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‫المممكة األردنية الهاشمية‬

‫هيئة اإلستثمار‬

‫العطاء رقم (‪)2019/ 11‬‬

‫عطاء رفع كفاءة أنظمة التكييف المستخدمة في مباني هيئة االستثمار‬

‫ضمن مشروع نظام توليد الطاقة الكهربائية باستخدام الخاليا الشمسية ورفع‬
‫كفاءة انظمة الطاقة المستخدمة في مباني هيئة االستثمار‬

‫‪) 2019/ 11‬‬ ‫عطاء رقم (‬

‫أوال‪ :‬موضوع العطاء ‪:‬‬

‫ترغب ىيئة االستثمار بطرح عطاء لرفع كفاءة انظمة التكييف المستخدمة في مباني ىيئة االستثمار ضمن‬
‫الشروط والمواصفات الموضحة في وثائق العطاء حيث يتضمن العطاء مايمي‪-:‬‬
‫‪ -1‬تنفيذ جميع أعمال التصميم والتوريد والتركيب والتشغيل والصيانة لجميع وحدات التكييف الجديدة ( الموفرة‬
‫لمطاقة )‪.‬‬
‫‪ -2‬تنفيذ فك وازالة وحدات التكييف القديمة ( غير موفرة لمطاقة ) وازالة اي اعمال تتعمق باألنظمة الموجودة‬
‫المستخدمة حاليا‪.‬‬
‫‪ -3‬تنفيذ أية أعمال أخرى يتطمبيا العطاء من أعمال كيربائية وميكانيكية ومدنية ‪.‬‬

‫‪ ‬الموقع و المساحة‪:‬‬
‫‪ -‬عمان – الدوار الخامس – اشارة وادي صقرة ‪/‬شارع الكندي – عمارة ‪36‬‬
‫‪ -‬أعمال التكييف المراد تنفيذىا ستكون ألربع طوابق من المبنى (‪ )B‬وىي تحديدا الطوابق (‪)2,3،4،5‬‬
‫وبمساحة إجمالية ( ‪ ) 1300‬م‪ . 2‬باإلضافة إلى مواقع أخرى سيتم فقط تركيب أجيزة تكييف منفصمة‬
‫فييا ( ‪) SPLIT UNITS‬‬

‫‪ ‬مؤهالت الشركة ‪:‬‬

‫يجب ان ال يقل تصنيف الشركة المتقدمة لمعطاء عن فئة ميكانيك‪ /‬كيروميكانيك بالدرجة الثالثة فما فوق‬
‫بموجب شيادة تصنيف سارية المفعول صادرة عن دائرة العطاءات الحكومية ‪.‬‬

‫‪ ‬موعد الزيارة ‪:‬‬

‫‪ -1‬ينبغي عمى الشركات التي ترغب باالشتراك في ىذا العطاء أن تقوم بزيارة موقع العمل‪ ،‬وأن تتعرف عميو‬
‫وأن تحصل بنفسيا وعمى مسؤوليتيا ونفقتيا الخاصة عمى جميع المعمومات الالزمة ليا لتقديم العرض‪،‬‬
‫وأن تتفيم ماىيتيا والظروف المحيطة بالمشروع وظروف العمل‪ ،‬وكل األمور األخرى التي ليا عالقة‬
‫بالعطاء‪ ،‬أو تمك التي تؤثر عمى تقديم عرضيا المالي‪.‬‬

‫‪) 2019/ 11‬‬ ‫عطاء رقم (‬

‫‪ -2‬عمى المتقدم لمعطاء اإللتزام بموعد زيارة موقع الييئة المحدد مسبقاً بإعالن دعوة العطاء‪ ،‬واالطالع عمى‬
‫تفاصيل كافة األعمال المراد تنفيذىا‪.‬‬
‫‪ -3‬ستقوم الييئة باإلجابة عمى كافة استفسارات المتقدمين لمعطاء ومالحظاتيم ‪.‬‬

‫‪ ‬إيداع العروض ‪:‬‬

‫‪ -1‬ارفاق جدول الكميات واالسعار مع العرض المالي فقط ‪ /‬اضافة العرض المالي‪.‬‬
‫‪ -2‬يرفق داخل المغمف الرئيسي نسخة الكترونية لمعرض الفني فقط‪.‬‬
‫‪ -3‬عمى المتقدم لمعطاء تقديم األسعار بالدينار األردني شاممة لكافة الرسوم أو ضرائب ألي جية كانت ولكافة‬
‫األعمال المطموب تنفيذىا شاممة التصميم والتوريد والتركيب والتشغيل والصيانة المجانية لمدة ‪ 3‬سنوات‬
‫وتنفيذ أعمال الفك الالزمة لجميع وحدات التكييف المستخدمة حالياً المراد استبداليا وتخزينيا في االماكن‬
‫التي تحددىا الييئة‪.‬‬

‫‪ ‬إلزامية العروض ‪:‬‬

‫يعتبر العرض المقدم ممزماً لممتقدم لمعطاء وال يجوز سحب ىذا العرض بعد تقديمو ويظل العرض ممزم ًا‬
‫لممتقدم لمعطاء الذي تقدم بو لفترة (‪ )120‬يوماً ابتداء" من تاريخ إيداع العروض إالّ إذا حدد في دعوة‬
‫العطاء مدة التزام أطول من ىذه المدة ‪.‬‬

‫أوال‪ :‬الشروط العامة ‪:‬‬

‫‪ -1‬عمى المتقدم لمعطاء تقديم السيرة الذاتية لمشركة والكوادر الفنية‪.‬‬

‫‪ -2‬األسعار شاممة أعمال التصميم والتوريد والتركيب والتشغيل والصيانة لجميع بنود العطاء وكذلك جميع المواد‬
‫الالزمة ( من شبكات االنابيب النحاسية وانظمة التحكم وتمديدات كيربائية وشبكات تصريف المياه) وأي‬
‫تعديالت تتم عمى مجاري اليواء إن لزم واتمام مختمف األعمال عمى أكمل وجو ‪ ،‬كما يشمل السعر أعمال‬
‫فك وازالة األنظمة المستخدمة حاليا‪.‬‬
‫‪ -3‬يجب عمى المتقدم لمعطاء تقديم التفاصيل الفنية لألجيزة المراد تركيبيا والشركة المصنعة وبمد المنشأ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -4‬يجب عمى المتقدم لمعطاء اعتماد وثائق العطاء (توقيع وختم) وارفاقيا بالعرض الفني‪.‬‬
‫‪) 2019/ 11‬‬ ‫عطاء رقم (‬

