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Marinella Borras


Personality Test

The personality test I used was a temperament test whose highest score in the result was sanguine.
The sanguine temperament is fundamentally spontaneous and pleasure-seeking; sanguine people are
sociable and charismatic. They tend to enjoy social gatherings, making new friends and tend to be
boisterous. They are usually quite creative and often daydream. However, some alone time is crucial for
those of this temperament. Sanguine can also mean sensitive, compassionate and thoughtful. Sanguine
personalities generally struggle with following tasks all the way through, are chronically late, and tend to
be forgetful and sometimes a little sarcastic. Often, when they pursue a new hobby, they lose interest as
soon as it ceases to be engaging or fun. They are very much people persons. They are talkative and not
shy. Sanguine generally have an almost shameless nature, certain that what they are doing is right. They
have no lack of confidence.

After doing the personality tests it helped me understand myself better and discover things like as a
result I am a sanguine. But, there are some results that I disagree with. I'll explain first the things that I
am agree, I agree that I am a pleasure seeking because I'm always looking for happiness, I don't want any
negative vibes in myself and in my life. Secondly, I love social gatherings because I want to be happy
wherever I go, especially if I am with my loved ones. I also agree that I tend to be loud because being
loud can make me less in the mood but sometimes if I need to be quiet, I'll stop talking and being loud. I
agree also on being thoughtful especially to the people I care and I love. And lastly, agreed again to being
alone are important for me.

What I didn't agree with was the result that the sanguine is said to be sensitive but I am not sensitive,
depending on the situation. Second, I find it difficult to follow through on tasks because somehow i still
manage to follow through and finish all my tasks. Third, is being forgetful, but I don't seem to have
reached the point where I can't really remember what I did or said. And the last one is being no lack of
confidence, because sometimes I also lose confidence in myself especially if I see or feel my insecurities
in myself.
Marinella Borras


Mandala Art

While I was drawing mandala art, something came to my mind that is not just a circle or a flower, I can
express my personality with meanings in every shape or design. The big circle that becomes a flower wall
can be compared to my stability. the small circles on the round wall it will be the symbol of every
challenge that tests my stability or tests my strength. And inside the circle you will see the flower that
will serve me or myself, even if it is not that bright, the beautiful flower will remain colorful, happy and
always beautiful in my eyes. the mandala art i made is for my personality, i can compare myself with its
designs, we can see here three flowers, first small flower, big flower and biggest flower.

I can compare the small and simple flower to my younger self, because as a child and simple, we can
clearly see the serenity of the surroundings as if no problem is thrown in his life. Second to the big
flower, we can see here that at this time the challenge of life will come, to oneself, to others, to school
and everywhere, you can also see here that the drawing will serve as an advice to us that the world
revolves, we are not always up and down. And finally the biggest flower will serve as who I am today,
that we will see that every line of art and life is up to us how we make it beautiful and The giant circles
will serve as strength in every challenge of life so far everyone is suffering. So like a flower, I also want to
be like this because I know our day will come when we will see the sun and bloom on the days we
thought we couldn't.

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