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Miniaturized Longitudinal Substrate Integrated

Waveguide Slot Array Antenna for Triband 5G-

millimeter-wave -wave Applications
Benisha M (  )
Jeppiaar Institute of Technology
Thulasi Bai V
KCG College of Technology

Research Article

Keywords: substrate integrated waveguide (SIW), slot array, mm-wave, multiband, Fifth Generation,
wireless applications

Posted Date: August 7th, 2023


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Additional Declarations: No competing interests reported.

Miniaturized Longitudinal Substrate Integrated Waveguide Slot Array Antenna for

Triband 5G- millimeter-wave -wave Applications

Benisha M 1*, Thulasi Bai V 2

Research Scholar, Department of Information and Communication Engineering, Anna

University. 1Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,

Jeppiaar Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India;;

Professor, KCG College of Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India;;


Abstract: A miniaturized triband longitudinal Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) slot

array antenna for the millimeter-wave (mm-wave) communication - Fifth Generation (5G)

application was suggested in this contribution. The antenna is developed with 4 slots over a

Rogger 5880 dielectric material with 2.2 dielectric constant, 1.6mm thickness, and with 52

series metallic via's to operate in multiple bands covering mm-wave range. A SIW antenna

fed with microstrip and in turn to SIW transition is involved in the design. Proposed SIW

array slot antenna simulation has been carried out using Computer Simulation Technology

(CST) EM simulator and fabricated. The results obtained indicate, 3 different resonant

frequency bands such as 21GHz, 28 GHz, and 32 GHz & providing a fine antenna gain as

6.56, 6.55, and 8.6 dBi respectively obtained from the designed antenna. The proposed SIW

structure was also seen offering an improved return loss of below 30 dB and Voltage

Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) value below 2, which is the highly anticipated one for a good

antenna. The proposed antenna size is very less when compared with the other antennas

which is also an important consideration for future wireless applications. An analysis has

been made between simulated and measured parametric values, from that it can be found as a
good candidate for improving global bandwidth limitations and apposite for triple-band 5G

wireless applications.

Keywords: substrate integrated waveguide (SIW); slot array; mm-wave; multiband; Fifth

Generation; wireless applications

1. Introduction

The driving factor for future 5G, Automated radar, Gigabit Wi-Fi, and evolving wireless

communication technologies will be the mm-waves. In recent days, most research and

development can be seen in mm-wave antennas in conjunction with the SIW because of its

advantages such as effective isolation, high power handling, antenna elements excitation by a

waveguide, reduced loss, cost-effectiveness, and high integration compared to microstrip feed

line networks in mm-wave frequencies [1]. Hence, these kinds of substrate integrated

antennas found extensive use in mm-wave Communication. Along with this, the bendable

nature of SIW technology and possible usage of conductive fabric and embroidered vias

inside it makes it more attractive in wearable electronics. SIW structure becomes possible by

a swop among microstrip and Dielectric-Filled Waveguide (DFW). Transformation towards

DFW into the SIW structure is accomplished with the employment of cylindrical via’s of

diameter ‘d’ and separation ‘p’ between vias (pitch) on the side metal walls of the rectangular

waveguide [2]. These are combined waveguide-like arrangements, and fabrication is possible

with dielectric waveguide embedding slots arranged like cylinders in two rows and are

connected to metal plates, that are in parallel on both sides as indicated in Figure.1. Hence,

the device will perform like a low-cut filter, and it made fabrication easier.