‫‪ -5‬االسعار بالدينار االردني شامال كافة الرسوم والضرائب‪.‬‬

‫‪ -6‬يمتزم المتعيد بتوريد وتركيب افضل النوعيات من المواسير النحاسية المستخدمة لتوصيل اجيزة التكييف حسب‬
‫المواصفات المذكورة في العطاء‪.‬‬
‫‪ -7‬عمى المتعيد المحال عميو العطاء تنفيذ أعمال فك واعادة تركيب األسقف المستعارة والديكورات اسفل الوحدات‬
‫الداخمية لتغطيتيا بنفس المواد المستخدمة بعد اخذ موافقة الييئة وحسب االصول وكذلك تنفيذ كافة األعمال االنشائية‬
‫(فتحات بالجدران وباالسقف او بالشبابيك ‪ ...‬الخ) والخاصة بانابيب الغاز والكوابل الكيربائية ومجاري اليواء وحيث‬
‫ما يمزم عمى أكمل وجو واستبدال أي قطع قد تتمف أثناء التركيب‪.‬‬
‫‪ -8‬يجب عمى المتعيد الذي يحال عميو العطاء اإللتزام بتقديم حسابات مراجعة األحمال التصميمية والمخططات‬
‫التنفيذية وكذلك تقديم مخططات ( ‪ )AS BUILT‬بعد اإلنتياء من التنفيذ‪ ،‬وتقديم مقترحاتو لمتنفيذ واعتماده من قبل‬
‫الييئة قبل المباشرة بالعمل‪.‬‬
‫‪ -9‬يمتزم المتعيد بتقديم برنامج زمني لمتنفيذ كامالً قبل المباشرة بتنفيذ األعمال واعتماده من قبل المالك أو من‬
‫تفوضو خالل مدة أسبوعين من تاريخ التبمغ بأمر المباشرة ( اإلحالة ) ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -10‬عمى المتعيد أخذ موافقة الييئة عمى جميع المواد قبل القيام بتركيبيا وتقديم الكاتالوجات الخاصة بيا واعتمادىا‬
‫من قبل الييئة وحسب األصول‬
‫‪ -11‬يراعي المتعيد في البرنامج التنفيذي الذي يقدمو طبيعة إشغال المبنى كونو مأىول وضرورة التنسيق مع مقاول‬
‫عطاء الطاقة الشمسية )‪ (PV‬والييئة منعاً لحدوث تعارض في اماكن التنفيذ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -12‬عمى المتعيد توفير كافة وسائل السالمة العامة الالزمة التي تكفل سالمة األشخاص والموجودات واألثاث وغيره‬
‫ووضع الالفتات التحذيرية الالزمة وأينما يمزم‪.‬‬
‫‪ -13‬عمى المتعيد تعيين جياز فني مؤىل لتنفيذ أعمال العطاء‪.‬‬
‫‪ -14‬يمتزم المتعيد بتدريب ثالث من موظفي الييئة عمى أعمال التشغيل والصيانة ومتابعة جميع األنظمة التي سيتم‬
‫‪ -15‬يجب عمى المتعيد تزويد الييئة بنسخة كاممة من كتيبات تشغيل األنظمة ودليل استعمال كافة االجيزة بما في‬
‫ذلك التفاصيل الفنية واحتياجات الصيانة ومعالجة األعطال إن حدثت ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -16‬يجب ان يقوم المتعيد باالستجابة الستفسارات الييئة أياً كانت و تقديم عرض لشرح عمل مختمف األنظمة في‬
‫حال طمب منو ذلك ‪.‬‬

‫‪) 2019/ 11‬‬ ‫عطاء رقم (‬

‫‪ -17‬إصالح العيوب واألعطال ‪ :‬يتم فحص الخمل خالل ‪ 48‬ساعة من تاريخ التبميغ عمى أن يتم اجراء الصيانة‬
‫الالزمة خالل ‪ 7‬أيام كحد أقصى من تاريخ إستالم األمر من الييئة ويتم احتساب غرامة تأخير بقيمة ‪ 15‬دينار عن‬
‫كل يوم تأخير بعد ىذه الفترة‪ ،‬بحيث يتم النظر في كل حالة حسب طبيعة العطل والقطع المطموبة‪.‬‬
‫‪ -18‬يمتزم المتقدم لمعطاء بتقديم جداول كميات تبين المواصفات الفنية والوحدة والكمية والقدرة وبمد المنشأ عمى أن ال‬
‫تشمل هذه الجداول األسعار‪.‬‬
‫‪ -19‬يجب عمى المتعيد القيام بالزيارات الدورية بمعدل مرة كل ثالث شيور أو عند الطمب‪.‬‬
‫‪ -20‬يراعى أن تكون مكونات النظام (الوحدات الخارجية والداخمية ) من نفس النوع ويفضل من نفس بمد المنشأ‬
‫ويستبعد أي عرض مخالف‪.‬‬

‫‪ ‬العرض الفني ‪:‬‬

‫‪ .1‬الخبرات السابقة وذكر أسماء المشاريع المحمية الحديثة والمشابية ألعمال العطاء مع القيم المالية ليذه‬

‫المشاريع او ما يثبت ذلك‪.‬‬

‫‪ .2‬يجب عمى المتقدم لمعطاء ان يرفق بعرضو جميع الوثائق التالية‪-:‬‬

‫‪ ‬السجل التجاري‬
‫‪ ‬رخصة مين سارية المفعول‬
‫‪ ‬تحديد عنوان الشركة‪.‬‬
‫‪ ‬الرقم الضريبي‬

‫ثالثا‪ -:‬الشروط اإلضافية ‪:‬‬

‫‪ -1‬يحق لمييئة إلغاء العطاء قبل اإلحالة دون إبداء األسباب ودون أن يترتب عمى ذلك أي مطالبات مالية أو‬
‫‪ -2‬يحق لمييئة طمب أي عينة من المواد المطموبة في العطاء قبل قرار اإلحالة لغايات الدراسة ومعرفة مدى‬
‫مطابقتيا بالمواصفات المطروحة ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -3‬الييئة غير ممزمة باإلحالة عمى أقل األسعار ‪.‬‬
‫‪) 2019/ 11‬‬ ‫عطاء رقم (‬

