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FPTU SE Capstone Project- Review 1 Checklist

Project Code: SU23SE16

Project Name: Group Study
Reviewer(s): TaiNT,VANTTN2
Review date: 24/09/2023
Effort spent on review (person-hour)

Question Yes No N/A

P1- Coverage of Objectives
Is problem to solve stated clearly? x
Is a functional overview of the system provided? x
If assumptions that affect implementation have been made, are they stated? x
Is size of system (Usecase Points) larged enough for members to do in project? x
P2-Practical applicability
Does project have real users with real problems (pain/gain points)? x
Does project team work with real stakeholders ? x
P3-Innovation and Creativity
Does project introduce new business model or localize successful global business
models? x
Does project apply new technologies,algorithms or UI/UX (AR,VR,voice interaction? x

Do the requirements provide an adequate basis for design? x

Is the implementation priority of each requirement included? x
Are algorithms intrinsic to the use-case defined? x
Is any necessary information missing from a requirement? If so, is it identified as to-be-
determined marker x
D1- Correctness
Do any requirements conflict with or duplicate other requirements? x
Is each requirement verifiable (such as by review, testing, demonstration, or analysis)? x
Is each requirement in scope for the project? x
Can all of the requirements be implemented within known constraints? x
D1- Quality attributes
Are all performance objectives properly specified? x
Are all security and safety considerations properly specified? x
Are other pertinent quality attribute goals explicitly documented and quantified, with the
acceptable trade-offs specified? x
Check whether interfaces with other systems are described x
Check whether the required hardware is described x
Check whether specific software requirements are documented x
Check whether networking Issues and connectivity requirements are documented x
Check whether specific communication requirements are documented x
Check whether availability requirements are documented x
Voucher: Phân loại, áp dụng cho ai, dịch vụ gì(mục tiêu sử dụng của
D1- Special user requirements
voucher), chủ sở hữu là của ai(người phát hành), cần có gì để định danh
Multi Language phát
cho voucher support
hành, service partner quản lý thông tin của voucher x
Is any security required?
(admin quản lý dễ dẫn đến sai thông tin của voucher). x
Chưa thấy rõ sơ đồ trạng thái chuyến đi.
* Comments
Quản lý trạng thái, policy của tạo khảo sát ⇒ có thể gây nguy hại cho
chuyến đi. Xem xét chuyến đi phát sinh có phải là thành phần chính của
chuyến đi không (hay do phát sinh các chuyến đi con).
Đang trong tiến trình du lịch kế hoạch có thể bị đổi
Đang lập kế hoạch người dùng có đồng ý mua voucher không (thay
đổi làm cho chuyến đi bị cancel)
App có đủ uy tín để người dùng sẵn sàng nạp tiền vào ví của app hay
không (policy, tính cách pháp lý) ⇒ liên kết với 1 ví nào đó đủ uy tín để
người dùng dễ nạp, rút
Đề xuất ví dụ: muốn tham gia vào app, mọi người đều phải có ví momo,
trước khi tham gia trip sẽ chuyển tiền vào ví momo của host. Momo có
lưu lại transaction dễ dàng
03e-CL/PM/HDCV/FSOFT 1/5 tra cứu. Quản lý đượcInternal
thông tin
usecủa người 1/37
Question Yes No N/A
* Suggestion

[ ] - Pass
[ ] - Review again
[ ] - Other

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FPTU SE Capstone Project- Review 2 Checklist

Project Code: SU23SE16

VersionName: WeGo
of the work - Group Travel Connection Platform
Reviewer(s): HoangNT, NguyenTT
Review date: 05/11/2023
Work product' size: 5
Effort spent on review (person-hour)
D2-Architecture Design

