‬ويراعى أن يسمح تركيب األقفزه بحدوث التمدد‬
‫واالنكماش فى المواسير ‪.‬‬
‫‪ 4/2/1/6‬يراعى عند استخدام المواسير البالستيك التي تركب باستخدام مادة اللصق ما يأتي‪-:‬‬
‫(أ) يتم التقطيع باستخدام منشار يد أو منشار ميكانيكي أو منشار دائري ويكون سالح المنشار‬
‫ذو سبع سنات فى البوصة ‪.‬‬
‫يجب أن تقطع المواسير قطعا نظيفا مستويا على أن يتم شطف بمبرد رصاص (‪3‬مم‬ ‫(ب)‬
‫تقريبا ×‪ 45‬درجه ) ثم يتم شطف ذيل الماسورة وتجويف الوصلة بحذر وذلك باستخدام صنفرة‬
‫مناسبة ثم يتم التنظيف التام لألسطح المشطوفة والمراد لصقها بواسطة استخدام مذيب معتمد‬
‫مثل األسيتون ‪ .‬بعد ذلك يتم تقليب مادة اللصق جيدا داخل الشدات الخاصة بها ثم تدهن المادة‬
‫الالصقة على األسطح المراد لصقها بعـد تنظيفها بواسطة فرشاة وتضغط الماسورة فى‬
‫الوصلة أو في الماسورة األخرى بسرعة حتى نهاية الوصلة وتدار الماسورة من ربع إلى نصف‬
‫لفه داخل الوصلة حتى يتأكد من توزيع المادة الالصقة جيدا على السطح ويجب عدم ترك‬
‫الماسورة حتى يتم تمام جفاف المادة الالصقة كما يجب عدم استخدام المواسير قب مضى الوقت‬
‫الكافي لكي تتحمل المواسير ضغط التجربة والتشغيل ‪.‬‬
‫‪ 4/2/1/7‬يراعى عند استخدام المواسير البالستيك التي تركب باستخدام الحلقات ما يأتي‪- :‬‬
‫(ا) يتم التقطيع باستخدام منشار يد أو منشار ميكانيكي ويكون سالح المنشار ذو سبع سنات فى‬
‫(ب) يجب أن تقطع المواسير قطعا نظيفا مستويا على أن يتم شطف القطع بمبرد رصاص (‪3‬مم‬
‫× ‪ 45‬درجة) ويتم تنظيف الحلقات ثم يدهن الجزء المشطوف (ذيل الماسورة) بسائل‬
‫رغوى قوامه غليظ و ال يسمح باستخدام أى زيوت أو شحومات وبعد ذلك توضع الماسورة‬
‫ذات الذيل المشطوف والماسورة ذات الرأس على استقامة واحده ويتم إدخال الذيل فى‬
‫‪ 4/2/1/8‬يجب أن تكون جوانب الحفر فى شبكات االنحدارمستويه ومستقيمة وأن تنقذ طبقا‬
‫للمناسيب المحددة وإذا حفرت خنادق ألعماق أكبر من المنسوب المطلوب بطريق الخطأ فعلى‬
‫المقاول أن يقوم بملء الحفر الزائد بالخرسانة العادية حتى المنسوب وذلك على نفقته الخاصة ‪.‬‬
‫‪ 4/2/1/9‬يجب عدم البدء فى أعمال الردم أو التقدم فى العمل قبل أجراء االختبارات الالزمــة‬
‫للمواسير وحجرات التفتيش وخالفه واعتماد نتائج هذه االختبارات من المهندس المشرف ‪.‬‬
‫‪ 4/2/1/10‬ال يسمح بالردم إال بالمواد التي يعتمدها المهندس المشرف ‪.‬‬

‫‪ 4/2/1/11‬يجب أن يدمك الردم دمكا كامال ويوضع على طبقات ال يزيد سمك أيا منها على‬
‫‪30‬سم ‪.‬‬
‫‪ 4/2/2‬مواصفات األعمال‬
‫‪ 4/2/2/1‬مواسير البالستيك‬
‫(أ) المواسير المطلوبة تكون من مادة البوليفينيل كلوريد ( ‪P.V.C , C.P.V.C ,‬‬
‫‪ ) U.P.V.C‬أو مادة البولي اثلين عالي الكثافة ( ‪ ) PE‬وحسب المذكور فى دفتر البنود‬
‫والكميات وتكون المواسير وملحقاتها مطابقة لما جاء فى الباب الثالث ( المواد والخامات‬
‫والمواصفات القياسية المطبقة ) ‪.‬‬
‫(ب) تكون المواسير وقطعها الخاصة ذات الرأس والذيل أو من المواسير بدون ذيل وتركب مع‬
‫بعضها البعض أما بالحلقات المطاط أو بمادة لصق معتمدة أو بواسطة وصالت مرنه خاصة‬
‫معتمدة وحسب المذكور فى دفتر البنود والكميات ‪.‬‬
‫(ج) تكون القطع الخاصة من نفس مادة المواسير ‪.‬‬
‫‪ 4/2/2/2‬مواسير البالستيك البوليفينيل كلوريد ( ‪ ) P.V.C‬الخاصة بالصرف تحت األرض‬
‫(أ) المواسير المطلوبة تكون من مادة البوليفينيل كلوريد ( ‪ ) P.V.C‬من النوع المخصص‬
‫ألغراض الصرف فى خنادق تحت األرض وتكون المواسير وملحقاتها مطابقة لما جاء فى‬
‫الباب الثالث ( الـمواد والخامات والمواصفات القياسية المطبقة )‬
‫(ب) تركب المواسير ذات الرأس والذيل مع بعضها البعض أما بالحلقات المطاط أو بمادة لصق‬
‫معتمده حسب المذكور فى دفتر البنود والكميات وعندما يتم تجميع المواسير بالمادة الالصقة‬
‫فيجب إزالة الرايش من نهاية المواسير (الذيل المشطوف) ثم يتم تنظيف السطح الداخلي لرأس‬
‫الماسورة وكذلك السطح الخارجي لذيل الماسورة وبواسطة استخدام قطعة من القماش مبله‬
‫بسائل تنظيف ومذيب معتمد‪ .‬ثم يتم التأكد من إزالة أى شحومات أو أى أجسام غريبة ويتم‬
‫تجفيف السطح الداخلي للرأس وكذلك السطح الخارجي لذيل الماسورة المشطوفة ويتم وضع‬
‫ذيـل الماسورة ورأس الماسورة على استقامة واحده ثم يتم وضع المادة الالصقة بواسطة فرشاه‬
‫على جزئي التداخل مع مالحظة ترك الذيل بعد ادخاله في الرأس دون حركه وعم اختبار‬
‫وتشغيل الخط حتى يتـم التماسك التام للمواسير مع بعضها البعض‪ .‬وعندما يتم استخدام‬
‫الحلقات المطاطية فيتم استخدام سوائل رغوية فقط واليستخدم أى مادة تحتوي على زيوت أو‬
‫(ج) تركيب المواسير فى خنادق أما على طبقات من الرمل أو على فرشه من الخرسانة العادية‬
‫وحسب المذكور فى دفتر البنود والكميات وحسب ما يلي‪- :‬‬

‫‪ -‬التركيب على طبقات من الرمال يتم تجهيز سطح أسفل خندق الحفر بحيث يكون عبارة عن‬
‫تربه مدكوكة بكامل عرض الخندق مع مراعاة أن يكون عرض الحفر للخندق من أسفل أضيق‬
‫ما يمكن حتى يتم وضع المواسير فوق تربه مستقره وثابتة ويتم وضع المواسير بالميول‬
‫المطلوبة فوق فرشة من الرمال الناعم بسمك ‪10‬سم وكذلك حول وفوق رأس الماسورة العلوى‬
‫بما ال يقل عن ‪10‬سم ثم يتم الردم بعد ذلك من ناتج الحفر مع الدمك اليدوى ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -‬التركيب على فرشة من الخرسانة العادية تركب المواسير على فرشة من الخرسانة العادية‬
‫على شكل مستطيل وتكون تخانة الدكه كاالتى ‪-:‬‬
‫‪ 150‬مم للمواسير حتى قطر خارجي ‪ 160‬مم‬
‫‪ 200‬مم للمواسير بقطر خارجي أكبر من ‪ 160‬مم‬
‫ويكون عرض الفرشة الخرسانية ثالثة أمثال القطر الخارجي للمواسير وتكون الفرشة من‬
‫الخرسانة العادية بنسبة متر مكعب زلط ‪ ،‬نصف متر مكعب رمل ‪ 200 ،‬كيلو جرام أسمنت‬
‫بورتالندى عادى أو مقاوم لألحماض والكبريتات حسب المذكور فى دفتر البنود والكميات ‪.‬‬
‫‪ 4/2/2/3‬الجاليتراب‬
‫(أ) يعمل الجاليتراب من خامات البالستيك الثقيل وأال يقل مقدار العزل المائي بــه عن ‪75‬مم‬
‫ويكون قطر مخرجه ‪100‬مم ‪ .‬وقطر العليا ‪150‬مم وتغطى بغطاء مستدير من الحديد الزهــر‬
‫الجيد السبك ‪.‬‬
‫(ب) يركب الجاليتراب بجوار المباني وعلى مسافة نحو ‪ 200‬ملليمتر ويكون مرتفعا عن سطح‬
‫األرضية المجاوره بمقدار ‪150‬مم ‪ .‬ويمكن أن يركب داخل غرفة ذات خرسانيه وحوائط من‬
‫مباني الطوب كاالتى ‪-:‬‬
‫تكون القاعدة من الخرسانة العادية ذات أبعاد تزيد بمقدار ‪15‬سم عن األبعاد الخارجية للغرفـة‬
‫وبسمك ‪150‬مم وتكون من خليط خرساني بنسبة ‪ 0.80‬متر مكعب زلط ‪ 0.40 ،‬متر مكعب‬
‫رمل ‪ 300 ،‬كيلو جرام أسمنت بورتالندى عادى ‪.‬‬
‫تبنى حوائط الغرفـة بسمك طوبه ( ‪250‬ملليمتر) من الطوب األسمنتي المصمت بمونة‬
‫أسمنتية بنسبة ‪300‬كجم ‪/‬متر مكعب رمل وتكون أبعاد الغرفة تسمح بتركيب الجاليتراب‬
‫بسهولـه وتسمح بـعمل الوصالت الالزمة ‪.‬‬
‫ويتم بياض حوائط الغرفة من الداخل بمونة أسمنتية بنسبة ‪300‬كجم أسمنت‪/‬متر مكعب رمل‬
‫وبتخانه ‪20‬مم مع تنعيم األسطح جيدا ويمون للغرفة غطاء من الزهر ‪.‬‬

‫‪ 4/2/2/4‬أغطية غرف التفتيش ‪-:‬‬

‫(أ) يعمل غطاء غرف التفتيش من الحديد الزهر الرمادي الجيد ذى الحبيبات المتجانسة من‬
‫النوع المطابق للمواصفات القياسية المصرية رقم (م‪.‬ق‪.‬م‪ )1‬مصبوبات "الحديد الزهر الرمادي "‬
‫على أن يتم الصب داخل قوالب من الرمل‪ ،‬ويكون الحلق والغطاء ‪ ،‬خاليا من أى تلف أو‬
‫شروخ أو عيوب الصناعة ويتم طالؤهـا بمركب بتومينى من نوع ال يلين حتى درجة ‪75‬م‪،‬‬
‫وال يفقد مرونته فى درجة الصفر ‪.‬‬
‫تكون أبعاد وأوزان األنواع المختلفة لألغطية حسب المبين بالجدول التالي مالم يذكر‬ ‫(ب)‬
‫في جدول الكميات ‪-:‬‬

‫الوزن الكلى‬ ‫المقاس الخارجي‬ ‫الوصف‬ ‫الدرجة‬

‫‪ 254‬كجم‬ ‫‪0.81 × 0.81‬‬ ‫غطاء مربع مزدوج‬ ‫أ‬
‫‪ 228‬كجم‬ ‫‪0.76 × 0.76‬‬ ‫غطاء مربع مزدوج‬ ‫أ‬
‫‪ 154‬كجم‬ ‫‪0.62 × 0.62‬‬ ‫غطاء مربع مزدوج‬ ‫أ‬
‫‪ 137‬كجم‬ ‫‪0.76 × 0.76‬‬ ‫غطاء مربع مزدوج‬ ‫ب‬
‫‪ 125‬كجم‬ ‫‪0.62 × 0.62‬‬ ‫غطاء مربع مزدوج‬ ‫ب‬
‫‪ 78‬كجم‬ ‫‪0.76 × 0.76‬‬ ‫غطاء مربع مزدوج‬ ‫ج‬
‫‪ 44‬كجم‬ ‫‪0.62 × 0.62‬‬ ‫غطاء مربع مزدوج‬ ‫ج‬
‫‪ 59‬كجم‬ ‫‪0.76 × 0.76‬‬ ‫غطاء مربع مزدوج‬ ‫ج‬
‫‪ 35‬كجم‬ ‫‪0.62 × 0.62‬‬ ‫غطاء مربع مزدوج‬ ‫ج‬
‫‪ 25‬كجم‬ ‫‪0.32 × 0.32‬‬ ‫غطاء مربع مزدوج‬ ‫ج‬

‫األغطية الخاصة بتحمل األحمال العالية والتي تركب في الطرق الرئيسية‬ ‫درجة (أ) ‪:‬‬
‫ويتحمل مرور عربات وزنها حتى ‪ 12‬طن ‪.‬‬
‫درجة (ب) ‪ :‬األغطية التي تتحمل أحماال متوسطة ‪ ،‬والتي تركب في الطرق الثانوية ‪ .‬وفى‬
‫األفنية ‪ ،‬وتتحمـل مرور عربات وزنها حتى ‪ 5‬طن ‪.‬‬
‫درجة (ج) ‪ :‬األغطية الخفيفة التي تركب في األرصفة واألماكن التي ال تتعرض لمرور‬
‫العربات ‪ .‬ويثبت الغطاء بواسطة أربعة مسامير برمه نحاس برأس مربعه ‪.‬‬

