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Laguage and Written Expression IV

Ezequiel Di Giorno
Essay N° 1
May, 8th

“All of my friends who have younger siblings who are going to college or high school – my
number one piece of advice is: you should learn how to program”. With this statement, Mark
Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, introduced us what is today the most popular social
networking site in the year 2004. However, although a time then the media has been completely
explored could be getting closer, the full potential of these creations are yet to be harnessed by
mankind. Social media is improving people’s lives around the world by providing a really fast way
of communicating with everyone online, easy access to information and new ways of getting a
good job.

Instant messages or best known as inbox provide a very fast and safe way of communicating with
any person around the world. In contrast to old telephones and cellphones, being able to contact
any person at any time without being charged for the service, has created a communicational
revolution. Furthermore, social media has shortened the time of waiting for a response and the
quality of messages which are much better than old letter or phone calls in terms of accessibility
and accuracy. Social media, therefore, has not only changed people’s lives, it has also made their
lives better.

As well as providing a fast and efficient way of communicating with people, social media is also
being currently used to get quick access to information. The idea of buying and reading a
newspaper has been relegated to people who enjoy reading instead of being connected to any
gadget. Whatever happens in everyday life, will instantly appear on the media letting people have
immediate access to up-to-date information. In addition to this, books, articles, essays and much
more have been uploaded and shared on the media for people who are considered media lovers.
By providing an easy and quick access to information, social media has improved people’s
knowledge of the world.

Last, as a consequence of the increasing disuse of newspapers, many companies have opted to
search for employees via social media. Firstly, companies have immediate and massive access to
people who are looking for a job. Secondly, creating an account in a social networking site such as
Facebook or twitter is free, so a lot of money on advertisements can be saved. Thirdly, companies
are able to check people´s profile online before selecting the best candidate for them.

In summary, Social media is making a significant difference in everyday people’s lives. By providing
quick and accurate messages, it is improving people’s interactions. In addition, the easy access to
general information has enlarged people’s knowledge of the world. What is more, it seems to be
much easier to get a job with the help of social media. The evidence certainly shows that good and
responsible use of social media can be the key to improve people’s lives.

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