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To analyze the application of nature, elements, and functions of interpersonal/transactional

communication within the provided legend, examine the following aspects:

1. Interpersonal Communication:

 Conflict arises due to the attraction between Roro Anteng and the Evil Giant.
 Roro Anteng uses nonverbal cues (noises) to communicate with the Giant, manipulating the
situation to achieve her goal.
 The Giant responds to Roro Anteng's actions, demonstrating effective transactional

2. Elements of Transactional Communication:

 Roro Anteng sets clear expectations through her challenging request, creating a contract
between herself and the Giant.
 The Giant attempts to meet Roro Anteng's expectation, showing commitment to the agreement.
 When the Giant fails to complete the task, both parties face consequences based on the terms
of their agreement.

3. Functions of Interpersonal/Transactional Communication:

 Information sharing: Roro Anteng shares information about her background and intentions with
the Giant.
 Persuasion: Roro Anteng persuades the Giant to agree to her unconventional request.
 Negotiation: Both Roro Anteng and the Giant engage in negotiation to reach a mutually
beneficial solution.

4. Problem Solving: Through the interaction, both characters solve the problem created by the conflict.

By analyzing the legend according to the above criteria, we can identify the presence of interpersonal
and transactional communication dynamics throughout the narrative. The legend highlights the
importance of effective communication strategies in resolving conflicts and achieving desired outcomes.

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