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: DO-WMCG- 035-2020
Status: Initial
Date Issued: June 2020


Prepared by: DAVE H. LUMINARIAS, LPT Noted by: DR. MARILOU H. MELLA -Dean
Week 1 Term: 2nd Semester: 1st Academic Year: 2020-2021
Subject Code: ES 1 Course Title: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Environmental science is an introductory course for student with wide variety of career goals. They will
find it very interesting and informative. The central theme is interrelatedness. This course will identify major issues and give
appropriate examples that illustrate the complex interactions that are characteristics of all environmental problems. The interaction
between humans and the natural world and how we affect it. It provides an understanding of the ecological principles that are basic
to organism interactions and the flow of matter and energy in the ecosystems. It focuses on energy and emphasizes the impact of
human activity on natural world. It deals with the ways in which government sets policy and regulation.


At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
1. Articulate the SJIT LPVM and Core Values.
2. Identify the challenges posed by globalization and consider responses to these challenges as demonstrated by experiences
on the ground ;
3. Produce case studies of communities (in the Philippines and other countries) experiencing the impact of globalization and
their respective responses to issues that arise ;
4. Engaged in advocacies relating to climate and environmental protection ;
5. Describe how per capita energy consumption increased as civilization developed from hunting and gathering agriculture to
advanced culture.
6. Formulate an understanding of globalization that is theoretically informed and rooted in the experiences of communities and
7. Explain why solid waste has become a problem throughout the world.
8. Describe how water is modified and managed to meet the human needs.
9. Describe the forces that led to changes in creation of environmental policies and regulations.

II. COURSE GUIDE (course rules/instructions, Coverage inclusion Dates/schedule, grading criteria)
The entire course covers 8 weekly modules with specific content topics. Students are expected to fully learn the lessons and
achieve the intended learning outcomes. Two big examinations; midterm and finals for term classes and 4 big examinations
for full term classes; Prelim, midterm, semi-final and final examinations. Quizzes, class activities, oral participations,
speeches, and assignments are given to supplement students’ learning. Schedule of examinations are posted in the bulletin
1st Term Schedule 2nd Term Schedule
Inclusive Dates Week Details Inclusive Dates Week
August 17-22, 2020 Week 1 October 19-24, 2020 Week 1
August 24-29, 2020 Week 2 October 26-31, 2020 Week 2
September 1-5, 2020 Week 3 November 3-7, 2020 Week 3
September 7-12, 2020 Week 4 Prelim / Midterm Exams November 9-14, 2020 Week 4
September 14-19, 2020 Week 5 November 16-21, 2020 Week 5
September 21-26, 2020 Week 6 November 23-28, 2020 Week 6
September 28-October 3, 2020 Week 7 December 1 – 5, 2020 Week 7
October 5-10, 2020 Week 8 Midterm / Final Exams / December 7 – 12, 2020 Week 8
Submission and/or compliance of
October 12-17, 2020 - Term Break

The grading criteria for the assessment of student competence or performance includes the following:

Quizzes/Assignments 25%
Class Activities/Laboratory Output 35%
Periodic Examination 40%
Total 100%
1. Identify some environmental problems we face today.
2. Understand some environmental principles, philosophy, ethics, and science.
3. Define the term sustainable development and describe some of its requirements.

IV. CONTENT TOPIC DISCUSSION (attach detailed content theories/applications and specific learning objectives)
TOPIC I: Principles for understanding our environment
1.1 Understanding our environment
1.2 Environmental philosophy, ethics, moral, and science
1.3 Sustainable development

V. TEACHING LEARNING ACTIVITES (TLA’s) (with TLA guides, must be doable thru online)
 Small group sharing
 Whole class discussion
 Summative test
VII. ASSIGNMENT (include here the target module for the preceding MODULE guides )
Research and do an advance reading on Environment/ organisms
This module is a property of Saint Joseph Institute of Technology (SJIT). The term module refers to an instructional material that focuses on a specific course. Details
and activities vary according to specific content and focus on student-centered learning activities.
No part of this module may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or any means without approval of the CEO/President.
 Bueno, David Cababaro, Biological Science for college students, Published 2011

 Krohne, David T., General Ecology, Wadsworth biology series Published 2012


TOPIC 1: Principles for understanding our environment

1.1 Environmental science is defined as the interaction of humans with the environment.
The environment includes all conditions that surround living organisms: Climate, Air and water quality, Soil
and landforms and Presence of other living organisms

 Basic history of human and Environment

Hunter-Gatherers (10,000 B.C.)
 Obtain food by collecting plants and hunting wild animals.
 Effects on the environment were limited.
- Hunting of some animal species.
- Picked up and spread plants/seeds to new areas.