‫‪ 4/2/2/5‬غرف التفتيش ( من المباني ) ‪-:‬‬

‫تبنى غرف التفتيش فى األماكن المحددة على الرسومات ‪ ،‬باألبعاد واألعماق المطلوب فى‬
‫دفتر البنود والكميات وحسب ما يأتي ‪-:‬‬
‫(أ) تعمل القاعدة من الخرسانة العادية بحيث تكون أبعادها أكبر من األبعاد الخارجية للغرفة‬
‫بمقدار ‪ 300‬مم وتخانه ‪200‬مم متر للغرف بعمق حتى ‪ 1.5‬متر وبتخانه ‪250‬مم للغرف التى‬
‫بعمق حتى ‪ 2.5‬متر ‪ ،‬وبتخانه ‪300‬مم لما زاد عن ذلك وتعمل الخرسانة من خليـط مكون‬
‫بنسبة‪ 0.80‬م‪ 3‬زلط ‪ 0.40 ،‬م‪ 3‬رمل ‪300 ،‬كجم أسمنت بورتالند عادى ‪.‬‬
‫(ب) تبنى حوائط الغرف بالطوب األسمنتي المصمت من فرز الدرجة األولى ‪ ،‬ويتم البناء‬
‫بمونة أسمنتية بنسبة ‪300‬كجم أسمنت بورتالندى عادى للمتر المكعب رمل‪ ،‬وتكون خانة‬
‫الحوائط ‪ 0.25‬متر ( طوبه ) للمتر األول من العمق‪ 0.38 ،‬متر (طوبه نصف) للمتر الثاني‬
‫من العمق ‪ ،‬ثم ‪ 0.51‬متر (طوبتين) لما زاد عن ذلك ‪ .‬مع مراعاة عمل التدرج من الخارج‬
‫ويكون السطح الداخلي مستويا ومستقيما ورأسيا‬
‫(ج) يتم بياض الحوائط الداخلية بمونة أسمنتية بنسبة ‪350‬كجم أسمنت بورتالندى عادى للمتر‬
‫المكعب رمل وبتخانة ‪20‬مم ‪ ،‬مع استدارة الرزوايا الداخلية بنصف قطر ‪30‬مم‬
‫(د) يعمل فى القاع مجارى التصريف على شكل نصف دائرة باألقطار واألشكال والفروع‬
‫المطلوبة ‪ ،‬ويتـم تشكيل هذه المجارى بالخرسانة العادية باستعمال زلط رفيع ( من‬
‫‪15-5‬مم ) من خليط بنسبة ‪0.80‬م‪ 3‬زلط ‪0.40 ،‬م‪ 3‬رمل ‪ 300 ،‬كيلو جرام أسمنت مع‬
‫خدمة السطح وتنعيمها جيدا ‪.‬‬
‫(هـ) الغرف التي يزيد عمقها عن ‪ 1.50‬متر يركب لها درج من الحديد الزهر حسب ما‬
‫سيذكر الحقا فى الفقره (ح) ‪.‬‬
‫(و) يغطى سطح الغرف الكبيرة ببالطة من الخرسانة المسلحة بتخانه ‪150‬مم ‪ ،‬ويتم تسليحها‬
‫بأسياخ حديد قطر ‪19‬مم فى االتجاهين على أبعاد ‪10‬سم من المحاور ويركب فى وسطها غطاء‬
‫من الحديد الزهر بالمقاس والنوع المطلوب فى دفتر البنود والكميات وحسب مواصفات المادة‬
‫‪. 11-2-3-4‬‬
‫ويركب للغرف الصغيرة غطاء من الحديد الزهر بالمقاس والنوع المطلوب فى جداول‬
‫الكميات وحسب الماده ‪. 11-2-3-4‬‬
‫(ز) إذا زاد الفرق بين منسوب مدخل الفر عه الداخلة لغرفة التفتيش ومنسوب القاع عن ‪0.60‬‬
‫متر فيركب فى نهاية الفرعه مشترك بباب كشف وماسورة من الـ (‪ ) PVC‬بنفس قطر‬
‫الفرعه ( هدار ) ‪.‬‬
‫‪ 4/2/2/6‬غرف التفتيش من الخرسانة‬
‫تنشأ غرف التفتيش من الخرسانة العادية فى األماكن المحددة على الرسومات باألبعاد واألعماق‬
‫المطلوبة وحسب المطلوب فى دفتر البنود والكميات والرسومات التنفيذية ومثل ما جاء فى‬
‫المادة ‪ 4/3/2/6‬ولكن تكون حوائط غرف التفتيش من الخرسانة العادية من خليط مكون بنسبة‬
‫‪ 0.80‬متر مكعب زلط ‪ 0.40 ،‬متر مكعب رمل ‪ 300 ،‬كجم أسمنت بورتالندى عادى ‪.‬‬
‫‪ 4/2/2/7‬غرفة تهدئه‬
‫تنشأ غرفة التهدئة من الخرسانة العادية مقاسها وعمقها حسب المبين بالرسومات ودفتر البنود‬
‫والكميات وحسب المذكور فى المادة رقم ‪. 4/2/2/5‬‬
‫‪ 4/2/2/8‬ميزراب لصرف مياه المطر من البالستيك ( ‪) PVC‬‬
‫ميزراب لصرف مياه المطر بالشرفات أو األسقف المكشوفة من مواسير ( ‪ )PVC‬بالقطر‬
‫الموضح بدفتر البنود والكميات أو الرسومات التنفيذية مشطوفة الطرف الظاهر على زاوية ‪45‬‬
‫درجة بطول يبرز عن الحائط الخارجي بقدر ‪30‬سم مع أعمال التثبيت والتحبيش والتقطيب‬
‫ونهو العمل نظيفا كامال ‪.‬‬
‫‪ 4/2/2/9‬ميزراب أو جرجورى لصرف المطر من ( ‪ ( ) PVC‬زاوية أو قمع )‬
‫ميزراب جرجورى من الزهر بالقطر الموضح بدفتر البنود والكميات أو الرسومات التنفيذية‬
‫مصفاة من الزهر لتصريف مياه األمطار ويشمل الثمن الدهان وجهين ببوية مقاومة للصدأ‬
‫ووجهين ببوية الزيت ‪ .‬كما يشمل الثمن أيضا ثقب المباني والتحبيش ‪.‬‬
‫‪ 4/2/3‬القياس والمحاسبة‬
‫‪ 4/2/3/1‬تقاس المواسير البالستيك الخاصة بالصرف والتهوية الداخلية بالمقطوعية طبقا‬
‫للكميات الواردة بالمقايسة اال إذا طلب فى دفتـر البنود والكميات األعمال بالمقطوعية و في‬
‫هذه الحالة يتم المحاسبة طبقًا للكميات طبقًا لمقايسة األعمال سواء زادت او نقصت بالطبع و‬
‫على المقاول مراجعة الحصر عند التسعير‪ .‬وتقاس المواسير البالستيك الخاصة بالصرف تحت‬
‫األرض بالمتر الطولي شامل الحفر والردم والخرسانات‬
‫ـة الزهــ‬
‫ـاملة األغطيـ‬
‫‪ 4/2/3/2‬تحسب الجاليترابات وغرف التفتيش والتهوية والتهيئة شـ‬
‫ـاه الصـ‬
‫ـع ميـ‬
‫ـع ورفـ‬
‫ـات التجميـ‬
‫وغرف الترسيـب وميزرابات صرف المطر وخزانـ‬
‫بالبدرومات وخـزانات التحليـل بالمقطوعية لكل نوع شاملة جميع أعمال الحفــر وصــلب‬
‫الجوانب ونزح المياه إذا لزم األمر وأعمـال المبنى والخرسانات وأعمال الردم ونقــل زائــد‬
‫الحفر إلى المقالب العمومية ‪.‬‬
‫‪ 4/2/3/3‬تحسب الطلمبات الغاطسة الخاصة برفع مياه الصرف أو مياه المجارى بالمقطوعية‬
‫شاملة جميع أنواع التوريد والتركيب لجميع ما ذكر من مواصفات خاصة بها ‪.‬‬
‫‪ 4/2/4‬االختبارات واستالم األعمال‬
‫‪ 4/2/4/1‬يتم اختبار مواسير الصرف والتهوية ولحامتها وذلك بعد تركيب المواسير وقبل‬
‫توصيل األجهزة الصحية بها ‪ .‬للتأكد من عدم وجود أى تسرب للمياه أو الغازات بها ويتم‬
‫االختبار عن طريق أحد الطرق اآلتية ‪-:‬‬
‫(أ) اختبار الماء ‪-:‬‬
‫يتم اختبار المواسير سواء عن طريق ملئها جميعا بالمياه أو عن طريق تقسيمها إلى أجزاء‬
‫وذلـك بسد جميع الفتحات (بخالف أعلى فتحات ) بطبات خاصة ال يؤثر تركيبها وإزالتها على‬
‫سالمة المواسير وقطعها الخاصة ثم يتم ملئ الجزء المراد اختباره بالمياه من أعلى نقطه بحيث‬
‫ال يقل ضغط االختبار عن ارتفاع عامود من المياه قدره ‪ 3.00‬متر ‪ /‬مع األخذ في االعتبار أن‬
‫تظل المياه في المواسير لمدة ‪ 15‬دقيقة على األقل قبل بدء عملية التفتيش على اللحامات‬
‫والوصالت ومالحظة أى تسرب ‪.‬‬
‫(ب) اختبار الهواء ‪-:‬‬
‫يتم اختبار المواسير جميعها أو عن طريق تقسيمها إلى أجزاء ‪ .‬وذلك بسد جميع الفتحات‬
‫بالمواسير (عدا فتحة االختبار) بطبات خاصة ال يؤثر تركيبها وإزالتها على سالمة المواسير‬
‫وقطعها الخاصة ويتم توصيل فتحة االختبار بجهاز ضاغط للهواء ‪ .‬ويتم ضخ الهواء حتى‬
‫الوصول إلى ضغط منتظم قدره ‪0,344‬كجم ‪/‬سم‪5( 2‬رطل ‪ /‬بوصة المربعة) أو ما يكفى‬
‫لمعادلة من الزئبق ارتفاعة ‪ 25.4‬سنتيمتر (‪10‬بوصة) أو ما يكفى لمعادلة عامود من الزئبق‬
‫ارتفاعة ‪ 25.4‬سنتيمتر ( ‪ 10‬بوصة ) وبحيث ال يحدث أى انخفاض فى هذا الضغط لمدة ‪15‬‬
‫دقيقة على األقل ‪.‬‬
‫‪ 4/2/4/2‬بعد تركيب جميع األجهزة الصحية وملئ سيفوناتها بالمياه يتم اختيار جميع‬
‫توصيالتها وجميع المواسير لتكون مانعه لنفاذ المياه والغازات وذلك عن طريق أحد االختبارات‬
‫اآلتية ‪-:‬‬
‫(أ) اختبار الهواء ‪-:‬‬
‫يتم سد نهايات المواسير العلوية المفتوحة ثم يتم ضخ الهواء فى مواسير الصرف والتهوية‬
‫باستخدام منفاخ يدوى يتصل بمانومتر (‪ )U gauge‬مملوء بالمياه يوضع ويتصل بسيفون‬
‫مرحاض أعلى دور ويتم الضخ حتى الوصول إلى ضغط ‪38‬مم ‪ .‬ويجب اال يحدث انخفاض فى‬
‫الضغط لمدة ‪ 3‬دقائق ‪ .‬وإذا حدث هبوط فى الضغط فيتم مالحظة أماكن التسريب بوضع رغوة‬
‫صابون حول الوصالت وعند طهور فقاعات حول أى وصله أو لحام يجب إصالح العيب‬
‫ومنع التسرب ثم تعاد التجربة لحين ثبوت الضغط ‪.‬‬
‫(ب) اختبار الدخان ‪-:‬‬
‫يتم ضخ دخان كثيف فى مواسير الصرف والتهوية بواسطة ماكينة أو ماكينات خاصة بذلك ‪.‬‬
‫وعند ظهور الدخان فى النهايات العليا المفتوحة لألعمدة يتم سد هذه الفتحات ويتم الضـخ حتى‬
‫الوصـول إلى ضغط يسـاوى إرتفـاع عامود مياه ‪ 2.45‬سنتيمتر( ‪ 1‬بوصة ) ويالحظ أى‬
‫تسرب للدخان ‪ .‬فإذا حدث تسرب تعاد التجربة‪.‬‬
‫‪ 4/2/5‬طلمبات المجارى الغاطسة ‪Submerged Sewage Pumps‬‬
‫يجب أن تكون مجموعة طلمبات المجارى الغاطسة مكونة من عدد (‪ )2‬طلمبة مجارى غاطسة‬
‫وتكون كل طلمبة والرفع طبقا لقائمة الكميات والرسومات وهى كما سبق بمواصفات طلمبات‬
‫المياه مـع مراعاة ما يأتى ‪-:‬‬
‫(أ) يجب أن تكون الطلمبة مصممه خصيصا لرفع مياه المجارى المحتوية على أجسام صلبة‬
‫قطرها يحدد بقائمة الكميات دون حدوث انسداد بمجارى المراوح أو المواسير ‪.‬‬
‫(ب) يجب أن يكون معدن المروحة (أو المراوح) وجسم الطلمبة وكافة األجزاء الداخلية‬
‫مصنوعة من المعادن أو المواد المقاومة للصدأ ولتأثير األحماض التى قد توجد بمياه المجارى‪.‬‬
‫وأن تكون ذات صالدة عاليه لمقاومـة االحتكاك باألجسام الصلبة التى قد توجد بمياه المجارى‪.‬‬
‫(ج) يفضل فى هذا النوع أن يتم توصيل فتحة الطرد بالطلمبة بأول ماسورة الطرد الصاعدة عن‬
‫طريق الضغط ووزن الطلمبة بمشتمالتها فقط دون استعمال مسامير أو جوانات (‪Slide‬‬
‫‪ )fitting‬وذلك تسهيال لعملية الفك والتنظيف وإجراء ما يلزم من وإصالح ‪ .‬وفى هذه الحالة‬
‫يلزم أن تكون الطلمبة مزودة بدالئل توجيه أو مرشدات على شكل مواسير أو قضبان أو أسالك‬
‫صلب غير قابل للصدأ موازية لخرطوم الطرد الصاعد والذي يكون في هذه الحالة من‬
‫الكاوتشوك المرن المسلح ‪.‬‬
‫(د) يجب تزويـد الطلمبات بوسيلة مناسبة لرفعها وخاصة فى حالة الطلمبات ذات القدرات‬
‫الكبيرة والوزن الثقيل ‪.‬‬
‫(هـ) يجب تزويد الطلمبات بوسيلة تشغيل أوتوماتيكية (عوامة كهربائية) وذلك لتشغيل الطلمبة‬
‫فى حالـة وصول مياه البيارة إلى المنسوب األقصى وإيقافها فى حالة وصولها إلى الحد األدنى‬
‫(و) يفضل فى حالة تشغيل مجموعة مكونة من عدة طلمبات من هذا النوع ‪ .‬أن تزود‬
‫بالتوصيالت الكهربائية الالزمة لتشغيل أحداهما فى حالة االرتفاع منسوب المياه داخل البيارة‬
‫حتى منسوب معين يحدد بالتصميم ‪ .‬ثم تعمل األخرى مع األولى معا فى حالة ارتفاع المنسوب‬
‫أكثر من ذلك ‪.‬‬
‫(ز) يفضل أن تسمح التوصيالت الكهربائية بتشغيـل إحدى الطلمبات بالتبادل أوتوماتيكيا كل‬
‫فترة تشغيل طبقا لما سيحدد المقايسة ( ‪. ) Cascade‬‬
‫(ح) يجب أن تكون الطلمبات من نوع صامد تماما لتسرب الغازات لكي تكون مقاومة‬
‫الحتماالت االنفجار طبقا للمواصفات العالمية ‪ .‬وذلك تجنبا الحتمال حدوث انفجارات قد تنشأ‬
‫نتيجة تسرب غازات عضوية قابلة لالشتعال والتي قد تتولد بالبيارة فى حالة تسربها إلى‬
‫التوصيالت الكهربائية داخل الطلمبة ‪.‬‬
‫(ط) تعمل الطلمبة عن طريق لوحة تحكم كهربائية طبقا للمذكور ببند طلمبات المياه ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -‬وحدة القياس ‪ :‬بالمقطوعية ‪-‬‬
‫مجموعة الطلمبات كاملة بكافة المشتمالت والتوصيالت حتى تعمل على الوجه األمثل‪.‬‬
‫أعمال شبكــــة الحــريـــق‬

‫المجـال‪:‬‬ ‫‪-1‬‬
‫يتضمن هذا الباب أعمال شبكه الحريق وما تشمله من معدات وتركيبات ومواسير وكــذلك‬
‫طرق القياس واالختبارات‪.‬‬
‫ـاء ومشـ‬
‫ـرات اإلطفـ‬
‫يجب علي المقاول اعتماد جميع حنفيات الحريق ومشتمالتها وبكـ‬
‫ووصالت عربات اإلطفاء (الراكور السريع) وأجهزة إطفاء الحريق التي تحتوي علي غاز ثاني‬
‫أكسيد الكربون أو التي تحتوي على السوائل الرغوية من إدارة الدفاع المدني والحريق بالمنطقة‬
‫التي سيقام بها المشروع‪.‬‬
‫ويجب تركيب حنفيات الحريق وبكرات اإلطفاء ووصالت عربات اإلطفاء (الراكور الســريع)‬
‫وأجهزة إطفاء الحريق في أماكن يسهل الوصول إليها الستخدامها وعمل الصيانة الدورية لها‪.‬‬
‫‪-2‬مواصفات بنود األعمـال‪:‬‬
‫‪ 2-1‬حنفية إطفاء حريق على الحائط‪:‬‬
‫حنفية إطفاء حريق من النوع الذي يركب على الحائط أو داخل الحائط حسب المطلوب تتكــون‬
‫من األتي‪:‬‬
‫‪ -‬حنفية الحريق قطر ‪ 2.5‬بوصة من البرونز المصقول كروية الشكل من الطــراز الــذي‬
‫ـا مخـ‬
‫ـة ولهـ‬
‫يركب على الحائط ذات مدخل بشفة (فلنش) لتركب على عامود التغذيـ‬
‫منفرج الزاوية ولها يد طارة وراكورمن الطراز السريع‪.‬‬
‫ـقفه من‬
‫ـه وسـ‬
‫‪ -‬دوالب مقاسه ‪0.85×1.00‬متر وعمقه ‪ 0.35‬متر ‪ ،‬ظهره وجوانبه وقاعـ‬
‫الصاج المجلفن سمك ‪3‬مم ويكون الهيكل من زوايا حديد قطاع ‪5 × 38 × 38‬مم تجمع‬
‫سويا بطريقة اللحام الكهربائي ‪ ،‬وللدوالب باب كريتال فارغ وزجاج سمك ‪3‬مم مكتــوب‬
‫عليه باللون األحمر كلمة (حريق) وله مفصالت من الحديد المجلفن وقفل بمفتاح على أن‬
‫يكون الزجاج سهل الفك والتركيب ويثبت بواسطة زوايا ألومــنيوم ذات جــودة عاليــة‬
‫ومسامير ذات القالووظ لسهولة تغيير الزجاج ‪ ،‬ويدهن الدوالب من الــداخل والخــارج‬
‫وجهين بريمر وثالثة أوجه ببوية الزيت باللون المطلوب‪.‬‬
‫‪ -‬خرطوم اإلطفاء بنفس قطر الحنفية بطول حسب المذكور في دفتر البنود والكميات ويكون‬
‫من نسيج الكتان الجاف طويل التيلة والمعالج كيميائيا ضد العفن و الطفيليات أو المكســي‬
‫ـة على أن‬
‫ـات دائريـ‬
‫من الداخل بالمطاط‪ ،‬ويكون من النوع المرن الذي يسهل طيه في لفـ‬
‫يطابق الخرطوم المواصفات القياسية المصرية رقم (م‪.‬ق‪.‬م ‪()95‬خراطيم إطفاء الحريـ‬
‫الكتانية) ‪ ،‬ويركب لكل خرطوم راكورين من البرونز من الطراز السريع يــركب كــل‬
‫منهما على أحد طرفي الخرطوم‪.‬‬
‫ـد قطـ‬
‫‪ -‬بوري من النحاس األحمر بطول ‪0.45‬متر بمداخل ذي راكور من البرونز يعتمـ‬
‫ـا المشـ‬
‫ـيقام بهـ‬
‫ـتي سـ‬
‫مخرج البوري من إدارة الدفاع المدني والحريق بالمنطقة الـ‬
‫‪.‬ويركب الخرطوم والبوري بداخل الدوالب ويرتكز علي حوامل من النحاس المصــقول‬
‫من النوع الخاص السهل االستخدام‪.‬‬
‫‪ -‬محبس سكينه قطر ‪3‬بوصة من البرونز يركب على الواصلة بين العامود الرأسي والحنفية‪.‬‬
‫‪ 2-2‬وصلة لعربة اإلطفاء ( وصلة راكور سريع للتوصيل بطلمبة عربة اإلطفاء ) ‪:‬‬
‫وصلة راكور سريع لإلطفاء من عربات اإلطفاء تتكون من محبس سكينة وصمام ضد الرجوع‬
‫ضغط عالي من البرونز قطر ‪ 3‬بوصة يتم وضعهما علي ماسورة ‪ 4‬بوصة متصلة بالشبكة ‪.‬‬
‫‪ 2-3‬جهاز إطفاء حريق (طفاية) بودرة ‪:‬‬
‫جهاز إطفاء الحريق اليدوي الذي يعمل بالمسحوق الكيماوي الجاف ويتكون من المادة المناســبة‬
‫للغلق والتصريف وجهاز لبيان الضغط داخل االسطوانة ( مانومتر ) ويكون الجهاز بسعة سـ‬
‫كيلو جرام ويزود الجهاز بيد ذات متانة عالية لحمله وكذلك قطعة للتعليق علي الحائط ويــدهن‬
‫السطح الخارجي ببوية الفرن باللون األحمر وتغطي القمة باللون األصفر ويجب أن يكــون ذو‬
‫كفاءة عالية في إطفاء جميع أنواع الحرائق ‪ ،‬علي أن يكون جهاز اإلطفاء مطابقًا للمواصــفات‬
‫القياسية المصرية رقم ( م‪.‬ق‪.‬م ‪ " ) 734‬أجهزة إطفاء الحريق " ‪.‬‬
‫‪ 2-4‬جهاز إطفاء حريق بغاز ثاني أكسيد الكربون ‪:‬‬
‫ـادة المناسـ‬
‫جهاز إطفاء الحريق اليدوي الذي يعمل بغاز ثاني أكسيد الكربون ويتكون من المـ‬
‫للغلق والتصريف وجهاز لبيان الضغط داخل االسطوانة ( مانومتر ) ويكون الجهاز بســعة ‪10‬‬
‫كيلو جرام ويكون صمام جهاز التشغيل من البرونز يركب له خرطوم من المطاط يتحمل ضغط‬
‫اختبار ال يقل عن ‪ 15‬كجم‪/‬سم‪ 2‬ويزود الجهاز بيد ذات متانة عالية لحمله وكذلك قطعة للتعليق‬
‫علي الحائط ويدهن السطح الخارجي ببوية الفرن باللون األحمر وتغطي القمة باللون األصــفر‬
‫ويجب أن يكون ذو كفاءة عالية في إطفاء جميع أنواع الحرائق ‪ ،‬علي أن يكون جهاز اإلطفــاء‬
‫مطابقًا للمواصفات القياسية المصرية رقم ( م‪.‬ق‪.‬م ‪ " ) 735‬أجهزة إطفاء الحريق‪-‬بغاز ثــاني‬
‫أكسيد الكربون " ‪.‬‬

‫االختبارات واستالم األعمال ‪:‬‬ ‫‪-2‬‬

‫ـطة إجـ‬
‫ـريع) بواسـ‬
‫تختبر حنفيات المطافئ وكذلك وصالت عربات اإلطفاء (الراكور السـ‬
‫تجارب الضغط المائية وذلك عن طريق ملئ المواسير المغذية لها بالمياه ببطء عن طريق طلمبة‬
‫ـل إلي ضـ‬
‫يدوية خاصة باالختبارات ويتم التخلص من الهواء ثم يتم ضغط المياه حتى نصـ‬
‫اختبار قدره ‪ 15‬بار أو مرة ونصف ضغط التشغيل أيهما أكبر لمدة ‪ 24‬ساعه بدون حدوث أي‬
‫ـه بواسـ‬
‫ـدم هبوطـ‬
‫ـة عـ‬
‫تسرب أو هبوط في الضغط ويتم قراءة الضغط المطلوب ومالحظـ‬
‫‪ Pressure‬ذو قدرة مناسبة علي تحمل ضغوط التجـ‬
‫ـارب‬ ‫استخدام مقياس ضغط ‪Gauge‬‬
‫وفي حالة ظهور أي عيوب أو رشح يتم اإلصالح وتعاد التجربة مره اخري لمده ‪ 24‬ساعه‪.‬‬
‫وتختبر مواسير الصلب المسحوب علي ضغط اختبار ‪ 15‬بار أو مرة ونصف ضغط التشــغيل‬
‫أيهما أكبر‪.‬‬
‫القياس والسعر ‪:‬‬ ‫‪-3‬‬
‫ـذلك‬ ‫‪ -‬تحسب حنفيات المطافئ وبكارات اإلطفاء ودواليب حفظ لوازم اإلطفـ‬
‫ـاء وكـ‬
‫وصالت عربات اإلطفاء (الراكور السريع) بالمقطوعية شاملة جميع أنواع التوريد‬
‫ـات إلي المقـ‬
‫ـل المخلفـ‬
‫والتركيب بما في ذلك جميع أعمال الحفر والردم ونقـ‬
‫‪ -‬تحسب أجهزة اإلطفاء التي تعمل بالمسحوق الكيماوي الجاف والـ‬
‫تركب علي الحوائط بالمقطوعية شاملة جميع أنواع التوريد والتركيب‬
‫بما في ذلك جميع أعمال الثقب والتثبيت والتحبيش والتقطيب ونهــو‬
‫العمل نهوًا نظيفًا كامًال‬

‫‪ -‬تحسب مواسير الصلب المسحوب بالمتر الطولي شاملة جميع أنـواع‬

‫ـدهانات والتثـ‬
‫ـات والـ‬
‫ـالت واللحامـ‬
‫التوريد والتركيب والوصـ‬
‫ـع عمـ‬
‫ـامال مـ‬
‫ـًا كـ‬
‫ـوًا نظيفـ‬
‫والتحبيش والتقطيب ونهو العمل نهـ‬
‫االختبارات االزمه لذلًك ‪.‬‬
‫أعمال التكييف‬




Summer: 41 degrees C dry bulb

30 degrees C wet bulb
Winter: 9.6 degrees C.


Summer: 22 degrees C
50% relative humidity
Winter: 22 degrees C

2102 SHOP AND INSTALLATION DRAWINGS: prepare composite installation

drawings and sections to a scale of not less than 1/50 showing clearly how work will
be installed in relation to the work of other trades.

2111 FURTHER DRAWINGS: during the progress of the work, submit coordinated
shop-drawings, to 1/20 or 1/10 scale, as required by the Engineer

2151 ENGINEER'S DRAWINGS are generally diagrammatic and not to be scaled.

Measurements are to be made from established benchmarks.

2152 ENGINEER'S DRAWINGS: check all architectural, structural and electrical

drawings in laying out work to verify adequacy of space in which work is to be
installed. Notify the Engineer where space appears inadequate.

2201 MINOR CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS may be made in layout to

prevent conflict with work of other trades or for proper execution of the work.

2211 CO-OPERATE with other trades to permit their work to be installed

satisfactorily and with minimum interference or delay.

2221 CO-ORDINATE space conditions where work will be installed in close

proximity to and may interfere with work of other trades, and accept responsibility for
the sufficiency of shafts and chases, clearance in double partitions, suspended ceilings
etc. for proper installation of the work.

2231 FURNISH to other trades templates, patterns, setting out plans and shop details
necessary for proper installation and coordination of adjacent work.

2241 PROTECTION: close open ends of work with temporary covers or plugs
during storage and construction.

2301 INSTRUCTION MANUALS: provide six copies in bound booklet form

containing the following information:

 brief description of each system and piece of equipment with basic

operating features
 descriptive literature of equipment and components with
manufacturer's name, model number, capacity rating and operating
 service manual prepared by manufacturer for every major piece of
equipment giving operating and maintenance instructions, starting and
shut-down instructions, lubrication instructions and list of possible
breakdown and repairs
 manufacturer's list of general spare parts for every piece of equipment
with unit prices
 manufacturer's list of recommended spare parts for one year of
operation of each piece of equipment with unit prices
 detailed and simplified one line colour coded flow diagram of each
system with tag number, location and function of each valve and
 detailed and simplified colour coded as-installed wiring diagrams of
motor controllers and automatic controls with tag number, location and
function of each instrument and electrical device with description of
sequence of operation and interlocks.

