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School Year:
Class: 5e Size: students
Learning situation n°1: Leisure( continued)
Sequence n°2: games and sports (continued)
Day lesson: Vocabulary
Title: Word formation
General Objective: At the end of this lesson learners should be able to form and define
words ending in er/ or
Specific objectives:
1- Form word ending in er/or.
2- Use them in suitable contexts
Duration: 55 minutes
Competences: Disciplinary, transdisciplinary and transversal competences
Materials: student's book 5e, teacher's guide, Longman dictionary
Strategies: lockstep, Iw, Pw, group w
Reference books: student's book 5e

Warm up: Song: If you’re happy
Duration: 2 minutes
Date saying/ writing : 2minutes
Homework correction:
Duration: 5minutes
Introduction: today we're going to form words ending in er/or
Presentation stage
Activity 1: Study this table and say how the nouns are formed
Verbs Nouns
To dance dancer
To play Player
To act actor
To collect Collector
To direct Director
To sell. Seller
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Strategies and durations: Iw: 5m Pw: 3 m cw: 7
Competences: CD1 cd2 cd3
Expected answers:
Nouns are formed by adding er/ or to the verb base
Ex: Sell: sell+er
Act: act+or
Do : do+ er
Practice stage
Activity 2: Complete the sentences with the appropriate noun from the underlined verb
1- A person who sings is a .......
2- A person who instructs is an ........
3- A person who supports is a .........
4 A person who plays is a .......
Strategies and durations: IW : 3m Pw : 2m cw: 10m
Competences: cd2 cd3
Expected answers:
1- singer
2- instructor
3- supporter
4- player
Production phase
Activity 3: Define the words below as the given example
Example: driver: is a person who drives
1- teacher. 2- learner. 3- director. 4- reader
Strategies and durations: Iw 3minutes Pw 3 m cw 8 m
Competences: cd2 cd3
Expected answers:
1- teacher : is a person who teaches
2- learner: is a person who learns
3- director : is a person who directs
4- reader: is a person who reads

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Activity: complete these sentences with correct words orally
A person who dances is a .....,
A girl who acts today is a good ......
Strategies and durations: lockstep 5minutes
Expected answers: orally


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