 Basic History of Humans and the Environment

Industrial Revolution (1800s)
 Shift in the source of energy to fossil fuels
 Effects on the environment:
- More efficient farming
- Faster human population growth
- Increased burning of fossil fuels.
- Introduced synthetic plastics, fertilizers, pesticides.
- Higher amounts of pollution.

 Major Environmental Problems

• Resource Depletion
- Resources can be renewable (water) or nonrenewable (oil).
- The supply of nonrenewable resources like fossil fuels and minerals will eventually run out.
• Pollution
- Undesired change in air, water, or soil that affects the health of living things.
• Loss of Biodiversity
- The number and variety of species is decreasing.
- Extinction, or the complete loss of a species, is a natural event that can be accelerated by
human actions.

1.2 Environmental Ethics

- Environmental ethics is the discipline that studies the moral relationship of human beings to
the environment.
 There are five main historical stages of environmental ethics.
1. Anthropocentrism literally means “human centered”.
- This set of ethics protects and promotes of human interests or well-being at the expense of
all other factors.
- Often places an emphasis on short-term benefits while disregarding long-term consequences.
2. Pragmatic Resource Conservation
- Advocated by President Theodore Roosevelt.
- Conservationists believe the environment should be used in a planned way to benefit
- The correct policy will create the greatest good for the greatest number, for the longest time.
3. Moral and Aesthetic Nature Preservation.
- Advocated by John Muir, first president of the Sierra Club.
- Preservationists believe that nature deserves to exist for its own sake regardless of degree of
usefulness to humans.
4. Modern Environmentalism
- Rachel Carson wrote a book entitled Silent Spring about the effects of pesticides on birds.
- Awakened the public to threats of pollution and toxic chemicals to humans as well as other
5. Global Environmentalism
- Increased travel and communication enables people to know about daily events in places
unknown in previous generations.
- Issues and problems are explored on a global scale instead of a local one.

This module is a property of Saint Joseph Institute of Technology (SJIT). The term module refers to an instructional material that focuses on a specific course. Details
and activities vary according to specific content and focus on student-centered learning activities.
No part of this module may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or any means without approval of the CEO/President.
1.3 Population and Consumption
- Developing countries tend to have severe overpopulation. This leads to:
Bare soil
Native animals driven to extinction
Malnutrition, starvation, disease
- About 80% of the world’s population falls in this category
Only use 25% of the world’s resources
- Developed countries, while smaller in size and growth, consume resources at a greater rate.
- About 20% of the world’s population uses 75% of its resources.

Week 2 Term: 2nd Semester: 1st Academic Year: 2020-2021

Subject Code: ES 1 Course Title: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE
1. Describe the element of life.
2. Explain the biological and gaseous cycle.
IV. CONTENT TOPIC DISCUSSION (attach detailed content theories/applications and specific learning objectives)
TOPIC 2: Environment/ organisms
2.1 Elements of life and energy
2.2 Biological cycle and Gaseous cycle
V. TEACHING LEARNING ACTIVITES (TLA’s) (with TLA guides, must be doable thru online)
 Individual or small group exercises including games.
 Whole class discussions
 Writing exercise sets
 Quiz
VII. ASSIGNMENT (include here the target module for the preceding MODULE guides)
Research and do an advance reading on Geology and earth resources


