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The two illustrated drawings provide the modifications that had been made to an academy, starting

from 1985 to the modern day.

Overall, the illustrations seemed to suggests the idea that there had been proposal of adding new
physical facilities, expanding the education room spaces, more facilities for researching as well as some
pathing for vehicles.

Firstly, in the 1985, where 1500 students were attending the school, it seems to have more organized
mapping of accommodations where is the north the entrance to the school starts with a road connected
to the playing fields potentially to drop off students; the exit was on the same path as the exit. Secondly,
to the north of the fields, on the east side building is two story classrooms and in front of it or to its west
is another classroom with a small car park to its north. Thirdly, to their west is the library which close the
office that is at its north. Lastly, there is a large car park between the entrance or exit road and the
playing fields’ road.

Back to the present time, where the school attendants had increased to 2300 students, more
accommodations plotting had been made. Starting off with the road to the play fields that had been
removed as well as the car park connected to it was reconstructed to a curvier structure on the map
reforming the road to curve as well. The office to its west remained the same but the library from its
north was replaced with more technological learning style such as a computer room and renaming it the
the Learning Resources Centre. Consequently, the car park and classrooms to its east was modified, as
the car park was demolished but the classrooms was moved the center’s south as well as built at a much
bigger size taking space from the play fields and the library. And to its south is the newly added facilities
the pool and fitness Centre that nearly took half the space of the playing fields. Above the fields is
another added classroom that took its space. In addition, the old classroom stories with a new third
story for the risen number of students.

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