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Article review

Name: The Application of Experiential Teaching in College English Education

Author: Xuheng Li
Data: 2023
Source: Journal of Education, Humanities and Social Science. Volume 22.
First of all, this article is about traditional English classroom its merits and
demerits and also about experiential teaching methods and how to implement them
in classroom.
Article consists of five main stages as well as plenty of sub paragraphs
including introduction, the characteristics and limitations of traditional English
classroom, the significance of using teaching English classroom, strategies for
implementing experimental teaching methods in college English education,
In introduction section, author explains current at that time (2023) situation
in terms of teaching English language in China. As English become international
language, interest among university students and of course demand for it rose. In
addition, author provides definition of experiential teaching. Also author
mentioned small plan or structure of following sections as ‘’This article will
discuss the characteristics and shortcomings of current university English
classrooms, the significance of using experiential teaching in English classrooms,
and how to apply experiential teaching.’’
Next part of article includes three limitations of using traditional methods of
teaching. First sub paragraph mainly explains indoctrination method which is
similar to gramma translation. According to the article, traditional classrooms
primarily focus on structured exercises, grammar drills, and controlled
conversations, which do not adequately prepare students for the unpredictable
nature of real-world language interactions. Also, traditional English classrooms
often prioritize specific objectives, such as memorization of grammar rules and
preparation for standardized tests. While these objectives hold significance, their
dominance can lead to a one-sided approach to language education. This narrow
focus may inadvertently overshadow other crucial aspects of language learning,
including effective communication skills, cultural understanding, and the ability to
adapt language to diverse situations.
Third part consists of explaining the role of new teaching method and its
differences as well as advantages over old one. This section delves into the
profound significance of integrating experiential teaching methods within the
context of college-level English education. The differences are described using
examples and explanations to them. These examples are: Active Learning vs.
Passive Reception, Practical Application vs. Rote Memorization, Critical Thinking
vs. Repetition, Communication Skills vs. Exam Performance, Holistic Assessment
vs. Standardized Testing, Lifelong Learning vs. Short-Term Success.
Forth paragraph include really effective and realistic strategies of
implementing experimental teaching method in college education. There are
twelve strategies, but among them most interesting and effective are Role-playing
and simulations, Peer feedback and discussions and Self-assessment and reflection.
Finally, conclusion section makes overall summary of all above mentioned
statements, ideas, strategies, advantages and disadvantages by words ‘’From the
findings of this study, we confirmed that experiential teaching can be used as a
very effective tool in college English education. By comparing students' learning
outcomes under the two teaching styles - traditional and experiential - and the
long-term impact of these two educational styles on students, we can clearly
conclude that students need to participate in more interactive and autonomous
experiential teaching and learning, in which they will actively reflect on their own
or others' feedback, which will make their thinking clearer, not only facilitate their
self-monitoring and correction but also help to cultivate their learning ability and
lay a foundation for future learning.
To sum up, this article is highly recommended for novice teachers especially
who wants to create interactive learning environment in their classroom. Thanks a
lot to the author for explaining problem, but also providing solution as strategies of
using this experimental method of teaching.

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