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NAME:____________________________________ SCORE:______________________________
TEACHER:__________________________________ GRADE AND SECTION:__________________

TEST I – Fill in the blanks provided with the answers on the box below.
____________1. To take in (something, such as a liquid) in a natural or gradual way.
____________2. Having small holes that allow air or liquid to pass through.
____________3. Materials that do not allow air or liquid to pass through.
____________4. To fall to the buttom of water.
____________5. Means to stay on top
____________6. To be slowly destroyed into bits in the presence of water and soil.
____________7. The fourth type of matter
____________8. A type of matter that has a definite shape
____________9. A type of matter that has no definite shape but follows the shape of the container.
____________10. Waste materials those are recycled as fertilizer.

Decay Solid Compost Porous Sink

Plasma Liquid Absorb Non-porous Float
TEST II – Choose the letter of the correct answer

11. Which of the following materials float in water

a. big stone c. Empty plastic bottle
b. metal spoon d. Crystal glass

12. Which group of materials can be used to sink a material easily?

a. cloth, sponge, rug, cotton buds
b. plastic bottle with cover, basketball,
c. big stones, metal bar and hollow blocks

13. Your mother asked to buy her a detergent powder. What are you going to do first?
a. Read the label of the product to look for the expiry
b. Buy it right away
c. Look for the ingredients
d. Do not accept the product

14. Why do boat floats?

a. boats are made of wood
b. they are made of plastics
c. none of these

15. What are you going to do with the decaying materials?

a. make a compost pit c. None of these
b. throw it everywhere

Test 3 - True or false. Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and write the word “FALSE” if statement is
__________16. Some things float on top
__________17. An object’s shape can affect its ability to float
__________18. The heavier the object the faster it sinks
__________19. Not all plants and animals decay at the same time.
__________20. Decayed materials will turn into fuel after many years.

NAME:____________________________________ SCORE:______________________________
TEACHER:__________________________________ GRADE AND SECTION:_________________

TEST I – TRUE OR FALSE Write the word true if the statement is correct and write the word false if the statement is

1. __________Some things float on top

2. __________ An object’s shape can affect its ability to float
3. __________The heavier the object the faster it sinks
4. __________Not all plants and animals decay at the same time.
5. __________Decayed materials will turn into fuel after many years.

TEST II – Fill in the blanks provided with the answers on the box below.

6. __________An illness that affects a person, animal or plant

7. __________These are diseases spread by mosquitoes.
8. __________It is a waterborne disease. It can get from dirty water
9. __________It is a disease that can cause severe diarrhea.
10. __________It is an action or process of making land water and air dirty and not safe to use

Pollution diseases malaria/dengue typhoid fever dysentery


11. shampoo bottle _______________ 16. Plastic containers_____________________

12. left-over food_________________ 17. Empty boxes_________________________
13. office paper__________________ 18. Broken glass_________________________
14. bond paper__________________ 19. Twigs_______________________________
15. Old newspaper_______________ 20. Dried leaves_________________________

“It is better to get an honest zero than a stolen perfect score” Good luck!!!!!!!!

NAME:____________________________________ SCORE:______________________________
TEACHER:__________________________________ GRADE AND SECTION:_________________

1. Which of the following materials float in water?

a. Big stone c. Empty plastic bottle
b. Metal spoon d. Crystal glass

2. Using the data below, which group of materials can be used to prevent oneself from drowning?
Materials that absorb Materials that float Materials that sink Materials that will not
water absorb water
Cloth Bamboo stem Big stones Plastic cup
Sponge Log Metal bar Alcohol bottle
Rug Plastic bottle with cover Hollow blocks Tin can
Cotton roll Piece of wood
Twine cloth

a. A, B, and C b. B c. A d. C

3. Your mother asked you to give her medicine for fever. What are you going to do first?
a. Read the label of the medicine
b. Get a glass of water and the medicine
c. Get the medicine and give it right away to your mother.
d. Taste the medicine before giving it to your mother.

4. Why do boats float in water?

a. Boats are made of wood that make them float.
b. Man uses paddle to make the boat float
c. The sea breeze makes the boat float on water
d. The boat is filled with plastic string that makes it float.

