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work you can connect the stripes of the facing stitching with a stitch (knitted) stitch . Double cap. This is its
downside. The set using the knitted patchwork technique is the result of meeting Olga Nesterova, a student of Nadezhda
Tetkina. Olga is an excellent master of not only knitting patchwork, but also freeform, and teaches courses in St.
Petersburg. By the way, the place where the classes are held, having a special aura, becomes a second home and many
students, having completed the courses and unable to part with the warm, friendly atmosphere, attend practical
classes. This is “Marina Nikolaevna’s Women’s Handicrafts Workshop” on the street. Zastavskaya, 30. The workshop hosts
courses in knitted patchwork, freeform, crocheting, embroidery, beading, felting, artistic leather processing, and
patchwork. Shows of knitted clothes made by course students are often held here. Come, you will be very
welcome. Tel. for inquiries 972-23-20.

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Winter set knitted using patchwork technique. Everything is connected with simple squares, the knitting description of
which will not be given here, because... Anyone can find information on the Internet. I am only attaching a diagram of the
cap and a description of the edging. Description of the edging of the cap. If the hat is knitted according to my pattern
with the same number of loops in squares, cast on 118 loops on circular knitting needles around the entire circumference
(17+1 +31+1 +17+1 +17+1 +31+1 +17+1) . Next: - knit 3 rows of purl stitch in color A - 3 rows of stockinette stitch,
of which 2 rows are in color B and 1 row in color A - 7 rows of purl stitch in color A (middle row is the fold line) * - 3 rows
of stockinette stitch, of which 2 rows with color B and 1 row with color A ** - 3 rows of purl stitch with color A Without
covering the last row, we stitch it to the wrong side of the cap or to the inner cap, if our cap is double. *Up to the
inflection line at the corners of the ears, we increase 5 times by 2 loops, knitting three in the center from one loop, or two
from one loop, one loop in the center of the ear, two from one. We get 138 loops. After the bend line, we make decreases
on the ears (5 times three loops together in the center of each ear), we get 118 loops. ** To ensure that the edging of
the cap holds its shape and the rows of the purl stitching turn out to be more voluminous, we knit the 1st row of the
facing stitch of color B, grabbing the loops of color B from the first strip of the facing stitch, or at the end of the whole
work you can connect the stripes of the facing stitching with a stitch (knitted) stitch . Double cap. This is its
downside. The set using the knitted patchwork technique is the result of meeting Olga Nesterova, a student of Nadezhda
Tetkina. Olga is an excellent master of not only knitting patchwork, but also freeform, and teaches courses in St.
Petersburg. By the way, the place where the classes are held, having a special aura, becomes a second home and many
students, having completed the courses and unable to part with the warm, friendly atmosphere, attend practical
classes. This is “Marina Nikolaevna’s Women’s Handicrafts Workshop” on the street. Zastavskaya, 30. The workshop hosts
courses in knitted patchwork, freeform, crocheting, embroidery, beading, felting, artistic leather processing, and
patchwork. Shows of knitted clothes made by course students are often held here. Come, you will be very
welcome. Tel. for inquiries 972-23-20.

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