2302 INSTRUCTION MANUALS: submit in draft form for review and approval
prior to final issue at least four weeks in advance of completion date of the system.

2351 RECORD DRAWINGS: submit an approved complete set of as-built drawings

and electrical wiring diagrams in tracing or other reproducible form.

2401 SAMPLES: submit for approval samples of proposed materials and



3101 ACCESS: install work to be readily accessible for operation, maintenance and
repair. Approved deviations from the Drawings may be made to accomplish this.

3111 GROUP TOGETHER as practicably as possible concealed valves and devices

to be easily accessible through access doors.

3121 PURPOSE: access doors are to be provided for the operation of concealed
dampers, damper quadrants, controls, valves, traps, vents, drains, cleanouts, motors,
air filters etc.

3141 DETAILS: access doors and frames are to be provided by others. Provide
details, dimensions and locations of access doors required and submit for approval in
sufficient time to enable access doors to be installed during normal course of work.

3151 IDENTIFICATION: access doors are to be identified to indicate location of

concealed work. Method and schedule for identification of access doors is to be


4051 NAMEPLATES: each piece of equipment to have a certified nameplate at a

conspicuous location, permanently attached at factory, printed or stamped clearly with
name and address of manufacturer, equipment model number, serial number, date of
manufacture, electrical characteristics, performance rating or duty, pressure,
temperature or other limitations and other pertinent data.

4101 LABEL AND IDENTIFY equipment, instruments, controls, electrical devices,

valves etc. as to duty, service or function. Label controls and electrical devices to
indicate clearly what they control.
4131 LABELS: attach to equipment etc. or to adjacent permanent surfaces in an
approved permanent manner

4132 LABELS: laminated Bakelite with black surface, white core and incised
lettering in English.
4201 TAGS: 50 mm diameter by 1.5 mm thick aluminium sheet with stamped
numbers and letters filled with black paint, complete with heavy aluminium or brass
hooks or chains.

4211 TAG controls and instruments that cannot be easily identified with Bakelite

4212 TAG valves and controls, except equipment shut off valves located at

4251 LABELS AND TAGS: submit for approval a schedule of equipment and
devices to be labelled and tagged, with suggested nomenclature.

4301 CHARTS are to be prepared of schematic flow diagrams of each piping system
with location and function of each valve and with type and size of each essential
feature of the system.

4302 CHARTS: prepare schedules for equipment lubrication and maintenance and
essential operating instructions.

4303 CHARTS: submit for approval.

4304 CHARTS: mount on wooden plaques or 6 mm Masonite boards, cover with

heat bonded clear plastic laminate or frame under glass, and permanently fix with four
brass screws at approved locations.


5051 INSTRUCT AND TRAIN Employer's designated personnel in the operation

and maintenance of every part, device and piece of equipment in the system, with
emphasis on proper start-up and shut-down procedures, preventive maintenance and
lubrication procedures with recommended lubricants, overhaul and maintenance
methods, adjustment and calibration of instruments and controls, use of special tools
and safe practices.

5061 EXPENSES: the Employer will bear all expenses of his personnel allocated for


6051 AFTER INSTALLATION IS COMPLETE, operate system for time required

to complete tests specified under TESTING, BALANCING AND ADJUSTING, to
demonstrate performance in accordance with design requirements and to provide
instruction and training to the Employer's designated personnel.
6061 COMMENCEMENT DATE: obtain approval of commencement date.


7051 EQUIPMENT is to operate under all conditions of load without objectionable

noise or vibration.

7101 NOISE AND VIBRATION noticeable outside a room in which moving

equipment is installed, or annoyingly noticeable inside the room, will be considered

7151 NOISE LEVEL resulting from equipment and heard in the same building or
nearby buildings is not to exceed 40 decibels as measured with a standard sound level
meter on the 'A' scale.

7201 CORRECTION: conditions considered objectionable are to be corrected by

approved means and as directed.

7211 METHOD OF CORRECTION: noise is to be corrected by addition of sound

absorbers in ducts, by internal duct lining, by installation of sound barriers or
dampeners on walls and/or ceilings of equipment rooms or by other method to
produce satisfactory noise levels.

7251 VIBRATION CONTROL is to be by approved vibration isolators applied and

installed in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.


If during guarantee period any piece of major equipment is replaced or rebuilt, the
guarantee period is to be extended to cover a full season of proper operation of that

8201 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION: provide necessary skills and labour to

assure proper operation and to provide regular and preventive maintenance required
for equipment and controls during guarantee period on a continuous 24 hour basis.

8202 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION: act promptly to correct problems

arising in operation of equipment or system.

8203 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION: provide the Employer with monthly

inspection certificates of equipment, record findings on a check list, and certify that
each piece of equipment has been examined, is operating as intended and has been
properly maintained as recommended by the manufacturer.

8204 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION: check all controls monthly to

ascertain that they function as designed.

1. Factory assembled single piece air-cooled water chiller as

specified in the B.O.Q and Equipment Schedule Drawings
complete with necessary tools and tackles for operation and
2. Make available at site the manufacturer’s factory trained
technical representative to coordinate the initial startup, testing
and commissioning of theunits.
3. Testing (factory and field), commissioning, supervision, training
of client’s representatives as well as complete the related
4. Eurovent certifiedperformance.
5. Technical data in accordance to EN14511.
6. Sound pressure level (calculated according to ISO 3744 at 10 m
distance from theunit).
7. Sound power level measurements made in compliance with ISO
9614 for Eurovent certified units, in compliance with ISO 3744
for non-certifiedunits.
8. Unit selection is based on 105 oF ambient temperature, if the
manufacturer does not rate the unit at 105 oF ambient
temperature, the contractor has to select the next higher capacity
to that rated at 95 oF ambienttemperature.
9. The ecological refrigerant R134a, without negative impact on
stratospheric ozone layer (ODP=0), is characterized by low
pressures compared to other refrigerant so it allows to work with
higher evaporating temperatures, proper of tropical climate
10. The unit contains all factory wiring, piping, controls, refrigerant
charge, multiple refrigeration circuits set, compressors, electronic
expansion valves and equipment required prior to fieldstart-up.
11. Chillers shall employ multi compressors and may be direct
expansion or floodedtype.
12. Chiller shall house multiple compressors (at least two no).
13. Compressors shall be hermetic type, tested and validated for
trouble free longlife.
14. Separate independent refrigeration circuit shall be incorporated
along with isolation of power so that one compressor and
refrigerant circuit can be undertaken for maintenance keeping the
others intooperation.
15. In case of compressor motor burnt out in one circuit, the other
circuit in the same housing shall be inoperation.
16. The chiller shall be factory performancetested.
1. Chillers shall be rated in accordance with Parameters indicated in
Schedule of Quantities. Pressure vessels shall be designed,
constructed, tested, and stamped complete with all devices in
accordance with latest ANSI / ASHRAE / ASME codes
2. The make of the Chillers shall be of approved make as indicated in
3. The chiller complete shall be designed / manufactured and
applicable Standards and Codes of: ARI 575 - ASME CODE -
– B 9.1 - ANSI – B 31.5 - ISRO R281

1. Unit construction shall comply with Europeandirectives:

 Pressurized equipment directive (PED)97/23/EC

 Machinery directive 98/37/EC, modified.
 Low voltage directive 73/23/EEC, modified
 Electromagnetic compatibility directive 89/336/EEC, modified, and
the applicable recommendations of European standards:
 Machine safety: electrical equipment in machines, general
regulations, EN60204-1
 Electromagnetic emission EN50081-2.
 Electromagnetic immunity EN50082-2.
 Unit shall be designed, manufactured and tested in a facility with a
quality assurance system certified ISO 9001.
2. Unit shall be run tested at the factory.
3. Unit components shall be capable of withstanding 68°C storage.


Outdoor type Air Cooled Chiller packages shall consist of compressors

– motor units, condenser coils, condenser fans, chiller, receiver,
refrigerant piping and fittings, refrigerant feeding devices, valves,
strainer, liquid moisture indicator, suction line insulation, first
charge of oil and gas, starter panel and microprocessor panel etc.,
all the components being mounted on welded steel base frame; the
base frame structural profiles and panels made of galvanized sheet
steel shall be protected with primary coating and finished with
acrylic paint. The machine shall be mounted on vibration isolators.
The package shall be suitable for outdoor installation; in other
words, no weather protection of any kind by way of wall or roof is
The machine mounted microprocessor panel and starter panel shall
be suitable for outdoor application and shall conform IP 55 grade
protection. The panel shall incorporate main disconnect switches
and fuses for individual motors, contactors, over load relays, single
phase preventers, under/over voltage trip, on/off push buttons,
auxiliary contacts, etc., if required. The disconnect switches
provided shall be suitable for terminating aluminum conductor
PVC cables.
Unit frame and casing:

1. The casing and structure of the Chiller unit shall be of robust

construction and suitable for outdoorinstallation.
2. The panels shall be of heavy gauge, hot dip galvanized steel and
they shall be assembled with folded joints. Where and if ferrous
materials are used, whether for supporting structure or for any other
system or for components shall be given one coat of epoxy primer
and two coats of epoxy paint of approvedcolor.
3. The tenderers shall bring out clearly (and in detail), the details of
construction of the equipment offered by them, high lighting, in
particular, the thickness and kind of materials used, manufacturing
4. techniques employed, finish provided for weather protection, etc.,
5. Frame shall be made of steel section and protected by two layers of
protection (primer and final coating of paint) with an average
thickness of 200microns.
6. The control box plates shall be steel with a paint finish as per

1. Unit shall have field accessible hermetic/semi-hermetic screw

compressors type with least sound power level andvibration.
2. Direct/gear drive, high speed and of horizontaltype.
3. Each compressor shall be equipped with a discharge shut-off valve.
4. Capacity control shall be achieved by means of switching on/off one
compressor as per system demand governed by chilled water outlet
temperature, or capacity control slidevalve.
5. Motor shall be cooled by suction gas and protected by internal
winding temperaturesensors.
6. Lube oil system shall include oil sump heater and differential
pressure refrigerant oil flow system, external filter capable of
filtration to 5microns.
7. The oil separator, separated from the compressor, shall not require
8. Each compressor and oil separator shall be installed within an
insulated acoustic enclosure with removable panels to facilitate
9. Multiple pressure lubricated bearing of class 5 type-designed for life
of themachines.
10. To have step less loading and unloading feature as to have part

1. Evaporator shall be tested and stamped in accordance with
applicable European pressure code for a refrigerant-side operating
pressure of 2100 kPa and for a maximum water-side pressure of
2. The evaporator shall be mechanically cleanable, shell-and-tube type
with removableheads.
3. Tubes shall be internally and externally grooved, seamless- copper,
and shall be rolled into tubesheets.
4. Shell shall be insulated with 19 mm closed-cell foam with a
maximum K factor of 0.28 (min.) or equivalent material to avoid
condensation at 35 oC and 80% RHsimultaneous.
5. Evaporator thermal insulation shall be factory fitted with aluminum
cladding/alternative method as approved by the manufacturer to
provide mechanical protection and ensure protection against
6. The evaporator shall have a drain and vent in eachhead.
7. The evaporator shall incorporate an active refrigerant level control
system to ensure optimum heat transfer performance under all
8. Chiller shall have preferably one water inlet & outlet connection
with Victaulic couplings to avoid vibrations transmission and accept
small misalignment. This coupling is not included in the B.O.Q as a
separate item for pricing purpose.
9. Evaporator shall be fitted with water flowswitch.

1. The Condenser shall be of Air – cooledtype.

2. The condenser coil shall be made out of copper tube expanded into
continuous aluminum fins and arranged in a “V” configuration to
offer self-protection againsthail.
3. The coils shall be sized so as to optimize performance with respect
to air flow rate, pressure drop, condensing temperature, power
consumption, etc., Thus the values furnished for the parameters of
the coil furnished in the Schedule of equipments shall be regarded as
suggested values rather than specifiedvalues.
4. The condenser coils shall include integral sub-cooling circuits and
shall be constructed from a single material throughout to eliminate
the risk of galvaniccorrosion.
5. The condenser coils shall be designed to limit the system charge to
the minimum nevertheless if they do not themselves have adequate
capacity to hold the entire charge in the system, receivers shall be
provided. The following specifications shall apply for thereceiver:
 The capacity of the receivers shall be adequate to hold the entire
charge of the system when filled up to only 80% of itscapacity.
 The receiver shall be constructed using MS plates of adequate
thickness for the shell. Dished ends shall be provided for theends.
 The receivers shall be complete with the liquid inlet, liquid outlet
(with dip tube) and safety relief valve, purge valve, sight glass and
all other standardaccessories.
 During normal operation, the receiver will be isolated from the
refrigerant circuit so that, subcooling can be obtained. Isolating as
well as bypass valve shall be provided for this purpose.
 The receiver shall be tested for the same pressure as the condensers.
 The receiver shall be installed either below the condenser (in shade)
or as a part of the water chillingmachine.
6. The condenser coils shall be tested for a minimum of 30 kg/
(420 psig). In the field, the condenser shall be tested to a pressure of
not less than 20 kg/ (350psig).
7. The condenser coils shall be provided with protective wire mesh to
protect the fins from external damage orabuse.

Condenser Fan/Motor:

1. The air-cooled condenser shall incorporate necessary number of

propeller fan assemblies of adequate size and capacity, to obtain the
required airflow rate under operatingconditions.
2. The fan shall be balanced both statically anddynamically.
3. The fan motor shall be of TEFC squirrel cage construction and to IP-
55 protection. Wherever condensers with discharge of hot air in the
vertically upward direction are involved, special care must be taken
to ensure that the fan motors are suitable for thispurpose.
4. The motor shall be suitable for outdoor installation and also for
location in the stream of hot air leaving the condenser coil.
5. Condenser-fan motors shall be 3-phase type with permanently
lubricated bearings and Class Finsulation.
6. Condenser fans shall be direct-driven, multi-bladed, shrouded- axial
propeller type, shall be statically and dynamically balanced, and
made of recyclable material with inherent corrosionresistance.
7. Air shall be discharged verticallyupward.
8. Fans shall be protected by coated steel wiresafety-guards.

Refrigeration circuits:
1. Refrigerant circuit components shall include, compressor, high side
pressure relief devices, compressor discharge, suction and liquid line
shutoff valves, filter driers, moisture indicating sight glasses, long
stroke electronic expansion device, and complete operating charge of
both refrigerant and compressor oil.
2. To facilitate service and maintenance and avoid refrigerant charge
transfers, it must be possible to isolate the following components and
systems independently: filter driers, expansion devices and
compressor (with compressor suction service valve as anoption)

1. Unit controls shall include as a minimum: microprocessor with non-
volatile memory, the LOCAL/OFF/REMOTE selector and a touch-
2. Pressure sensors/pressure gauges shall be installed to measure
suction, dischargepressure.
3. Thermistors shall be installed to measure cooler entering and leaving
temperatures and outside airtemperature.
4. Unit shall be capable of performing the followingfunctions:
 Automatic changeover and cycling of compressors to equalize
running hours and number ofstarts.
 Capacity control based on leaving chilled fluid temperature with
return fluid temperaturesensing.
 Enable reset of leaving chilled water temperature according to the
return watertemperature.
 Provide a dual set point for the leaving chilled water temperature
activated by a remote contact closure signal or by the built in
 Allow to enable unit start-up control, demand limit and set-

1. The chilling machine complete with base frame and spring isolator
arrangement shall be installed over a cement concrete platform.
2. The isolation arrangement shall be adequate for the Chiller package
as well as for all services connections as per manufacturer’s
recommendations and standards to eliminate transmission of
vibrations to the buildingstructure.

1. Screw water chilling machine shall be finished with durable enamel
paint. Shop coats of paint damaged during shipment or erection shall
be rectified thoroughly and then coated with enamel paint to match
the finish over the adjoining shop-painted surfaces.
1. Display module shall be capable of displaying set points, system
status including temperatures, pressures, current for each
compressor, run time and percentloading.
2. The control system shall allow a quick test of all machine elements
to verify the correct operation of every switch, circuit breaker,
contactor etc. before the chiller isstarted.
1. Unit shall be equipped with all necessary components, and in
conjunction with the control system shall provide the unit with
protection against thefollowing:
 Loss of refrigerantcharge.
 Reverserotation.
 Low chilled watertemperature.
 Currentimbalance.
 Compressor thermaloverload.
 Automatic compressor unloading in case of excessive air temperature.
 Highpressure.
 Electricaloverload.
 Loss of phase/phasereversal.
2. Fan motors shall be individually protected by a circuit breaker.
Control shall provide separate general alert (minor incident) and
alarm (circuit down) remoteindication.
Electrical Characteristics:

1. Unit shall operate on 3-phase power supply withoutneutral.

2. A factory-installed transformer shall supply control voltage.
3. Unit shall be supplied with factory-installedelectrical disconnect/isolator
switch integrating mainfuses.
4. Unit shall have a factory-installed starter to limit electrical

1. The chiller shall be site tested for establishing the capacity and
power consumption. Refrigeration capacity shall be computed
from measurement of water flow and entering & leaving water
temperatures on chiller side. Flow measurement shall be through
flow meters/pressure drop vs flow chart of the evaporator
furnished by the vendor at the time of submitting the bid.
Computed results shall tally with the specified capacities & power
consumption figures furnished with the tender offer. Test shall be
carried outon:
 The compressor-motor side for power consumption and also the
capacity from the Chillerside.
 All meters, gauges thermometers, watt-meters shall be provided by
contractor with dulycalibrated.
 All necessary pipe-fittings required for insertion of orifice plate
assembly shall be provided by contractor during pipinginstallation.
 For multiple unit installation test on one prototype unit shall
2. For payment, entire water chilling package with all accessories,
starters, controls, control panel, control wiring, insulation,
vibration mounts, refrigerant piping, refrigerant and oil charge,
erection, commissioning and testing shall be regarded as oneunit.

Codes and standards

1. The design, materials, construction, manufacture, inspection and
performance testing of horizontal centrifugal pumps shall comply
with all currently applicable statutes, regulations and safety codes in
the locality where the equipment is to be installed. Nothing in this
specification shall be construed to relieve the contractor of
2. The equipment supplied shall comply with the latest applicable
American, British or equivalentstandards.
• ANSI - American National StandardsInstitute.
• NEMA - National Electrical ManufacturersAssociation
• UL - Underwriters LaboratoriesInc.
• ETL - Electrical TestingLaboratories
• CSA - Canadian StandardsAssociation.
• NEC - National ElectricalCode.
• ISO - International StandardsOrganization
• IEC - International ElectrochemicalCommission.

Design requirements
1. The total head capacity curve shall preferably be continuously
rising towards the shut off. In case of unstable (dropping)
characteristic the duty point shall be well away from the
2. The shut off head shall be at least 110% of the totalhead.
3. The required NPSH at duty point shall be at least 1.0M less than
the availableNPSH.
4. Pumps shall run smoothly without undue noise and vibration. The
noise level shall be limited to 85 DBA at a distance of 1.8M.
Vibration shall be limited to class IIC of BS 4675 Part –1.
5. The power rating of the pump motor shall be the larger of the
 The maximum power required at the dutypoint.
 110% of the power required at the dutypoint.
6. Pumps of a particular category shall be identical and shall be
suitable for parallel operation with loadequalizing.
7. Components of identical pumps shall beinterchangeable.

Features of construction
1. Bearing shall be grease lubricated and shall have a minimum life
of 40,000 hours ofworking.
2. Replaceable shaft sleeves shall be provided to protect the shaft
where it passes through stuffingbox.
3. Stuffing box shall be of such design that it can be repacked without
removing any part other than the gland and lantern ring.
Mechanical seals shall be provided for all pumps. If required, a
flushing line shall be furnished, complete with strainer and orifice,
from the pump discharge to the sealing face. When pumping liquid
is not suitable for this purpose, a flushing connection shall be
provided so that it can be connected to an externalsource.
4. Pump shall be furnished complete with flexible coupling. Back- pull
out pump shall be provided with spacer typecoupling.
5. Coupling guard made of expanded metal and bolted to the base plate
shall be furnished for all coupledpumps.
6. All accessories required for proper and safe operation shall be furnished along
7. All incidental piping (including valves) required for sealing,
lubrication and cooling for stuffing box packing and/or bearing of
pump shall be furnished by theContractor.
8. Pumps shall be provided from the factory assembled and complete
with their electric motors mounted on a common steel/cast iron or
fabricated steel base and properlyaligned.
9. Pumps and motor base shall be supported on an isolated reinforced
concrete foundation as detailed on thedrawings.
10. Pump and motor base shall be aligned and levelled throughout the
length and width of the base and where necessary suitable shims shall
be provided under the base to facilitatelevelling.
11. Pump and motor base shall be secured to the foundation with proper
size anchor bolts and completely grouted in to provide a rigid non-
12. Pump and motor shall be realigned in the field after grouting in of
base and connectingpiping.
13. Piping shall be supported independently of pump nozzles to prevent
piping weight or stresses from bearing on or being transmitted to the
14. Pumps shall be located in accessible locations for ease of repair
15. Drains for packing glands and base shall be piped to the nearest floor
drain orsump.
16. Where required by pump design and recommended by the
manufacturer, a clean water supply shall be provided for cooling and
lubrication of shaft packing or mechanicalseals.Pumps shall be
provided with shaft packing or mechanical seals compatible with the
pump design and nature of liquid pumped in accordance with
manufacturer’s recommendations or as specified for
17. Pressure ratings suitable for the service and operatingconditions.
18. Pump common type, materials, and accessories:
Type Centrifugalpump.
Casing: High quality cast iron split volute
casing. Impeller: High quality Bronze impeller.
Mechanical Seals: Stainless steel.
Accessories: Vibration isolators,airvents, air
separators and allvalves.
19. Where corrosion can occur, appropriate corrosion resistant materials
and assembly methods shall be used including isolation of dissimilar
metals against galvanicinteraction.
20. Pumps shall be provided from the factory with plugged connections
for casing vent, drain and suction and discharge pressuregauges.
21. Pump impellers and rotating assemblies shall be statically and
dynamically balanced at thefactory.
22. Packing rings shall be installed in alternative layers staggered at right
angles to eachother.
23. The packing shall be tightened for seal while permitting the
prescribed amount of leakage forlubrication.
24. Mechanical seals shall be installed and aligned in accordance with
25. Before operating pumps, care shall be taken to ensure that the pump
is properly lubricated, the rotating element rotates freely by hand, the
casing is vented and full of water, the direction of rotation is correct,
the strainer is clean and the suction and discharge valves areopen.
26. Pumps shall operate in a stable manner without pulsation, noise,
vibration or cavitation throughout their full capacity range.
27. Pumps shall be selected so that their operating point of specified flow
and head falls at the point of maximum efficiency as obtained from
manufacturers’ published data. A pump will not be approved if it is
selected to operate near the end of itscurve.
28. The horsepower rating of the motor driving the pump shall be of
sufficient magnitude to ensure non-overloading of the motor
throughout the capacity range of the pump for the impeller
29. Electric motors shall always be specifically supplied for the available electric current
voltage and frequency. Motor speed shall not exceed 1450 rpm unless
Tests and inspection
1. A standard hydrostatic test shall be conducted on the pump casing
with water at 1.5 times the maximum discharge head or twice the
rated discharge head., whichever is higher. While arriving at the
above pressure, the maximum suction head shall be taken into
account. The hydrostatic tests on the casing shall be conducted for a
minimum duration of 30minutes.