Are the system architecture (sub-systems and connection between theme)

described in deployment view and process view? (Check system overview
diagram )
Does the architecture cleanly decompose the top-level elements of the system?
(Check package diagram and component diagrams) x
Has the dataflow among all components been described? (Check sequence
diagrams) x
Have all shared data and resource between components been described?
(Check API endpoints ) x
D3- Detail Design
Does the Logical Design (ERD) depicts relation between all entities in system?
(Check entity, entity relationship, attributes of entity) x
Does the Physical Design (Database) reprensent the materialization of a
databasen into system? (Check tables, fields , size and type of fields, default
values and mapping with logical design ) x
Does the screen design consistent, aesthetically and easy to use ? (Check
Screen, UI component in each screen (type, required , format ..), screen flows
(screen structure and transition between screens) )

Does the class design for each unit contain appropriate views (e.g., static
structure, data definition, data flow, control flow, states, etc.), has the overall
function and intent of each unit? (Check class diagram ) x
Are the main entity models sufficient to capture all states and behavior?
(Check state diagram of important entities in system) x
P5-Technology choices for Software Architecture
Does the project use reasonable use of external services (3rd services- API)? x
Does the project use up-to-date Frontend technology with good design pattern
(Angular,ReactJs, VueJs Jquery ,Typescript..)? x
Does the project use up-to-date Backend technology with good design
(RestApi, grpc, GraphQl ..) x
Does the project use up-to-date Mobile technology? (Flutter, Swift iOS … ) X
P6- Application of computing knowledge for Implementation
Does source code follow coding convention ? x
Does project team understand and apply programming techniques: OOP,
SOLID principles? x
Appropriate using config file (connection string, access token), enumeration... x
Does project apply design pattern for source code?
Does database follow standard? (Check naming convention, key , foreign keys) x
P7-Complexity of algorithm/ internal processing
Does project correctly state the problem to be solved? x
Does project choose the right algorithm to solve the problem? x
Does project use the right libraries / source code / services available to solve
the problem? x
Does project omplement and enhance existing solutions for better result? x

03e-CL/PM/HDCV/FSOFT 1/5 Internal use 4/37

* Comments
DB cần đúng với cú pháp CHEN'S.
Cần có thêm các relationship giữa user provider và voucher, thuộc tính
trung gian còn thiếu.
Blog cần chia group
User - Vote quan hệ 1-N
Nên gộp address vào địa điểm destination để Reuse
Blog/Nhật ký chuyến đi bổ sung thêm tính năng. vd: Ranking cho host,v....

* Suggestion

[ ] - Pass
[ ] - Review again
[ ] - Other

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FPTU SE Capstone Project- Review 3
Project Code
Project Name
Review Date
Effort spent (manhour)

I. Criteria Evalutaion
Code Name
P1 Scope: Coverage of objectives

P2 Practical applicability

P3 Innovation and Creativity


P5 Technology choices for Software

P6 Application of computing knowle

P7 Complexity of algorithm/ internal

P8 Technology choices for Deploym

D1 User requirement and System R

D2 Architecture Design Document

D3 Detail Design Document

D4 Testing Document

D5 System Deployment and Deliver

II. Final Evalutaion

Grade Level Count
Excellent 0

Good 0

Acceptable 0

Fail 0

N/A 13
Review 3

Evaluation Criteria Grade Level

- Problem to solve (innovation, creative, …)
- Size of system :weighted number of business flows, weighted
actor and usecase count.
- Coverage of objectives N/A
- Completenese of requirements

- Have real users/customers

'- Have real problems : pain/gain points.
- Working with real stakeholders.
- Deployed in production mode for using with domains, real
,real data. N/A
- Product can be extend in futures.
- Have investors invest for this project.

- New business models/ Localize successful global business

- New UI/UX: interaction by voice,AR , VR, 3D modesl ...
- New Techs : Drone, Flycame, Edge computing…
- New algorithms: computer vision , deep learning …

-Branding : logo, icon , slogan

-Layouts: use uniform elements and spacing.
-Navigation: moving between screens of an app N/A
-Text usage: using text with correct meaning, language,
without spelling mistakes, and right typography.
-Color system: apply color to UI in a meaningful way

-Reasonable use of external services (3rd services- API)

- Using up-to-date Frontend technology with good design
pattern (Angular,ReactJs, VueJs Jquery ,Typescript..) N/A
- Using up-to-date Backend technology with good design
(RestApi, grpc, GraphQl ..)
- Using up-to-date Mobile technology with good design
-Apply and pass source code review tool (Ex: Sonar Cloud) to
check : maintainability , reliability , code coverage , code
-Understand and apply pattern for Front-end (Typescript,
- Understand and apply pattern for Web/ Web API (MVC, 3-
Layers) N/A
- Understand and apply pattern for Mobile App (MVVM, MVP..)
- Understand and apply programming techniques: OOP,
SOLID principles, using config file (connection string, access
token), enumeration...

