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Personal Statement

One of my greatest talents or skills is drawing and painting which is a hobby of mine. I
always loved painting and drawing because I can express myself with colors, shapes
and other stuff. I'm guessing it is not really important to others or writing this is
necessary, but to me it is something meaningful. I can't really communicate with words
because I grew up in a household where we don't share and express our feelings with
words, so I found a way to express it with art. I've been painting and drawing since I was
a kid. I was really proud of myself. My family compliments me and asks me to paint
something for them. I'm starting new hobbies like playing the guitar, crocheting again
and baking. I lost my art style so I'm still trying to get back to my drawing style. I draw
things that I find inspiring. I am a minimalist so I don't really do anything extraordinary
and crazy, so I draw things very simple. Another reason I like art is because of my
mental health. When I was having a hard time I would paint things with dark colors, like
a foggy light or the moonlight, a lonely ghost costume in the middle of the street ect. Art
is just something very meaningful and a piece of me.

A challenge I have faced and overcome was my mental health and my social anxiety. In
highschool my mental health really was not so great, I was struggling to hang out with
my friends and family. I would distance myself from my loved ones because I didn't want
them to see me in a very vulnerable state. I didn't want to stay like this forever so I got
help during quarantine, and I got the help I needed. I started to feel better and I started
to think about positive things. I get a little sad once in a while but I have friends and
family I can rely on, which I'm very grateful for. I had bad social anxiety, I wouldn't talk to
people at school, I wouldn't go out in public, so I wasn't invited to hangout with friends. I
would stutter and turn red when people talk to me. I wouldn't present in class, points
were deducted on my assignments. I got therapy for that along with my mental health.
And again I stopped thinking about other opinions and thought positively. My friends are
the main reason why I'm a little more outgoing. I get to talk about stuff I always wanted
to talk about, I get to be myself, and I get to share my opinions about things. It's now
easier to talk to people but I still stutter. Overall, now I can talk to people.

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