Performance Test
Standard Running Test
1. The pumps shall be tested as per standard, at rated speed at sub-
contract’s works to measure capacity, total head, efficiency and
power. The negative on efficiency shall be limited to2.5%
2. These tests shall form the basis for acceptance of pumps except for
vibration and noise. The pumps shall be tested over the range
covering from shutoff head to be the maximum flow. The duration
of the test shall be minimum onehour.
3. Minimum five readings approximately equidistant shall be taken for
plotting the performancecurves.
4. NPSH Tests: NPSH tests shall be conducted with water as the

Mechanical Balancing

1. In addition to static balancing, impeller and balancing drum shall

be balanced dynamically at or near the operating speed.
Field Testing

1. After installation, the pumps shall be subjected to

testing at site as well. If the field performance is found
not to meet the requirements regarding vibration and
noise as specified, the equipment shall be rectified or
1. The scope of this section comprises the supply and installation of
pipes, pipe fittings and valves, testing and balancing of all water and
refrigerant piping required for the complete HVAC system complete
as indicated on the variousDrawings.
2. All piping inclusive of fittings and valves shall follow the

Pipe Sizes
1. Pipe sizes shall be as required for the individual fluid flows.
Various pipe sizes have been indicated on the Drawings, these are for
Contractor’s guidance only and shall not absolve the contractor of his
responsibility for providing smooth noiseless balanced circulation of
fluids to meet the system requirements.

Codes and Standards

The following standards are referred to in this
Part: ASTM A53 Schedule 40 Steel Pipe
BS 10 Flanges for bolting pipes, valves and fittings
BS 21 Pipe threads for tubes and fittings where pressure-type joints
are made on threads (metric dimensions)
BS 916 Black bolts, screws and nuts
BS 2871 Copper and copper alloys. Tubes
BS 1387 Screwed and socketed steel tubes and tubulars for plain
end steel tubes suitable for welding of for screwing to BS 21 pipe
BS 1845 Filler metals for brazing
BS 1965 Butt-welding pipe fittings for pressure purposes
BS 3505 Unplastisized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) pressure pipes
for cold potablewater
BS 4504 Circular flanges for pipes, valves and
fittings (PN designated)
BS 6755 Testing of valves

Pipe Work - General:

1. All pipework shall be free from surface or general corrosion and
without any signs ofscaling,
pitting or excess weathering. Any pipework so affected shall be
replaced at no cost to the contract.
2. Each length of pipework shall have at least one colored
identification band or identifying mark, when delivered. All
pipework shall be supplied in the manufacturer straight random
lengths, but not less than 6m long except where shorter specific or
flanged lengths between fittings are actually required.
3. All pipework with buildings shall be black steel, to ASTM A53
4. In congested areas where small bore chilled water piping is required,
type K copper piping to BS 2871 with cast bronze non de-zincifiable
fittings may be used subject to the Engineer’s approval, and to a test
of the welding operatives who will be doing the brazing. Brazed
joints are required throughout; no compression fittings will
5. All pipework, pipework fittings, jointing materials and gaskets shall
be stacked in storage sheds in accordance with the
the Project Documentation. The ends of all pipework shall be
protected during transit and storage.
1. Metal pipework may be stacked in the open, provided that such stacks
are, in the Engineer’s opinion, adequately protected from weathering.
The pipework shall be located in steel pipe racks and clear of the
floor, the floor being formed from either timber sleepers or paving
slabs. A watertight lightweight roof shall be provided to extend 450
mm beyond the edges of the stack and tarpaulin or heavy gauge
Polythene sheeting shall be provided to cover allsides.
2. The pipes and fittings beyond stock rust shall not beused.
Pipe Work - Supports:
1. All pipework shall be adequately supported. All support installations
shall be in accordance with relevant standards, except where
modified or extended by the ProjectDocumentation.
2. Support shall allow free movement for expansion or contraction of
pipework and shall be located to ensure that pipework branches or
fittings are not fouled by the support during expansion or
contraction of the pipeworkservice.
3. Double banking of pipework from a single support position will be
permitted, provided the normal operating temperature of the fluids
in the two pipes do not differ by more than 30 ºC, but only where
space restrictions prohibit individual support. Triple banking will
not bepermitted.
4. Where double banking is necessary, the larger of the two pipes shall
be uppermost, and where pipes are the same size but manufactured
from different materials, then the pipe having the material with the
lowest coefficient of expansion shall be uppermost. Support
intervals for double-banked pipework of different sizes shall relate
to the smallersize.
5. Vertical rising pipes shall be supported at the base and the support
shall withstand the total weight of the pipe and fluid contained.
6. Supports shall not be permitted which clamp the pipe so that it in
contact with building fabric orstructure.
7. All supports shall be specifically designed for the outside diameter
of the pipe concerned (including specified packing). Oversized
brackets will berejected.
8. Where non-ferrous pipework is to be supported using ferrous pipe
clamps or rings, an approved plastic coating applied to the clamp or
ring shall be used to prevent contact between the ferrous and non-
ferrous surfaces. Where cast iron rollers are to be used in contact
with copper pipework, these shall be copper-plated.
9. Plastic pipework shall be supported using the pipework
manufacturer’s standard supportclip.
10. Mild steel pipework shall be supported individually by hangers
consisting of malleable split rings with malleable iron sockets or
steel clevis type hangers or roller hangers whereindicated.
11. All chilled water pipe supports shall be mild steel and painted with
a protective coating to suit the environmentalconditions.
12. Copper pipework where fixed against brick or dense concrete
block walls shall be supported using polished cast brass built- in
brackets. Build in brackets shall be long shank type, when
pipework is to insulated or where the finish to the wall surface is
greater than 15 mm, elsewhere build-in brackets shall be the short
13. Copper pipework in exposed positions where fixed against
lightweight hollow block or other patent wall or partitions, shall be
supported using polished cast brass screw onbrackets.

14. All chilled water pipework services shall be supported around the
insulation and not directly around the pipework. Care shall be taken
to ensure the integrity of vapor sealing is not damaged in anyway.
15. It shall be noted that in certain cases it will be necessary to adopt a
combination of the support methods indicated, and when supports
are required to be detailed to suit special site conditions or
requirements, then these details shall be submitted to the Engineer
for approval. Anti-vibration supports shall be fitted at all locations
where pipework vibration is likely to be aproblem.
16. Pipe support spacing shall be as detailed inTable.
Pipe Installation - General:

1. All pipework shall be arranged to set around piers and other

obstructions and minor modifications shall be made as required by
the Contractor to circumvent sitedifficulties.
2. Pipe shall be arranged to follow the contour of walls or beams or
other building structure lines and all vertical pipework shall be
plumb, without offsets and set as close as possible to any local
projections consistent with maintaining adequate clearances for
installation of wall plates orinsulation.
3. Pipework shall be installed so as to give the following minimum
clearances between adjacent services asfollows:
 walls 25mm
 ceilings 50mm
 finished floors either above top of skirting
50 or (if greater)150mm
 adjacent pipes, both insulated 25mm
 adjacent pipes in trench, both insulated 100mm
 adjacent pipe, both uninsulated 150mm
 adjacent pipes, one insulated 75mm
 insulated pipes to adjacent conduit or trunking 100mm
 adjacent electrical cables not in conduit or trunking 150 mm
Notwithstanding the above minimum clearances, sufficient space
shall be allowed to facilitate easy application of insulating materials.
Pipes shall not be enclosed in a common insulating covering.
4. Pipework shall be graded to ensure adequate draining and venting.
Draining and venting facilities shall be fitted at all low and high
points respectively and wherever else necessary to ensure that all
sections and subsidiary sections can be drained and that no air locks
5. The Engineer may at his discretion ask for the removal of installed
pipework for examination. No extra payment will be made when
such removal is called for. If the pipework is found to have been
installed in an unsatisfactory manner, then the complete installation
shall be thoroughly inspected and all unsatisfactory sections shall be
removed and re-fixed in a propermanner.
6. During construction work on all pipework services, care shall be
taken to prevent any foreign matter entering the pipework. All open
ends shall be capped with the appropriate pipework fittings.
Wooden plugs and the like shall not be used. Valves fitted in the
ends of pipework shall not be accepted as a means of preventing the
ingress of foreign materials. Failure to comply with these
requirements shall mean that the Engineer shall have the right to
instruct that pipework so left uncovered to be dismantled for such
lengths as the Engineer requests, and the pipework blown through
and/or cleaned at no cost to thecontract.
7. All pipework fittings shall be installed in such a manner to ensure
that air cannot be trapped and that pipework can be drained.
8. Unequal tees shall be used in preference to equal tees with separate
reducing fittings. Bushes shall not beused.
9. Unequal tees shall be eccentric pattern on horizontal pipework, and
concentric on verticalpipework.
10. Segmented, cut-and-shut, or any other site manufactured bends
or fittings shall not be installed in any section of theWorks.
11. The use of fire or cold pulled bends will not bepermitted.
12. Where weldable steel pipework fittings to BS 1965 are to be used
then branch bends, although not covered by this standard, will be
accepted, but only at the specific location designated by the
Engineer and subject to total approval by theEngineer.
13. Where fittings are connected to light or medium weight pipework
they shall be ‘medium quality, and where connected to
heavyweight pipework they shall be ‘heavy’quality.
14. All fittings, valves, cocks etc., shall be manufactured from
materials guaranteed proof against de-zincification unless
specifically stated otherwiseelsewhere.
15. Only one manufacturer of pipework fitting shall be used for each
differing range of fittingspecified.
16. Reducers on all vertical pipework shall be concentric. In all other
positions eccentric reducers shall be fitted in amanner
to maintain a level bottom and ensure that fluids are not collected
at that point in the system. Where it is not possible to fit
eccentric reducers the Engineers approval shall be obtained
before fitting concentric reducers. Reductions in all cases shall
be made by use of factory made fittings.
17. Sufficient unions or flanges shall be provided to install and
dismantle screwed or solvent jointed sections of pipework. Union
on all steel pipework shall be of malleable iron construction with
spherically ground bronze-to -bronze seats and shall have screwed
ends to BS 21. Union on PVC-U systems shall be factory
manufactured unions appropriate for thepipe.
18. All branches shall be made by easy sweep tees, twin elbows or
sweep crosses. Bends shall be used wherever possible. All sweep
fittings and all sweep bends shall be of the long radius pattern
except where the use of these fittings would stand pipework too
far from wall surfaces and make for unsightly appearance, in
which case short sweep tees and elbows may be used provided that
the Engineer’s written approval is obtained beforehand.
19. Where copper pipework is specified, or allowed, as having bronze
welded joints, the Engineer will allow the use of silver brazed
joints (low temperature brazing) using brazing alloys conforming
to BS 1845 Type CP1 or BS 1845 Type CP2. All details of
inspection and testing procedures for bronze welding shall apply to
silver brazing jointing methods, and all joints shall be made in
accordance with the brazing alloy manufacturer’s
recommendations for the applicationconcerned.

Installation of Steel Pipework

1. Black steel size up to 50 mm will be threaded and size 65 mm and
above will bewelded.
2. Threaded joints shallbe:
(a) screw threads shall be clean andtrue
(b) in addition, all internal threads must be
checked for quality and any with any indication of damage must be
rejected and removed from site. All pipe shall be reamed or scraped
to remove internal burrs afterthreading.
3. Welding piping. Where so shown on drawings, specified or directed,
welded joints, outlets and flanges shall be used. Welded joints may
also be provided elsewhere, where approved by the Engineer, except
on piping small than 80 mm, or at points where it may be explicitly
specified or directed to leave flanged joints in order to facilitate
4. All welded joints (except pipe welded end-to-end) shall be made by
use of forged one-piece welding flanges, caps, nozzles, elbows,
branch outlets and tees as appropriate. Cut samples shall be
submitted for approval if directed. All such fittings etc., shall be of
type which maintains full wall thickness at all points, ample radius
and fillets, and proper bevels or shoulders atends.
5. Splayed type fittings may be used where standard fittings of required
sizes are not available and elsewhere as approved. All job welding
shall be done by the electric arc welding process in accordance with
(a) all joints 45 º bevel type. Pipe shall be mill-beveled
(b) all scale and oxide removed with hammer, chisel or file a
bevel left smooth andclean
(c) pipe lengths lined up straight with abutting pipe ends concentric.

6. Both conductors from the welding machine shall be extended to

locations at which welding work is being done. The leads from
welding machine to locations of welding work is being done. The
leads from welding machine to locations of welding works shall be
held together with tape or other approved means so as to prevent
induced current ins structural steel, in piping or other metals within
the building. The ground lead shall be connected to length of pipe
with suitable clamp in such manner that welding current will not
flow through joints in pipe, structural steel of building or steel
7. Weld metal is to be thoroughly fused with base metal at all sections.
Welds shall be sound metal, free from laps, slag inclusion or
8. All welders shall be certified by the Engineer for the service for
which they are employed and on which theywork.
9. Wherever welded piping connections to equipment, valves, or other
units need maintenance, servicing, or required possible removal, the
connection joint shall be flanged. Pressure rating of the pipe flanges
shall match the pressure rating of the flanges on the equipment to
which the pipingconnects.

Expansion Provisions and Anchor Points

1. All sections of pipework installation shall be installed in such a
manner as to allow expansion and contraction for the pipework,
without causing undue stress in any part of the installation.
2. The stress in the pipework shall be kept below the yield point.
Care shall be taken to prevent branch connections becoming
3. Wherever possible expansion and contraction shall be absorbed
by natural offset and changes in direction of pipe runs. Anchors,
pipe guides and expansion loops shall be provided where shown
or required, to the Engineer’s approval. Do not use screwed
fittings on expansionloops.
4. Wherever it is not possible to accommodate expansion and
contraction of the installations as described above, expansion
devices shall be supplied, erected and connected into the
pipework installation, and the position of these devices shall be
to the approval of the Engineer. ‘Articulated’ expansion devices
shall be fitted on steel pipeworksystems.
5. The exact location and working details including anchor loads of
all expansion devices, guides, anchors, and all associated
equipment shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval prior
to commencement of the installation, carrying the
manufacturer’s confirmation that these are in accordance with
6. Connection to items of plant and equipment shall be made so
that no stress in placed on the equipment or its’ connections. All
expansion devices shall be carefully erected in full accordance
with the manufacturer’s recommendation and instructions, and
be approved by the particular application concerned.
7. No system of expansion control shall be accepted where the
closure of movement exceeds the amount recommended by the
manufacturer when operating form, the cold to the upper limit
working temperature. The minimum temperature difference for
calculation purpose shall be 40ºC for interior pipes, and 50ºC for
exposed or external runs.
8. All anchor points shall be treated as main anchor points; the
practice of utilizing a less substantial anchor for intermediate
positions shall not bepermitted.
9. Where the installation is required to be tested in sections, extra
anchor points shall be installed where necessary, for the
protection of the expansiondevices.
10. Pipework between anchors shall wherever possible be straight,
but where this is not possible, the bracing of all guides shall be
adequate to overcome this resultant turning moment produced by
the offset forces, but the Engineer shall be informed before the
11. Each axial expansion device shall be guided as close as possible
onboth side so the joint, but in no case more than
1.5 diameters away. A further set of guides shall be installed
at a distance of not more than 15 diameters away from the
axial expansion device unless the manufacturer imposes
more stringent requirements.
12. The positioning of anchors and guides immediately adjacent to
angular expansion devices shall be in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendation for the application concerned
and shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval before
installation commences. The remainder of the pipework shall be
set in guides at a maximum of twice the maximum interval for
support spacings specified elsewhere for the pipe size to which
the expansion device isfitted.


1. Flanges shall be of approved make. The supply of flanges shall

form part of piping (not separately identified in Schedule of
Quantities) and shall also include supply of bolts, washers, nuts
and suitable rubber insertion gaskets (minimum 3 mm thick).
2. Flanges shall be provided on the pipework systems wherever
necessary to connect to components, plant or equipment having
flanged connection. In addition, flanges shall be provided where
services are specified elsewhere as having flanged joints.
3. Flanges (including the associated nuts, bolts, and washers) shall be
to the minimum requirements of BS 4504 to suit the conditions
within the pipework or to suit equipment, valves and other
pipework components having flanged connection. Where these
connections have flanges shall be provided to suit the connection
concerned. Where flanges to BS 4504 are not manufactured then
flanges to BS 10 will beaccepted.
4. Flanges shall be bolted up using hexagonal nuts and bolts
manufactured from high tensile carbon steel in accordance with
BS 916 using two flat steel washers, one each side of the
5. Boltthreadsshallnotprojectmorethan3.2mmorlessthan
1.6 mm beyond the nuts when jointed up.
6. Blank flanges where required shall be manufactured from the
same material and same thickness as the flanges to which they
7. Flanges shall be smooth machined across the full width of the
flange and on the edge but may be rough turned on the back.
Flanges shall be drilledoff-center.
8. Flanges shall be mounted square with the axis of the pipe after all
surface scale, oxides, grease, oil and dirt have been removed.
9. Steel flanges shall be provided on mild steelpipework.
10. Cast iron flanges shall be provided on cast ironpipework.
11. Steel and gunmetal flanges shall be of the welding neck pattern,
welded to the pipework in accordance with the general
requirements for welding detailed elsewhere in the Project
12. Flanges shall be finished or coated exactly as specified for the
pipework on which they are to befitted.
13. Composite type flanges having gunmetal inner and steel outer
flanges shall be provided on copperpipework.
14. Flanges for PVC-U pipe shall be to BS 10, Table E with 14 bar
ratings. Backing rings will be provided for sizes of 150 mm and
larger, nominal pipesize.
15. Stub flange assemblies will only be permitted if specifically
requested for specific reason and if thought appropriate by the
16. All items of plan including air heater batteries and fan coil units
etc., shall be capable of being disconnected from connected
pipework services by means of unions, union valves, flanges or
flanged valves. Pipework shall be so arranged to allow the item to

1. Valves shall be provided and installed where required for the
purpose of circulation control and isolation. Valves shall be of full
bore size to suit the mains into which they are installed.
2. All castings shall be clean close-grained metal, free from rough
projections. Screwed valves shall have heavy hexagon
reinforcement threads, ample length threads and heavy shoulder to
prevent over entry of pipes. Flanged valves shall have the flanges
flat faced and of thickness conforming to the appropriate standard
and shall be drilledoff-center.
3. Valves shall have pressure rating as necessary for the service
indicated on the drawing. Samples must be provided for inspection
of the manufacturingmethods.
4. Gate valves for sizes up to 50 mm, shall be bronze non rising stem,
screwed bonnet, one-piece wedge. The casting shall have large
hexagon section at all threads to permit gripping to prevent in
distortion during installation. Pressure rating shall be PN 16bar.
5. Gate valves sizes 65 mm diameter and above shall be cast iron
rising stem, inside screw, bronze trim and flanged to BS 4504.
Pressure rating shall be PN 16bar.
6. Globe valves sizes 50 mm diameter and below shall be bronze
rising stem, screwed bonnet and renewable dynamic disk. The
casing shall have a large hexagonal section at all threads to prevent
distortion during installation. Pressure rating shall be PN 16bar.
7. Globe valves sizes 65 mm and above shall be bronze trimmed cast
iron body valves, with outside screw and yoke, bolted bonnet,
guide feature for disc seating. Pressure rating shall be PN 16 bar.
8. Check valves size 50 mm and below shall be bronze body with
bronze trim, rotating disc with flexible hinge assembly, threaded
access to top. Pressure rating shall be PN 16bar.
9. Check valves size 65 mm and over shall be iron body with bronze
trim, 16 bar, rated rotating disc with flexible hingeassembly,

bolted access to top with outside lever and weight to permit vertical installation if required
10. Non return valves shall be dual plate check valve provided as
shown on the Drawings, and identified in Schedule of Quantities
conforming to relevant Codes and in accordance with the

