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Families reality

Family is one of those people who are always there for you, they have been your
life from the good things and bad things. Your mother, father, grandfather,
grandmother, siblings, aunt and uncle are part of your family. They are the reason why
we can become successful in life. Through the presence of family we learned to dream
and continue to pursue that dream. We asked sometimes for nothing but for our family
to improve or maintain a healthy life and God's mercy from the diseases that may come.
In all trials they are the ones we always turn to. They give advice and suggestions to
solve our problems, because we know they will not let us down. But in another reality we
also have family members who pull us down. The fact that they must be happy for you
because of your achievements but it falls with envy is the thing that they feel.
Why does this situation happen in a family? It can be because of the state’s
arrogance in life or they just really want you to pull you down so they can overcome you.
Then tell them that you cannot reach them in that situation of lift in life and if that's
happened they will feel maybe happy. In this case, we don't need to take evil revenge.
Let's also create beautiful ways to show them that even though we can rise up even if
they pull us down. We can't deny the fact that they are our family not by surnames or
blood. Through the things that we still care for them because of love. Love can cure all
the pain in our hearts and make them change. Love your family even if they treat you
differently. In that way we won’t know that might change their attitude toward us. We
only live once, the lord created us to love and not to plant anger with someone. In
relation to a quote by Anthony Brandt “ Other things may change us, but we start and
end with the family”. We all have different experiences regarding family, there are some
who consider themselves part of the family even though they are not related by blood,
that's why love is so powerful. It's just like me who values my family more than my life.
I’m not a perfect person but I can love and the number one person I give it to is my
family. If the Lord can forgive, a person can also do that way too.
We just need patience with our family who treat us differently. To those members
of the family that treat family members differently, don't let everyone feel left or
abandoned because time goes by. We might not feel the love that we wanted when they
are gone. In reality you have been given by god for a long period of time to make them
feel love but you still chose to have a stone heart. Let's not waste time telling them we
love them.

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