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The pictures illustrate some changes taking place at Headly Village

and Fonto town in three different periods (1925, 1975, and the
Overall, Headly and Fonto have experienced considerable alternation
during the period shown. The most noticeable development is the
merge of the two areas.
It is manifest from the maps that in 1925, Headly and Fonto were
distinctively separated. Over 5 decades, the only Northwest road
that ran through Headly was improved and a new main road was
erected to connect with Fonto town. In Headly, a residential area, a
leisure centre, and a local shop was built next to the first road.
Currently, the two villages have been merged together. The housing
estate and the leisure centre have remained in the same location.
Meanwhile, the local shop has been upgraded to a super market. At
the heart of the area, advanced infrastructures like hotel, business
park have been constructed to satify the residents’ needs.

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