11. Balancing valves shall be provided at chiller, condenser and each

AHU outlet line. These valves shall have built-in pressure-drop
measuring facility to compute flow rate across the valve. The test
cocks shall be long enough to protrude out of pipe insulation. To
enable accurate and practical operation, measurement of flow and
differential pressure shall be made with a computerized balancing
instrument which shall enable the operator to read the flow directly
without the use of diagrams or tables. In addition to measuring flow
rate, differential pressure and temperature, computerized balancing
instrument shall have a computer programme to provide the
following functions:
 To balance the HVAC installation and calculate the necessary valve
settings based on systemmeasurements.
 To store the results ofbalancing.
 To log measured values from a valve (differential pressure, flowrate
 To printout saved data in computerized measurement protocol
(CMP) consistingof:
- Name and size of Balancing Valve(BV)
- Presetting position ofBV
- DP atBV
- Flow atBV
- DesignFlow
12. Balancing valves up to size 50 mm shall be of bronze body. Valves to
have differential pressure read out ports across valve seat area. Read
out ports to be fitted with internal EPDM insert and check valve.
Valve bodies are to have 6 mm tapped drain/purge port. Valves are to
have memory stop feature to allow valve to be closed for service and
then reopened to set point without disturbing balance position. All
valves to have calibrated nameplate to assure specific valve setting.
Valves to be leak tight at full rated working pressure. All valves to be
provided with molded insulation to permit access for balancing and
13. Balancing valves size 65 mm diameter and above shall be of heavy
duty cast iron flanged construction with flanged connections to BS
4504 PN 16 working pressure. Valves to have memory stop feature
to allow valve to be closed for service and then reopened to set point
without disturbing balance position. All valves to have calibrated
nameplate to assure specific
pressure. All valves to be provided with molded insulation to permit
access for balance and read out.
14. Triple duty valves may be installed on chilled water pump discharge
to perform the functions of a non-slam check valve, throttling valve,
shutoff valve, and calibrated balancing valve. The valve shall be of
heavy duty cast iron construction with 9 bar ASNI flanged
connections suitable for 12 bar working pressure for operating
temperatures up to 120°C. The valve shall be fitted with a bronze
seat replaceable bronze disc with EPDM seat insert, stainless steel
stem, and chatter preventing stainless steel spring. The valve design
shall permit repacking under full system pressure. Each valve shall
be equipped with brass read out valves (with integral check valve) to
facilitate taking differential pressure readings across the orifice for
accurate systembalance.
15. An angle pattern flow straightening suction diffuser may be installed
at the chilled water pump suction connection. Each fitting shall be
equipped with a combination diffuser strainer orifice cylinder, flow
straightening vanes, start-up strainer, permanent magnet and
adjustable support foot. The combination diffuser-strainer-orifice
cylinder shall be designed to withstand pressure differential equal to
the system pump shutoff head and shall have a free area equal to
five times the cross section area of the pump suction opening. The
length of the flow straightening vanes shall be no less than 2 times
the diameter of the system pump suction connection. The flow
straightening fitting shall be of cast iron construction with flanged
system and flanged pump connections. The fitting shall have a
carbon steel combination diffuser-strainer-orifice cylinder with 4
mm diameter perforations to protect the system pump. The full
length carbon steel flow straightening vanes shall provide
nonturbulent flow to the suction side for the system pump. The
magnet shall be positioned in the flow stream to protect the pump
seal(s). The start-up strainer shall beof
16 mesh bronze, and the adjustable support foot shall eliminate pipe
strain at the flow fitting/pump connection. All internal components
shall be replaceable.
16. All valves shall be rated for a working pressure of 16 bar, unless
17. All valves shall be pressure tested at the manufacturer’s works to
18. All threaded valves shall be threaded to BS21.
19. All flanged valves shall be flanged to BS4504.
20. Gate, Globe and butterfly valves conforming to the following
specifications shall be provided as shown onDrawings:

Strainers shall be ‘Y’ type or Pot Strainer.
1. ‘Y’ Strainer shall be fabricated out of MS ‘C’ class pipe two
B.S. 10 shall be provided at inlet and outlet connectors. The body
shall be pressure tested at 10 kg/cm2 and shall be hot dip galvanized.
Permanent magnet shall be provided in the body of the Strainer to
arrest MS particles. Filter element shall be of nonmagnetic 20-gauge
SS sheet with 3 mm perforation. Strainers shall be provided at in let
of each Air Handling Unit and Pump as shown in drawings and
included in BOQ.
2. Pot Strainers body shall be fabricated out of MS plate. Thickness of
sheet shall be as per size of the strainer chamfered pipes with flanges
shall be provided at inlet /outlet connections of the strainer. The
tangential entry of water shall create a centrifugal action and due to
velocity shall separate sediments and deposit on the inner surface of
Filter Element and at bottom of the Strainer. Butterfly valves shall be
provided at inlet / outlet connections as each Air Handling Unit and
Pump as shown in drawings and included in BOQ. shown in drawing
and included in BOQ. The strainer body shall have two separate
chambers properly sealed to avoid mixing of filtered and unfiltered
water. A powerful magnet shall be provided in the body to arrest MS
particles. Filter element of Pot Strainer shall be of nonmagnetic 18-
gauge SS sheet properly reinforced to avoid damage of the element. A
cone with sufficiently large drainpipe with butterfly valve shall be
provided at the bottom chamber to flush-out foreign particles. This
arrangement shall avoid frequent opening of Pot Strainer for cleaning
of filter element. Gauge connection shall be provided at inlet and
3. A set of MS flanges with tongue and groove arrangement and
neoprene rubber gasket shall be provided on the top cover and Pot
Strainer flange with sufficient bolts and nuts to make the joint water
tight. Bearing loaded top cover lifting and swinging arrangement
shall be provided. The Pot strainer body shall be properly de-rusted
and epoxy coated from inside and outside. Manufacturers Test

Certificate shall be provided with each PotStrainer.

4. Strainer shall be full line size located ahead of all pumps and
motorized control valves. Bodies shall be brass, screwed body,

monel metal screen, and 1.4 mm diameter All strainers 65 mm and above shall
.have a 20 mm bleed off/drain tapping and valvefitted

1. Automatic air vent valves of approved make shall be provided at all
high points in the piping system for air venting. These valves shall be
of approved make and necessary draining arrangement shall be
provided in thesystem.
2. Provide air vents at all high points in supply and return piping.
3. Vents will have a positive shut-off, and be connected to the nearest
floor drain by means of a copperpipe.
4. Air vents shall not be installed directly on the pipework but shall be
fitted to air bottles that are adequately sized for the pipe it isventing.
(a) 15 mm - 50 mm air bottles shall be linesize
(b) 65 mm - 100 mm air bottles shall be 50mm
(c) 125 mm -200 mm air bottles shall be 80mm
(d) 250 mm and above air bottles shall be 100mm.
5. The body of automatic air vents shall be bronze with stainless steel
float, lever trams andaccessories
6. A separate gate valve shall be installed below the automatic air vent
to facilitate futuremaintenance.
1. Flow switches shall be provided at the outlet connectionto
2. Flow switches shall be paddle type with bronze constructionfor all
parts in contact with water except the paddle which shall be in
3. Electrical termination box shall be weather protected to IP 65 and
suitable for installation in ambient case temperature up to 85°C.

1. Provide all equipment to enable flow measurement. If indirect
measurements are used, provide all calibration equipment, chartsetc.
2. Provide Binder Sockets suitable for the application of flow sensors at
all locations shown or necessary for all balancing purposes. The
binder test points shall be installed at the followinglocations.
(a) across allcoils
(b) across eachchiller
(c) across each 2 or 3 port controlvalves
(d) across calibratedvalves
(e) across meteringstations.


1. The chilled water system shall be prepared by flushing with clean
water to remove any debris. The system will then be further treated as
2. Prior to testing and commissioning, the Engineer shall be provided
with water conditioning programme, to control water quality.
Cleaning shall be supervised and programme of conditioning
administered by the conditioningcompany.
3. For pre-commission cleaning, the system shall be dosed with the
prescribed amount of the non-acid cleaning agent and a surfactant as
advised by the chemicalcompany.
Cleaner shall be run into the system and retained for a period of 72
hours. or more as advised by the chemical company. At the end of
this period the system shall be drained and flushed with cleanwater.
4. All strainers and trapping points shall be inspected, and any
5. System shall be refilled with clean water, re-circulated or run through
for a further four hours, and again drained and flushed. The flushing
shall continue till the effluent is clear, colourless, odourless, free
from suspended solids and such that the iron level is not more than 10
ppm and the conductivity is no more than make upwater.
6. Upon completion of flushing all strainers shall be inspected and any
7. The system shall be refilled with clean water and a specified amount
of inhibitoradded.
8. The chemical company representative shall conduct an analysis of the
system’s water after the cleaning operation, and shall submit a report
to theEngineer.
1. Wet service thermometers shall be straight shank mercury fill
insertion type. They shall have a stem length of 80 mm and a scale
length of 225 mm, and the capability of adjusting the angle of the
scale to the stem. Provide copper or brass separable wells for each
thermometer with 13 mm MPT connection. The range shall be –6 °C
to 50 °C unless otherwiseadvised.
2. Air service thermometers shall be straight shank mercury fill
insertion type. They shall have a stem length of 150 mm and a scale
length of 225 mm, and the capability of adjusting the angle of the
scale to thestem.
3. Pressure gauges shall have 100 mm diameter stainless steel case,
black figures, forged brass sockets with phosphor bronze bushed
rotary type movement and Bourdon tube. Gauges shall be complete
with impulse dampening insert and T-handle gaugecock.
4. Where the line size is 100 mm or less the gauge is to be installed into
a T-branch with a reducer. For sizes above 125 mm, a splayed fitting
with a threaded joint may be used, subject to the requirements of
Clause 1.1.17 of Part 1 of this Section. 5 Range of gauges shall be
selected such that the operating point is almost midway of the

1. Closed type expansion tank of water capacity not less than 1.0 m3
complete with thermal insulation, metal cladding, and all control
devices, fittings, accessories. components, devices, complete with-but
not limited to: steel base, frame, water shut-off valves, balancing
valves, vent valves, drain valves, level indicator, check valves, air
separator, temperature thermometers and pressure gauges, piping
required to be connected with the system include, fittings, flanges,
bolts, nuts, gaskets, supports and painting, rubber pads for sound,
tags, labels flow indicators and color finishing.
Bearing on the price, samples, supports, expansion .1
and anchor points, flanges, valves, strainers, air
vents, drain valves, flow switches, flow measuring
devices, cleaning, expansion tank, connections,
fittings, strainers, balancing meters, and all sensors,
instrumentation, controls, and all required for
.complete proper and safeoperation
Chilled water cooling coil

1. The typical chilled water piping between the chilled water system
and the air handling unit is a kit contains the: protective (by 0.5 metal
cladding) and thermally insulated Chilled Water Piping, Automatic
Air Vent, Globe Valves, Valve Actuator, Three Way Valve, Balance
Metering Device, Gate Valves, Thermometers, Y-Strainer, Pressure
Gauges, Drain Valve as per drawings, and all needed features for
proper and safe operation as per manufacturingrecommendations.

1.Bearing on the price, samples, all, and all required for complete proper and


1. L1 Casing airleakage.
2. T3 Thermaltransmitt.
3. TB3 Thermalbridging.
4. D1M casingstrength.
5. Compact unitsize.
6. WeatherProof.
7. Double Skin - 50 mm Wall Thickness, Pressure Injected
8. Outer sheet of panels shall be made of galvanized pre- plasticized
sheet of 0.80 mm thick and inner sheet of 0.63 mm Gauge plain
9. Hygienicframe.
10. The entire framework shall be mounted on an aluminum alloy
11. The panels shall be sealed to the framework by heavy-duty `O’ ring
gaskets held captive in the framedextrusion.
12. All panels shall be detachable or hinged. Hinges shall be made of
die cast aluminum with stainless steel pivots, handles shall be made
of hard nylon and be operational from both inside and outside of
13. Units supplied with various sections shall be suitable for onsite
assembly with continuous foam gasket. All fixing and gaskets shall
14. Units shall have hinged, quick opening access door in the fan and
various filtersection.
15. Access doors shall be double skin type and for all sections and shall
be located that unit may be inspected or entered regardless of
16. Condensate drain pan shall be fabricated from 18-gauge stainless
steel sheet with all corners welded. It shall be insulated from
bottom floor panel through 25 mm heavy duty TF expanded
polystyrene or urethanefoam.
17. The units shall be provided with marine lights inside. The lights
shall be ‘ON’ when the door is opened and wiring shall be carried
18. The unit shall be complete with factory fabricated volume control
dampers (opposed blade type) for Fresh Air, Return Air, Supply Air
duct work asdetailed.
19. Also the unit shall be provided with limit switch on the door and
shall be wired as to switch off the blower motor assembly while the
door isopened.
20. The unit shall be provided with necessary knockouts for connection
of services like piping, cabling, ear thingetc.
21. Draw-thrutype.
Chilled Water Cooling Coil:
1. The cooling coil has AHRIcertificate.
2. The cooling or (water/steam) heating coil shall be seamless
imported copper tubes shall have 12.5 mm to 15 mm diameterand
0.41 mm thickness.
3. The coil shall have continuous anti-
corrosive blue coated Hydrophilic
4. 0.16 mm thick aluminum platefins.
5. The fins shall be spaced by collars forming integral part of the fins and the fins
should be firmly bonded to copper tubes assembled in 1.2 mm thick stainless
6. The tubes shall be staggered in the direction of airflow. Face and surface areas
shall be such as to ensure rated capacity from each unit and such that air
velocity across coil shall not exceed 150 meters perminutes.
7. Fins spacing shall be 11 to 13 fins per inch (4 to 5 fins per cm.) Tubes shall be
mechanically expanded for minimum thermal contact resistance withfins.
8. The coil circuit should be sized for adequate water velocity but not exceeding
1.8 m/s (6FPS).
9. The water headers shall be of 1.6 mm thick copper pipes to connect all the
tubes with MSadaptor.
10. The header shall be complete with water in/out connection vent plug at the
highest point and drain at thebottom.
11. Each coil shall be factory tested at 21 kg. Per air pressure underwater.
12. The coil shall be pitched in the unit casing for proper drainage.
13. The condensate drain tray complete with drain connection for proper drainage
shall be constructed out of 1.2 mm stainless steel with welded joints. The drain
pan has connections on both sides.
14. The computerized selection and test certificates for the cooling coil shall be
submitted by themanufacturer.
15. The coil surface area and the number of rows of the coil to be provided in all
the Air Handling Units should meet the system designrequirements.
Fan and Motor:
1. The fan has AMCAstandard.
2. Supply air centrifugalfan.
3. Double width, double inlet (airfoil
backward/forward curved type).
4. Fan casing shall be made of galvanized steelsheet.
5. Fan wheels shall be made of galvanizedsteel.
6. Fan shaft will be grounded C40 Carbon steel and supported in
self-aligned Plummer block operating less than 75% of first
critical speed, grease lubricated bearings. Fan wheels and pulleys
shall be individually tested and precision balanced dynamically.
7. Both fan and motor assemblies shall be mounted on a common
deep section aluminum alloy or galvanized steel (depending on
size) baseframe.
8. Isolation shall be provided from the unit casing by combination
spring and rubber anti vibration mounts and flame retardant,
waterproof neoprene impregnated flexible connection on the fan
discharge complete with 2 inches’ seismic type spring isolators.
9. The fan is supplied with electric motor and connected via 2 V
belts of the oil-resistant type-heavy duty-constantpitch.
10. Fan motor 3 Ph., 50 Hz – totally enclosed induction type –
assembled placed on floating base over vibration isolators (spring
type) – IP55 Protection – Class Finsulation.
11. Motors shall be mounted inside the AHU casing on slide rails for
easy belt tensioning, and be totallyenclosed,
12. Motors shall be especially designed for quiet operation and motor
speed shall not exceed 1440rpm.
13. Motor is selected at 110 % of the fanhorsepower.
All mentioned values for the static pressures required from the air
handling units’ fans are just design values. The contractor is
responsible to calculate (accurately) the required static pressure
values according to the approved shop drawings and
submit/supply/install the suitable fans without any financial

Filters – Pre filters:

1. Each unit shall be provided with a factory assembled filter sections to
accommodate Prefilters.
2. Filter banks shall be easily accessible and designed for easy
withdrawal and renewal of filtercells.
3. Filter framework shall be fully sealed and constructed from
4. Additional one set of air filters of throw type shall be supplied for use
during commissioning stage in addition to the filters (Pre Filters)
 Pre Filter (Polyester or Aluminum material flat filter – Washable –
Angle type) 2 “– G4 - Efficiency range 85 %: 90 % [ASHRAE St.
Test 52-76]. The filter section shall be installed c/w side servicing
filter housing section of appropriate design. The housing shall be
rigid and easily assembled to other system components. Filter panels
shall be easily removable from either side of housing with filter
pullers provided by themanufacturer.
 Bag Filter (Pleated) – F9 - Efficiency greater than 95 % [ASHRAE
St. Test52-76].

Noise Level:
1. The sound pressure level of the unit while in operation shall not
exceed the decibel indicated in the specifications.
1. Vibration isolators shall be provided with all air handling units.
2. Vibration isolators shall be cushy foot mountingtype.

1. Shop coats of paint that have become marred during shipment or
erection shall be cleaned off with mineral spirits, wire brushed and
spot primed over the affected areas, then coated with paint to match
the finish over the adjoining shop painted surface.

Performance Data:
1. Air handling unit shall be selected for the lowest operating noise
level of theequipment.
2. Fan performance rating and power consumption data, with operating
points clearly indicated shall be submitted and verified at the time of
testing and commissioning of the installation.
1. Cooling capacity of various air handling unit models be computed
from the measurements of air flow and dry and wet bulb
temperatures of air entering and leaving thecoil.
2. Flow measurements shall be by an anemometer and temperature
measurements by accurately calibrated mercury-in-glass
3. Computed results shall conform to the specified capacities and
4. Power consumption shall be computed from measurements of
incoming voltage and inputcurrent.

Special Requirements:
1. DischargePlenum.
2. Total Fresh air intake with
suitable size c/w: Bird screen;
galvanized birdscreen.
3. Sand trap; aluminum or
galvanized steel c/w self-
emptying sand drainholes.
4. Motorized/Manual V. Damper;
adjustable, opposed blade with
key operator.
5. Fresh Air Motorized V.Damper.
6. Supply Air Motorized

5. Electric heater stage(s). Each Heating Coil (H.C.) is 4 stages

minimum for dehumidification and heating purposes. The coils
shall be of finned-tube construction with resistance elements
inserted inside tubes. Heaters shall be factory equipped with
magnetic contactor and a high temperature cut-out with manual
reset. Electric heating coils shall be installed in the REHEATING
section in the unit. The unit shall be provided with static pressure
air flow switch that prevents energization when air isinadequate.
6. Factory assembled and built is steam humidifier for humidification
purposes in winter season. The steam humidifier specifications are:
all parts shall be made of corrosion resistance, 303 type Stainless
Steel, self-contained, electronic type c/w electric operated steam
generator, stainless steel dispersion tube, all components and
accessories, all required safety and operating controls including
modulation controls for steam flow, attachments, connections…
etc. for safe and proper operation. The unit shall be c/w high limit
humidistat to stop the humidifier if the relative humidity reaches a
point beyond which condensation may take place. The unit shall
include an air flow switch to stop the unit in case there is no air
flow. The steam humidifier shall be suitable for medical and
pharmaceutical applications. The operation of steam humidifier
shall be controlled from a duct mounted humidity sensor/a room
type humidistat as appropriate.
1. Bearing on the price all required for complete
proper and safe operation.
2. The comparison between submitted types will be
according to the minimum consumed electrical power,
light weight, and compact size.