5. If you are going to dispose waste materials commonly found at home, what are you going to do with the
decaying materials?
a. Make a compost
b. Throw them in the river
c. Mix them with non-decaying materials
d. Keep them in the cabinet and use them again

6. A glass of water was spilled on the table. You want to dry the table at once.
What are you going to use?
a. Cotton c. Tissue paper
b. Rug made of cloth d. Handkerchief
7. If you are expose to garbage what kind of illness would you probably get?
a. Heart failure c. goiter
b. Asthma d. Nose bleed

Study the words inside the box, then answer questions 8-10 below.
Fish bone, chicken feathers, Bottle of mineral water Empty can and empty bottles of
kangkong stem, potato peeling, Glass, empty container of catsup soft drink, milk, cereal drinks,
Left over meat Toyo/vinegar, broken pail, basin sardines, corned beef, meat loaf

8. Which group of materials will undergo decay?

a. A and B b. C and A c. A d. B

9. Which group of materials is recyclables?

a. A and B b. B and C c. A and C d. C

10. Which group of materials can be turned into fertilizer?

a. A and C b. B and C c. B d. A

11. Which of the following show proper waste disposal?

a. Throwing garbage to the sea
b. Putting all waste materials in one container
c. Throwing left-over foods in the drainage
d. Segregating waste into decaying and non-decaying

12. You are going to buy a can and juice in the store for your visitor’s snack. The following can and juices were
displayed in the store with its expiration date? Which of them are you going to choose?
a. Pineapple juice – best before January 2014
b. Orange juice – best before March 2014
c. Mango juice – best before July – 2014
d. Apple juice – best before 2015

13. Why is it important to read the label of any product?

a. To know the product
b. To get the number of pieces on sale in the market
c. To know who are qualified to buy the product.
d. To use the product correctly

14. Why do some materials absorb water? Because some materials ____________________?
a. have tiny holes that let the water in
b. are soft that can easily get water in
c. are made of vinyl
d. are expensive

15. Which of the following materials have the ability to sink in water?
a. Metal spoon b. Wood c. Plastic sheet d. Both B and C

16. How should non-decaying wastes be disposed?

a. By composting b. By Reusing c. By recycling d. Both b and c

17. Wastes that are not properly disposed may __________________________

a. become breeding places of pests such as mosquitoes
b. cause loss of humus soil
c. speed up the waste materials to decay
d. allow free flow of rain water runoff.
18. Waste should be segregated according to its _________________
a. property
b. color
c. size
d. texture

19. What safety precaution do you need to observe in disposing waste materials?
a. Use gloves or adequate equipment in handling waste materials to prevent puncture by sharp items.
b. Taste and touch waste materials before disposing them
c. Keep the waste materials in your kitchen
d. Expose yourself to the waste materials
20. What should people do with the garbage to prevent themselves from getting sick?
a. Dispose waste materials properly
b. Take medicine before handling waste
c. Throw the waste materials anywhere in the surroundings
d. Wash hands with boiled water after disposing waste.

NAME:____________________________________ SCORE:______________________________
TEACHER:__________________________________ GRADE AND SECTION:_________________

TEST 1 - True or False. Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and write the word FALSE if the statement is
wrong. Write the answers on the blanks.

Organic fertilizer from compost pit does not harm but enrich the soil.

1. __________Solid materials do not have a definite shape

2. __________Biodegradable materials are those decaying materials.
3. __________Factors that contribute the decaying process are sunlight, water, soil and microorganisms.
4. __________Left-over foods can stay outside forever.
5. __________Left-over food must be kept in the refrigerators to avoid spoilage or decay.

TEST II - Fill in the blanks. Choose the answers from the box below

1. __________An illness that affects a person, animal or plant

2. __________These are diseases spread by mosquitoes.
3. __________It is a waterborne disease. It can get from dirty water
4. __________It is a disease that can cause severe diarrhea.
5. __________It is an action or process of making land water and air dirty and not safe to use.
6. __________Waste materials are recycled as fertilizer.
7. __________Capable of being slowly destroyed and broken down into very small parts.

Diseases Dengue Fever Typhoid Fever Dysentery Pollution

Decaying Materials Decay

Tell whether it is a Kitchen waste, garden waste, or factory returnable.