- Correctly state the problem to be solved

- Choose the right algorithm to solve the problem
- Use the right libraries / source code / services available to
solve the problem
- Implement and enhance existing solutions for better result. N/A
- Find a new way to solve the problem

- Use git repository for source code storage with suitable

branching model
- Apply and have evidence of Continous Integration (CI)
- Apply and have evidence of Continous Delivery N/A
- Deploy on cloud computing with automation pipelines
- Apply system monitoring and centrallized system logging

-User requirements: context, problems, proposed solutions..

- System functional requirements: usecase overview usecase
-System nonfunctional requirements: quality attributes
(performance, security, safety.. ), environtment (hardware,
software, network, communication..)
- Document : format, layout, grammar, spelling and N/A
-Diagram : usecase diagram (actor, usecase , relationships ...),
sequence diagram , activity diagram

- Strategy for:technology and 3rd services selection, quality

attribues of system (performance -security- data storage...),
deployment environment
- System architecture : sub-systems and connection between
theme in deployment view, process view.
-Component design (physical view) for sub-system :
component boundaries well defined, including functionality and N/A
- Package design (logical view) for sub-system
- Data design: data structure , data flow
- Class design : design for each unit contain appropriate views
(e.g., static structure, data definition, data flow, control flow,
states, etc.), has the overall function and intent of each unit
- Logical Design (ERD):entity , entity relationship, attributes of
entity .
- Database Design : normalized, mapping with logical design ,
tables, fields , size and type of fields, default values.. N/A
- Screen design : Screen(id, name, description),Component in
screen (type, required , format ..), Screen flows (screen
structure and transition between screens)

-Test plan: product to be tested, the definition of scope of

testing (unit test, integration test, system test, user acceptance
test), test type (black box, white box ), test deliverables.
- Test case specification: test conditions, test suites, test
cases in test suites, detailed information of test cases(test
procedures, input data, expected output, constraints..)
- Test report: testing objectives, activities, results (number of N/A
designed, implemented, executed, and succeeded test
cases..), conclusion about the quality of software product.

- Delivery package: documents , software, source code,

installation guide.
- Installabilty: check with the delivery package, other people
can install system and run as a demonstration in front of the
- Script database, data inside the database.
- Training images of computer vision algorithm. N/A
- Devices and other resources are supplied for the project.
- Acceptance notes from customers for the project from
external (if required)

Suggestiion for Project Supervisor Check

The project team is eligible for the defense at the 1st
The project team's output needs some updates to qualify for
the defense at 1st evaluation
The project team's output needs more updates and should
defend the project at the 2nd evaluation
The project team should terminate the project because the
output does not meet the criteria of the capstone project
Grade Reviewer Comment
Reviewer(s) Comment
Component Code Criteria
Product Scope: Coverage All of the objectives have
of objectives been addressed, with few
cases that may be
questionable and/or
P1 additional aspects explored

Practical The capstone project's

applicability product can be a real
product or already a product
with a large enough user
P2 base.