 Bueno, David Cababaro, Biological Science for college students, Published 2011

 Krohne, David T., General Ecology, Wadsworth biology series Published 2012




TOPIC 2: Environment/ organisms

1.1 The critical six elements of life: Connection, Nutrition, Movement, Meditation, Sleep, Creativity.
Daily involvement with those six elements provides you the building blocks you need for a productive, satisfying, and
joyous life. Nutrition and Sleep are obvious critical elements to life, right? And they are topics I’ve covered many
times. You wondering how the others are important, critical even? Let’s explore this concept a bit, starting with
You may call Movement exercise. I don’t because I’m trying to convey the importance of frequent activity throughout
your day, not just the periodic visit to the gym. Moving keeps your muscles, joints, tendons, and ligaments loose and
supple — in good working order. It also keeps your organs working well. When your organs work well you think
better, you excrete waste products better, you breathe better, your heart pumps better, and your hormone creation is
better. Your immune system also may be strengthened by adopting a habit of frequent movement through your day.
Movement makes you a well-tuned human.
Incorporating people into your life is another aspect of quality living that contributes to productivity, happiness, and
health. Social media isn’t the element of connection I’m referring to. Yes, social media keeps people connected, but
it’s the face-to-face and in-person connections that are best for your life. Connection — live social interaction — is to
your emotions and psychology what Movement is to your body. Spending time with people lets you exercise your
emotional expression, create support systems, and helps you cope with stress. Healthy hormones are created when
you interact with people. Increased resiliency arises from solid connections. And again, your immune system may get
a boost. too.
There’s a great similarity between Movement and Connection and the effect on the body. It’s the frequency, not the
intensity, that helps you. Close connections are ideal, but scientists find that even casual exchanges are beneficial to
our well-being.
This simple element in high performance living calms the mind, builds the brain’s white matter (the wiring of the
brain), reduces stress, and improves concentration. My favorite is that brain shrinkage, associated with aging, is
minimized in meditators. This is a short list of the meditation benefits Take your pick, it’s a win. How much is enough?
Start with at least five minutes per day, recognizing the more the merrier. Start your day with meditation for the
biggest impact on your day. Hit a stressful spot? Find a quiet space and meditate for five minutes. Feeling too jazzed
to fall asleep? Meditate five minutes before bed. You have nothing to lose, but stress, and everything to gain.

This element is new on my list. Just as the periodic table expands with discoveries, so does my list of vital elements.
Creativity is one of the strengths of people with ADD, consequently it’s important to exercise that “muscle” so it stays
strong. Because I hear lots of my friends and clients comment they don’t think they are creative, before they list
numerous creative things they do, I’m feeling Creativity is important for everyone to practice daily so they appreciate
that quality in themselves. One note about Creativity: it’s not synonymous with artistic. Artistic people are creative, no
This module is a property of Saint Joseph Institute of Technology (SJIT). The term module refers to an instructional material that focuses on a specific course. Details
and activities vary according to specific content and focus on student-centered learning activities.
No part of this module may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or any means without approval of the CEO/President.
doubt, but creativity is much more than that. It’s puzzle solving, thinking outside the box, connecting the dots, and
generating new ideas. It’s being resourceful, innovative, enterprising, inspired, original, and a visionary.

1.2 Biogeochemical cycle, any of the natural pathways by which essential elements of living matter are circulated.
The term biogeochemical is a contraction that refers to the consideration of the biological, geological, and chemical
aspects of each cycle.

Elements within biogeochemical cycles flow in various forms from the nonliving (abiotic) components of
the biosphere to the living (biotic) components and back. In order for the living components of a
major ecosystem (e.g., a lake or a forest) to survive, all the chemical elements that make up living cells must be
recycled continuously. Each biogeochemical cycle can be considered as having a reservoir (nutrient) pool—a larger,
slow-moving, usually abiotic portion—and an exchange (cycling) pool—a smaller but more-active portion concerned
with the rapid exchange between the biotic and abiotic aspects of an ecosystem.

Gaseous cycles tend to move more rapidly than do sedimentary ones and to adjust more readily to changes in the
biosphere because of the large atmospheric reservoir. Local accumulations of carbon dioxide (CO2), for example, are
soon dissipated by winds or taken up by plants. Extraordinary disturbances (such as global warming) and more-
frequent local disturbances (such as wildfires and storm-driven events) can, however, seriously affect the capacity for