34. shampoo bottle 39. Plastic containers
35. left-over food 40. Empty boxes
36. office paper 41. Broken glass
37. bond paper 42. Twigs
38. Old newspaper 43. Dried leaves
NAME:____________________________________ SCORE:______________________________
TEACHER:__________________________________ GRADE AND SECTION:_________________

1. Kurt was playing with his modelling clay. As he pressed onto the molder clay he was able to make different
toys/materials. Which of the following describes what happens to the modelling clay when it was pressed? The
clay changed its ____________________.
a. size and color
b. size and shape
c. volume and odor
d. size and volume

2. Angel cut a piece of paper into pieces as shown. Describe what changes happened in the property of the piece
of paper when it was cut. The paper change its _____________________.

a. physical appearance
b. social appearance
c. volume appearance
d. chemical apperance

3. Gerome needs a tin sheet for his project. He fastened a piece o the empty tin can (lata) by hammering it.
Describe the changes that happened in the property of the tin when it was hammered. The tin can will

a. flattened
b. bend
c. twisted
d. cutted

4. Mang Rudy bought several pieces of tie wire from the hardware. Accidentally, on his way home some piece of
tie wire were bent. Describe what changed happened in the property lies of the tie wire when it was bent. The
wire changed its ________________________________
a. physical appearance
b. social appearance
c. volume appearance
d. chemical appearance

5. Complete the graphic organizer below to describe the changes that might happen in the property/ies of the
bottle cap when hammered with the use of the nail.
The bottle cap will be ____________
a. Flattened
b. Crushed
c. Diced
d. Sliced

6. Alphin heated a chocolate bar to make chocolate syrup. Which of the following describes what changes
happened in the property of the chocolate bar when it is heated?
a. The chocolate bar changed its size and shape
b. The chocolate bar changed its taste and odor.
c. The chocolate bar changed its texture and color
d. The chocolate bar chaned its odor and texture

7. The picture below shows a piece of butter in the frying pan. It the stove is turned on, what change would
happen to the piece of butter? The butter will be__________________________

a. melted
b. diced
c. crushed
d. bent
8. What change could happen in the properties of the water when you place it inside the freezer? The water will
become ________________
a. Water vapor
b. Ice
c. Boiled
d. polluted

9. Berlyn is trying to find out what will happen to the inflated balloon when it is placed inside the freezer. The
following data was gathered from her experiment;
Circumference before placing it in the freezer = 20 cm.
Circumference after placing it in the freezer = 12 cm.

What can you conclude about what happened to the balloon when cooled?
a. The balloon gets smaller when cooled
b. The balloon gets bigger when cooled
c. The balloon increases its shape when cooled
d. The balloon increases its temperature when cooled.

10. Which of the following describes what happens to the white sugar when mixed with iodized salt?
a. White sugar can be distinguished with the iodized salt when mixed
b. White sugar cannot be distinguished with the iodized salt when mixed
c. White sugar settles at the bottom of iodized salt
d. White sugar completely mixed with iodized salt.

11.What might happen when flour is mixed with cold water? The flour will _________________.
a. dissolve completely in water
b. dissolve partially in water
c. not dissolve in water.
d. settle at the bottom of the water

12. What might happen when salt is mixed with water? The salt will __________________.
a. not mix with water
b. dissolve in water
c. melt with water
d. freeze in water

13. What will happen to alcohol and water when mixed? Alcohol and water will ________________.
a. Alcohol and water will mix completey
b. Alcohol and water will mix partially
c. Alcohol and water will not mix together
d. Alcohol and water will form two layers

14. The following used materials help protect to the environment except one. Which is it?
a. Reuse old newspaper in wrapping gifts.
b. use eco bag when buying groceries
c. use pesticides in killing insects
d. use both sides of bond paper when writing

15. Which of the following can harm the environment and natural resources?
a. digging compost pit for decaying wastes
b. Throwing hospital wastes in the river
c. taking out garbage in the river
d. Using paper bags when shopping

16. Which is necessary for a substance to burn?

a. water b. Gasoline c. Salt d. Sugar

17. Water is an all mixing substance therefore water is a/an __________________

a. universal solute
b. universal solvent
c. universal agent
d. universal mixer

18. To keep our surroundings clean and to prevent or minimize pollution in our environment, people are encourage
to d the 5R’s. What does it mean?
a. Reduce, Re-use, Recycle, Repair and Rot
b. Recycle, Revise, Restate, Recover, Repair
c. Repair, Resemble, Rephrase, Recycle and Rot
d. Reduce, Reflect, Replace, Refund, Retest

19. A paint factory disposes wastes to the river. What will happened after? The river sill become_______
a. healthy
b. polluted
c. washed
d. smoked

20. if a man will cut down trees what will cut down trees what will happened next?
a. There will be flash floods
b. The land will become humus
c. There will be new sets of trees to grow
d. The soil will become healthy.

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