Innovation and The approach to the

Creativity problem statement chosen is
innovative and meets the
objective of the project

UI/UX Generally easy to use, very

few unexpected outcomes


Technology Excellent choices of

choices for technology and clearly
Software established ability to use
Architecture them with few if any caveats
Application of a high standard of coding
computing and commenting is evident,
knowledge for the code is easy to read and
Implementation appears clear to maintain,
ready to be open sourced


Complexity of Can apply computer science

algorithm/ internal knowledge when and where
processing appropriate showing
sophistication, a high level
of appreciation for
programming intricacies

Technology Straight forward and easy to

choices for build and install, little or no
Deployment & effort required (works out of
Maintenance the box)
Document User requirement -Requirements are grouped
and System logically
Requirment - Requirements are
described in sufficient detail
and completeness
- Requirements are stated
- Diagrams are simple and
follow standard notation
- Full references and no


Architecture - Compelling design solution

Design Document showing highly original
creative development of
concept, innovative
application of techniques
and exemplary use of
principles .
- Solution shows rigorous
creative inquiry and
D2 investigation throughout
design process with highly
successful results.
Detail Design -Design has sufficient detail
Document for someone else to develop
the code.
-Each unit have a unique
identifier and follow style
and naming convention
- Design for each unit
contains appropriate views
(e.g., static structure, data
definition, data flow, control
flow, states, etc.)

Testing Document -Test plan state clearly the

type of test being
implemented, the test
objectives and how team will
conduct the test.
-Test case have group
logically in test suites. Each
test case in test suite have
detail information for tester
can follow and do the test
execution without any
D4 support.
- Test report organized
summary of testing
objectives, activities, and
results. Report show
understand product quality
and decide whether a is on
track for release.
System - Software package and
Deployment and documents are grouped in
Delivery Package correct structure folders and
naming convention.
- Document, slides, software
packages, sourcode... and
all related documents have
been included in delivery
package and all are the final
- Installation guides and
environment configuration
are described in detailed
and easy to setup
- Include script and code for
automation deploy (e.g
deployment as a code

Presentation Slides quality & Slides: well designed and very

presentation style informative
& Time Team: presenting
responsibilities are divided
management evenly among team members,
voices are clear, the
presentation is concise and
easy to follow.
Time management: finished on
time, time is wisely distributed
among the
presentation sections.

Software product Demonstrated all the main

demonstration flows of the software in a clear,
logical and realistic waythe
team was full
of confidence, most scenarios
PE2 and possible issues have been
thought out in advance to
avoid unpleasant surprise
Inquiry Handling The team answers all question
style concisely with spot-on clarity

Good Acceptable Fail
6-8 4-6 0-4
The objectives have Key objectives are generally met Very little if any of the objectives
been met, at least in with significant deficiencies and/or appear to be met in any clear
part but clearly not in shortcomings, but some important way
entirety and/or there features are missing or
are some clear inadequately implemented
deficiencies or aspects
that fall short

The capstone project's The capstone project's product can The capstone project's product
product can be a real be a product for a small size of cannot be used for real users.
product with some users group with basic functions.

Understanding the Understanding the basic purpose of Just follow "directions" without
purpose driving the innovation in the project but does understanding the purpose of
process of innovation not thoroughly consider the needs innovation in the project.
(Who needs this? and interests of target users. Use only typical sources of
Why?) information and does not offer
Create a product with new ideas.
a innovation approach
and provide an
optimized way to use
the product.

Can be used with The software's user Very little to any of the software is
some effort, outcomes interface is usable but intuitive to use, there are little or
are as expected in at times difficult to no instructions, excessive effort is
most cases but there comprehend, there are required to make use of the
are some aspects that aspects of the software
are confusing and/or software that are user
need more effort than unfriendly and/or
warranted illogical

Reasonable choices of Justifiable choices of no or little ability to make use of

technology but lacking technology but lacking appropriate third party libraries or
in the capacity to in the capacity to systems, inappropriate/ill-suited
integrate/make use of integrate/make use of choices of technology
them, perhaps some them, perhaps some
choices could have choices could have
been better in been better in
hindsight hindsight
reasonable clarity and Code for run only. Team doesn't Extremely hard to read, little or no
code can be followed care about code quality : attention to code formatting, lack
with some effort, maintainablity , security , of logical organization, little or no
comments help to resusability. appreciation of coding and
understand the code, Doesn't apply any detail design commenting practices
logical organization pattern in source code.
may be lacking in Duplication code , deadcode still
some ways and there exists in source code.
may be a number of

a reasonable showing a good grasp no or little demonstration of

demonstration of and reasonable anything other than basic
computer science ability to apply programming skills, frequent use
knowledge in terms of computer science of superfluous and inappropriate
data structures, knowledge to solve programming approaches
algorithms and other the problem in
applicable theory, but question, but there are
largely piecemeal some noticeable
without sophistication limitations that need
to work on