‫يتجز من العطاء ‪.‬‬

‫أ‬ ‫‪ -4‬تعتبر جميع وثائق العطاء جزء ال‬
‫‪ -5‬عمى المتعيد اإللتزام بعدم إحداث أي أضرار في أماكن تنفيذ بنود العطاء وأية اماكن أخرى وان حدثت يمتزم‬
‫المتعيد بإصالحيا عمى نفقتو الخاصة وعمى النحو الذي تقبمو الييئة‪.‬‬
‫‪ -6‬يشترط عمى المتعيد تقديم قائمة بقطع الغيار االحتياطية )‪ (SPARE PARTS‬إذا لزم وتكون مشمولة بالسعر‬
‫المقدم بالعرض المالي‪.‬‬
‫‪ -7‬يمتزم المتعيد بتأمين قطع الغيار لمدة سنتين بعد انتياء فترة الصيانة‪.‬‬

‫رابعا‪ -:‬آلية التقييم ‪:‬‬

‫سيتم التقييم الفني وفقا لالتي ‪:‬‬

‫‪ .1‬وضع الشركة والخبرات السابقة ( لمشركة والمورد والمقاول )‬

‫‪ ‬سنوات التسجيل لممتقدم لمعطاء‬

‫‪ ‬مجموع سنوات وجود العالمة التجارية في االسواق المحمية‬

‫‪ .2‬مطابقة المواصفات الفنية‬

‫‪ .3‬الخبرات السابقة (في مباني مأىولة إن وجدت)‬

‫‪ .4‬منيجية العمل بما في ذلك تخطيط المشروع والجدول الزمني التفصيمي لمتنفيذ‬

‫‪ .5‬توافر لوازم العمل لدى الشركة‪/‬المورد وخصوصا" مكونات نظام التكييف ( سيخضع لكشف حسي من قبل‬

‫الييئة )‬

‫‪ .6‬خبرات فريق العمل والسيرة الذاتية لمشركة المتقدمة لمعطاء ( والسيرة الذاتية لفريق العمل )‬

‫‪ .7‬خبرات الشركة في تقديم خدمة ما بعد البيع وكوادرىا ( مدة الصيانة المجانية ‪ ,‬عدد الكوادر المخصصة‬

‫لغايات خدمة الصيانة تشمل الميندسين ‪ ,‬الفنيين‪ ,‬وسرعة االستجابة لمشركة لتنفيذ عمميات الصيانة )‪.‬‬

‫‪ .8‬عمى الشركات المتقدمة لمعطاء تقديم المعمومات اعاله بشكل واضح وكامل وموثق‪.‬‬

‫‪) 2019/ 11‬‬ ‫عطاء رقم (‬

‫يجب أن يتضمن المقترح الفني لممتقدم لمعطاء البنود التالية التي سيتم تقييمها وفقا لنظام الوزن التالي‪:‬‬

‫الوزن‬ ‫معايير التقييم‬ ‫البند‬

‫‪10‬‬ ‫وضع الشركة والخبرات السابقة للشركة الموردة والمقاول‬ ‫‪1‬‬

‫‪33‬‬ ‫مطابقة المواصفات الفنية لألنظمة المقدمة‬ ‫‪2‬‬

‫‪13‬‬ ‫الخبرات السابقة في مباني مأهولة وقيد التجديد للمقاول والشركة الموردة‬ ‫‪3‬‬

‫‪13‬‬ ‫منهجية العمل بما في ذلك تخطيط المشروع والجدول الزمني التفصيلي للتنفيذ‬ ‫‪4‬‬

‫‪10‬‬ ‫توافر المواد في المستودعات للشركة الموردة‬ ‫‪5‬‬

‫‪13‬‬ ‫خبرات فريق العمل والسيرة الذاتية‬ ‫‪6‬‬
‫‪13‬‬ ‫الصيانة المجانية‬ ‫‪7‬‬
‫‪13‬‬ ‫خدمات ما بعد البيع للشركة الموردة‬ ‫‪8‬‬
‫‪111‬‬ ‫المجموع‬

‫خامسا ‪ -:‬آلية التقييم النهائي‪-:‬‬

‫ستقوم الهيئة بتقييم العروض الفنية من ‪ 011‬عالمة وكما هو وارد في الجدول أعاله واستبعاد عروض‬
‫المقاول إذا كانت عالمة التأهيل أقل من (‪ )71‬عالمة ويتم تحويل العالمة الفنية النهائية إلى ‪ %71‬بناءا على‬
‫المعادلة التالية‪-:‬‬

‫‪%71 X‬‬ ‫العالمة الفنية = عالمة الفنية‬

‫أعلى عالمة فنية‬

‫سيتم حساب العالمة المالية بناء على المعادلة التالية‪:‬‬

‫‪%01 X‬‬ ‫العالمة المالية = أقل سعر مالي مقدم‬

‫السعر المالي للمتقدم للعطاء (العرض المالي)‬

‫سيتم إحالة أعمال المشروع على الشركة التي تحصل على أعلى مجموع عالمة فنية ومالية‪.‬‬

) 2019/ 11 ( ‫عطاء رقم‬

: ‫ المواصفات الفنية الخاصة‬-:‫سادسا‬

: ‫ تالياً المواصفات الفنية الخاصة باعمال ىذا العطاء‬



A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary
Conditions, apply to this Section.


A. This Section includes Variable Refrigerant Volume/Flow heat pump units consisting of
separate evaporator-fan (indoor unit) and variable frequency drive compressor-condenser
components (outdoor unit). Indoor units are designed for exposed or concealed mounting,
and may be connected to ducts.

B. Related sections include the following:

Division 15 Section "Mechanical Vibration Isolation” for isolation pads, spring isolators,
and seismic restraints.
Division 15 Section “Mechanical Insulation" for refrigerant piping insulation.