1. L1 Casing airleakage.
2. T3 Thermaltransmitt.
3. TB3 Thermalbridging.
4. D1M casingstrength.
5. Compact unitsize.
6. WeatherProof.
7. Double Skin - 50 mm Wall Thickness, Pressure Injected
8. Outer sheet of panels shall be made of galvanized pre- plasticized
sheet of 0.80 mm thick and inner sheet of 0.63 mm Gauge plain
9. Hygienicframe.
10. The entire framework shall be mounted on an aluminum alloy
11. The panels shall be sealed to the framework by heavy-duty `O’ ring
gaskets held captive in the framedextrusion.
12. All panels shall be detachable or hinged. Hinges shall be made of
die cast aluminum with stainless steel pivots, handles shall be made
of hard nylon and be operational from both inside and outside of
13. Units supplied with various sections shall be suitable for onsite
assembly with continuous foam gasket. All fixing and gaskets shall
14. Units shall have hinged, quick opening access door in the fan and
various filtersection.
15. Access doors shall be double skin type and for all sections and shall
be located that unit may be inspected or entered regardless of
16. Condensate drain pan shall be fabricated from 18-gauge stainless
steel sheet with all corners welded. It shall be insulated from bottom
floor panel through 25 mm heavy duty TF expanded polystyrene or
17. The units shall be provided with marine lights inside. The lights
shall be ‘ON’ when the door is opened and wiring shall be carried
18. The unit shall be complete with factory fabricated volume control
dampers (opposed blade type) for Fresh Air, Return Air, Supply Air
duct work asdetailed.
19. Also the unit shall be provided with limit switch on the door and
shall be wired as to switch off the blower motor assembly while the
door isopened.
20. The unit shall be provided with necessary knockouts for connection
of services like piping, cabling, ear thingetc.
21. Draw-thrutype.Chilled Water Cooling Coil:
22. The cooling or (water/steam) heating coil shall be seamless imported copper
tubes shall have 12.5 mm to 15 mm diameter and 0.41 mm thickness.
23. The coil shall have continuous anti-corrosive blue coated Hydrophilic
24. 0.16 mm thick aluminum platefins.
25. The fins shall be spaced by collars forming integral part of the fins and the fins
should be firmly bonded to copper tubes assembled in 1.2 mm thick stainless
26. The tubes shall be staggered in the direction of airflow. Face and surface areas
shall be such as to ensure rated capacity from each unit and such that air velocity
across coil shall not exceed 150 meters perminutes.
27. Fins spacing shall be 11 to 13 fins per inch (4 to 5 fins per cm.) Tubes shall be
mechanically expanded for minimum thermal contact resistance withfins.
28. The coil circuit should be sized for adequate water velocity but not exceeding
1.8 m/s (6FPS).
29. The water headers shall be of 1.6 mm thick copper pipes to connect all the tubes
with MSadaptor.
30. The header shall be complete with water in/out connection vent plug at the
highest point and drain at thebottom.
31. Each coil shall be factory tested at 21 kg. Per air pressure underwater.
32. The coil shall be pitched in the unit casing for proper drainage.
33. The condensate drain tray complete with drain connection for proper drainage
shall be constructed out of 1.2 mm stainless steel with welded joints. The drain
pan has connections on both sides.
34. The computerized selection and test certificates for the cooling coil shall be
submitted by themanufacturer.
35. The coil surface area and the number of rows of the coil to be provided in all the
Air Handling Units should meet the system designrequirements.
Fan and Motor:
1. Supply air centrifugalfan.
2. Double width, double inlet (airfoil
backward/forward curved type).
3. Fan casing shall be made of galvanized steelsheet.
4. Fan wheels shall be made of galvanizedsteel.
5. Fan shaft will be grounded C40 Carbon steel and supported in self-
aligned Plummer block operating less than 75% of first critical
speed, grease lubricated bearings. Fan wheels and pulleys shall be
individually tested and precision balanced dynamically.
6. Both fan and motor assemblies shall be mounted on a common deep
section aluminum alloy or galvanized steel (depending on size)
7. Isolation shall be provided from the unit casing by combination
spring and rubber anti vibration mounts and flame retardant,
waterproof neoprene impregnated flexible connection on the fan
discharge complete with 2 inches’ seismic type spring isolators.
8. The fan is supplied with electric motor and connected via 2 V belts
of the oil-resistant type-heavy duty-constantpitch.
9. Fan motor 3 Ph., 50 Hz – totally enclosed induction type –
assembled placed on floating base over vibration isolators (spring
type) – IP55 Protection – Class Finsulation.
10. Motors shall be mounted inside the AHU casing on slide rails for
easy belt tensioning, and be totallyenclosed,
11. Motors shall be especially designed for quiet operation and motor
speed shall not exceed 1440rpm.
12. Motor is selected at 110 % of the fanhorsepower.


All mentioned values for the static pressures required from the air
handling units’ fans are just design values. The contractor is
responsible to calculate (accurately) the required static
submit/supply/install the suitable fans without any financial
Filters – Pre filters:
1. Each unit shall be provided with a factory assembled filter sections
to accommodate Prefilters.
2. Filter banks shall be easily accessible and designed for easy
withdrawal and renewal of filtercells.
3. Filter framework shall be fully sealed and constructed from
4. Additional one set of air filters of throw type shall be supplied for
use during commissioning stage in addition to the filters (Pre
Filters) referredabove.
 Pre Filter (Polyester or Aluminum material flat filter – Washable –
Angle type) 2 “– G4 - Efficiency range 85 %: 90 % [ASHRAE St.
Test 52-76]. The filter section shall be installed c/w side servicing
filter housing section of appropriate design. The housing shall be
rigid and easily assembled to other system components. Filter
panels shall be easily removable from either side of housing with
filter pullers provided by themanufacturer.
 Bag Filter (Pleated) – F9 - Efficiency greater than 95 % [ASHRAE
St. Test52-76].

Noise Level:
1. The sound pressure level of the unit while in operation shall not
exceed the decibel indicated in the specifications.

1. Vibration isolators shall be provided with all air handling units.
2. Vibration isolators shall be cushy foot mountingtype.

1. Shop coats of paint that have become marred during shipment or
erection shall be cleaned off with mineral spirits, wire brushed and
spot primed over the affected areas, then coated with paint to match
the finish over the adjoining shop painted surface.

Performance Data:
1. Air handling unit shall be selected for the lowest operating noise
level of theequipment.
2. Fan performance rating and power consumption data, with
operating points clearly indicated shall be submitted and verified
at the time of testing and commissioning of the installation.

1. Cooling capacity of various air handling unit models be
computed from the measurements of air flow and dry and wet
bulb temperatures of air entering and leaving thecoil.
2. Flow measurements shall be by an anemometer and temperature
measurements by accurately calibrated mercury-in-glass
3. Computed results shall conform to the specified capacities and
4. Power consumption shall be computed from measurements of
incoming voltage and inputcurrent.

Special Requirements:
1. DischargePlenum.
2. ReturnPlenum.
3. Fresh air intake with suitable size c/w:
Bird screen; galvanized birdscreen.
Sand trap; aluminum or galvanized steel c/w self-emptying sand
drain holes.
Motorized/Manual V. Damper; adjustable, opposed blade with key
 Fresh Air Motorized V.Damper.
 Supply Air Motorized V.Damper.
4. Return air intake c/w Motorized/Manual V. Damper; adjustable,
opposed blade with keyoperator.
5. Exhaust air section c/w Motorized/Manual V. Damper; adjustable,
opposed blade with keyoperator.
6. Electric heater stage(s). Each Heating Coil (H.C.) is 4 stages
minimum for dehumidification and heating purposes. The coils
shall be of finned-tube construction with resistance elements
inserted inside tubes. Heaters shall be factory equipped with
magnetic contactor and a high temperature cut-out with manual
reset. Electric heating coils shall be installed in the REHEATING
section in the unit. The unit shall be provided with static pressure
air flow switch that prevents energization when air isinadequate.
7. Factory assembled and built is steam humidifier for humidification
purposes in winter season. The steam humidifier specifications are:
all parts shall be made of corrosion resistance, 303 type Stainless
Steel, self-contained, electronic type c/w electric operated steam
generator, stainless steel dispersion tube, all components and
accessories, all required safety and operating controls including
modulation controls for steam flow, attachments, connections…
etc. for safe and proper operation. The unit shall be c/w high limit
humidistat to stop the humidifier if the relative humidity reaches a
point beyond which condensation may take place. The unit shall
include an air flow switch to stop the unit in case there is no air
flow. The steam humidifier shall be suitable for medical and
pharmaceutical applications. The operation of steam humidifier
shall be controlled from a duct mounted humidity sensor/a room
type humidistat as appropriate.

1. Fabricated with a rigid galvanized steelcasing.

2. The DIDW centrifugal fans have balanced, galvanized steel, and forward
3. Single skin galvanized steel casing with 5mm thickness, 27 kg/m3 high-
density non-flammable PEinsulation.
4. Fan MotorAssembly
 Standard galvanized steel fan wheel with optional aluminum fan wheel
for low noiseapplication.
 The motorcomeswith hermetic aluminum alloy casing and permanently
lubricated ballbearing.
 Themotor has grade B class insulation;withbuilt-in thermalcutout.
 The motor lead-outwiresare enclosed by flexible metal conduit,
providing protection againstdamage.
5. Coil
 The coil can have 3 or 4 rows, with copper tubes mechanically
bonded into corrugated aluminum fincollars.
 Copper fin or hydrophilic bluefin.
 Water inlet / outlet connections are 3/4-inch female pipe thread(BT).
 Header assembly is a one-piece casting, which enables to connect steel
 Coil assembly is tested over 20 kg/cm2 (300psig).
 A manual air vent is fitted with a drain line to the drain pan to avoid any
water drips whenventing.
 A water drain is located at the bottom of the coilheader.
6. DrainPan
 The drain pan is25 mm depthwith 0.8 mm thickness
galvanized steel c/w internal epoxy polyester resincoating.
 The drain pan is sloped towards the drain pipe with a 2 deg. gradient.
 The drain pan has one 1/2-inch male
pipe thread (BT) connection.
 The standard insulation material is 5 mm thickness, 27 kg/m3 density
1. Bearing on the price, all valves, connections,
flanges, fittings, strainers, balancing meters,
complete unit hookup, actuator, thermostat,
control and power cables, and all sensors,
instrumentation, controls, and all required for
complete proper and safeoperation.
2. The cooling capacity is based on EAT 27 oC DB and 19 oC
7 oC and LWT 12 oC.
3. All Sound Pressure Level tested at 1.4 m below the
unit (free return and discharge air wasducted).
4. The remote control is wiredtype.
5. The comparison between submitted types will be
according to the minimum consumed electrical power
and minimum noiselevels.

Centrifugal Inline Exhaust Fans for Operating Theaters and

1. Fan performance must be according to AMCA “Air Movement and
Control AssociationInternational”.
2. DirectDrive.
3. unique combination of installation flexibility, rugged construction,
ease of service, high efficiency and low sound levels.
4. tested in AMCA Accredited Laboratory, and licensed to bear the
AMCA Sound and Air Performanceseals.
5. UL Listed forElectrical.
6. Cabinet Construction: The fan housing is constructed of rigid
structural members and formed galvanized steelpanels.
7. Drive Frame Constructed from heavy-gaugesteel.
8. Wheel an aluminum, backward inclined,
nonoverloading centrifugal wheel is utilized
to deliver maximumefficiency.
9. Duct Collars Inlet and discharge duct collars are provided for easy
10. Motor Permanently lubricated, sealed ball bearingmotors
11. Bearings 100 percent factory tested bearings are designed
specifically for air handling applications with a minimum L10 life
in excess of 100,000 hours (L50 average life in excess of
12. Drive Assembly Drives are sized for a minimum of 150 percent of
driven horsepower. Machined cast iron pulleys are factory set to the
required RPM and adjustable for final system balancing. Belts are
static free and oil resistant. Belt adjustment is accomplished by
loosening fasteners, sliding the motor plate and
13. Fan Shaft Fan shafts are precisely sized, ground and polished so the
first critical speed is at least 25 percent over the maximum
operating speed. Close tolerances where the shaft makes contact
with bearings result in longer bearinglife.
14. Disconnect Switch NEMA-1 disconnect switch is factory-mounted
and wiring is provided from the motor as standard. All wiring and
electrical components comply with the National Electric Codes and
materials are UL Listed. Other NEMA enclosure disconnect
switches areoptional.
15. Access Panels The cabinet construction features two removable
access panels permitting easy access to all interior components.
16. Fan housing shall be "double skin", rigidly built, braced and
17. Fans shall be guaranteed to fulfill the specified requirement without
producing excessive noise anywhere in the system or building.
18. Fan pressure matches the duct flow and fittings loss (acc. to
approved shopdrawings),
Inline & Axial Wall Mounted Exhaust Air Fan for Toilets
1. Axial wall mounted exhaust fans & exhaust in line air fans/w
gravity shutter at discharge side, hangers, supports, canvass duct
connections, electrical power and control cables connection, and all
necessary accessories as per the specifications, drawings, and as
herein specified.

NOTES: For IsolationRooms

1. Exhaust air system from each isolation room shall comprise exhaust
air grilles, fan unit, ducting, exhaust air HEPA filter. Exhaust air
riser, bird screen and an outer self- closing flap. Exhaust air filter
and bird screen shall be similar to that specified above for total fresh
air intake unit. Outer self-closing flap shall be air tight made of
aluminum or galvanized steel. Flap shall open upon operation of
exhaust air fan and close by gravity as itstops.

2. HEPA filter housing shall be a Universal Side Servicing type.

Housing shall be completely factory assembled with upstream &
downstream outwardly-turned flanges for insertion into the ductwork
system as indicated on the attached drawings. Filter cartridges shall
be contained entirely within the housing without projection into the
ductwork. Housing shall be dust tight casing manufactured of
suitably reinforced heavy gauge galvanized steel and shall
accommodate filter-cartridges as specified above. The entire housing
shall be leak tested by pressure to +3" w.g. static pressure and soap-
bubble testing all housing joints, door seals and filter sealing edges.
Quick opening access doors with continuous gasketing on
theperimeter shall be provided at both sides of housing. Doors shall
be provided with factory installed continuous gasketing on the
perimeter and an additional gasket to seal the end filter to the
housing door. Filter housing shall incorporate a suitable filter
clamping mechanism designed to provide a continuous knife-edge
seal for all four edges of each individual filter cartridge.
1. Bearing on the price, all volume dampers, connections, fittings,
and all sensors, instrumentation, controls, and all required for
complete proper and safeoperation.
2. The comparison between submitted types will be according to the
minimum consumed electricalpower.




Galvanized steel to ASTM A526-71 standard for copper bearing steel sheet of
commercial quality, hot-dip galvanized, coating designation G115 or approved
equivalent standard. Minimum weight of zinc coating (total on both sides) 351 g/m2
(1.15 oz per sq ft.)


less than as follows:

Size of Duct U.S. Galvanized Minimum Thickness

Inches Sheet Gauge mm Inches

up to 12 26 0.6 0.0217
13 to 30 24 0.7 0.0276
31 to 54 22 0.9 0.0336
55 to 84 20 1.0 0.0396
85 and larger 18 1.3 0.0516


H205 FLEXIBLE CONNECTIONS: 20 oz chemically impregnated fire retardant

canvas, crimped for flexibility. Length of flexible part to be not less than 150 mm and
not more than 300 mm.

9-1-4 CLAMPING COLLAR for flexible connection to be 30 mm wide x 1.5 mm

thick galvanized sheet steel.

9-1-5 SPLITTER VANES to be galvanized sheet steel blade, at least 1 mm thick,

crimped over at end, attached to a 10 mm diameter pivot rod with flat lugs welded to
rod and bolted to blade with three stove bolts per lug. Rod is to pass through duct at
both ends through tight fitting bushings attached to duct walls. Rod is to completely
clear bushing at one end and pass through damper operating quadrant at other end.

9-1-6 SPLITTER VANES to be operated by damper quadrant from outside the duct.
9-1-7 SPLITTER VANES to be long enough to completely close off air flow to duct
branch on which it is installed.

9-1-8 VOLUME CONTROL DAMPERS: butterfly or multi-blade type, operated by

damper quadrants from outside the duct.

9-1-9 VOLUME CONTROL DAMPERS: butterfly dampers are to be single flat

galvanized sheet steel blade, with pivot rod fitted to center of blade as specified for
SPLITTER VANES. Maximum single dimension is not to exceed 1 m.

9-1-10 VOLUME CONTROL DAMPERS: reinforce butterfly blades longer than

300 mm with 30 x 30 x 3 mm thick angles and fix damper stops of same size angles
inside duct. Fix angles to blade and to duct by rivetting. Angles are not to interfere
with operation of damper or cause additional turbulence.

9-1-11 VOLUME CONTROL DAMPERS: multi-blade dampers are to comprise

linked blades of not less than 1.5 mm thick galvanized sheet steel of maximum 150
mm x 600 mm dimensions, installed inside a galvanized steel frame. Multi-blade
dampers may be either opposed-blade or parallel-blade type.

9-1-12 FIRE DAMPERS: 3 mm thick black steel plate, with frame and blade
designed to cause no obstruction to airflow in the open position. Damper to be
weighted to close promptly when released, regardless of airflow pressure. Blade to be
hung on zinc-coated hinges with loose fitting brass pins and bushings. Blade to close
tightly against angle stops and have retaining springs. Blade to be held open by
fusible link having a melting temperature not higher than 75 deg. C.

9-1-13 DAMPER QUADRANTS: galvanized steel or other corrosion resistant metal,

with lever and lock screw for fixing in any position and to give clear indication of
splitter or damper position.

9-1-14 DAMPER QUADRANTS ON INSULATED DUCTS to be type that mounts

on collar to clear insulation and to suit insulation thickness,

9-1-15 ACCESS DOORS in ductwork to be galvanized steel sheet, fabricated in

same manner as ductwork, braced and reinforced for rigidity and having hinge on one
side and latch on other side.

9-1-16 ACCESS DOORS to be 500 mm x 350 mm except on ducts less than 400 mm
in width where they are to be 500 mm wide with other dimension 50 mm less than
duct width. Access doors may be larger size where required for access.

9-1-17 NUTS, BOLTS, SCREWS AND OTHER HARDWARE: to be of materials

identical or similar to duct to prevent galvanic corrosion. Zinc or cadmium plated
hardware is permitted on galvanized ducts.

9-2-1 HORIZONTAL DUCTS SUPPORTS: trapeze type comprising 50 x 50 x 5

mm angle iron 200 mm longer than duct width, supported from ceiling by two 20 mm
round steel rod hangers with threaded ends, one end fixed to angle with nuts and
washers, other end fixed to ceiling with 20 mm masonry expansion bolts.

9-2-2 VERTICAL DUCTS SUPPORTS: 50 x 50 x 5 mm angle iron riveted to duct

and extended to rest on floor or on similar angles cast in the wall.


9-3-1 DUCT SEALING COMPOUND: as manufactured by 3M, Brand No.700 for

brush application, and Brand No. 90 for other applications, or approved equal.

9-3-2 DUCT SEALING TAPE: as manufactured by 3M, No 474,or approved equal.



9-4-1 CONSTRUCT ductwork in a sturdy, neat, tight manner in accordance with

ASHRAE Standards. Make casing and plenum joints square and remove sharp edges.
Seams are to be double lap. Slip joints to have smooth interior surface, made in
direction of airflow and continuous around four sides. Slips to be at least one gauge
heavier than ducts.

9-4-2 BRACE AND STIFFEN ductwork so that it does not vibrate, rattle, 'breathe' or
sag. Bracing to be on outside of ducts and to consist of standing seams angles and
cross breaking of duct panels.

9-4-3 REINFORCE AND STIFFEN ductwork at damper locations, at access door

locations and at other locations as required.

9-4-4 JOINTS AND SEAMS: make airtight with sealing compound during
fabrication and after erection of ductwork.

9-4-5 CHANGES IN DIMENSIONS AND SHAPE: make with as long a taper as


9-4-6 CURVES, BENDS AND OFFSETS: make with large radii, with average
centerline radius not less than one and a half (1 1/2) times width of duct.

9-4-7 TURNING VANES: provide inside elbows where conditions necessitate

elbows with radii less than 1 1/2 times width of duct. Space turning vanes in
accordance with ASHRAE Standards.
9-4-8 SPLITTER VANES: provide at all branches in duct for adjusting and
balancing airflows to different branches. Fit in duct in an approved manner to prevent
rattling and vibration.

9-4-9 JOINTS BETWEEN DISSIMILAR METALS: make with angle iron

companion flanges separated by compressed asbestos composition gasket.

9-4-9 SCREWS: do not use sheet metal screws in construction of ductwork.

9-4-10 ACOUSTIC LINED DUCTS: make larger to accommodate specified

thickness of lining whilst retaining internal dimensions of duct indicated on the


9-5-1 ROUTE ductwork directly with a minimum of directional changes and abrupt

9-5-2 INSTALL ductwork allowing adequate space for fixing supports and

9-5-3 INSTALL ducts, casings, plenums and hangers straight, plumb and level.

9-5-4 SUPPORT ductwork in a rigid manner to prevent vibration and sagging. Do

not use loose blocking or shimming between ducts and supports or between supports
and structure. Cross break duct panels where required for rigid support.

9-5-5 SUPPORTS: install on outside of ducts. No support or hanger rod is to pierce

or go through duct No sheet metal screws are to be used in attaching supports to duct.

9-5-6 HORIZONTAL DUCTS SUPPORT: maximum spacing of supports is to be

as follows:

Duct Cross-Sectional Area Maximum Spacing of Duct Supports

Up to 4 sq ft 3.0 m
4 to 10 sq ft 2.0 m
Exceeding 10 sq ft 1.2 m

9-5-7 VERTICAL DUCTS: support at each storey height with a minimum of two
supports per duct, one each side.

9-5-8 VERTICAL DUCTS: where more than one duct is supported by a common set
of angles, where span of angles exceeds 2 m or where floor-to-floor height exceeds 4
m, increase size of support as required.

9-5-9 DUCTS PASSING THROUGH STRUCTURE: where ducts pass through

walls, partitions and floors (except in shafts) seal around duct with asbestos rope,
mineral wool or other approved non-combustible material.
9-5-10 PROTECTION: cover open ends of ducts with canvas during construction.

9-5-11 CLEAN ductwork inside and outside before applying insulation and
before installing filters and operating fans.


9-6-1 FLEXIBLE CONNECTIONS: provide between ductwork and air handling

equipment and where indicated. Securely fasten to duct and seal with special sealing
compound. Slip flexible connection over a 100 mm long matching sheet metal sleeve
in the duct and clamp to duct with clamping collar. Secure clamping collar to duct
with galvanized bolts and nuts.

9-6-2 ACCESS DOORS: provide in ducts for access to duct mounted equipment
requiring inspection, maintenance or operation, on entry and exit sides of coils and
fans and on linkage side of dampers.

9-6-3 ACCESS DOORS on insulated ducts are to be insulated in same manner as

duct. Insulate separately to permit opening.

9-6-4 AIR FILTERS in ducts are to be installed in an approved tight manner and
provided with access doors.