Can be built and Take more effort to build and install very difficult or impossible to build
installed with some the products. Too many manual without modifications, frequent
effort, problems and time-consuming tasks. build problems, little or no
occurred but can be instructions and more or less
overcome with minor unable to install in any
changes or reasonable way
clarifications to
-Requirements are -Requirements are reasonable but -Requirements are not grouped
grouped generally a logically.
logically, some little bit incoherent grouped. -Insufficient content, document
important - Requiremenst are described in structure is not logical, flawed
requirements are structured format but not detail and English with a lot of grammar,
missing and described not completeness. spelling, punctuation mistakes
incorrectly. - Missing some important diagram, - Diagrams are too complex and
- Requirements are some diagrams are too complex are not follow standard notation.
described in generally and are not follow standard - No references
detail and notation. - Plagiarism
completeness - Have very little references and no
- Requirements are plagiarism
stated precisely in
most cases.
- Diagrams are simple
and follow standard
notation (UML) but
have some drawing
- Have references but
some references are
missing and no

- Interesting design Fundamentally sound design - Does not attempt or is unable to

solution showing solution with moderately creative complete design solutions.
consistently creative use of concept, fundamentally - Unsuccessful design solution
development of appropriate technique, and due to lack of creative use of
concept, original adequate application of principles. concept, limited exploration of
development of Solution shows some effort to technique and/or application of
technique and original challenge creative boundaries with principles.
application of limited or uneven success. - Little effort to challenge creative
principles. boundaries resulting in obvious or
- Solution shows poorly developed solution.
ongoing creative
inquiry and exploration
of design potential with
largely effective
-Design has enough -Need a little effort for someone -Someone else cannot develop
information for else to develop the code. the code with the design.
someone else to - Unit design have mistakes in - Too many mistakes in unit
develop the code. naming convention, the iconsisten design
-Each unit has a style in many modules. - Design for each unit have single
unique identifier and - Design for each unit missing views only
follows style and some important views
naming convention,
but has some
- Design for each unit
contains only
important views (e.g.,
static structure, data
definition, data flow,
control flow, states,

-Test plan state - Have a test plan but need the - Does not have a test plan.
generally the type of effort to make clear information - Test cases have a little with too
test being about how the team will conduct many mistakes and missing
implemented, the test the test. detailed information. A tester
objectives, and how -Test case doesn't group logically, cannot follow the test case
the team will conduct test case detailed doesn't specification to do the test.
the test. straightforward understand by the - Test report doesn't show the
-Test cases have tester for doing test execution. summary of testing activities and
group logically in test - Test report lack of some important quality of the software product.
suites but have some information about test activities and
missing and test result.
inconsistent int test
case detailed
- Test report does not
have enough
information about
product quality.
- Software package - Software package and documents - Missing important file.
and documents are are grouped , but some folders are - Too many files not following
grouped in correct not followed the structure format. standard naming convention.
structure folders. - Some important files (SRS, ADD, - All documents are not up-to-
- Some files in delivery Souce code, software package ... ) date versions and there are too
package are not up-to- are not the final versions. many different between the
date version. - Installation guides and delivered version with the final
- Installation guides environment configuration are version.
and environment described in generalled and difficult - Do not have installation guide or
configuration are for someone can setup. the installation guide are not
described in detailed - Do not have automation deploy, effective, someone can not follow
and can be setup by all things are manually deployed. the step to deploy system
someone but take a
little time to finish.
-Apply semi-
automation deploy (e.g
deployment as a code
model), some modules
can be deploy