A. Product Data: Include rated capacities; shipping, installed, and operating weights;
furnished specialties; and accessories for each type of product indicated. Include
performance data in terms of capacities, outlet velocities, static pressures, sound power
characteristics, motor requirements, and electrical characteristics.
B. Shop Drawings: Installation detail, piping connection detail, Diagram power, signal, and
control wiring and differentiate between manufacturer-installed and field-installed wiring.
C. Maintenance Data: Include Operation and maintenance manuals, including testing and
commissioning procedure.


o Product Options: Drawings indicate size, profiles, and dimensional requirements of
VRV/VRF system units and based on the specific system indicated.
o Provide manufacturer’s data certifying required performance for actual refrigerant pipes
height and length.
) 2019/ 11 ( ‫عطاء رقم‬

o Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled to European

norms by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and marked for
intended use. All electrical connections shall be to NF 15-100.


A.General Warranty: Special warranty specified in this article shall not deprive owner of other
rights Owner may have under other provisions of the contract documents and shall be in
addition to, and run concurrent with, other warranties made by contractor under
requirements of the contract documents.

B. Warranty Period three years from date of substantial operation.



A. Available Manufacturers: Japan, Europe, Korea, Local manufacturing origin, Subject to

compliance with requirements.


The system shall have the following operating range:

Heating: -20.0 °C WB to 15.5 °C WB
Cooling: -5.0 °C DB to 43.0 °C DB

The unit shall be a Variable Refrigerant Flow inverter driven heat pump air conditioner, and
shall be composed of multiple indoor units and an outdoor unit with a distributed refrigeration
loop, electrical components and enclosing cabinets.

The indoor and outdoor units shall be properly assembled, internally piped and wired, tested
and charged with R410 refrigerant.

Outdoor units should have a EUROVENT certification for performance.

All indoor units that will be connected to a system must be possible to be independently
controlled depending on the requirements of each room. To be connected to the outdoor unit
via wiring and refrigeration piping network. The wiring cables is not required to be shielded,
but the installer will have to ensure that it will not be closer than 5cm to power cables.

Weather dependent variation of the refrigerant temperature – evaporating and/or condensing

– will be an asset and will be most preferable, since it results in even greater energy savings
and optimal seasonal efficiencies, as per all contemporary and latest directives and norms of
the European Union.
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Ducted Ceiling Unit:

The unit casing shall be manufactured from galvanized steel plate and shall be fully insulated.
The use of a polystyrene only construction for the outer casing will not be acceptable.

The unit shall not be more than 250mm deep.

Facility shall be provided for duct connection for introduction of the fresh air in the unit and
branch ductwork from the unit.

The return air to the unit shall be through the rear of the unit as standard. A facility shall be
provided for alternative return air position through the underside of the unit.

The fan shall be of the dual suction multi blade type, statically and dynamically balanced to
ensure low noise and vibration free operation.

External static pressure up to 150 Pa enables the use with flexible ducts of varying lengths

Must be able to change External Static Pressure through wired remote control to allow
optimization of the supply air volume

The heat exchanger coils will be manufactured from copper tubes and aluminum fins. It shall
have electronic expansion valve to control refrigerant flow rate in response to the load
variation in the conditioned space.

A condensate lift pump shall be provided within the unit as standard and shall be capable of
discharging 625mm above the drain outlet.

The condensate shall be drained from the unit using suitable tube and run directly to a main
drainage point.


Outdoor units will have to be manufactured for operating with a three-phase power supply of
400 V / 50 Hz. and with two full inverter compressors per outdoor module for standard

The noise level - sound pressure - should not exceed 65dB(A) under laboratory conditions,
measured in an semi-anechoic chamber, at a horizontal distance of 1 meter from the unit and
at 1,5 meters height from the base of the unit.

The outdoor unit must be suitable for outdoor installation. The shell/casing of the unit will
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have to be made of enameled stainless steel sheet, with polyester thermal powder coating
(minimum 70μ) for high protection in environment near the seaside. The air-cooled heat
exchanger of the outdoor unit will have to have undergone appropriate treatment for
protection and long life efficient operation against atmospheric corrosion. Specifically, the
aluminum fins will be coated with a layer of acrylic resin and on top covered with a
hydrophilic film or any other material which will provide minimum 5 to 6 times greater
resistance to acid rain and salt corrosion (e.g. wind in coastal areas ). The bottom of the unit
will have a sheet of stainless steel for protection against oxidation.

In the outdoor unit there will be either one or two compressors in separate shells, so in case
one fails it will not be necessary to replace both, axial fan(s) DC inverter driven, air-cooled
heat exchanger, piping, wiring and automation. The outdoor units will have factory-installed
electronic expansion valves, oil separator, accumulator at the suction side of the compressor,
high & low pressure sensors, DC inverter motors for the fan(s), protection thermostats, fuses,
protection against overcurrent, protection for overloading of the inverter, liquid and gas stop
valves and solenoid valves, timers and all the necessary sensors and protection equipment
to ensure continuous, safe and smooth operation.

The outdoor unit - and consequently the whole system -will keep on operating even if one
compressor is turned off (emergency operation). In case of a multi-outdoor unit system it will
be possible to isolate one module, while the rest of the system will continue to operate even if
delivering reduced capacity.

This way continuous air conditioning of the premises is ensured, until the cause seizes to

All refrigerant piping connections should be soldered. Mechanical connections such as

flanges, couplings or gaskets will not be accepted.

The system shall maintain smooth operation for up to 24 hours without any error
even if there was a power cut-off on one indoor unit. The smooth operation shall have the
option to be extended for more than 24 hours until the indoor unit is maintained back to its
original condition

The outdoor units will incorporate a "Soft Start" technology, to achieve a very low starting
current in order to lower consumption, reduce power requirements of the electrical board
and minimize the stress of individual parts of the outdoor unit (e.g. compressor’s motor).

Taking into consideration that frost/ice build-up on the outdoor heat exchanger is mainly
taking place at ambient temperatures ranging from -7°C to +7°C – depending also on
) 2019/ 11 ( ‫عطاء رقم‬

humidity levels – the units should incorporate a special defrost function that will guarantee
continuous comfort during defrost cycles. Defrost will have to take place regularly in order to
increase efficiency of the system and protect the outdoor units from heat exchanger
breaking down.