Because of achieving good gain and ultra-wide bandwidth with the SIW array antenna,

which is right for multiple band applications such as C band, X band, and Ku band. Some

literature relevant to the design, analysis, arrays, and SIW application is referred which

supported to work on the proposed miniaturized model. The analysis of SIW structure that
can support textile properties is proposed in [3]. Research work on SIW based three-beam

antenna for G application is presented in [4]. Application of Bandwidth Broadening in slot

antenna using SIW structure is exploited at [5]. A circular polarized radiator and SIW array

has been proposed in [6], Quad mode SIW Array antenna which can operate in mm-wave

range and is utilized for future wireless applications modeled in [7]. SIW slot Array antenna

design and simulations presented in [8], Cavity-Backed SIW Slot Array supporting dual-band

for 5G applications are elaborated in [9] and dual-band SIW cavity-backed antenna

supporting X band applications is proposed in [10]. SIW antenna operating at mm-wave

frequency dual-band is also proposed in [11 & 12]. Wi-Fi-shaped SIW antenna operating at

7GHz is explained in [13]. Various SIW antennas have been proposed for various

applications such as Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS), Textile, Multiple Input Multiple

Output (MIMO) 5G, High-Speed Wireless Communication Systems, high isolation self-

diplexing antennas[14], high gain broadband 5G applications covering 54GHz and 60 GHz

[15] and multi-band mm-wave applications. Spoof surface plasmon polaritons

(SSPPs) antenna derived from conventional SIW is stated in [16].

The proposed work intends to construct a miniaturized SIW antenna with simple

methodology, and introduction of slots for arriving dual-band performance to obtain more

promising results regarding return loss, voltage standing wave ratio, gain, efficiency, etc.

This manuscript is systematized as follows. Section II briefs the generalized SIW antenna

design procedure. Section III express the proposed methodology and slot introduction to get

the dual band. Section IV denotes the mathematical modeling of the SIW antenna. The

Simulation and fabrications results have been displayed in Section V, Addition to that, a

comparison between the literature and the suggested antenna design has been attempted and

the details are also provided in section V. Section VI concludes the manuscript.

2. SIW Antenna Design:

The planar rectangular waveguide is arrived at using a non-planar format, it is compatible

with surviving planar processing techniques; thereby SIW shows high performance with very

compact mannered planar circuits. Conduction inside a SIW has a strong appearance like

internal conduction through a standard resonating waveguide with some significant

differences. Propagation modes are obtained very near to the TEn0 mode, as they remain the

fundamental dominant mode TE10. The substantial reduction in substrate wavelength may

help an improvement in the high frequency in the TEmn modes with n ≥ 1, which are not

frequently considered. To reduce the losses further, the gaps are arranged on the horizontal

walls to evade the TM waves broadcast, due to the fact the longitudinal currents are

suppressed by the strong radiation, thereby the losses are reduced further.

Figure 1. Simple Structure of SIW Antenna Design

A simple SIW has four geometric parameters presented in Figure.2 these can be varied:

the dielectric substrate height (h), the diameter (d) of the via's, the distance from their centers

till via's measured (b), and the waveguide width (a). Where 'a' is measured inside the via's

since via’s are cylindrical shaped, the waveguide walls are not flat. The waveguide effective

width (aeff) is, therefore 'a' to 'd'. The wavelength (λ) generated within the waveguide will be

modified by the dielectric permittivity (εr).

The TE10 Mode dominant frequency is calculated by

𝑓𝑐 = 𝑎 (1)
2√𝜀𝑟 𝑒𝑓𝑓
Here, ‘c’ denotes the speed of light, and fc denotes the dominant frequency. However, for

a SIW there needs to be an adjustment to allow for the via's. This is given by:

𝑎 = 𝑎𝑒𝑓𝑓 + (2)
0.95 𝑏

Both ‘b’ and ‘d’ should be less than aeff/2 to reduce the bandgap. To reduce leakage

losses, 'b' needs to be greater than 'd', but less than 2d.

The antenna implementation is done as a cavity edged with a wall of via’s, with two slots

on the same side. The slot width ‘b’ is given by:

𝑏= (3)
√2(𝜀𝑟 + 1)

CST Studio EM simulator Suite includes a macro, "Via's along curve", which can

automatically add the via's to the simulation design which needs to be modeled. With these

design rules, SIW designs may be quickly constructed.