Slides: are well designed Slides provide enough information but Slides are incoherent, and either too
and provide contain errors and typos and are not long or too short
most of needed well structured Team: one or two members do most
information, there Team: presenters are verbose but not of the talking, voices are unclear and
may be some mistakes in effective, coordination between team hard to understand, lacking of self-
the slides member need improvements. confidence.
but non is serious Time:finished 5-10 minutes early or 5 Time: finished with more than 15
Team presents well but minutes late, rushed at the end of minutes left, or more than 10
fail to focus on the key the presentation minutes over time
points to make the
presentation more
Time: used up all alotted
time with less than 3
minutes to spare,
however time could be
distributed better
among sections in

Demonstrated most was able to demonstrate the main the team was ill prepared, there
ofthe main flows of the flows of the software but not without were a host of problems that
software with some interruptions and retries, there were prevented the
hiccups along the way, unexpected errors here and there, software from running as it should,
the demo went making the demonstration a making team fail to demonstrate
reasonaly well, but bumpy ride most of the key features of the
works need to be done software
to improve the clarity
and effectiveness
The team was able to The team was able to answer the The team failed to give acceptable
answer most questions with some success, but answer to most questions
questions correctly, but the answers usually lack depth and are
at times verbosely and not spot-on, sometimes show
unclearly. misunderstanding or misconception
Evaluation Criteria

- Problem to solve (innovation, creative, …)

- Size of system :weighted number of business flows, weighted actor and usecase
- Coverage of objectives
- Completenese of requirements

- Have real users/customers

'- Have real problems : pain/gain points.
- Working with real stakeholders.
- Deployed in production mode for using with domains, real environtments
,real data.
- Product can be extend in futures.
- Have investors invest for this project.

- New business models/ Localize successful global business models

- New UI/UX: interaction by voice,AR , VR, 3D modesl ...
- New Techs : Drone, Flycame, Edge computing…
- New algorithms: computer vision , deep learning …

-Branding : logo, icon , slogan

-Layouts: use uniform elements and spacing.
-Navigation: moving between screens of an app
-Text usage: using text with correct meaning, language, without spelling mistakes, and
right typography.
-Color system: apply color to UI in a meaningful way

-Reasonable use of external services (3rd services- API)

- Using up-to-date Frontend technology with good design pattern (Angular,ReactJs,
VueJs Jquery ,Typescript..)
- Using up-to-date Backend technology with good design (RestApi, grpc, GraphQl ..)
- Using up-to-date Mobile technology with good design
-Apply and pass source code review tool (Ex: Sonar Cloud) to check : maintainability ,
reliability , code coverage , code duplication...
-Understand and apply pattern for Front-end (Typescript, MVVM…)
- Understand and apply pattern for Web/ Web API (MVC, 3-Layers)
- Understand and apply pattern for Mobile App (MVVM, MVP..)
- Understand and apply programming techniques: OOP, SOLID principles, using config
file (connection string, access token), enumeration...

- Correctly state the problem to be solved

- Choose the right algorithm to solve the problem
- Use the right libraries / source code / services available to solve the problem
- Implement and enhance existing solutions for better result.
- Find a new way to solve the problem

- Use git repository for source code storage with suitable branching model
- Apply and have evidence of Continous Integration (CI)
- Apply and have evidence of Continous Delivery
- Deploy on cloud computing with automation pipelines
- Apply system monitoring and centrallized system logging
-User requirements: context, problems, proposed solutions..
- System functional requirements: usecase overview usecase specification
-System nonfunctional requirements: quality attributes (performance, security,
safety.. ), environtment (hardware, software, network, communication..)
- Document : format, layout, grammar, spelling and
-Diagram : usecase diagram (actor, usecase , relationships ...), sequence diagram ,
activity diagram

- Strategy for:technology and 3rd services selection, quality attribues of system

(performance -security- data storage...), deployment environment
- System architecture : sub-systems and connection between theme in deployment
view, process view.
-Component design (physical view) for sub-system : component boundaries well
defined, including functionality and interfaces
- Package design (logical view) for sub-system
- Data design: data structure , data flow
- Class design : design for each unit contain appropriate views (e.g., static structure,
data definition, data flow, control flow, states, etc.), has the overall function and intent
of each unit
- Logical Design (ERD):entity , entity relationship, attributes of entity .
- Database Design : normalized, mapping with logical design , tables, fields , size and
type of fields, default values..
- Screen design : Screen(id, name, description),Component in screen (type, required ,
format ..), Screen flows (screen structure and transition between screens)

