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Name : Glory Falentin Tasirileleu

Student number : 223020201085

English Curriculum

1. * To establish clear learning objectives and align them with student needs

* To organize and structure course content and activities effectively

* To allocate resources and time appropriately

* To anticipate and address potential challenges

* To ensure a cohesive and engaging learning experience

2. * Student demographics: Age, gender, ethnicity, educational background

* Student learning needs: Prior knowledge, skills, interests, aspirations

* Subject matter: Content, standards, and guidelines

* Learning environment: Resources, facilities, technology, support services

* Instructor expertise: Knowledge, skills, and experience

3. * To identify the specific knowledge, skills, and attitudes that students need to acquire

* To determine the appropriate level of instruction and difficulty

* To tailor the curriculum to the specific context and audience

* To ensure relevance and effectiveness

4. * Needs assessment: Identify learning needs through data gathering and analysis

* Goal setting: Establish clear and measurable learning objectives

* Content selection and organization: Select and organize content based on objectives

* Instructional strategies: Develop and implement effective teaching methods

* Assessment: Design and use assessments to monitor student learning and progress

* Evaluation and revision: Review and adjust the curriculum based on evaluation data

5. * To determine the effectiveness of the curriculum and teaching methods

* To identify areas for improvement and revision

* To gather feedback from students and stakeholders

* To demonstrate accountability and justify program decisions

* To enhance the quality of instruction and student learning

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