Figure 2. Two parallel rows of via’s, with the labeled parameters

The assembly handled for the suggested antenna is usually referred to as Microstrip to SIW

conversion or transition. Even though rectangular waveguides are very popular because of its

features such as more handling capability, less radiation loss and very small electromagnetic

interference (EMI), it has some limitations like large weight, more expensive and complex

incorporation. Hence this Microstrip to SIW conversion method is preferred over rectangular

3. Proposed SIW Antenna with 2 and 4 Slots:

The complete design attained after conversion to SIW from microstrip with 4 slots is

shown in Figure.3a and 3b. This structure comprises metal planes above and below the

substrate which has two similar via at its boundaries. The longitudinal slots are etched in the

SIW metal plane cavity which are the radiating elements. Optimum selection of longitudinal

slot length and slot position, the gap between the slots is mandatory for the achievement of

proper dominant mode frequency, gain, efficiency, and radiation. Radiation characteristics

vary for the shape, position, and dimension of the slots, thereby creating a flexible analytical

procedure for this is a challenging task. However, half-wavelength slots provide a good

magnetic current distribution. Thus, the slot length and width are calculated with 0.5λ and

0.02λ respectively and the values are being optimized further using parametric analysis to

reach the operating resonant frequencies. The Longitudinal slot spacing and SIW slot spacing

are chosen carefully to avoid mutual coupling. Literature shows, lesser frequency bands are

focused mostly. Here it has extended to a 28 GHz mm-wave frequency band. Mode is

transformed from quasi-TEM to the dominant TE10 mode with the use of the tapered section.

The via is well-balanced, enabling the survival of radiation patterns. TE10 mode can be

reinforced in a SIW by showing a current path via fences and the same holds for all TEm0

modes because on the side metal walls, the current distributions are similar. Conversely, on

the sidewalls, there exist parallel elements of the surface current flow for every TM and

nonzero n’s - TEmn dominant mode. They will slice through SIW structures, and there occurs

radiation. Hence, only TEm0 modes are present in SIW structures.

A rectangular path is formed within a Rogger 5880 substrate through the addition of

metal above the ground plane and engagement of the assembly with the parallel rows of

plated via’s on either side. Which has the appearance of a dielectrically filled rectangular

waveguide, with height reduced, related to the “regular” 2:1 width: height ratio. When
working well, one important thing for SIW is that the maximum metal would radiate and

carry the signal and is much greater than it can be in microstrip or strip line. This is because

the via is created at the sidewalls, not allow transverse magnetic TM modes to exist. To

achieve multiple bands, two more slots have been created in parallel to the first pair of slots.

Table 1 shows the suggested antenna dimensions,

Table 1. Suggested SIW Antenna slot array dimensions

Parameters L W Ls Ws Ds Ss Tl Th Tw

Dimensions (mm) 20 08 7 1 0.6 0.9 4.55 1 1.2

Where, L – Length of the SIW antenna, W- Width of the antenna, Ls- Length of the

longitudinal Slot, Ws- Width of the longitudinal slots, Ds- Diameter of the Via’s, Ss- Spacing

between the Via’s, Tl- length of the SIW tapering transition, Th- Height of the SIW Tapering,

Tw- Width of the SIW Tapering.

Figure 3a. Suggested Antenna Geometry with 4 slots

Figure 3b. Arrangement of SIW slot array on a dielectric Substrate

4. SIW Modeling and Analysis:

Full-wave numerical techniques are widely used to model SIW elements. Integral-

equation-based Electromagnetic codes, finite difference or element methods have been

discussed and implemented in [17 & 18]. Boundary Integral-Resonant Mode Expansion (BI-

RME) method described in [19] is one efficient numerical technique that can be used for

randomly shaped SIW components modeling. On assumption of insignificant radiation loss

and without the adaptation of the physical nature, the SIW elements are horizontally shut by

false metallic edges. The Admittance Matrix of the SIW structure characterized by the BI-

RME method is given by

Aij jk0r jk 32 P CipCip

Yij (k0 ) =
Bij + 0 r
 k (k
p =1
2 2
− k02r )
p p

Here, k0=ω/c denotes the wave number at the frequency of interest, c denotes the velocity of

light, η0 denotes the characteristic impedance, and εr denotes the substrate relative dielectric

permittivity. Aij and Bij denote the components of the low-frequency admittance matrix, kp

denotes the resonance wave number of p-th mode of the cavity, Cip is associated with the

coupling between the i-th port mode and the p-th cavity mode attained by shorting the ports.

