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NAME Gene Andree G. Monillo YEAR & CLASS BSN III

Title: Activity 1 "WHO I AM?"
Knowing thyself is one of the key elements to succeed in every challenge and endeavor of
everyone. This activity allows you to examine, reassess, redirect, direct, and know yourself even
better. Write confidently about yourself. Your ambitions, dreams, your story, plans, motivations,
likes and dislikes, hobbies, your own view of things, beliefs, frustrations, disappointments and

To whom / who motivates you to get up every day?

To start off, I am now in my Third year in this program and to better know me, this program
was not really existing in my list of choices. Since I graduated Highschool, I had one goal in mind
and that was to become an architect until I reached senior high school. It all changed when I
encountered a subject in STEM—biology. Not because I was good at it at first but because I was
really bad at it. I didn’t like how It was hard for me to cope with the subject. I think it was one of
the factors that led me here today. I didn’t like failing or being behind everyone so I studied it
so hard that my teacher was somehow impressed with how my grades turned out.
That’s when I realized, I love learning biology that I’d dreamed to be someone who studies
biology on a deeper extent. On the day of picking out schools and programs to enroll in, my
senior high school friends told me that they will be taking up Nursing—and I enrolled too.
As months passed that I am now in this program I have come to big realizations about myself. I
wanted to be someone who is so good at her chosen profession so that I can be someone
people can trust and rely on. I wanted to become a great giver of care. I wanted to become
happy in this profession.

I still love art, like painting, or scribbling lines down my notebook or designing whatever. But
there are things that I have come to dislike too, I dislike pretentious people, I don’t like how its
so hot outside, I don’t like being left out in conversations, and I don’t like failing. Just as how I
am disappointed with myself that I didn’t get in on the honor’s list last academic year.
Now that this is a fresh start of my second semester, I’d want to give my best. Even if, I get so
lazy or demotivated easily, feeling loss, but I hope that I can regain once more my spark in
learning. I believe in the saying, “fake it till you make it till its true” though most people would
not, but I do. I always think that I just Have to do my part everyday until I eventually love it and
love it for real. There is nothing that motivated me to do my best but seeing my self in the

future. I want to become the best me in the future. I want to be a proficient nurse someday
or someone great at what she does.

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