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Listening: The Ignored Skill in EFL Context by Ulum

This skill is vital both in language learning and in daily communication (Hamouda, 2013).

EFL listening skill is regarded as a problematic language skill especially in a foreign language context
where real practice chances are narrow

Listening comprehension is an immensely integrative skill and it plays a vital role in the process of
language learning, promoting the rise of other language skills.

It is a fact that listening is highly necessary in language learning in that it supplies the learner with the
required input and learners can’t acquire anything without the comprehension of the specific input
(Hamouda, 2013).

To gain much authentic input of the target language, students can listen to songs, radio channels or
watch any video in the target language; however learning may not be achieved totally as sometimes
instructions aren’t presented appropriately by the materials (Dey, 2014).

Al-Thiyabi (2014) formed a need analysis for EFL listening in his study as in the following:

• need to learn how to take effective notes and how to ask for repetition or clarification in English

• need to identify lengthy description in English and instructions as well • need to recognize the subject
matter of a talk

• need to identify different accents and pronunciation due to the variety of students’ teachers’

• need to learn and use new and different vocabularies and terminologies that are related to different

According to Tyagi (2013) listening skill contains some essential elements such as:

• discriminating between sounds

• recognizing words and understanding their meaning

• identifying grammatical groupings of words,

• identifying expressions and sets of utterances that act to create meaning,

• connecting linguistic cues to non-linguistic and paralinguistic cues,

• using background knowledge to predict and to confirm meaning and

• recalling important words and ideas.

The Significance of Listening Comprehension in English Language Teaching by Gilakjani

Listening is a significant skill to develop in second language learning

a major difference between more successful and less successful learners is related to their ability to use
listening as an instrument of learning.

Listening skill is very important in foreign language learning because the key to learn a language is to
receive language input

acquisition happens when learners have sufficient comprehensible input.

acquisition happens when learners have sufficient comprehensible input.

Rost (1994) stated that listening is significant in language learning because it provides input for learners
and it plays an important role in the development of learners’ language.

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