Aij, Bij, Cip, and kp in equation.4 are the parameters that do not depend on the frequency and

can be determined with the use of the BI-RME method. Thus, this method is providing a wide

frequency response with single-shot calculation, which made this very advantageous. Three

Losses that exist in SIW structures are conductor loss, dielectric loss, and radiation leakage.

By considering all these losses the admittance matrix becomes,

Aij jk0 r
Yij ( k0 ) = + d Bij + Bij +
j0k0 0
k 
2 3/ 2 P CipCip (5)
+ 0 r

 k'
p =1 Q p (k ' + jk0k ' p 
2 1/ 2
/ Qp − k  2
) +
p p r 0 r

jk 
3 2 P CipCip
0 r
 k ' (k '
p =1
2 2
+ jk0k ' p 1r / 2 / Q p − k02  r )
p p

Here Qp mentions the quality factor for the p-th cavity mode, and the quality factor is highly

dependent on conductivity σd and σc of the dielectric medium and metal, respectively. BI-
RME technique can determine and construct equivalent circuits of SIW gaps. Yij mentioned in

equation.4 of Y matrix signifies an inductance, a capacitance, and P LC-series resonator’s

parallel combination as shown in Figure 4. Furthermore, the derivation of the lumped

components is systematically, and the values are decided using Aij, Bij, CIP, and kp. Circuit

models with losses may be derived using equation.5: in such case, Yij signifies the parallel

combination of an inductance, a resistance, a capacitance, and P RLC-series resonators [20].

YB = −Y12

YA =Y11+Y12
port 1

port 2
L1 L2 ... LP
Yij = L0 C0
C1 C2 CP

(a) (b)

Figure 4. Equivalent circuit model derived directly from the BI-RME technique:

(a) Model of Yij; (b) Standard π-type equivalent circuit model, for a two-port component.

The Resonant frequency is used to find the initial size of the SIW cavity depending on its

equivalent rectangular waveguide (RWG) cavity as mentioned in [21] & [22].

𝟐 𝟐
𝑪 √( 𝟏 𝟏
𝒇𝒓𝒆𝒔 = ) +( ) (6)
𝟐𝝅√𝝁𝒓 𝜺𝒓 𝒘𝒆𝒇𝒇 𝒍𝒆𝒇𝒇

Here, 𝒇𝒓𝒆𝒔 denotes the resonant frequency of the cavity, c denotes the velocity of light,

𝝁𝒓 & 𝜺𝒓 are the permittivity and permeability of the substrate, respectively, 𝒘𝒆𝒇𝒇 and

𝒍𝒆𝒇𝒇 refer to the width and length of the equivalent rectangular waveguide cavity,


5. The parametric results and analysis

5.1. Antenna Performance – Simulation

The proposed antenna parametric analysis was carried out using CST EM solver 2019

and the various performance metrics like, return loss (S11), Directivity, Gain, Current

Distribution, and Radiation pattern were analyzed. From Figure.5, it can be perceived that the

resonance is attained at frequency 28 GHz with a remarkable band of frequency 1.5 GHz

from 27.46 GHz to 28.90 GHz with the proposed SIW antenna aligned with 2 slots. With the

introduction of additional slots, the multiple resonating frequencies were obtained at three

frequencies, 21 GHz, 27.6 GHz, and 32 GHz respectively, with bandwidth 0.37 GHz, 1.1.3

GHz, and 0.49 GHz as shown below.

Figure.6 Shows, the intended antenna resonating at 28 GHz with 2 slots, provide the

VSWR value of 1.19. For the proposed antenna with 4 slots, the values of VSWR are 1.21,

1.09 & 1.28 respectively at the 3 resonant frequencies. The intended antenna with 2 slots

produces a good gain of 7.82 dB & the antenna with 4 slots produces 6.56, 6.55, and 8.6

respectively at the 3 operating bands.

