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As far as I am concerned, the best strategy for a company to retain its

employees is to increase the average salaries which they matter the

most. 首句回应题目的任务,从 contribution 角度满足要求 To be

more specific, the determinant reason why people have to work rather

than do whatever they desire is to make money for a living. In this

case, the leading factor which drives people to seek a different job

elsewhere is that they believe they would be valued more in another

environment. 指出人们工作的原因是在于谋生,因此跳槽的原因在

于在另一个工作环境中,他们 be valued more, 看似这个阐述比较有

逻辑,但是需要注意 1) 语言表达方面过于绝对化,determinant,

leading 这样的词汇的出现使的程度上很强烈;人们工作的原因可以

是 make a living,也可以是 better their living quality, 甚至也可以是

pursue a sense of satisfaction, 其次人们跳槽的原因可以是文章所提

到的希望 be more valued, 也可能是与同事之间的关系,亦或是公司

的规模或发展限制了个人的发展空间等等 2) 如果考虑清楚了前面的

辑就产生了不合理之处,更何况 be valued more 并不一定要通过心


Therefore, the most efficient way to reverse their decisions and

prevent more workers from moving elsewhere is to give them more

financial benefits. 在这个位置提到的 give more financial benefits 作

为读者或者考官,会有疑问,具体怎么样的才能称之为 more financial

benefits; 如果在文章的开头位置直接指出来,留住员工,减少员工跳




或者个人的职位晋升不明确,使的员工无法有明确的方向 Still, voices

arise that optimizing workspace and training workers' professional

skills also aid in retaining current employees. Ironically, if firms raise

wages, current employees will try their best to secure their positions.

Consequently, they will modify their skills spontaneously and ignore

the previously intolerable working environment due to the

overwhelming monetary rewards.最后这个部分的信息核心在于通过

提升薪水来进一步与题干中所给的两个 strategies,改善工作环境以



的,但是可以考虑一下,作为读者,尤其 foreigners 真的会因为薪水

而忍受 intolerable working environment 吗?其次,如果每次写作中

针对这种 best strategy 的题目都要做到想出的观点还必须考虑如何



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