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# Group 3 HELE Script

Heaven: Good day everyone, we are group 3! Today, we are here to show you our very own
greenhouse orchard layout. Before that, let us introduce ourselves! I am (name).

Jerald: What does our presentation feature, you may ask? It contains the layout we made and how
many fruit trees and plants our layout has, additional plants and trees, and lastly, a market survey
or questionnaire that we have for our customers.

Adri: This is a preview of the layout we made. As you can see, shelves are at the top for the
things needed in order for our plants and trees to thrive, like fertilizer.

Lavinia: For our trees, we have orange and banana fruits. They are a healthy and delicious choice
when it comes to fruits and we want that for our customers.

Cheska: We have a total of 34 orange and banana trees in our greenhouse layout and 6 rows of
additional bushes that we added which are strawberry, cherry, and grape bushes.

Mark Lester: We have multiple questions for our customers that will help us increase the quality
of our product. Startig with, what fruits or products would you like to see more from us?

Heaven: Of course, we want to give you what you want and meet your expectations. Our second
question is if there's anything that we can do to make our products better for your satisfaction.

Adri: We want to know what we can do for our products to become more suited for your tasting.
Our third question is, on a scale of 1-10, what would you rate our products?

Lavinia: As a company, we want to know what you think of our products and if you think there's
anything else to improve. Lastly but not least, in your opinion, are our fruits fresh and high-

Cheska: We want to know if our fruits are as fresh and as high-quality as we claim when they
arrive at your doorstep.

Everyone: That's all coming from Group 3, thank you! (bow)

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