Figure 5. Comparison of return loss (S11) Figure 6. VSWR comparison for 2 slot and 4

values for 2 slot and 4 Slots SIW Slots SIW

Thus, the suggested antenna structure provides great impedance matching. The reflection

coefficient (S11) values should be low and the voltage standing wave ratio must be around 1

[23]. Good matching suggests the optimum values such as, |ρ| = 0; Return Loss = ∞ & VSWR
(Γ) = 1. By Industrial standards: |ρ| ≤ - 10 dB & VSWR Γ ≤ 2. The recommended SIW

antenna with slot array structure satisfies the industrial standard and it is very much suitable

for the 5th generation applications in mm-wave communication in three different bands. A

Suitable band gap is seen between the 3 operating bands which shown less amount of

intercarrier interference between the operating bands.

Table 2. Parametric Study of SIW Antenna

With 4 Slot
Parameter With 2 Slot
@f1 @f2 @f3

Frequency (GHz) 28 21 27.60 32

Return Loss (dB) -20.93 -20.83 -31.91 -19.288

Bandwidth (GHz) 27.46 – 28.90 20.85 -21.22 27.33-28.46 31.84-32.33

VSWR 1.19 1.21 1.09 1.28

Gain (dB) 7.82 6.56 6.55 8.6

Directivity (dBi) 9.87 7.55 8.11 9.97

Radiation Efficiency (dB) -2.067 -0.9355 -1.559 -1.302

Total Efficiency (dB) -2.115 -0.9876 -1.562 -1.374

Maximum E Field [V/m] 22.49 21.3 20.95 23.4

Maximum H Field [A/m] 373.7 -30.2 -30.6 -28.2

Power Pattern dB(W/m2) -6.234 -7.44 -7.46 -5.41

Main Lobe Direction 62.0 23 61 27


Main Lobe Magnitude 9.91 6.1 6.43 4.41


Angular Width (3 dB) 28.6 33.2 30 17.7


Sidelobe Level (dB) -6.0 -2 -5.9 -2

The above table 2 shows the radiation and total efficiency of the simulated radiating

patch have detected as, at 28 GHz the values are at -2.067 & -2.115 dB, which are around 79

% for 2 slots single band SIW antenna and this is found to be increased for 4 slots multiband

SIW antenna about 86.88% at 21 GHz, 87.6% at 27.6 GHz and 86.25% at 32 GHz

respectively, which would be upgraded in future works. From the current distribution, it leads

to the understanding of SIW supporting waveguides through via's. The anticipated antenna

produces a maximum E field and H field and is tabulated above.

(a) Far-field Radiation Pattern at 28GHz (b) Polar Radiation Pattern at 28 GHz

Figure.7 Radiation Pattern for 2 slots SIW antenna

Figure.7 shows the 3D model of the designed antenna radiation Patterns operating at 28

GHz with 2 slots. A near omnidirectional type pattern with directivity of 9.87 dBi that

observed, is a well-suited one for 5G-based communication systems. The 3dB angular width

is seen as 28.6 degrees, direction of main lobe radiation at 62 degrees, and radiation level at

the side lobe of -6 dB. Similarly, the 3D model of the designed multiband SIW antenna

radiation pattern with 4 slots at 3 different frequencies 21 GHz, 27.6 GHz, and 32 GHz as

shown in Figure.8. A near omnidirectional type radiation pattern with directivity of 7.55, 8.11

& 9.97 dBi respectively is seen at the 3 different frequency bands. This is highly suitable for
5G-based communication systems. It is realized that, at 21 GHz, 33.2 Degrees of 3dB angular

width, the direction of the main lobe at 23 degrees and level of sidelobe radiation as -2 dB

and with Maximum magnitude of the main lobe as 6.1 dBi. At 27.6 GHz, 30 Degrees angular

width, the direction of the main lobe at 61 degrees and side lobe radiation level of -5.9 dB

and with main lobe value of 6.43 dBi, and at 32 GHz, the 3dB angular measurement is 17.7

Degrees, the main lobe at 27 degrees and sidelobe value -2 dB and with the magnitude of

main lobe 4.41 dBi. The overall parametric analysis results can be manifested in Table 2.