9-6-5 DAMPER QUADRANTS: provide for operation of splitter vanes and volume
control dampers from outside the duct. Fasten securely to duct with stove bolts. Do
not use sheet metal screws.

9-6-6 INSTALL multi-blade type volume control damper when width of damper
blade is over 300 mm.

9-6-7 FIRE DAMPERS: install without strain or distortion of any part and so that all
moving parts move freely. Caulk tight around frame which is to extend full thickness
of wall or floor. Provide access door in duct for replacement of fusible link.

9-6-8 FIRE DAMPERS: single blade pivot type to be used in both vertical or
horizontal ducts.

9-6-9 FIRE DAMPERS: rectangular multi-blade type to be used in horizontal ducts


9-6-10 CLEAN washable air filters after tests and reinstall.

9-6-11 REPLACE throwaway air filters after tests.


10-1 MATERIAL: fibreglass unless specified otherwise.

10-1-1 BLANKET INSULATION to have minimum density of 1 lb/ cu ft and

average thermal conductivity not exceeding 0.25 Btu inch/sq ft/deg. F/hour at mean
temperature of 75 deg. F

10-1-2 PIPE INSULATION: preformed sectional rigid pipe insulation, with thermal
conductivity not exceeding 0.23 Btu inch/ sq ft/deg. F/hour at mean temperature of 75
deg. F, specifically supplied for nominal pipe size.

10-1-3 ACOUSTIC DUCT LINING: 1/2" thick rigid or flexible fibreglass with
minimum density of 1.5 lb / cu ft with matt facing of clear or black neoprene.

10-1-4ADHESIVES AND COATINGS to be as manufactured by Benjamin Foster,

Johns-Manville or approved equal

10-1-5 FIRE RESISTANCE: insulation jackets, facings, coatings, adhesives, mastics

and insulating and finishing cements to be fire-retardant and fire-resistant, fire hazard
rated for maximum flame spread of 25 and maximum fuel contributed and smoke
developed of 50 as tested by one of the following procedures.

10-1-6 LABELS: all insulation products or their shipping cartons to bear labels
indicating that flame and smoke ratings do not exceed above specified requirements.

10-1-7 SAMPLES: submit samples of insulation and covering jackets for approval.



Glass Rock (Egypt)

Rockal (Egypt)
Armstreong (Egypt)


10-2-1 TYPE: preformed, sectional rigid.


aluminum foil, laminated to Kraft paper with flame retardant snuffer type adhesive
and reinforced with glass fiber.


of insulation.


saturated Kraft paper laminated to aluminum foil.
10-2-5 PIPE INSULATION thickness to be as follows:

Service Pipe_Size Insulation

Thickness inches inches
chilled water supply and return 3/4 - 2 1 1/2
chilled water supply and return 2 1/2 - 8 2


10-3-1 TYPE: blanket type 2" thick applied to 1" final compressed thickness.


aluminium foil glass scrim Kraft laminate.


10-4-1 EXECUTE in a neat, clean, smooth workmanlike manner. Work is to be

executed by specialized, skilled workmen regularly engaged in this type of work.

10-4-2 APPLY insulation and jacketing on supply and return ducts carrying cool air,
on pipes carrying cold fluids, on condensate drain pipes and on hot and cold
equipment as specified. Exhaust ducts and fresh air ducts are not to be insulated
unless otherwise specified.

10-4-3 APPLY insulation in a manner to prevent air circulation within insulation or

between insulation and pipe, duct or equipment. Pipe insulation is to fit snugly and
duct insulation adhered to duct surface with special lagging adhesive.

10-4-4 APPLY insulation only after pipes, ducts and equipment have been tested,
approved and accepted.

10-4-5 APPLY insulation only to surfaces that are dry and free from rust, dust, loose
scale, dirt, oil or other foreign matter.

10-4-6 JOINTS in insulation to be firmly butted together, made absolutely tight and
finished smooth. Joints in insulation applied in multiple layers to be staggered.

10-4-7 THERMAL MOVEMENT: apply insulation to allow expansion and

contraction of metal without causing damage to insulation or surface finish.

10-4-8 OPENINGS to have metal frames to protect edges of insulation.

10-4-9 IMPERFECTIONS such as chipped edges, voids, holes or cracks to be filled

with insulation cement.
COATING: apply in accordance with manufacturer's instructions at recommended
coverage per gallon. Do not dilute.

10-4-11 INSULATION ON COLD SURFACES to be vapour sealed with vapour

barrier jacket and vapour barrier coating Apply with continuous unbroken vapour

10-4-12 BLANKET INSULATION: apply firmly under compression in ratio of 2:1

to obtain specified final thickness. Apply in multiple layers if necessary to achieve
required thickness.


10-5-1 INSULATE all pipes with preformed, rigid, sectional, pipe insulation of
thickness specified.

10-5-2 INSULATE all pipe fittings, flanges, valves (including bonnets), strainers,
expansion joints and other accessories with blanket insulation applied to final
compressed thickness equal to adjoining pipe insulation, tie with 1 mm thick
galvanized annealed steel wire and finish with trowelled coat of insulating cement to
give smooth surface.


REFRIGERANT PIPES: wrap with vapour barrier jacket. Adhere jacket laps and
butt sealing strips on longitudinal and circumferential joints with vapour seal
adhesive. Seal openings, joints, laps and end strips with vapour barrier coating.

10-5-4 INSULATION ON CHILLED WATER PIPES: take care to prevent

sweating or condensation at pipe supports. Insulate and 1vapour seal pipe supports
secured directly to cold pipes as specified for pipes.

10-5-5 INSULATED HORIZONTAL PIPES: carry insulation at each hanger

through enclosed 300 mm covering shield of 1.5 mm thick galvanized steel sheet.

10-5-6 INSULATION TO BE CONTINUOUS through sleeves, openings and

hangers. Hangers are to fit around insulation and jacketing. Protect insulation with
shields as specified in Section 512 Pipework.

10-5-7 WATERPROOF PIPE INSULATION installed outdoors, exposed to

weather, in trenches or directly buried, by wrapping with three layers of roofing felt
wired in place and well mopped and adhered with approved air setting asphalt
compound between layers, secured with stainless steel bands and finished with final
coat of asphalt compound. Lap each layer of felt minimum 75 mm at longitudinal and
circumferential joints, stagger joints and turn down final layer to shed water.


10-6-1 CUT INSULATION slightly longer than perimeter of duct to ensure full
thickness at corners. Adhere insulation to duct with duct adhesive to cover entire
surface of duct so that insulation conforms to duct surface uniformly and firmly.
Additionally secure with 1 mm thick galvanized annealed steel wire loops at not more
than 300 mm centres.

10-6-2 COVER INSULATION with vapour barrier jacket. Tape and seal joints with
100 mm wide strips of vapour barrier jacket adhered with vapour seal adhesive.

10-6-3 ACOUSTIC DUCT LINING: install on inside of supply, return, fresh air and
exhaust ducts from air handling units, supply fans and exhaust fans, to distances as
shown on the Drawings.

10-6-4 ACOUSTIC DUCT LINING: apply lining to inner surfaces with matt faced
surface exposed to air stream prepare sheet metal surfaces to receive adhesive in
accordance with duct adhesive manufacturer's instructions apply duct adhesive over
entire surface to be lined cement and clip lining to interior duct surfaces before or
after assembly using adhesive and welded pin and clip fasteners spaced at 300 to 400
mm centers caulk butting edges of lining with vapour barrier coating before and after
applying to metal, brushing to smooth surface at joints.


10-7-1 COLD EQUIPMENT: fill voids between insulation and equipment with
blanket insulation and cover with removable 1 mm galvanized sheet metal casing
panel lined with 2" thick rigid board insulation. Vapour seal closure joints on metal
casing with vapour barrier coating.



11-1-1 MATERIAL: extruded anodized aluminium unless otherwise specified.

11-1-2 SIZE: as indicated on the Drawings.

11-1-3 MANUFACTURER: as far as practicable air outlets are to be the products of

one manufacturer.

11-1-4 APPROVED MANUFACTURERS: obtain air outlets from one of the

Tuttle & Bailey Inc. (U.S.A.)
Trox (U.K.)
Egat (EYGPT)
Zamzam (EYGPT)
or approved equal.
11-1-5 SUBMIT DATA: 'approved manufacturers' does not necessarily mean
approval of their products. Immediately after award of Contract and prior to
commencement submit for approval a complete list of proposed air outlets, indicating
manufacturer, catalogue number, details of construction and performance.

11-1-6 NOISE LEVEL: size air outlets for minimum noise levels, not to exceed 35
db at specified air quantity, as measured on the A-scale of a standard noise level
meter, unless specified otherwise.

11-1-7 GASKETS: felt or sponge rubber, to be fitted at factory on all air outlets to
prevent air leakage and dust streaking of walls and ceilings.

11-1-8 SCREWS used in fixing air outlets to be chrome or cadmium plated.


11-2-1 CEILING DIFFUSERS are to deliver air for cooling at 25º F below room
temperature and for heating at 60 deg. F above room temperature without causing
objectionable conditions.

11-2-2 CEILING DIFFUSERS to have flange suitable for flush mounting on false
ceiling and round neck sized to fit outside duct. They are to be complete with volume
control damper accessible from face of diffuser and equalizing deflectors to provide
an even air discharge pattern.


design consisting of mounting frame and removable core attached with spring lock.

11-2-4 AIR SUPPLY REGISTERS: double deflection type with individually

adjustable horizontal face bars, vertical rear bars and vertical, opposed-blade, key-
operated volume control dampers accessible through face of register.

11-2-5 AIR SUPPLY GRILLES: type specified for air supply registers but without
volume control damper.

11-2-6 RETURN AIR GRILLES: fixed blade type with blades set at 45-degree
deflection parallel to long dimension. Grille net free area is to be not less than 70% of
gross face area. Size for face velocities to be as follows:

Grille Location Over Gross Area
above occupied zone 600 - 800 fpm
near floor level 400 - 600 fpm
door or wall louver 200 - 300 fpm.


fixed, 1" wide, horizontal louvres set at 45-degree deflection, spaced at 3/4" centres
and equipped with vertical, opposed-blade, key-operated volume control dampers
accessible through face of register.
11-2-8 OUTSIDE AIR LOUVRES: galvanized heavy gauge formed steel consisting
of 4" wide stationary blades set at a 45-degree angle inside a channel frame.
Assembly to be pre-bonderized steel, with grey coat hard baked enamel finish.

11-2-9 OUTSIDE AIR LOUVRES to be equipped with a 1/2" mesh by 0.041"

diameter bird screen in extruded aluminium U-shaped frame designed to fit on interior
face of louvre.

11-2-10 DOOR GRILLES: no-vision, V-shaped louver type. Grille net free area to
be not less than 70% of gross face area.


11-3-1 INSTALL in an approved, neat, level, square, tight manner.

11-3-2 OUTLETS INSTALLED DIRECTLY ON DUCTS: fit to appropriate sheet

metal flange formed integrally from duct and fix with sheet metal screws.


CEILINGS: fit to appropriate wooden frame provided around opening. Fix to frame
with chrome plated or cadmium plated wood screws. Provide duct collar to finish
flush with external surface of frame and nail to frame to make tight connection. Frame
to be size to be completely concealed by air outlet flange.

11-3-4 CEILING DIFFUSERS: do not locate near columns or other obstructions or

very near to side walls, to avoid causing objectionable draughts, unless they are
specifically selected to suit the application, such as one-way, two-way or three-way




Furnish and install electric duct heaters of the capacities to be shown on the
Drawings. The contractor shall furnish all labour, material, tools and equipment
required to complete the work.


Complete detailed information of duct heaters electrical element capacities,

number of stages, material etc.


12-3 Electrical Duct Heaters:

Duct heater, where shown on the Drawings, shall be complete with all accessories.
The heater shall be UL listed for zero clearance and shall meet all applicable
requirements of the latest National Electric code. Heater capacity, voltage, phase and
number of steps shall be as indicated on the Drawings. Elements shall be constructed
of 80 percent nickel and 20 percent chromium and steps shall be arranged to prevent
stratification when operating atleast than full capacity. Terminal box shall be
provided with solid cover and the complete box shall be totally enclosed to minimize
dust infiltration. All safety devices shall be serviceable though the terminal box. Duct
heater shall not energize unless the supply air fan is on. All temperature controls
shall be as shown on the Drawings.

Airflow switch shall be provided on each electric duct heater unit. Airflow switch
shall be diaphragm operated differential pressure switch type, with a velocity pick-up
tube extending into the duct area, and shall be wired into the heater control circuit.
Recessed portions of wiring compartments shall be internally insulated.

Manufacturer shall provide electric duct heaters with complete over-current

protection, over-temperature protection, and switching devices and controls.

Manufacturer shall provide two year limited warranty for the heating elements; Other
components and accessories to be guaranteed for one year.

Terminals shall accept one power source for connection to 380V, 3 Ps., 60 Hz.

Manufacturer of Electric Duct Heater shall be BRASCH, INDEECO, or

approved equal.



12-4-1 Electric duct heaters shall be installed in accordance with the

manufacturer's approved shop drawings and instructions.

12-4-2 All necessary accessories, wiring and pipings to be shown on the

Drawings shall be provided to have a complete and operable equipment
and systems.



A. The work under this section includes air conditioning balancing. All labour,
engineering, and testing equipment required.

B. Work includes the following:

1. Adjust and balance systems as specified.
2. Provide systems report incorporating all pertinent data obtained in the
testing and balancing procedures section 3.01 and 3.02 of this section.
3. Instruct Owner's personnel in proper operation and maintenance of each
piece of equipment.
C. Warrant that the system shall be set to the values established by drawings and


A. The Contractor shall submit the following for review prior to the start of work:
1. Outline of methods proposed for testing and balancing.
2. List of instruments proposed for use in testing and balancing.
B. Submit, within 10 days after completion of system balancing, copies of systems


A. Register, grille, and diffuser readings: "Anemotherm" by Anemostat Products
Div., Dynamics Corp. of America, or "Velometer" by Alnor Instrument Co., Div. of
Illinois Testing Laboratories, Inc., with recent calibration.

B. Duct velocity readings: Pitot tube and inclined manometer with scale appropriate
for value of readings to be taken.

C. Duct dry and wet bulb temperature: Dial type thermometers with scale
graduations of 1 degree or less. Minimum 50mm diameter scale. Minimum bulb
length of 127mm. Type of wick for wet bulb thermometer to be approved in advance.

D. Area dry wet bulb thermometer: Glass, mercury type with maximum scale
graduations of 1 degree.

E. Flow gages in piping may be used to obtain water flow data in branch piping
where such gages are furnished.

F. Calibrate thermometers before and after testing.

G. Maintain all instruments and equipment in good working order during the testing.


A. After the various systems are pressure-tested and cleaned as herein specified, the
following tests shall be made in the presence of the Engineer. The Contractor shall
adjust all equipment to perform with the least possible noise and vibration consistent
with its duty. Quietness of operation of all equipment is a requirement. Any
equipment producing objectionable noise in occupied spaces must be repaired or
removed and replaced with satisfactory equipment by the Contractor.

B. All instruments used shall be accurately calibrated and maintained in good

working order.

C. The Sub-contractor shall submit to the Engineer, a list of the test instruments to
be used and the procedure by which systems shall be balanced.

D. The system shall be provided with permanent instrumentation by the contractor

as follows:
 Pressure Taps:
 Suction and discharge of all pumps.
 Inlet and outlet of CV balancing valves.
 All ports of control valves.

E. As a minimum, the following Tests and Balancing shall be performed on all

water systems:

F. Instrumentation. The Contractor shall provide the technicians with the following
instruments for field use:
a. One set of pressure gages and fittings.
b. Dry bulb thermometer.
c. Wet bulb thermometer.
d. Thermocouple unit and thermocouples.
e. Set of balancing cock adjustment wrenches (obtain from Heating
f. Portable field flow meter (obtain from Heating Contractor).
g. Primary calibration instrument.

G Preparation of System - Phase 1: The Subcontractor shall prepare the water

systems for balancing in the following matter:
a. Close bypass and drain valves, and open valves, balancing cocks and control
b. Supervise removal and cleaning of all strainers.
c. Examine water in system to determine if it has been treated and is clean.
d. Check pump rotation.
e. Check expansion tanks to make sure they are not air bound or water logged
and that the system is full of water.
f. Check all air vents at high points of water systems to make sure they are all
installed properly and are operating freely. Make certain all air is removed
from circulating system.
g. Set all temperature controls so that all coils are calling for full cooling..
h. Check operation of control valves.
j. Complete air balance must have been accomplished before water balance is

H Test and Balance Procedure - Phase 2:

a. Set chilled water and condenser water pumps to proper GPM delivery.
b. Adjust flow of chilled water from mains.
c. Adjust flow of chilled water thru heat exchangers using calibrated differential
d. Check water temperatures at inlet side of cooling. Note rise or drop of
temperature from source.
e. Check flow in each system riser.
f. Balance each chilled water coil using differential indicator.
g. Upon completion of flow readings and coil adjustments, mark all settings and
record all data.

I Test and Balance Procedure - Phase 3:

a. After making adjustments to coils, recheck settings at pumps. Readjust if
b. Install pressure gages on each coil, then read pressure drop thru coil at set
flow rate on call for full cooling. Set pressure drop across bypass valve to
match coil full flow pressure drop. This prevents unbalanced flow conditions
when coils are on full bypass.
c. Check and record the following items at each cooling and heating element:
1. Inlet water and air temperatures.
2. Leaving water and air temperatures.
3. Pressure drop of each coil.
4. Pump operating suction and discharge pressure and final T.H.D.
5. All mechanical specifications of pumps.
6. Rated and actual running amperage of pump motor.
d. Upon completion of all tests and balancing operations, the Contractor shall
submit three (3) copies of certified balance reports to the Owner. The report
shall include all of the aforementioned data for each of the water systems.


A. After the ventilating and cooling systems are operable, operate the air handling
systems and make adjustments in the controls and equipment as required to balance
the systems to deliver the required design air quantities and temperatures. Fans shall
be set to design requirements by replacing sheaves. If necessary, with minimum

B. The Contractor shall perform the following Tests and Balance the systems in
accordance with the following requirements:

1. Test and adjust blower rpm to design requirements.

2. Test and record motor full load amperes and voltage.
3. Make pitot tube traverse of main supply and obtain design cfm at fans.
4. Test and record system static pressures, suction and discharge.
5. Test and adjust system for design cfm recirculated air.
6. Test and adjust system for design cfm outside air.
7. Test and record entering air temperatures (DB cooling).
8. Test and record entering air temperatures (WB cooling).
9. Test and record leaving air temperatures (DB cooling).
10. Test and record leaving air temperatures (WB cooling).
11. Test all main supply and return air ducts to proper design cfm.
12. Adjust all zones to proper design cfm, supply and return.
13. Test and adjust each diffuser, grille and register to within 5% of design
14. Identify each diffuser, grille and register as to location\and area.
15. Identify and list size, type and manufacturer of diffusers, grilles,
registers and all testing equipment. use manufacturer's ratings on all
equipment to make required calculations.
16. In readings and tests of diffusers, grilles and registers, include required
design fpm velocity and test fpm velocity, required design cfm and test
cfm after adjustments.
17. In cooperation with the temperature control manufacturer, set
adjustments of automatically operated dampers to operator as
specified, indicated, and / or noted.
18. Adjust all diffusers, grilles, and registers to minimize drafts to provide
proper airflow in all areas.

C. The temperature control manufacturer shall set the FA and RA dampers in

conjunction with the contractor and settings recorded and certified by both.

D. The Contractor shall balance air quantities within plus or minus 5% of quantities
shown on the Drawings.

E. The Contractor shall review the Drawings and Specifications to determine where
additional dampers, splitters, and devices are required to balance the system.

F. The Contractor shall provide any necessary drive changes for the fan units as
required to produce the design requirements.

G. All high or medium pressure ductwork, where applicable, shall be tested by the
Contractor or in accordance with this section of the Specification.

3.03Upon completion of all tests and balancing operations, the Contractor shall
submit three (3) copies of a certified balance report. The testing and balancing report
shall be spot checked by the engineers after submittal of final testing and balancing
report. Contractor shall provide all manpower, instruments and assistance during this
checking. All systems not accepted shall be rebalanced.
‫أعمال المصاعد‬

1.1 References:
A. Comply with one of the international codes and standards { EN 81 - 1 /
or / JIS }.

B. The Egyptian Code - Ministerial Decree Number 167-1997.

C. The Building codes and general provisions of the construction contract.

D. The main Elevators system contract.

E. All approved drawing, catalogues, operation and maintenance

technical documents, samples and (inspection + testing) reports
consider as part
of the main contract.

