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Online Current English

SP Worksheet 1 | Grade 9 | 24 January 2024

SP WORKSHEET 1 (Suggested level: Grade 9)

In this worksheet, the focus is on reading for comprehension (answering questions; drawing conclusions; inferring meanings
and expressing opinions) and on developing critical language awareness; vocabulary development; idiomatic expressions;
direct speech; suffixes; parts of speech; punctuation; interpreting cartoons. CAPS Reading and Viewing; Language
Structures – Grade 9: aspects of weeks 1–4, Term 1.

Refer to Text 1:
1. Give the meanings of these idiomatic expressions as they are used in the text:
a. He saw light at the end of the tunnel (paragraph 1). (1)
b. He was in the dark about his future (paragraph 5). (1)
c. Suggest why these expressions are particularly appropriate for this text. (2)
2. Rewrite Mtshali’s words in direct speech, using the correct punctuation: He had resorted to using
candlelight to do his schoolwork (paragraph 4). Begin with Mtshali said... (2)
3. Refer to paragraph 8:
a. Give reasons why Mtshali is described as “persistent”. Mention three details from anywhere in
the text to support your answer. (3)
b. Find a word from elsewhere in the text which could be a synonym for “persistent”. (1)
4. Write down the contrasting figurative expressions in paragraph 10 that describe his experiences
with different subjects and give their meanings. (2)
5. What do you think Mtshali experienced when he says “...something happened. I don’t know what
to call it” (paragraph 11). Give reasons for your answer. (2)
6. The word “chargeable” (paragraph 13) is formed from “charge”, which has had a suffix (-able)
added to it. Use suffixes to change the words below so that they function as the parts of speech
written in the top row of the table. The first one has been done for you: (4)
Verb Adjective Noun Adverb
charge chargeable charge XX
electricity XX
XX nerve
achieve XX
XX happy
7. In paragraphs 20 and 21, Mtshali speaks about his future plans. What do these plans suggest
about the type of person he is? Give reasons for your answer. (2)
Refer to Text 2:
8. Give the function of the apostrophes as they are used in this cartoon. (1)
9. Discuss why this cartoon is humorous (funny). (3)
Refer to Text 3:
10. What does “whew” (frame 1) convey about Thandi’s state of mind? (1)
11. Describe how her body language also conveys her state of mind. (2)
12. A pun involves the use of a word or expression for the purposes of humour. Identify the pun in
this cartoon strip and discuss the two ways in which the word can be interpreted. (2)
13. Why is Mother Anderson’s question in frame 4 written in inverted commas? (1)
Refer to Text 4:
14. Describe what the cartoon indicates about what lies ahead for the “class of 2023”. Refer to the
details in the cartoon in your answer. (3)
Refer to Text 5:
15. Describe the visual details in the cartoon. (2)
16. Discuss what you think the cartoonist wanted to convey by representing Eskom’s new ‘logo’ in this
way. . (2)
17. Would you say that there is a connection between the cartoon and any aspect of the content in
Text 1? Support your answer by referring to both the cartoon and Text 1. (3)
[40 marks]

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