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A. Which of the following materials absorb water? Put a ( /) on the blank.

____1. Cotton _____4. Umbrella

____2. Glass _____5. Sponge
____3. Towel

B. Describe the materials that absorbs water. Write the letter of the correct answer.
6. A glass of water spilled on the table. You want to dry the table at once. What are you going to use?
a.cotton b. tissue paper c. rug made of cloth d. handkerchief

7-9. Study the following pictures. Which materials do not absorbed water. Write the letters that
correspond to your answer.
a. b. c. d. e.

7. ________________________
8. _________________________
9. _________________________

10. Cotton is a material that allows air and water to pass through it. How will you classify this material?
a. it is a non-porous material c. it does not absorb water
b. it is a porous material d. it sinks

11. What is bent?

a. to cut b. to slide c. to change position d. to sharply curve.

12. It is usually use by the carpenter in beating and striking objects.

a. scissors b. wood c. machine d. hammer

13. Which of the following materials can be hammered?

a. tin can b. paper c. wood d. steel bars

14. Which of the following describes what happens to the modeling clay when it was pressed?
a. The clay changes its size and color. c. The clay changes its volume and odor.
b. The clay changes its size and shape. d. The clay changes its odor and texture.

15. How do we change the appearance of solid materials?

a. by coloring, painting, pressing c. by cooking, heating, cooling
b. by cutting, pressing, bending d. all of the above

16. All of these materials can be pressed except one, what is it?
a. cotton b. modeling clay c. donut d. stone

C. Choose the materials from the box that can be cut.

Stone water Stainless steel cabinet pail made of plastic
juice Plastic colored paper water glass made of
leaves cover string beans palstic


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