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Imię, nazwisko, klasa III __________________________________Test 1

1 Dopasuj pytania do odpowiedzi. Jedna odpowiedź nie pasuje do żadnego pytania. Obok pytań
wpisz litery, jakimi oznaczone są odpowiedzi.

1 Where is Maria from? …………

2 Was your sister at the party last Saturday? ………..

3 What’s the matter with you? …………

4 What is Christopher like? ………..

5 Where do Max and Victoria live? ……….

a Oh, really nice.

b They’ve just moved to Brussels.

c Nothing, I’m just a bit tired.

d She says she’s from Sweden.

e He likes racing cars.

f Yes, but she left quite early.

2 Uzupełnij pytania tak, aby pasowały do podanych odpowiedzi.

1 ___________________________________________ last night ?

Yes, I did. I finished my homework last night.

2 Are ___________________________________________?

No, they aren’t from Germany. They’re from Sweden.

3 _________________________________________ last Friday ?

Yes, He was. My brother was at a party last Friday.

4 What ?

She is slim and has long blonde hair.

5 like ?

He likes football.

3 Uzupełnij luki jedną z trzech podanych możliwości.

My friends get 1 ___ with me sometimes. That’s because one minute I’m happy and 2 ___ and the next
minute I’m 3 ___ and sad. When I’m feeling bad, I try to keep away from people, but it isn’t always easy.

1 A lazy B annoyed C generous

2 A selfish B mean C cheerful
3 A miserable B confident C relaxed
4 Uzupełnij zdania słówkami: disappointed, worried, surprised, annoyed, frightened, relieved.

1 I get ………………………… when my neighbour’s dog won’t stop barking.

2 I always feel ………………………… once my children are all in the house.
3 Little Tania is ………………………… of strangers, so she doesn’t speak to them.
4 We’re ………………………… because the new crime film is sold out at the cinema.
5 I was very ………………………… to see you last night. I thought you were on holiday.
6 Jack has phoned the police because he’s ………………………… about Lauren.

5. Utwórz pięć pytań, które zadasz koleżance lub koledze. Zapytaj o:

1. nationality: …………………………………………………………………………. ?

2. age: ……………………………………………………..……………………………?

3. family: ……………………………………..………………..……………………….?

4. hobby: ……………………………………….………………………..……………. ?

5. pets: ………………………………………….………………………………………?

6. Opisz osoby przedstawione na rysunkach. Każdy z opisów musi składać się minimum z
trzech zdań. (w opisach posłuż się przymiotnikami opisującymi wygląd zewnętrzny osób).

1. Martyna Wojciechowska ….......................................................................................................................

2. Krzysztof Hołowczyc ….............................................................................................................................
3. Victoria Beckham …...................................................................................................................................
7. Podane zdania uzupełnij przedimkami a, an lub the. Jeżeli uznasz, że w danym zdaniu nie
powinno być przedimka wstaw -.
1. Do you know where …......... cat is?
2. He is in …...... kitchen, as usual.
3. I prefer …......... cats to …........... dogs.
4. Have you ever been to …......... USA?
5. Did you enjoy yourself at …........... party?
6. …......... elephant is …........... very strong animal.
7. What are you talking about? I can't see …......... mouse.
8. It is not............... Warsaw I remember. It has changed completely.
9. Don't put it here. Put it on ..................... floor.
10. What is …................. length of …............. Thames?
11. Have you ever climbed in …................ Himalayas?
12. Could you show me way to …........................... bathroom?

8. Przeczytaj ponizszy tekst i zdecyduj, które z podanych zdań w tabeli są zgodne z treścią tekstu (true), a
które nie (false). Zaznacz znakiem X odpowiednią rubrykę w tabeli.

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