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Arranged by :

1. Andrean Santoso (2305050010)

2. Ardyan Santoso (2305050011)
3. Azhar Dicky Kurnia Aji (2305050014)
4. Nanang Yogianto (2305050015)
5. Ulil Albab (2305050016)
6. Roiyan Alif Budiyanto (2305050026)
7. Moureno Jaykana (2305050028)
8. Royyan Arrafi (2305050037)
9. Bagus Iman Wibowo (2305050038)
10. Yohanes Babista Surya Wibisana (2305050043)
11. Garind Gilang Dikari (2305050045)


In one bunch, there are 45 students divided into 4 groups, each consisting
of 10 to 11 students. There is 1 group that reads 5 clue, the clue explain 1
component or part of a motorbike or car, then the other 3 groups are required
to answer the questions. A group consisting of 10 to 11 students works
together to answer questions based on the 5 clue mentioned. These groups can
use cell phones or any object to find references. Therefore, they should be
able to answer correctly. However, not all groups were able to answer
correctly, there were 100% who still answered incorrectly (all), while 0%
answered correctly (none). So there are still no students who have listening
skills above average

The topic presented by group 1 was the “chassis”

Answers from other groups:

Group 2: rims

Group 3: shockbreaker

Group 4: rims
The following are several reasons why students cannot answer correctly :

1. The group that read the instructions had not had time to practice, so the

instructions read were less clear

2. The group that reads the instructions has a quiet voice, so that the

instructions being read cannot be heard by the other groups

3. The group that listened to the instructions did not all understand English,

so they did not understand the instructions given

4. There is some unfamiliar vocabulary, so it is quite difficult to read,

resulting in a faint or indistinct sound for listeners

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