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Multiple choice test asking and giving direction / location

Choose a, b, c or d for the correct answer.

1.Complete the following dialogue.

Ihsan: . . . . . .
Pedestarian: The nearest gas station is about one kilometer from here. Head to the north. It's next to a car wash.
Ihsan: Okay, thank you.
a. Excuse me, do you know where the bus station is?
b. Hello sir, are you going to a gas station?
c. Excuse me, how far is the gas station from here?
d. Keep driving until the intersection, the gas station is on the corner.

2. Complete the following dialogue.

Joan: Excuse me.
Police officer: Can I help you?
Joan: . . . . .
Police officer: Did you come from Louise avenue?
Joan: Yes I did.
Police officer: You missed the museum. It's on Louise avenue, next to city library.
Joan: Oh, I didn't realize, thank you sir.
Police officer: No problem.
a. Could you direct me to the museum?
b. Where is the city library?
c. The city library is next to the museum.
d. Go straight, the city library is not far from the museum.

3. Complete the following dialogue.

Alex: Hi, I've been riding around for ten minutes. I'm looking for an ATM. Can you show me where the ATM is?
Pedestrian: . . . . . I'm just getting off the bus. Maybe the guy over there knows.
Alex: Oh, ok. no problem. Have a good day.
Pedestrian: You too.
a. Yes, please go straight to St. Carl Robinson street, then turn left to Queen street. The ATM is on your right hand
b. Sure, it's over there in front of the bank.
c. Leave me alone.
d. I'm sorry, I'm not living here.

4. Complete the following dialogue.

Daryl: Excuse me, I want to go to Dimensi Bahasa Inggris course. Could you show me the way to that place?
Nizar: Of course. . . . . .
Daryl: Thank you sir.
Nizar: You're welcome.
a. Go through the intersection between Simba street and Kumba street, you'll find the computer course between the
barbershop and cafe.
b. It's about 700 meter from here, next to Luigi's book shop.
c. Keep walking for about 300 meter. Then turn left to Melody street. There's a police station there you could ask the
officer for Dimensi Bahsa Inggris course.

d. Dimensi Bahasa Inggris course is on Orange street.

Pay attention to the following map to answer question no 5 - 7.

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5. Give the direction based on the route given on the map.

A man: Excuse me, How far is the Everon hotel from here, could you show me the way?
You: . . . . . .
A man: Thanks a lot.
a. The Everon hotel is on Ibrahim avenue.
Take Oreon avenue, go through the Ibrahim avenue. Next turn right to Ahmad avenue and turn right again to
Misty avenue. The hotel is on your left hand side.
b. The Everon hotel is on Ibrahim avenue. Stay on Oreon avenue, keep driving until you find a town square, then
turn right to Ibrahim avenue. The hotel is on your left hand side.
c. The Everon hotel is on Ibrahim avenue. Go to Oreon avenue, keep driving until the end of the block then turn
right, the hotel is on your right hand side.
d. Go straight on Oreon avenue, keep moving for one block, then turn left.

6. Give the direction based on the route given on the map.

A motorcyclist: Excuse me, can you direct me to a pharmacy?
You: Sure, . . . . . . .
A motorcyclist: Thank you.
a. Turn around, go back to Queen avenue. Then turn left to Ibrahim avenue, go through Misty avenue after that
turn left to Otista avenue. The pharmacy is on your right hand side.
b. Just go straight on Nero avenue then turn left. The pharmacy is on your left hand side.
c. Go straight and then turn right to Misty avenue, keep moving and go through Ibrahim avenue. The pharmacy is
on your right hand side.
d. Take Nero avenue, turn right to Otista avenue. Then keep moving and go through the intersection. The
pharmacy is on your right hand side.

7. Give the direction based on the route given on the map.

A Biker: Excuse me, do you know where Jim's restaurant is?
You: Yeah, it's not too far from here.
A biker: Could you direct me to there?
You: Sure, . . . . . . .
A biker: Thanks.
a. Just go straight, keep riding for two and half blocks. Jim's restaurant is next to an elementary school.
b. Go straight and then turn left to Ahmad avenue. Then turn left again to Misty avenue. The restaurant is on
your left.
c. Keep riding until you find a church, the Jim's restaurant is across from the church.
d. Just go straight it's at the end of the block, somewhere near the cinema.

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