Defrost of the outdoor unit should happen by reversing the operation cycle. During the
defrost the outdoor unit heat exchanger will be the condenser, by means of hot gas from the
compressors’ discharge will be used for the frost/ice melt down. In order to avoid cold drafts
and also the absorption of heat from the rooms, the indoors will not be used as the
evaporator during defrost. The outdoor unit must have a special heat exchanger that will be
the evaporator during defrost. In case of multi-outdoor systems the defrost of the outdoor
heat exchanger will take place in a consecutive way, by means of defrosting completely
each heat exchanger after the other. For single-module systems the most preferred
technology for the special heat exchanger will the one of using a phase changing material.
This material will provide the necessary heat for the defrost cycle, while ensuring that any
residual capacity of the unit will be provided in the indoor units for continuous heating. The
manufacturer will have to guarantee seamless operation and constant comfort levels during
defrost at all ambient conditions.

Aforementioned defrost technology results in further increasing the seasonal efficiency of

the system, since the indoor unit’s coil, does not have to be reheated before the unit starts
delivering the necessary capacity.

The systems will also feature a "Hot Start" function in heating to prevent cold drafts from the
indoor units during the start-up period. During Hot Start the louver(s) of indoor units will have
to be at horizontal position, while the indoor fan will operate at very low speed (LL: lower than
the lowest that can be set by the local control).

The oil recovery from the piping network and the indoor units has to be achieved by the use
of a microprocessor. The oil will be recovered at least once every eight hours, via a special
oil recovery function, ensuring smooth operation of compressors constantly.

To avoid high start-up currents in multi-module systems, the outdoor units should start at
different timings and with different sequence each time, in order also to make sure equitable
operating hours, compressors’ strain and oil quantities in each module of the system.

Outdoor units should necessarily have a specific function and appropriate devices to prevent
refrigerant in liquid phase to return to the compressor. This ensures the preservation of the
proposed by the manufacturer density of the oil and therefore the adequate lubrication of the
compressor. This function is increasing both the efficiency of the system and extends the
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lifespan of the compressor.

All outdoor units should have an auto-charge function for adding the necessary amount of
refrigerant. This function is necessary for the systems to meet the standards and
specifications set by the manufacturer. In addition, in the future it will be fast and accurate for
the installer to check whether there is even a minor refrigerant leakage in the future.
Operation with optimum quantity of refrigerant ensures efficient and economical system
operation, while protecting the environment from the effects of global warming and at the
same time meeting F-Gas directive requirements.

It is needed to be possible to automatically check, all connections - electrical and piping - as

well as sensors and valves in order to limit any human error or oversight.

In the outdoors units it is preferable to have a 7 segment decimal display, displaying detailed
error codes, stage of a procedure or a function and operating data of the system. This will
diminish human errors.

For the commissioning of a system and in order to properly set all necessary data and values
for the optimum operation of it, it is recommended for the starting-up the use of special
software provided by the manufacturer of the system. The establishing of the values and the
programming should be possible even offline.


Compressors will have to be hermetically closed scroll type for greater reliability over time,
with integrated motor and sound absorbing jacket. All of them will have to have a DC inverter
driven motors will have the possibility to continuous change the frequency, resulting in
changing the volumetric refrigerant flow from the compressor, in order to accurately and fast
respond to the required load. The change in frequency should be done incrementally, but in
enough steps so the change of delivered capacity can be approximated as linear (more steps
is preferable)..

The motor windings will have to be specially constructed, in order to achieve the safe and
smooth operation to avoid hazards due to the continuously changing of frequency and
voltage. The compressors will be protected by an electrical crankcase heater to prevent oil
condensation at low ambient temperatures.

The oil supply in the compressor will have to be on the high pressure side, ensuring optimum
lubrication of all moving parts. Thereby it will not be required to have a separate lubrication
) 2019/ 11 ( ‫عطاء رقم‬

system of all moving parts of the compressor, since the oil pipeline in the center of the
crankshaft will be transported across the surface of the rotating parts in the direction from the
center to the perimeter. This optimizes the performance of the compressor and minimizes
stress and wear, extending its lifetime.

The compressors’ motors will have a cooling system using compressed gas, to avoid sudden
changes in temperature resulting in significant stresses on winding and bearings.

Compressors will alter the rotation speed linearly and proportionally consume energy in
accordance in each room. The two DC inverter compressors will vary their speed separately
in parallel and thus controlling the volumetric flow more accurately, with lower power
consumption, resulting in higher efficiencies at all loads and connection ratios.

For protecting the compressor from frequent start-stops, there will be an appropriate timer.

2.4.3 FAN

The fan motor(s) of the outdoor unit will have to be DC inverter to further increase energy
savings, to more accurately adjust the fan speed and reduce noise even more. The precise
setting of the fan speed will result in precise control of system’s performance in accordance
with the requirements of indoor and ambient conditions. The DC inverter fan motors will
automatically adjust the rotation speed - thus the air flow -and have at least (6) different
steps. Each fan will be separately controlled in order to further increase the accuracy on
controlling the system.

The impeller will be made of plastic and with a special configuration to achieve greater air
flow with quite low noise level. Outdoor units will have a protective cover to the fan against
accidents and to avoid foreign objects entering the units. It will be special design and
construction to minimize the external static pressure drop of the fan.

Fans will have a high external static pressure setting in order to reach at least 78 Pa. This will
allow the installation / connection of duct(s) for greater flexibility during installation. In case of
an outdoor unit with two fans, then each fan will have to be separately ducted.


Control wiring:

A simple 2-wire non-shielded multiplex transmission system links each outdoor unit to

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multiple indoor units using one 2-wire, non-polar to simplify the wiring operation.

Pipes Connection:

Possibility of use either joints or headers. Connection sizes must be selected according to
the system supplier recommendation.


Individual control for each indoor unit to be synchronized with the outdoor unit. Wired remote
controller with digital display and function buttons. Equipped with real time clock to enable
weekly and daily schedules. Possibility to be connected to a centralized controller or to a
BMS system


ACR type L seamless copper tubes according to ASTM B280 standards, with brazed,
soldered, or flared joints. All copper tubes and fittings shall be properly sized and insulated
according to the equipment manufacturer recommendations and specifications.