-Test plan: product to be tested, the definition of scope of testing (unit test, integration
test, system test, user acceptance test), test type (black box, white box ), test
- Test case specification: test conditions, test suites, test cases in test suites, detailed
information of test cases(test procedures, input data, expected output, constraints..)
- Test report: testing objectives, activities, results (number of designed, implemented,
executed, and succeeded test cases..), conclusion about the quality of software
- Delivery package: documents , software, source code, installation guide.
- Installabilty: check with the delivery package, other people can install system and run
as a demonstration in front of the committee.
- Script database, data inside the database.
- Training images of computer vision algorithm.
- Devices and other resources are supplied for the project.
- Acceptance notes from customers for the project from external (if required)

-Design , content, illustration image and animation of presentation slides.

- Team: presenting responsibilities , voices , flow of presentation, apprearance (uniform, T-
shirt, nameplate...)
- Time handling

- Quantity of main flows in demostration.

- Quality of main flows: contextual , continous, visible results.
- Data using for demonstration: meaningful, enough quantity, realistic.
- Explanation for the demonstration
- Mistake of person, exception of software system , failure of system during the demonstration
- Level of understanding of questions.
- Detail and completeness of the answers to the questions
- Rate of correct questions
- Member's assignment in answering questions
No Code Project Type Product Documen
1 APP Application Focus 50% 30%
2 REA Research Focus 40% 40%
3 STA Startup (TBA) 55% 25%
4 SU21 Summer 2021 60% 30%

I. Criteria table for evaluation project

Components Code Criteria Name Rate Mandatory
P1 Scope: Coverage of objectives 25% Y
P2 Practical applicability 15% N
P3 Innovation and Creativity 10% N
P4 UI/UX 15% Y
P5 Technology choices for Software Architecture 10% N
P6 Application of computing knowledge for Implemen 10% Y
P7 Complexity of algorithm/ internal processing 10% N
P8 Technology choices for Deployment & Maintena 5% N
D1 User requirement and System Requirment 30% Y
D2 Architecture Design Document 15% N
Document D3 Detail Design Document 30% Y
D4 Testing Document 15% N
D5 System Deployment and Delivery Package 10% N
Slides quality & presentation style & Time
PE1 20% N
Presentatio management
n PE2 Software product demonstration 50% Y
PE3 Inquiry Handling style 30% Y

II. Contribution Table

No Code Name Rate
1 CR1 Contribution Rate reported by team 0%
2 CR2 Contribution Rate reported by supervisor 0%
3 CR3 Contribution Rate evaluated by Committee 100%

III. Project fail criteria

1. Final score is <4 OR
2. Average score of each component (Product/Document/Presentation )OR
is < 4
3. One of the mandatory criteria in each component is < 4 OR
IV. Student fail criteria
1. Project team fail OR
2. Average score of student is < 4
3. Cannot handle any question
4. Contribution under 20% (4 members), 16% (5 members)

V. Grade level

Grade Index Min Point Max Point

Excellent 1 8 10
Good 2 6 8
Acceptable 3 4 6
Fail 4 0 4
N/A -1 0 0
Presentati Column
20% 3
20% 5
20% 7
10% 9

R&D Startup SU21

Rate Mandatory Rate Mandatory Rate Mandatory
20% Y 20% Y 40% Y
10% N 15% Y 5% N
10% N 15% N 5% N
10% Y 15% Y 15% Y
10% N 10% N 10% N
15% Y 10% Y 10% Y
20% Y 5% N 10% N
5% N 10% N 5% N
20% Y 30% Y 40% Y
15% N 15% N 15% N
40% Y 25% Y 30% Y
15% N 15% N 10% N
10% N 15% N 5% N

20% N 20% N 20% N

50% Y 50% Y 50% Y

30% Y 30% Y 30% Y

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