(a) Far-field Radiation Pattern at 21GHz (b) Far-field Polar Radiation Pattern at 21GHz

(c) Far-field Radiation Pattern at 27.6GHz (d) Far-field Polar Radiation Pattern at 27.6 GHz
(e) Far-field Radiation Pattern at 32GHz (f) Far-field Polar Radiation Pattern at 32 GHz

Figure 8. Radiation Pattern for 4 slots multiband SIW antenna

5.2. Simulation & Measured Antenna Performances:

The simulated antenna is fabricated and analyzed in an anechoic chamber

environment to measure the return loss and VSWR. A Rogger 5880 dielectric material with ꜫr

2.2 was intended for the verification of the proposed longitudinal SIW slot array antenna at

mm-wave frequencies. A transition on the same substrate between SIW and ground with via

holes is mentioned in Figure. 9(b). The front and rear view of the fabricated model of the 4

slots multiband resonating SIW antenna is shown in Figure 9. The near field parameters of

the prototype such as S parameter characteristics and VSWR were evaluated from 20 GHz to

34 GHz with Keysight N5247A US51370362 Microwave Network Analyzer. The same is

compared with the simulated measurements of S Parameter and SWR characteristics and

reported in Figures 10 & 11.

(a) (b)

Figure 9. Fabricated longitudinal slot array SIW antenna (a) Back View (b) Front View

The figures mentioned in Figure 10 & 11, shows the similarities among the simulated

reflection coefficient and VSWR values with analyzed values and illustrated, the comparison

graphs on both simulation using CST and fabricated results show the reflection coefficient to

be more than 18 dB at 21 and 33 GHz and appropriate VSWR valued below 2 have been

reached at the projected multiband frequencies 21 GHz, 27.6 GHz, and 32 GHz respectively.

Thus, the prototype designed can be appropriate for the suggested 5G applications. However,

still, slight incongruities are seen between the simulation and measured graphs. The deviation

between the results is related to the closeness between the slots and the via holes and the

correlated different meshing. These comparisons are manifested in table 3 shown below.

From that, the simulated return loss values and VSWR values are much near to measured

ones and a good accord is made among the results, which indicates the possibility of the

proposed model being a good candidate for 5G wireless applications.

Figure 10. Return loss evaluation of Figure 11. VSWR evaluation of Simulated

Simulated and fabricated antenna and measured antenna

Table 3. Simulated and measured return loss and VSWR values.

Simulated Results Measured Results

@f1 @f2 @f3 @f1 @f2 @f3 @f4

Frequency (GHz) 21.04 27.60 32.06 20.72 24.72 28.56 32.72

Return Loss (dB) -20.83 -31.91 -19.288 -36.22 -18.79 -30.17 -30.13

Bandwidth 20.85 27.33- 31.84- 19.8- 24.24- 27.5- 31.6-

(GHz) -21.22 28.46 32.33 21.7 25.68 28.88 33.2

VSWR 1.21 1.09 1.28 1.42 1.31 1.45 1.17

Table 4 indicates a comparison of the proposed multiband SIW antenna with the

literature. It indicates that the design is operating in 3 different bands with proper gaps to

encourage the reduced interference, improved return loss from all the compared literature,

especially on [1], [4], [7], & [14] which are closely multi-band antennae. Even though the

gain of [1], [4], [7], & [13] designs are larger, the proposed model is providing a good gain

comparatively which is needed for a basic wireless device that is greater than 3dB. When

comparing with the antenna size, the proposed antenna is of less size which is the most
expected one for current scenario. Comparing with the substrate material rogers with

dielectric constant 2.2 is preferred for SIW applications and the same is used in most of the

research. The return loss is very good in all the resonating bands for the proposed antenna

when comparing with the literature in turn it reflects in the VSWR values. Hence the back

radiation will be minimal, and directivity is also good.