Week 3 Term: 2nd Semester: 1st Academic Year: 2020-2021

Subject Code: ES 1 Course Title: Environmental Science
1. Understand some basic geologic principles including tectonic movements that affect the condition of life on earth.
2. Analyze human contribution to climate change.
3. Understand how air pollution damages human health, vegetation, and building materials.
4. Find ways on how to control air pollution
IV. CONTENT TOPIC DISCUSSION (attach detailed content theories/applications and specific learning objectives)
Topic 3: Geology and earth resources
3.1 Conserving- geologic resources, air, water and soil
3.2 Air pollution control
V. TEACHING LEARNING ACTIVITES (TLA’s) (with TLA guides, must be doable thru online)
 reading 4
This module is a property of Saint Joseph Institute of Technology (SJIT). The term module refers to an instructional material that focuses on a specific course. Details
and activities vary according to specific content and focus on student-centered learning activities.
No part of this module may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or any means without approval of the CEO/President.
 small-group discussion
 whole class discussions
 Summative test
VII. ASSIGNMENT (include here the target module for the preceding MODULE guides)
Research and do an advance reading on Energy resources

 Bueno, David Cababaro, Biological Science for college students, Published 2011

 Krohne, David T., General Ecology, Wadsworth biology series Published 2012



Topic 3: Geology and earth resources
3.1 The Earth’s natural resources include air, water, soil, minerals, fuels, plants, and animals. Conservation is the
practice of caring for these resources so all living things can benefit from them now and in the future.

All the things we need to survive, such as food, water, air, and shelter, come from natural resources. Some of these
resources, like small plants, can be replaced quickly after they are used. Others, like large trees, take a long time to
replace. These are renewable resources.

Other resources, such as fossil fuels, cannot be replaced at all. Once they are used up, they are gone forever. These
are nonrenewable resources.

People often waste natural resources. Animals are overhunted. Forests are cleared, exposing land to wind and water
damage. Fertile soil is exhausted and lost to erosion because of poor farming practices. Fuel supplies are depleted.
Water and air are polluted.

If resources are carelessly managed, many will be used up. If used wisely and efficiently, however, renewable
resources will last much longer. Through conservation, people can reduce waste and manage natural resources

The population of human beings has grown enormously in the past two centuries. Billions of people use up resources
quickly as they eat food, build houses, produce goods, and burn fuel for transportation and electricity. The
continuation of life as we know it depends on the careful use of natural resources.

The need to conserve resources often conflicts with other needs. For some people, a wooded area may be a good
place to put a farm. A timber company may want to harvest the area’s trees for construction materials. A business
may want to build a factory or shopping mall on the land.

All these needs are valid, but sometimes the plants and animals that live in the area are forgotten. The benefits
of development need to be weighed against the harm to animals that may be forced to find new habitats, the
depletion of resources we may want in the future (such as water or timber), or damage to resources we use today.

Development and conservation can coexist in harmony. When we use the environment in ways that ensure we have
resources for the future, it is called sustainable development. There are many different resources we need to
conserve in order to live sustainably.

A forest is a large area covered with trees grouped so their foliage shades the ground. Every continent except
Antarctica has forests, from the evergreen-filled boreal forests of the north to mangrove forests in tropical wetlands.
Forests are home to more than two-thirds of all known land species. Tropical rain forests are especially rich
in biodiversity.

Forests provide habitats for animals and plants. They store carbon, helping reduce global warming. They protect soil
by reducing runoff. They add nutrients to the soil through leaf litter. They provide people with lumber and firewood.

Deforestation is the process of clearing away forests by cutting them down or burning them. People clear forests to
use the wood, or to make way for farming or development. Each year, the Earth loses about 14.6 million hectares (36
million acres) of forest to deforestation—an area about the size of the U.S. state of New York.

Deforestation destroys wildlife habitats and increases soil erosion. It also releases greenhouse gases into
the atmosphere, contributing to global warming. Deforestation accounts for 15 percent of the world’s greenhouse gas
emissions. Deforestation also harms the people who rely on forests for their survival, hunting and gathering,
harvesting forest products, or using the timber for firewood.

About half of all the forests on Earth are in the tropics—an area that circles the globe near the Equator. Although
tropical forests cover fewer than 6 percent of the world’s land area, they are home to about 80 percent of the world’s
documented species. For example, more than 500 different species of trees live in the forests on the small island of
Puerto Rico in the Caribbean Sea.

