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Cheerleading Reflection

1. Does being a cheerleader makes you a part of a team?

Yes, because in cheerleading I get to work with new people and working with new people
means making friends and the more friends you have the more included you would feel.
2. Is cheerleading for soloists or teams?
Cheerleading is for teams.
3. How can we create an inclusive team?
We can combine all the performances together into one big performance.
4. Why old ladies and handicapped people cannot be cheerleaders?
Because cheerleading includes lots of stunt that can be dangerous for old and handicapped
5. Does supporting a sport team should be the main goal of cheerleading?
No, the main goal of cheerleading is working as a team and having fun.
6. Do you agree with the statement: Cheerleaders are not only gymnasts, they should know
the rules, the players and follow the game and react properly?
Yes, I agree because if the cheerleaders don’t follow the rules it can cause problems.
7. What is the definition of relationship?
Relationship is when two or more people are connected to each other, family and marriage is
a good example of relationship.
8. How can moving together explore relationships and build communities?
By being together with someone you can make them a good friend and soon you will start to
love them and as soon as you love them there is a relationship building up between you and
the other person.

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