Table 4. Performance Comparison with other SIW antennas

Reference Size Frequency Substrate Return Loss S Gain

(GHz) (1,1) (dB) (dBi)

Haghighi SS et 276 x 40 7.1-10.75 &
RT/Duroid Below -10 13-15
al., 2015 [1] mm2 12.6-13.4

Arora R et al., 35 x 26
7 Rogers 5880 Below -10 8.75
2018 [13] mm2

Arvind Kumar et 32.5 x 20.2

6.44 & 7.09 Rogers 5880 Below -10 3.1 & 4.8
al., 2018 [14] mm2

Deckmyn et al., 27.5 x 28.5 Duroid 5880/ 10.06 &

28 & 38 -35&-32
2019 [7] mm2 RO4450F 10.2

M.M. Pezhman., 53. 6 x RT/Duroid

28-32 Below -10 8-10.2
2020 [4] 15.8 mm2 5870

-36.22, 6.56, 6.55&

Proposed work 20 x 8 mm2 21,28 & 32 Rogers 5880
-30.17&-30.13 8.6

Thus, the suggested SIW antenna model can be seen as having the advantages of a wide

frequency tunability mm-wave communication range, good return loss, gain, and VSWR, and

it finds easy integration with SIW circuits than the rectangular waveguides. Moreover,
compared to other designs, the antenna designed here has a broader frequency range with

improved parameters in addition the size is miniaturized than the previous methods as

indicated in table 4.

6. Conclusion

This work has proposed a miniaturized longitudinal single substrate slot array SIW

antenna for upcoming 5G communications in three different bands 21, 28, and 32 MHz of

mm-wave communication range. These multiple resonating bands were obtained with more

numbers of slots that are appropriately positioned. SIW device is modeled and simulated with

CST Studio Suite, including manufacturing effects wherever necessary and fabricated. The

fabricated antenna is tested and from reflection coefficient (S11) measurement it is obvious

that the antenna exhibits multi-band operation. The measured and simulated results for

antenna parameters show a good agreement with respect to each other with larger gain. The

antenna size is very small, and it could be seen as an appropriate choice for future mm-wave



Competing Interests

“The authors have no relevant financial or non-financial interests to disclose.”


“The authors declare that no funds, grants, or other support were received during the

preparation of this manuscript.”

Author Contributions

“All authors contributed to the study conception and design. Material preparation, data

collection and analysis were performed by Benisha M and results are verified by Dr.V.

Thulasi Bai. The first draft of the manuscript was written by Benisha M. The comments on
previous versions of the manuscript and final copy approval were given by Dr. V. Thulasi


Data Availability

“The simulated and measured datasets are made available from the corresponding author

on reasonable request.”


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Author Biography:

Benisha M is research scholar of Anna University, department of information and communication engineering,
and working as Assistant Professor, Department of ECE, Jeppiaar Institute of Technology, Chennai, India with 8
years of teaching experience. She received her Master of Engineering in Communication System with Anna
University third rank. She has authored over 60 papers in reputed journals/conference proceedings and patents.
She is an active member of IEEE & WIE. She contributed her work in the design and development of
“UnitySat-JITSat” launched by ISRO. Her area of research includes 5G Antennas, mm – wave Antennas,
Microstrip Patch Antennas and Cube satellites.

Dr.V.Thulasi Bai is Professor, Electronics and Communication Engineering Department, KCG College of
Technology, Chennai, India. She has 31 years of teaching and research experience. She received DST Young
Scientist Award. She has worked on various funded projects sponsored by DST, ICMR, MNRE, TNSCST and
IEEE. The November & December 2007 issue of “Readers Digest” featured her research work on
Telecardiology and cited it as one of “33 Great Ideas from Around the World”. She has authored over 100
papers in reputed journals/conference proceedings. She is an active member of IEEE, ISTE, IsfTeH, TSI and
BES. Her professional interests include Telemedicine, broadband networks, mobile communication.

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