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integrative task


Bonilla Pérez Heber Edgardo

Agustín Martínez Alejandro
Cruz González Marco Uriel
Gutiérrez Sanchez Edgardo Gabriel
Duran Ventura Alexis Uriel
Lopez Chavez Yaraseth

Report on Daily Routines: Preferences and Habits

This report summarizes the responses and percentages obtained from 10 people
in relation to their daily routines, focusing on various activities and habits. Here are
the key findings:

Morning Preferences:
Question 1: What is your favorite morning activity?
1. Option A (Exercise): 50%
2. Option b (Meditate): 20%
3. Option c (Check Phone): 30%
Analysis: Most prefer to start the day with exercise, while a significant percentage
also choose to check their phone.

Distribution of Responsibilities:
Question 2: How do you prefer to distribute your responsibilities throughout
the day?
1. Option A (Morning Planning): 20%
2. Option b (Delegate tasks): 10%
3. Option c (Pomodoro Technique): 70%
Analysis: The Pomodoro technique is preferred by most, indicating a preference
for interval-based time management.

Physical Activities:
Question 3: When do you prefer to engage in physical activity?
1. Option A (Morning): 40%
2. Option b (Afternoon): 30%
3. Option c (Not doing regular physical activity): 30%
Analysis: The preference for physical activities varies, but most prefer to do them
in the morning.

Daily Planning:
Question 4: How much time do you spend on day-to-day planning?
1. Option A (Less than 10 minutes): 40%
2. Option b (Between 10 and 20 minutes): 30%
3. Option c (More than 20 minutes): 30%
Analysis: Most spend less than 10 minutes on daily planning, indicating a
preference for quick and efficient approaches.

Relaxation After a Hectic Day:

Question 5: After a hectic day, what is your preferred method of relaxing?
1. Option A (Listening to Relaxing Music): 50%
2. Option b (Take a hot shower): 20%
3. Option c (Practice Meditation): 30%
Review: Soothing music is the most popular choice for relaxation after a busy day.

Nightly Routine:
Question 6: Do you follow any bedtime routines to improve sleep quality?
1. Option A (Read a Book): 20%
2. Option b (Avoid electronic devices): 40%
3. Option c (No specific routine): 40%
Analysis: Half of people prefer to avoid electronic devices before bed, while the
rest have varying preferences.

Rest and Disconnection During the Day:

Question 7: How do you incorporate moments of rest and disconnection into
your day?
1. Option A (Short walks during the day): 50%
2. Option b (Listen to music during breaks): 20%
3. Option c (I don't incorporate moments of rest): 30%
Analysis: Most opt for short walks as a way to rest and disconnect during the day.

Importance of Meals:
Question 8: How important are meals in your daily routine and how do you
plan them?
1. Option A (I plan balanced meals): 60%
2. Option b (Fast food based on availability): 20%
3. Option c (I don't plan meals regularly): 20%
Analysis: Most prioritize balanced, planned meals in their daily routine.

Interruption Management:
Question 9: How do you handle unexpected interruptions during the day?
1. Option A (I prioritize and return to the main task): 70%
2. Option b (Manage each interruption as they arise): 10%
3. Option c (I find it difficult to handle interruptions): 20%
Analysis: Most prefer to prioritize and get back to the main task when faced with

Fundamental Habits for Daily Well-Being:

Question 10: Do you have any habits that you consider essential to maintain
your daily well-being?
1. Option A (Exercise Regularly): 60%
2. Option b (Practice gratitude): 40%
3. Option c (No Particular Habit): 0%
Analysis: Most highlight the importance of regular exercise as a fundamental habit
for daily well-being.
In summary, these responses and percentages reflect the diversity of preferences
and approaches in the daily routines of the people surveyed, providing valuable
insights into how they manage their time and well-being on a day-to-day basis.

Based on the responses and patterns observed in the daily routines of the people
surveyed, here are some general recommendations to improve quality of life and

1. Incorporate Morning Exercise:

Given the preference for morning physical activities, consider
incorporating a short morning exercise into your daily routine. It can
be as simple as stretching or a brisk walk.
2. Using Pomodoro Techniques for Time Management:
Those who prefer the Pomodoro technique for distributing
responsibilities can still take advantage of this methodology. Be sure
to take adequate breaks to stay productive.
3. Make Time for Quick Planning:
Since most prefer to spend less than 10 minutes on daily planning,
consider having a short but effective planning session each morning
to set goals and priorities.
4. Explore Relaxation Techniques at the End of the Day:
Those looking to unwind after a hectic day can explore additional
techniques, such as meditation or deep breathing practice, to
enhance relaxation before sleep.
5. Establishing Nighttime Routines to Improve Sleep:
Those who choose to avoid electronic devices before bed are taking
positive steps to improve sleep quality. Consider establishing a more
structured nighttime routine to promote a more restful night's sleep.
6. Prioritize Short Walks and Moments of Disconnection:
Those who find benefit in short walks can continue to prioritize these
moments of rest and disconnection during the day. Look for
opportunities to take short breaks and recharge.
7. Balanced Meal Planning:
Most value balanced meal planning. Continue to prioritize a balanced
diet and consider preparing meals ahead of time to make it easier to
incorporate into your daily routine.
8. Manage Outages Effectively:
Those who prefer to prioritize and get back to the main task when
faced with disruptions are adopting an effective strategy. Continue to
focus on prioritization to stay productive.
9. Make Regular Exercise a Fundamental Habit:
Most consider regular exercise to be a fundamental habit. Keep this
habit positive for overall well-being, choosing activities you enjoy to
make them sustainable in the long run.
10. Explore the Practice of Gratitude:
Those who value the practice of gratitude can explore more specific
techniques, such as keeping a gratitude journal, to strengthen this
habit and encourage positivity in daily life.

Remember that everyone is unique, and these recommendations are based on

general trends observed. Adjust these suggestions based on your personal
preferences and individual needs.

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