Tropical forests give us many valuable products, including woods like mahogany and teak, rubber, fruits, nuts, and
flowers. Many of the medicines we use today come from plants found only in tropical rain forests. These
include quinine, a malaria drug; curare, an anesthetic used in surgery; and rosy periwinkle, which is used to treat
certain types of cancer.

Sustainable forestry practices are critical for ensuring we have these resources well into the future. One of these
practices is leaving some trees to die and decay naturally in the forest. This “deadwood” builds up soil. Other
sustainable forestry methods include using low-impact logging practices, harvesting with natural regeneration in mind,
and avoiding certain logging techniques, such as removing all the high-value trees or all the largest trees from a
This module is a property of Saint Joseph Institute of Technology (SJIT). The term module refers to an instructional material that focuses on a specific course. Details
and activities vary according to specific content and focus on student-centered learning activities.
No part of this module may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or any means without approval of the CEO/President.

Trees can also be conserved if consumers recycle. People in China and Mexico, for example, reuse much of their
wastepaper, including writing paper, wrapping paper, and cardboard. If half the world’s paper were recycled, much of
the worldwide demand for new paper would be fulfilled, saving many of the Earth’s trees. We can also replace some
wood products with alternatives like bamboo, which is actually a type of grass.

Soil is vital to food production. We need high-quality soil to grow the crops that we eat and feed to livestock. Soil is
also important to plants that grow in the wild. Many other types of conservation efforts, such as plant conservation
and animal conservation, depend on soil conservation.

Poor farming methods, such as repeatedly planting the same crop in the same place, called monoculture, deplete
nutrients in the soil. Soil erosion by water and wind increases when farmers plow up and down hills.

One soil conservation method is called contour strip cropping. Several crops, such as corn, wheat, and clover, are
planted in alternating strips across a slope or across the path of the prevailing wind. Different crops, with different root
systems and leaves, help slow erosion.

Harvesting all the trees from a large area, a practice called clearcutting, increases the chances of losing
productive topsoil to wind and water erosion. Selective harvesting—the practice of removing individual trees or small
groups of trees—leaves other trees standing to anchor the soil.

Biodiversity is the variety of living things that populate the Earth. The products and benefits we get from nature rely
on biodiversity. We need a rich mixture of living things to provide foods, building materials, and medicines, as well as
to maintain a clean and healthy landscape.

When a species becomes extinct, it is lost to the world forever. Scientists estimate that the current rate of extinction is
1,000 times the natural rate. Through hunting, pollution, habitat destruction, and contribution to global warming,
people are speeding up the loss of biodiversity at an alarming rate.

It’s hard to know how many species are going extinct because the total number of species is unknown. Scientists
discover thousands of new species every year. For example, after looking at just 19 trees in Panama, scientists found
1,200 different species of beetles—80 percent of them unknown to science at the time. Based on various estimates of
the number of species on Earth, we could be losing anywhere from 200 to 100,000 species each year.

We need to protect biodiversity to ensure we have plentiful and varied food sources. This is true even if we don’t eat
a species threatened with extinction because something we do eat may depend on that species for survival.
Some predators are useful for keeping the populations of other animals at manageable levels. The extinction of a
major predator might mean there are more herbivores looking for food in people’s gardens and farms.

Biodiversity is important for more than just food. For instance, we use between 50,000 to 70,000 plant species for
medicines worldwide. The Great Barrier Reef, a coral reef off the coast of northeastern Australia, contributes about
$6 billion to the nation’s economy through commercial fishing, tourism, and other recreational activities. If the coral
reef dies, many of the fish, shellfish, marine mammals, and plants will die, too.

Some governments have established parks and preserves to protect wildlife and their habitats. They are also working
to abolish hunting and fishing practices that may cause the extinction of some species.

Fossil Fuels
Fossil fuels are fuels produced from the remains of ancient plants and animals. They include coal, petroleum (oil),
and natural gas. People rely on fossil fuels to power vehicles like cars and airplanes, to produce electricity, and to
cook and provide heat.

In addition, many of the products we use today are made from petroleum. These include
plastics, synthetic rubber, fabrics like nylon, medicines, cosmetics, waxes, cleaning products, medical devices, and
even bubblegum.

Fossil fuels formed over millions of years. Once we use them up, we cannot replace them. Fossil fuels are a
nonrenewable resource.