Table (1): Copper pipes sizes in (mm):-

Pipe Outside Pipe Wall

Diameter Thickness
6.4 0.75
9.5 0.80
12.7 0.80
15.9 1.00
19.1 0.80
22.2 0.80
25.4 1.00
28.6 1.00
34.9 1.20
41.3 1.40


Installation must be according to the system supplier recommendation.

Refrigerant: R410A.

Origin: Japan / Europe / Korea /USA Local.

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Warranty: Three years.

Local Distributer: local installation running and operational experience for more than five

Brand: must be with the same distributer for more than five years.


A. Install unit’s level and plumb.

B. Install evaporator-fan components using manufacturer's standard mounting devices
securely fastened to building structure.
C. Install ground-mounted, compressor-condenser components on 100-mm-(4-inch) thick,
reinforced concrete base; 100 mm (4 inches) larger on each side than unit.
D. Install ground-mounted, compressor-condenser components on polyethylene mounting
E. Install roof-mounted compressor-condenser components on equipment supports. Anchor
units to supports with removable, cadmium-plated fasteners.
F. Install compressor-condenser components on restrained, spring isolators with a minimum
static deflection of 25 mm (1 inch).
G. Connect pre charged refrigerant tubing to component's quick-connect fittings. Install
tubing to allow access to unit.


A. Piping installation requirements are specified in other Division 15 Sections. Drawings

indicate general arrangement of piping, fittings, and specialties.
B. Install piping adjacent to unit to allow service and maintenance.
C. Unless otherwise indicated, connect piping with unions and shutoff valves to allow units to
be disconnected without draining piping. Refer to piping system Sections for specific
valve and specialty arrangements.
D. Tighten electrical connectors and terminals according to manufacturer's published values.
If manufacturer's torque values are not indicated, use those specified in UL 486A and UL


A. Installation Inspection: Engage a factory-authorized service representative to inspect field-

assembled components and equipment installation, including piping and electrical
connections, and to prepare a written report of inspection.
B. Leak Test: After installation, charge system and test for leaks. Repair leaks and retest until

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no leaks exist.
C. Operational Test: After electrical circuitry has been energized, start units to confirm proper
motor rotation and unit operation. Remove malfunctioning units, replace with new
components, and retest.
D. Test and adjust controls and safeties. Replace damaged and malfunctioning controls and


A. Engage a factory-authorized service representative to perform startup service.

B. Verify that units are installed and connected according to the Contract Documents and
C. Lubricate bearings, adjust belt tension, and change filters.
D. Perform startup checks according to manufacturer's written instructions and do the
- Fill out manufacturer's checklists.
- Check for unobstructed airflow over coils.
- Check operation of condenser capacity-control device.
- Verify that vibration isolation devices and flexible connectors dampen vibration
- Transmission to structure.

) 2019/ 11 ( ‫عطاء رقم‬

:‫ المواصفات الفنية الخاصة بوحدات التكييف المنفصمة كما هي مبينة في الجدول أدناه‬
Technical Specification for Split units ACs/Inverter type
Capacities 12000–36000
Voltage 220 – 240
range (v)
frequency (Hz) 50
Refrigerant Environmental Friendly (R410 a)
Pipe Insulation All Refrigerant pipework to be insulated with slip-on close cell elastomeric
between pipe insulation, rated as fire rated, having a wall thickness of not less than
outdoor and 13mm. After commissioning, all joints to be properly sealed to provide an
indoor unit adequate seal and clearly marked for ease of identification.

Where required external insulation shall be protected with a suitable

enclosure to encase the piping, as to reduce the effects of
Bird, Vermin and Environmental attack.

Pipe Kits TBD

Climate T1
Min. Energy SEER:A++ , SCOP: A+,
Room Criteria 01-03

Min. System 3
warranty (Yrs)

Min. Warranty 3
indoor unit
Min. Warranty 5
outdoor unit

Standard Comply with EN 14825 Standard & IEC 60335-2-40 and

Jordanian Technical regulation 2108/2013 & 2107/2013 or

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: (Compliance Sheet) ‫ الية المطابقة‬-:‫سابعا‬

Tag Description reference Notes Mark
2.1 Country of Origin

Equipment shall be manufactured in : Japan,

Europe, Korea, local
The unit shall be a Variable Refrigerant
Flow/Temperature inverter driven heat pump air
conditioner, and shall be composed of multiple
indoor units and an outdoor unit with a
distributed refrigeration loop, electrical
components and enclosing cabinets.
System’s operation has to be based on
pressure sensors and thermostats, which via a
specially developed and designed integrated
circuit will control the frequency of the motor
(inverter) of the compressor by means of
D varying the compressor’s speed, thus changing
refrigerant’s volume and temperature, This way
and according to ambient temperature and
building’s block load, will result in always
delivering the necessary capacity while
maintaining optimum efficiency.
Weather dependent variation of the refrigerant
temperature – evaporating and/or

It should be also possible to fix the evaporating

temperature at different values in order to have
the system operate with different Sensible Heat
Factors. This way and depending on the indoor
relative humidity the supply air temperature can
vary, thus increasing comfort levels through not
so cold air supplied in the rooms.


Extremely quiet in operation, long-life washable
filters, vibration free, large Surface area with HI-
X Cu piping R 410A counter-flow design with
profiled aluminum fins, Electronic expansion
valve with stepping motor ,more steps is
prefereble for precise cooling unit Adjustment

) 2019/ 11 ( ‫عطاء رقم‬

between 0%- 100%.

Ducted Ceiling Unit:

- According to the following specifications:

DC Inverter fan with automatic static pressure

judgment function. Ensures up to 20%
2 reduction in the power consumption. And
balanced flow distribution on the duct
External static pressure up to 150 Pa enables
3 the use with flexible ducts of varying lengths.

Height of the unit must not exceed 250 mm.

The fan shall be of the dual suction multi blade
type, statically and dynamically balanced to
ensure low noise and vibration free operation.

The return air to the unit shall be through the

rear of the unit as standard. A facility shall be
6 provided for alternative return air position
through the underside of the unit.

A condensate lift pump shall be provided within

the unit as standard assempled in the same
7 factory and shall be capable of
discharging500mm above the drain outlet.

A condensate fan motor shall be inverter type.

Facility shall be provided for duct connection for
introduction of the fresh air in the unit and
branch ductwork from the unit.

Sound pressure not more than 42 dBA at high

Possibility of bottom and rear suction (Return).