1.2 System Description:

Sr. Specifications E1 E2+E3

1 Quantity As per BOQ As per BOQ
2 Type of building As per BOQ As per BOQ
3 Type of elevators As per BOQ As per BOQ
4 Capacity (Kg.) As per BOQ As per BOQ
5 Speed (m / sec) As per BOQ As per BOQ
6 Number of stops As per BOQ As per BOQ
7 Number of openings As per BOQ As per BOQ
8 Served floors As per BOQ As per BOQ
9 Non stop floors As per BOQ As per BOQ
10 Drive system Variable Voltage Variable frequency ( vvvf ) with
11 Machine type Traction (gearless type or geared type)
12 Start / hour (min.) As per BOQ
13 Control system PLC / Collective PLC / Collective Selective /
Selective / Simplex. Duplex.
14 Door system (for automatic VVVF. (Drive) with encoder / Automatic / center
sys. ) opening/side opening (integeillent Door ) .
15 Main power supply 3 PH. / 380 Volt / 50 HZ. / 32 A ( for each elev. )
16 Light power supply 1 PH. / 220 Volt / 50 HZ. / 16 A . ( for each elev. )
17 Shaft dimensions (mm) As per BOQ As per BOQ
18 Height of over head (mm) As per BOQ
19 Pit depth (mm) As per BOQ
20 Machine location Above the shaft or machine room less
21 Construction Concrete
22 Car walls Stainless Steel OR Sheet Steel / OR /As the
/As the attached attached decorest drawing
decorest drawing
23 Car door type Automatic / center Automatic / slide opening /
opening / St. Steel. Stainless Steel decorative.
24 Car door dim. (WxH) (mm) As per BOQ As per BOQ
25 Car door safety devices light Curtain & Seafty edge
26 Car control panel Provide [one] flush mounted operating [panel] per
car [with applied faceplate] containing:
- Illuminated floor micro push buttons with Braille
- Emergency alarm button.
- Door open and door close buttons.
- Car fan and car light operation switches.
- Slave inter phone or (telephone) station.
- Over load signal (indicator + buzzer).
- Load and general instruction plate.
- Fireman operating switch.
- Preference key operating switch.
27 Landing doors type Automatic /center or Automatic / center or slide
slide opening / St. opening / Stainless Steel
Steel. , fire rated if decorative. fire rated if
requered requered
28 Landing clear opening (W As per BOQ As per BOQ
x H) (mm)
29 Buttons [Stainless steel] faceplate, [Illuminating] type,
[micro pushbuttons]
30 Signals - Digital position indicator inside the
- Direction indicator inside the car.
- Digital position indicator in all floors
- Car arrival gong or electronic chime.
- Direction indicator in all floors.
- Illuminated landing floor micro push
buttons with Braille language.
- Digital Over load indicator inside the
- light Curtain inside the car.
31 Features - Emergency car Light (battery
- Fire emergency switch system.
- Power failure emergency operation.
- Inter phone (or telephone) stations
between (Car, M/C R. and Porter).
- (Min., full and over) load functions.
- Emergency alarm bell (battery
- Car (fan + light) automatic shut off.
- Independent operation.
- Phase failure protection.
- Out of service switch.
- Emergency evequation ( automatic
rescue divece)
- Safety gears operate in up and down
- As per BOQ
- Pssenger elevators must comply with
the Handicapped use. (exempt service elevator).
- Ability of control system to connect
with emergency power supply ( generator)
- Ability to connect fire alarm system

1.3 Automatic Operation:

A. Set system operation so that momentary pressure of hall button at

landing dispatches car to that landing.( car call canclling ) .

B. Allow call registered by momentary pressure of hall button at any time

remain registered until car stops in response to that call at that

C. If [landing door] is not opened within a short interval after car has
stopped at
terminal allow car to respond to any call from the other landing.

D. If no car buttons are pressed and car starts up in response to several

down calls, proceed first to the highest down call, then reverse to
collect other
down calls. Collect up calls similarly when car starts down in response
such calls.
E. If down hall buttons are pressed while car is traveling up, do not stop
at those
landings but allow those calls to remain registered for answering by the
down traveling car. Up hall buttons are similarly.

F. Include a time delay to hold car for an adjustable interval at landings

stops are made to enable passengers to enter or leave the car. Cancel
the time
interval upon registration of a car call or pressure on the car door

1.4 Emergency Fire Service:

A. Designated landing: [GF].

B. Manual operation by special switch mounted in main floor [GF].

C. Automatic operation by the connection with building fire emergency


D. Car control panel equipped by fireman operating switch to control the

operation of the elevator to the required floor with the ability to
opening and closing of car door.

1.5 Independent Service:

A. Provide key operated "independent service" on car operating panel.

activation will remove that car from normal operation and cancel all
pre –
registered car calls.

B. Car will respond to selected floor. Car will not respond to any calls
from hall
call buttons. Car will only respond to calls placed on the car-operating
Doors will remain open at last landing requested. Doors will close with
constant pressure on "door close" button.
C. Key activation to normal operation will return car to normal

1.6 Submittals For Review:

A. Shop Drawings: The contractor must submit in accordance with the

of the contract three (3) original copies per each unit for preliminary
before ordering the elevator system that may comprise all the information
documents figuring in the following requirements:

1. Driving machine / Pump unit , controller, motor , selector, governor

other component locations.
2. Car, counterweight, sheaves, machine and sheave beams, guide rails,
ropes, / Piston and other components in shaft.
3. Rail bracket spacing; maximum loads imposed on guide rails requiring
transfer to building structural framing.
4. Individual weight of principal components; load reaction at points of
5. Loads on hoisting beams [and location of trolley beams].
6. Clearances and over travel of car and counterweight.
7. Location of components in machine room.
8. Locations in shaft and machine room of traveling cables and
connections for
[car light] [and] [telephone].
9. Location and sizes of access doors, doors, and frames.
10. Expected heat dissipation of elevator equipment in machine room.
11. Interface with building security system.
12. Electrical characteristics and connection requirements.
13. Show arrangement of equipment in machine room so rotating
sheaves, and other equipment can be removed for repairs or replaced.

B. Product Data: Provide data on the following items:

1. Manufacturer, vendor and agent general data.
2. Certificates of origin for each of the materials, components, and
3. Manufacturer’s specifications and installation instructions for each
4. Confirm by transmittal that the contractor has received a copy from
the all
manufacturer documents.
5. Signal and operating fixtures, operating panels, indicators.
6. Cab design, dimensions, layout, and components.
7. Cab and landing doors and frames details.
8. Electrical characteristics and connection requirements.

C. Samples: Submit [two] samples, [300x300] mm. in size illustrating cab

material, cab interior finishes, cab and landing doors and frame
and handrail material and finish.

D. Commissioning and test reports: upon completion of installation and

prior to
the final hand over the contractor shall provide, all the required
and test reports but not necessarily limited to the following:
1. Over speed governor, safety gear , buffers , locking devices, landing
doors and steel ropes.
2. Description of tests and equipment’s test.
3. Test results, List of all readings and / or measurements taken.
E. Sequencing and scheduling of the work:
1. The contractor will have to submit a complete schedule for his work
and installation of all equipment before acceptance of his work without
to the construction schedule.
2. The contractor will have to submit a complete sequence of his
without delay to the construction sequence.
3. Delay or deviation from the approved schedule due to the contractor
will subject him to punishment and penalties determined by the

1.7 Submittals At Project Closeout:

A. Include parts catalog with complete list of equipment replacement

identify each entry with equipment description and identifying code.

B. Provide technical information for servicing operating equipment.

C. Include legible schematic wiring diagrams of installed electrical
and changes made in the work. List symbols corresponding to identity
markings on machine room and shaft apparatus.

D. Provide one copy of master schematic and one copy of lubrication

chart, each
framed with clear [glass]; mount on machine room wall.

1.8 Quality Assurance:

A. Perform works in accordance with the specified codes, in this section


B. Manufacturer: company specializing in manufacturing the products

specified in this section with minimum [ten] years [-documented]
in first class hotel.

C. Installer: company specializing in performing the work of this section

approved by elevator equipment manufacturer.

1.9 Regulatory Requirements:

A. Conform to [applicable] code for manufacture [and installation] of


B. Conform to for provisions for the disabled.

1.10 Pre-Installation Meeting:

A. Require attendance of persons directly involved with the work of this


B. Review schedule of installation, installation procedures and

conditions, and
coordination with related work.

1.11 Warranty:
A. Correct defective work within a [five] years period after date of

B. Warranty: include coverage for elevator equipment & devices within


1.12 Maintenance Service:

A. Provide free service and maintenance of elevator system and

including spare parts [for One year from date of substantial

B. Examine system components [monthly]. clean, adjust, and lubricate


C. Include systematic examination, adjustment, and lubrication of

equipment; maintain hydraulic fluid levels. Repair or replace parts
Use parts produced by the manufacturer of the original equipment.
wire ropes when necessary to maintain the required factor of safety.

D. All periodic maintenance works to be performed at off peak hours..

E. Provide emergency back service [at all hours] on call for this
Period plus one technician to be on site [ 24 hours per day].

F. Maintain locally, near the place of the work, an adequate stock of

parts for
accident or emergency purposes. Have personnel available to ensure
fulfillment of this maintenance service, without unreasonable loss of

G. Perform maintenance work using competent and qualified personnel

the supervision of the elevator manufacturer or original installer.

H. Maintenance service shall not be assigned or transferred to any agent


2.1 Manufacturers:

A. Acceptable manufacturers:
1. At least 10 years design, manufacturing, installation and maintaining
2. Comply with one of the international codes and standard
3. ISO certificate.
4. Comply with all requirements.

B. Reference manufacturers:
1. Kony ( Italy )
4. Thyseen krupp ( koria )
5. Other company accepted if comply with all requirements.

C. The representative of the manufacturer in Egypt must be at least 10

experience in the elevator field especially in first class hotels.

D. All materials must be completely imported from one origin.

2.2 Materials:

A1. Drive unit (VVVF. Drive)

1. Recommended to be Gearless machine
- The machine to be of the worm traction type with motor, brake, and
gearbox mounted as one unit assembly.
- The worm shall be of forged steel integral with the worm shaft and
with thrust bearings designed to take the end thrust of the worm in
- The driving sheave shall be securely keyed to a steel shaft rotating in
or ball or roller bearings.
- All bearings are to be fitted with automatic lubrication.
- The worm wheel shall be a centrifugal cast phosphor bronze rim
hobbed after fitting to the spider or wheel.
2. The brake
- The brake shall be friction type, electrically released and have
proportions for the duty involved and can hold the machine with 125%
the rated load.
- The brake shall be instantly and automatically applied in the event of
interruption of the power supply.
- Means shall be provided to enable the machine to be hand wound in
emergency, the brake release lever shall be devised so that it cannot be
inadvertently left in position.
3. Pulleys
- provide all deflector pulleys (if required) necessary to obtain proper
lead of
the lift ropes to car and counterweight, pulleys shall be in cast iron,
accurately machined and grooved from the diameter of ropes used.
4. Motor
- the geared machine shall be driven by an electric motor, which is to
specially designed for elevator duty.
- It will have sufficient capacity to operate with contract load and without
overheating, a heat sensor will be provided to protect the motor
excessive temperature rise.
- Provide a microprocessor controlled variable voltage variable
drive consisting of converter / inverter system.
- Provide all the necessary devices for closed loop feedback control and
position transducer for smooth operation and starting or stopping with
accurate leveling not more than ± 3 mm..

B. Controller
1. The controller shall be designed to operate the elevator as specified
2. It shall be of the vertical panel type enclosed in a steel cabinet with
hinged door at the front and removable panels at back or hinged door
front and back.
3. The controller shall be fitted with fuses and automatic overload relay to
the current and protect equipment and motor from damage in the
event of
over load or other malfunction.
4. The controller shall be arranged to cut off the power supply and apply
brake in case of failure operation, opening of electrical safety devices,
malfunctioning and phase failure or reversal.
5. The operation of at least two contactors shall be required to complete
circuit to the motor and brake solenoid.
6. Build in protection: - Phase reversal and failure protection.
- Short circuit and ground fault protection.
- Single phase earth leakage.

C. Over speed governor

1. The over speed governor tripping speed shall not be less than 115% of
rated speed and shall not exceed the values specified in the reference
2. The governor shall be equipped with electrical switch operates in case
of over
speed and shall disconnect the power supply from elevator with applied
3. Tripping of over speed governor will engage the safety gear jaws by
force on the guide rails to stop the full-loaded car.
4. A continuous governor rope special design for its duty shall be attached
to the
safety gear mechanism passing over the governor wheel and under the
pulley in the pit to an attachment on the car frame, equipped with
switch to sense the rope cutting or loosen.
5. The over speed governor designed to operate in up and down direction.

D. Suspension ropes
Suspension ropes shall be high-grade steel specially designed for
independent adjustment shall be provided for each rope.

E. Conduit, trunking and wiring

1. In the machine room and elevator well, the conductors and rigid cables
be selected from national standard.
2. The flexible travelling cables if required to be fire resistance.
3. Connectors and devices of the plug in type shall be so designed and
that it is impossible to reverse the connection.
F. Guide rails and fastenings
1. The strength of guides, their attachments and joints shall be sufficient
withstand the forces imposed to the operation of the safety gear and
deflection due to uneven loading of the car without affecting the
2. Two rigid steel guide rails shall guide each the car and counterweight at
3. The guide rails shall be T – section .
4. Guide rails shall have finished guiding surfaces.
5. Guide rail brackets, rail clips, fishplates, and their fastenings shall be of

G. Car and counterweight bumpers or buffers

1. Elevator shall be provided with buffers or bumpers at bottom limit of
for car and counterweight.
2. The type of buffers or bumpers and their stroke shall meet the
of specified elevator.

H. Car and counterweight

1. The walls, floor, roof, sling and the guide shoes shall have sufficient
mechanical strength to resist the forces, which will be applied in
elevator operation, in safety gear operation or impact of the car on its
2. Counterweight includes cast iron sub- weights or cast inside a structure
channel frame with the required precautions to prevent the displacement
the counterweight blocks.

I. Landings doors
1. All types of landing doors and their frames shall be constructed of steel
(thickness not less than 1.5 mm for the panels and 2 mm for the frames)
fire resistance not less than 90 minutes.
2. The doorsill shall have sufficient strength to withstand the passage of
introduced into the car.
3. Each landing door shall be provide with electromechanical lock device
prevent opening a landing door (or any of the panels) unless the car
stopped, also to prevent car running while any landing door (or any of
panels) is opening.
4. Door unlocking devices are required for allowing access to shaft.
5. Landing doors finishing: [Decorative stainless steel] [Samples for
6. Landing door frames: [stainless steel] [2] mm) thick metal, of rolled
[welded corner with smooth invisible joints.] [Samples for approval]
7. Weather stripping: weather-strip landing doors and frames to
[minimize] audible noise caused by air movement, imposed by car
in the shaft, and air pressure differential between shaft and landing
8. Sills: [extruded aluminum.]

J. Car and Landings pushbuttons

1. Type illuminated micro pushbuttons.
2. Stainless steel face plate. [Samples for approval].

K. Indicator and signals

1. Digital indicator inside the car and all landing floors.
2. Direction arrows inside the car and all floors.
3. Stainless steel face plate. [Samples for approval].

2.3 Car:

A. Car Fabrication:
1. Frame: rigid and braced, rolled or formed steel sections, mounted on
2. Platform: steel frame, with fire retardant treated plywood subflooring
assembly, ready to receive floor finish.

B. Cab Fabrication:
1. Flooring: [corean] flooring. [Samples for approval].
2. Walls:For (E2,E3) [Sheet Steel / OR /As the attached decorest
drawing ][Samples
for approval].
For (E1) [Stainless Steel].
Important note: the contractor must submit full details drawing before
work start.
4. Base: [baked enamel on steel, recessed.].
5. Ceiling: [decorative plastic laminate.
[accommodate with emergency access.]. [Samples for approval].
6. Light fixtures: [indirect].
7. Ventilation: [Double] speed fan, [grille [above] ceiling].
8. Control panel and faceplate: [stainless steel]. [Samples for approval].
9. Indicator panel: [above door] [above control panel] with illuminating
10. Hand rail: [stainless steel flat bar stock] [50] mm)] ; placed at [rear wall].
[Samples for approval].
11. Certificate frame and glazing: [brass], [stainless steel], and frame,
[tempered glass] attached with [tamper proof] screws.

C. Cab Entrances:
1. Cab doors: [Decorative stainless steel]. [Samples for approval].
2. Cab doorframes: [stainless steel] ([2] mm) thick metal [, welded corner
with smooth invisible joints].
3. Thresholds: [extruded aluminum] type.

2.4 Equipment:

A. Motor, Controller, Buttons, Wiring and Devices, Indicators: Required

International standard.

B. Guide Rails, Cables, Spring Buffers, Attachment Brackets and

Purpose designed, sized according to code with safety factors.

C. Fittings: steel compression type for electrical metallic tubing. Fittings

with set
screws are acceptable only when a separate grounding conductor is
installed across the joint.

D. Spare conductors: include 10 percent extra conductors and [two] pairs

shielded audio cables in traveling cables. Do not parallel conductors to
increase electric current capacity unless individually fused.

E. Do not use armored flexible metal conduit as a grounding conductor.

2.5 Lubrication:
A. Grease fittings: for lubricating bearings requiring periodic

B. Grease cups: automatic feed type.

C. Lubrication points: visible and easily accessible.

2.6 Finishes

A. Structural metal surfaces: clean surfaces of rust, oil or grease; wipe

clean with
solvent; prime two coats.

B. Machine room components: clean and degrease; prime one coat, finish
[one coat] of enamel.


3.1 Examination:

A. Verify that shaft, pit, and machine room are ready for work of this

B. Verify shaft and openings are of correct size and within tolerance.

C. Verify location and size of machine foundation and position of

foundation bolts.

D. Verify that electrical power is available and of the correct


3.2 Preparation:

A. Arrange for temporary electrical power for installation work and


B. Arrange to start installation in one elevator and protect the other

elevator to
be running in good condition until the completion of first elevator.

3.3 Installation:
A. Install in accordance with the specified codes.

B. Install system components. Connect equipment to building utilities.

C. Provide conduit, boxes, wiring, and accessories.

D. Mount motor and machine on vibration and acoustic isolators, on bed

and concrete pad. Place unit on structural supports and bearing
Securely fasten to building supports. Prevent lateral displacement.

E. Accommodate equipment in space indicated.

F. Install guide rails using threaded bolts with metal shims and lock
under nuts. Compensate for expansion and contraction movement of

G. Accurately machines and aligns guide rails. Form smooth joints with
machined splice plates.

H. Bolt or weld brackets directly to structural steel shaft framing.

I. Field welds: chip and clean away oxidation and residue, spot prime with
J. Coordinate with installation of shaft wall construction.

K. Install landing doorsills, frames, and headers in shaft walls. Grout sills in
Set entrances in vertical alignment with car openings and aligned with
plumb shaft.

L. Adjust equipment for smooth and quiet operation.

3.4 Erection Tolerances:

A. Guide rails alignment: plumb and parallel to each other.

B. Cab movement on aligned guide rails: smooth movement, with no

lateral or oscillating movement or vibration.

3.5 Field Quality Control:

A. Perform tests required by the specified codes.

B. Provide two weeks written notice of date and time of tests.

C. Prepare and provide all necessaries for testing as:- labors, technical
assistance, measuring instruments and weights to execute specific tests.

D. Tests and examination shall be according to contract, approved

Specifications and submittals, codes and standards.

E. The examinations will carry out while installation and before the
over to cover the following:
1. To compare the installed components with the approved submittal.
2. Verification that the requirements of the standard are fulfilled.
3. To assure the application of good installation rules of components.

F. Perform the following tests in the presence of the [owner][consultant]:

1. Locations:
- Inside the car.
- Outside the shaft.
- Top of the car.
- Machine room and machinery space.
- Pit.
2. Inspection:
- Dimension and construction. for machine room, shaft, pit, ...
- Machine, motor, brake, control, speed governor and ropes.
- Cleaning, oiling and greasing.
- Grounding of machine room and shaft equipment.
- Wiring, ducts, …
- Car, landing doors construction and finishing.
- Interlocking devices.
- Guide rails and fastenings.
- Functioning of landing operation panels.
- Protection devices & Safety circuits :- safety gear, buffers,
failure corrector, thermal protection, …, terminal stopping
governor contact, stop switch, …, Overload circuit breaker.

3. Tests (according to type of drive):

- Governor.
- Safeties.
- Oil / spring buffers.
- Terminal stopping devices.
- Emergency fire operation .
- Emergency power operation.
- Power door-closing force.
- Insulation/ Earthing test.
- Emergency terminal speed limiting device.

4. Measurements:
- Supply and control voltage at rest and running.
- Main circuit breaker.
- Travel time.
- Load, power and speed measurements. with (capacity 0%,
50%, 100%,
125%) in up and down directions.
- Over travel distances.
- Max. inaccuracy of floors leveling.
5. Other options.
3.6 Adjusting:

A. Adjust for smooth acceleration and deceleration of car so passenger


B. Adjust automatic floor leveling feature at each floor to achieve [max. 3]

from flush.

3.7 Cleaning:

A. Remove protective coverings from finished surfaces.

B. Clean surfaces and components ready for inspection.

3.8 Protection Of Finished Work:

A. Do not permit construction traffic within cab after cleaning.


1- The contractor must write and complete all required data and
specifications in
details for Elevators.
2- Allowed only one origin manufacturer and complete imported

A. General Data:

1 Company name

2 Address

3 Manufacturer / Country
of origin

4 Service center address

in Cairo

5 Contractor

B. Technical Data:

Sr. Specifications

1 Capacity (Kg.)

2 Speed (m / sec.)

3 No. of Stops / Entrances

4 Drive system

5 Motor Power

6 Machine type

7 Brake type

8 Traction and deflection

9 Start / hour

10 Speed governor

11 Control system

12 Suspension ropes

13 Door drive system

14 Car dimension (mm.)

(W x D x H)
15 Car design, enclosures
and finishing
16 Car door type, safety
and finishing
17 Landing door Dim.
(mm.) (W x H)
18 Landing door type

19 Landing doors
construction and
20 Call buttons type

21 Signals type

22 Finishing of call buttons

and signals faceplate
23 Car guide rails

24 Counter weight guide

25 Emergency lowering
26 Buffers

27 Other features

28 Time of submit the

technical drawing (day)
29 Delivery time
30 Installation time
31 Free Warranty period
32 Free Maintenance
period (month)

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