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Practice questions before quiz; Name: _________

President Matching a.
___ __ 1. Treaty of Ghent b. Explorers sent to investigate the new territories
___ __ 2. War Hawks c. A giant land purchase that doubled the size of the USA
___ __ 3. Hartford Convention d. Peace agreement to stop the War of 1812
___ __ 4. Lewis & Clark e. Federalists pushed for leaving the United States but failed
___ __ 5. Embargo Act f. People pushing for war, nationalists who wanted power
___ __ 6. Louisiana Purchase g. Completely stopped all trade in an attempt to avoid war
Battle Matching Write the matching letter
___ 1. Battle of Tippecanoe a) The British pushed back, and finally decided to stop the war
___ 2. Battle of Lake Erie b) The Prophet was killed here, at Prophetstown
___ 3. Battle of Washington DC c) “We have seen the enemy, and he is ours.” – Colonel Perry
___ 4. Battle of Lake Champlain d) Andrew Jackson won the battle, after peace treaty signed
___ 5. Battle of New Orleans e) White House was burned, Dolley saved Washington’s portrait.

1 4 9
2 5
6 10
3 7 11
8 12

a) Colorado b) Iowa c) Arkansas d) Louisiana e) Nebraska f) Minnesota g) Oklahoma

h) South Dakota i) Montana j) Wyoming k) North Dakota l) Missouri m) Kansas
1. ____ 2. ____ 3. ____ 4. ____ 5. ____ 6. ____ 7. _____ 8. ____
9. ____ 10. _____ 11. _____ 12. ___ 13. ____
___ 1. Thomas Jefferson’s presidency focused on strengthening and passing
a) Laws about the courts c) Federalist policies
b) Democratic-Republican policies d) Whig policies
___ 2. In Marbury v. Madison, the Supreme Court established that they have the power
a) To declare war c) To remove the President
b) The principle of judicial review d) To remove the freedom of speech during war
___ 3. The size of the United States was doubled by
a) The War of 1812 b) The Louisiana Purchase c) The Treaty of Ghent d) The War with Tripoli

___ 4. During the War of 1812, the British and the Indians
a) Fought against each other while also fighting the Americans
b) Joined the Americans in fighting against the French
c) Worked together to fight against the Americans
d) Tried to stay neutral
___ 5. Because the 1800 election had a tie, which legislation was passed?
a) The Judiciary Act of 1789 c) The 12th Amendment
b) The Louisiana Purchase d) The Nonintercourse Act
___ 6. What is true about Jefferson’s Democratic-Republican party?
a) It liked high taxes and tariffs
b) It liked the French more than the British
c) It liked the merchants and traders more than farmers
d) It liked a strong centralized government more than the states
___ 7. Why did the Federalists oppose the Louisiana Purchase?
a) They thought it was too expensive, and feared new taxes
b) They worried about fighting the Native Americans
c) They worried that it would be too popular and people would vote for Republicans
d) They were afraid France would regret the sale and a war would be fought with France
___ 8. What did the Embargo Act of 1807 do?
a) It stopped all trade with other countries
b) It forced the Indians out of their lands
c) It set up neutrality as the official United States policy
d) It established peace with France at the cost of war with Britain
___ 9. What were the goals of the War Hawks?
a) They wanted to make peace with the Indians
b) They wanted to build canals and internal improvements
c) They wanted to avoid war with Great Britain and France
d) They wanted war with Great Britain but not with France
___ 10. What caused the British alliance with the Indians to stop?
a) The Prophet’s death c) Tecumseh’s death
b) Madison’s death d) Sacagawea’s death
Oh, say, can you 1. ______________? By the dawn's early 2. ______________
What so proudly we hailed at the 3. ______________'s last gleaming;
Whose broad stripes and bright 4. ______________, through the perilous 5______________,
O'er the 6______________ we watched were so gallantly streaming.
And the 7______________'s red glare, the bombs bursting in air.
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there:
Oh, say, does that star-spangled 9______________ yet wave?
O'er the land of the 10______________and the home of the 11. ______________!
1) Compare two of the people from the list below.
Aaron Burr Alexander Hamilton Sacagawea Tecumseh.

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