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The formula given for a simple’s pendulum period,

𝑇 = 2𝜋√

Where, l = pendulum length & g = acceleration due to gravity.

1. Design experiment, make observations and record data to test each hypothesis
regarding the simple pendulum:
“You are given two sets of pendulums with two different lengths and two bobs with
different mass. Using these, you are to solve for the dependent and independent
variable in the experiment from the three following factors: Length (L) of the string,
mass (m) of the bob and the Period (T) or time it takes to complete a swing.”
• Test if Period (T) of the simple pendulum depends on the mass (M) of the bob.
Using same length of string but different mass bobs.
Formula: 𝑇 = 2𝜋√𝑔
Mass 1: 𝑇 = 2𝜋√9.81 = 6.3437𝑠
Mass 2: 𝑇 = 2𝜋√9.81 = 6.3437𝑠
• Test if Period (T) of the simple pendulum depends on the length (L) of the string.
Using same mass of bobs but different length of string.
Formula: 𝑇 = 2𝜋√𝑔

Length 1: 𝑇 = 2𝜋√9.81 = 4.4857𝑠
Length 2: 𝑇 = 2𝜋√9.81 = 6.3437𝑠
2. Represent the gathered data in tabulated form.

Period of Simple Pendulum Mass 1 Mass 2

Length 1 4.4857 4.4857
Length 2 6.3437 6.3437
3. Plot graphs from the data obtained. Label your graphs properly. Have one graph for
Period (T) versus Mass (M) and Period (T) versus Length (L).

Period of a Simple Pendulum


First Test (Different Length) Second Test (Different Mass)

Period versus Mass Period versus Length

4. Interpret the graph you plotted on.

• Slope of the graph
Line 1(P vs M) has a slope of 0 meaning no change is done on the Period with a
change in mass. Meanwhile Line 2(P vs L) has an upwards slope as shown during
the 2nd test, meaning changing the length of the string had an effect.
• Increasing or decreasing trend
There is an increasing trend with Line 2, which further supports that changing the
length of the string has a proportional effect with the period of a pendulum.
• The rate of change of the dependent variable with respect to the independent
The dependent variable (Period) changes in proportion with the independent
variable (Length).
5. Based on the analysis of data. State your conclusions on the hypothesis tested.
The period of a pendulum is dependent on the length of the string used rather than
the mass of the object attached to it. This can also be shown using Newton’s 2nd Law
of Motion where in force is directly proportional to mass.
As aforementioned, the period of a pendulum is dependent on the length of the string present
in the experiment rather than the mass of the object attached to the string, because the mass
of the object attached to the string provides a negligible effect towards the overall pendulum.
This is manifested through Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion wherein F=MA, or force is directly
proportional to mass.
1. From the given hypotheses which is the dependent, independent, and controlled
The dependent variable in the experiment is the period of the pendulum or the time
it takes for the pendulum to complete a swing. The independent variable is the length
of the string. Lastly, the controlled variables are the string itself and the mass of the
object attached to the pendulum.

2. What significant differences do exist between the types of variables?

The first significant difference is that the independent variable provides a substantial
effect towards the overall pendulum. The second significant difference is that the
controlled variables provide a negligible effect towards the pendulum. The final
significant difference is the fact that the dependent variable is the variable being
experimented on.

3. Does the period of the simple pendulum depend on the mass of the bob? How about
the length of the string?
The period of the simple pendulum does not depend on the mass of the bob. However,
the period of the simple pendulum does depend on the length of the string.

4. Describe the limitations of the experiment

The first of two major limitations of the experiment would be external sources such
as air hitting the pendulum during experimentation and human error. These external
sources hitting the pendulum would create an experimental error since upon contact
with the pendulum, the ideal results of the experiment would be altered. The second
and final major limitation of the experiment would be human error. This is since the
experimenter might miscalculate the swing of the pendulum, creating more
alterations towards the ideal results of the experiment.

5. What are the factors that affects the precisions and accuracy of your experiment?
State recommendations for its improvement.
As aforementioned, the two limitations of the experiment include external sources
and human error, and these significantly affect the precisions and accuracy of the
experiment in a negative way. To mitigate these, conducting the experiment in a
location without any strong currents of air will significantly reduce the possibility of
experimental errors. The other way to mitigate experimental error is by using a
device to swing the pendulum that will consistently swing the said pendulum.

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