Outdoor units will have to be manufactured for
operating with a three-phase power supply of
400 V / 50 Hz. and with two full inverter
compressors per outdoor module for standard

) 2019/ 11 ( ‫عطاء رقم‬
The noise level - sound pressure - for the single
module should not exceed 66 dB(A) under
laboratory conditions, measured in an semi-
anechoic chamber, at a horizontal distance of 1
meter from the unit and at 1,5 meters height
from the base of the unit.
In the outdoor unit there will be two
compressors in separate shells, so in case one
fails it will not be necessary to replace both.
The outdoor units will have factory installed
electronic expansion valves, oil separator,
accumulator at the suction side of the
compressor, high & low pressure sensors, DC
inverter motors for the fan(s), protection
thermostats, fuses, protection against
overcurrent, protection for overloading of the
inverter, liquid and gas stop valves and
solenoid valves, timers and all the necessary
sensors and protection equipment to ensure
continuous, safe and smooth operation.
4 Compressor type : Scroll type
In the Outdoor unit there will be axial fan(s) DC
5 inverter driven, aircooled heat exchanger,
piping, wiring and automation
The outdoor unit - and consequently the whole
system -will keep on operating even if one
compressor is turned off (emergency
6 operation). In case of a multi-outdoor unit
system it will be possible to isolate one module,
while the rest of the system will continue to
operate even if delivering reduced capacity.
The system shall maintain smooth operation for
up to 24 hours without any error even if there
was a power cut-off on one indoor unit. The
7 smooth operation shall have the option to be
extended for more than 24 hours until the
indoor unit is maintained back to its original
For the commissioning of a system and in order
to properly set all necessary data and
values for the optimum operation of it, it is
recommended for the starting-up the use of
special software provided by the manufacturer
of the system. The establishing of the values
and the programming should be possible even

) 2019/ 11 ( ‫عطاء رقم‬

Tag Description reference Notes Mark

DX Split Systems Air-Conditioners



A. Approved manufacturer list:
1. Brands to be Europe, Japan, korea , local
2. To be Eurovent certified.
3. Supplier/installer to have similar experience for more than 7
years with the same brand name.

Product Description: Split system consisting of indoor fan coil unit

and condensing unit including cabinet, evaporator fan, refrigerant
B. cooling coil, compressor, refrigeration circuit, condenser, air filters,
controls, fan coil unit accessories, condensing unit accessories, and
refrigeration specialties.

C. EER not less than 3.0 and SEER not less than 5.1.
D. COP not less than 3.4 and SCOP not less than 3.7.
Friendly environment refrigerant R-410A or R-32 only, R22 will not
be accepted.

F. Single phase units are required to fit all possible site requirements.

1.2 Wall Mounted Indoor Unit

A. Operating Modes: Auto, cooling, heating, dry & fan.
Evaporator Coil: Constructed of copper tubes expanded onto
aluminum fins. Factory leak tested.

Evaporator Fan: Cross flow fan with 7-speed (including auto and
silent modes) to be approved.
D. Fan Motor: Indoor fan motor must be inverter driven.
Refrigeration System: Single refrigeration circuits controlled by
factory installed electronic expansion valve.

Filter: Indoor unit filter must be titanium apatite photo catalytic.

Filters must be removable, washable & mildew proof.
G. Sound Pressure: Level must not exceed 45 dBA at high speed.
H. Units must include the following features:
Night Set Mode: At night time, unit must save energy by preventing
overcooling or overheating.

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Powerful Mode: If room temperature is too high, it can be cooled

down quickly by special mode. Same in heating, if temperature is
too low, it can be heated quickly by the same mode.

Auto Restart Function: In case of power failure, unit restarts

automatically at the original settings.

Self-Diagnosis: Unit must indicate system faults for easier


Auto Cooling-Heating Changeover: Achieving the set point

temperature by automatically selecting between cooling and
heating modes.

Home Leave Operation: Unit must maintain indoor temperature at

specific temperature during absence.
3-D air flow combines vertical and horizontal auto swing.

General: Factory assembled and tested air cooled condensing unit,

A. consisting of casing, compressors, condensers, coils, condenser fans
and motors, and unit controls, inverter controlled.
Unit Casings: Exposed casing surfaces constructed of galvanized
steel with manufacturer's standard baked enamel finish. Designed
for outdoor installation and complete with weather protection for
B. components and controls, and complete with removable panels for
required access to compressors, controls, condenser fans, motors,
and drives.
Compressor: Inverter driven hermetically sealed swing type

Condenser Coil: Constructed of copper tubing mechanically bonded

D. to aluminum fins with acryl pre coating to withstand severe
weather conditions.

Condenser Fans and Drives: Direct drive propeller fans statically and
E. dynamically balanced. Wired to operate with compressor, with
minimum 9 speed steps.

Sound Pressure: Level must not exceed 49 dBA in cooling mode and
49 dBA in heating mode.

Operating Range:
1. Cooling from -10 up to 46 Deg C ambient dry bulb temperatures.
2. Heating from 18 down to – 15 Deg C ambient wet bulb

‫‪) 2019/ 11‬‬ ‫عطاء رقم (‬

‫‪ -1‬الملحق‬
‫■ يعتبر ىذا الممحق جزءاً من اتفاقية العقد ‪.‬‬
‫اسم المشروع ‪ :‬مشروع تركيب انظمة التكييف الموفرة للطاقة في مباني هيئة االستثمار‬

‫البيان‬ ‫الموضوع‬

‫ىيئة اإلستثمار‬ ‫صاحب العمل‬

‫المواصفات الفنية وأي مواصفات أخرى ذكرت بوثائق العطاء‪.‬‬ ‫المواصفات‬
‫( ‪ ) 120‬يوم عمل من تاريخ تبمغ اإلحالة‬ ‫مدة اإلنجاز‬
‫‪ -1‬االتفاقية‬ ‫أولوية وثائق العقد‬
‫‪ -2‬الشروط الخاصة‬
‫‪ -3‬الشروط العامة‬
‫‪ -4‬المواصفات الفنية‬
‫‪ -5‬تصميم المقاول ( إن وجد)‬
‫‪ -6‬جداول الكميات‬
‫القانون األردني‬ ‫القانون الذي يحكم العقد‬
‫المغة العربية‬ ‫لغة العقد‬
‫ىيئة اإلستثمار‬ ‫ممثل صاحب العمل‬
‫(‪ ) %10‬من قيمة العقد‬ ‫( كفالة حسن التنفيذ)‪ -‬القيمة‬
‫(‪ ) %5‬قيمة األشغال المنجزة‬ ‫(كفالة الصيانة)‬
‫خالل (‪ )7‬أيام من تاريخ المباشرة برنامج خطي‬ ‫برنامج العمل – عمى المقاول تقديمو‪ -‬النموذج‬

‫( ‪ )35‬دينار عن كل يوم تأخير‬ ‫تعويضات التأخير ‪ - /‬القيمة‬

‫(‪ )%15‬من قيمة العقد‬ ‫‪ -‬الحد األقصى‬

‫(‪ 3‬سنوات) من تاريخ اإلستالم‬ ‫( فترة الصيانة )‬
‫(‪ )%80‬لممواد والتجييزات اآللية الموردة‬ ‫النسبة المئوية مقابل التحضيرات‬

‫أو (‪ )%80‬من قيمة البند أييما أقل‬

‫حسب نسب االنجاز وما اليزيد ‪ 10000‬من قيمة االعمال المنجزة‬ ‫الحد األدنى لقيمة الدفعة المرحمية‬
‫(‪ )%10‬من قيمة كل دفعة‬ ‫نسبة المبالغ المحتجزة من الدفعة المرحمية‬
‫(‪ ) %5‬من قيمة اإلحالة‬ ‫الحد األعمى لممحتجزات‬
‫الدينار األردني‬ ‫عممة الدفع‬

) 2019/ 11 ( ‫عطاء رقم‬

‫جدول الكميات‬
)‫(يرفق مع العرض المالي‬

Rate Amount
Item Description Quantity Unit JD JD

Supply a heat pump VRF (variable refrigerant Flow)
system. Refrigerant R410A, complete with the outdoor,
indoor units & control system.
System’s operation has to be based on pressure sensors
and thermostats, which via a specially developed and
designed integrated circuit will control the frequency of
the motor (inverter) of the compressor by means of
varying the compressor’s speed, thus changing
refrigerant’s volume .
The system shall maintain smooth operation for up to 24
hours without any error even if there was a power cut-off
on one indoor unit. The smooth operation shall have the
option to be extended for more than 24 hours until the
indoor unit is maintained back to its original condition
Selection according to the schedules, drawings and
specifications. As for the following:

1.1 Outside units:

Modular type. Includes hermetically closed scroll type
compressor with integrated motor and sound absorbing
jacket. They should have a DC inverter driven motor and
be able to continuously change the frequency. Each
module shall contain two full inverter compressors. All
according to the specs, schedules and drawings as follow

OU-1 : 100444 BTU 1 No.

OU-2 : 156000 BTU 2 No.
OU-3 : 204000 BTU 1 No.

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) 2019/ 11 ( ‫عطاء رقم‬

Rate Amount
Item Description Quantity Unit JD JD

1.2 Indoor units:

Concealed ceiling type with output capacity for heating
not less than cooling capacity at nominal conditions. The
unit shall have external static pressure up to 150 Pa.
Inverter condensate lift pump shall be provided within
the unit and shall be capable of discharging 625mm
above the drain outlet. All according to the capacities
provided in the schedules of equipment at the following
design conditions
38 CDB ambient temperature , 23 CDB indoor
temperature & 50% relative humidity. As the following
capacities and types :

IDU-01 : CASSETE TYPE ( 12000 BTU ) 1 No.

IDU-02 CASSETE TYPE ( 18000 BTU ) 1 No.
IDU-03 : CASSETE TYPE ( 24000 BTU ) 2 No.
IDU-04 : CASSETE TYPE ( 30000 BTU ) 1 No.
IDU-05 : CASSETE TYPE (36000 BTU ) 2 No.
IDU-06 : DUCTED SPLIT TYPE (30000 BTU ) 1 No.
IDU-07 : DUCTED SPLIT TYPE (36000 BTU ) 1 No.
IDU-08 : DUCTED SPLIT TYPE ( 42000 BTU ) 2 No.
IDU-09 : DUCTED SPLIT TYPE (48000 BTU ) 5 No.
IDU-10 : DUCTED SPLIT TYPE (54000 BTU ) 1 No.

Removal and reinstall false ceiling are including

in the price of indoor units

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) 2019/ 11 ( ‫عطاء رقم‬

Rate Amount
Item Description Quantity Unit JD JD

1.3 Centralized
Supply & installation of centralized controller with
colour Liquid Crystal Display to provide simple user
friendly operation to perform the following functions:

› zone control
› group control
› malfunction code display
› expanded timer function L.S L.S

1.4 Piping Network

Supply and install refrigerant copper pipes C1220 type.
With properly sized joints. Insulated for both liquid &
gas pipes according to the equipment manufacturer
recommendations and specifications. L.S L.S


supply and install condensate pipes for all indoor units
and connect it to the main condensate water tank in the
ground floor L.S L.S

2.1 AC & Ventilation Duct Work
Maintenance of all exciting Galvanized steel ductwork
including flex. Connector, necessary supports and
accessories etc.… ,complete as per smecna and ASHREA
requirements . L.S L.S

2.2 Duct Insulation

Maintenance of all exciting Fiber Glass thermal
insulation thick. 1" / 24 m3/Kg for all ductworks
running ceiling voids, shaft and duct. L.S L.S

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) 2019/ 11 ( ‫عطاء رقم‬

Rate Amount
Item Description Quantity Unit JD JD

3 Split Units AC’s / Inverter Type:

Wall mounted type:

12000 BTU 1 No
18000 BTU 1 No
24000 BTU 3 No

0 ‫فك وتسهيم جميع وحذاث انتكييف انذاخهيت وانخارجيت‬

‫انراكبت حانيا وانمراد استبذانها وتسهيمها نصاحب انعمم‬
‫مع مراعاة انمحافظت عهيها بحانتها انسهيمت وأن تكىن‬
‫عمهيت انفك حسب األصىل انفنيت‬ L.S L.S
Page (4) JD

Total Price
Item Description JD

Total of page (1)

Total of page (2)

Total of page (3)

Total of page (4)



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