We need to conserve fossil fuels so we don’t run out. However, there are other good reasons to limit our fossil fuel
use. These fuels pollute the air when they are burned. Burning fossil fuels also releases carbon dioxide into the
atmosphere, contributing to global warming. Global warming is changing ecosystems. The oceans are becoming
warmer and more acidic, which threatens sea life. Sea levels are rising, posing risks to coastal communities. Many
areas are experiencing more droughts, while others suffer from flooding.

Scientists are exploring alternatives to fossil fuels. They are trying to produce renewable biofuels to power cars and
trucks. They are looking to produce electricity using the sun, wind, water, and geothermal energy—the Earth’s natural

Everyone can help conserve fossil fuels by using them carefully. Turn off lights and other electronics when you are
not using them. Purchase energy-efficient appliances and weatherproof your home. Walk, ride a bike, carpool, and
use public transportation whenever possible.

Earth’s supply of raw mineral resources is in danger. Many mineral deposits that have been located and mapped
have been depleted. As the ores for minerals like aluminum and iron become harder to find and extract, their
prices skyrocket. This makes tools and machinery more expensive to purchase and operate.

Many mining methods, such as mountaintop removal mining (MTR), devastate the environment. They destroy soil,
plants, and animal habitats. Many mining methods also pollute water and air, as toxic chemicals leak into the
surrounding ecosystem. Conservation efforts in areas like Chile and the Appalachian Mountains in the eastern United
States often promote more sustainable mining methods.

Less wasteful mining methods and the recycling of materials will help conserve mineral resources. In Japan, for
This module is a property of Saint Joseph Institute of Technology (SJIT). The term module refers to an instructional material that focuses on a specific course. Details
and activities vary according to specific content and focus on student-centered learning activities.
No part of this module may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or any means without approval of the CEO/President.
example, car manufacturers recycle many raw materials used in making automobiles. In the United States, nearly
one-third of the iron produced comes from recycled automobiles.

Electronic devices present a big problem for conservation because technology changes so quickly. For example,
consumers typically replace their cell phones every 18 months. Computers, televisions, and mp3 players are other
products contributing to “e-waste.” The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that Americans
generated more than 3 million tons of e-waste in 2007.

Electronic products contain minerals as well as petroleum-based plastics. Many of them also contain hazardous
materials that can leach out of landfills into the soil and water supply.

Many governments are passing laws requiring manufacturers to recycle used electronics. Recycling not only keeps
materials out of landfills, but it also reduces the energy used to produce new products. For instance, recycling
aluminum saves 90 percent of the energy that would be required to mine new aluminum.

Water is a renewable resource. We will not run out of water the way we might run out of fossil fuels. The amount of
water on Earth always remains the same. However, most of the planet’s water is unavailable for human use. While
more than 70 percent of the Earth’s surface is covered by water, only 2.5 percent of it is freshwater. Out of that
freshwater, almost 70 percent is permanently frozen in the ice caps covering Antarctica and Greenland. Only about 1
percent of the freshwater on Earth is available for people to use for drinking, bathing, and irrigating crops.

People in many regions of the world suffer water shortages. These are caused by depletion of underground water
sources known as aquifers, a lack of rainfall due to drought, or pollution of water supplies. The World Health
Organization (WHO) estimates that 2.6 billion people lack adequate water sanitation. More than 5 million people die
each year from diseases caused by using polluted water for drinking, cooking, or washing.

About one-third of Earth’s population lives in areas that are experiencing water stress. Most of these areas are in
developing countries.

Polluted water hurts the environment as well as people. For instance, agricultural runoff—the water that runs off of
farmland—can contain fertilizers and pesticides. When this water gets into streams, rivers, and oceans, it can harm
the organisms that live in or drink from those water sources.

People can conserve and protect water supplies in many ways. Individuals can limit water use by fixing leaky faucets,
taking shorter showers, planting drought-resistant plants, and buying low-water-use appliances. Governments,
businesses, and nonprofit organizations can help developing countries build sanitation facilities.

Farmers can change some of their practices to reduce polluted runoff. This includes limiting overgrazing, avoiding
over-irrigation, and using alternatives to chemical pesticides whenever possible.

Conservation Groups

Businesses, international organizations, and some governments are involved in conservation efforts. The United
Nations (UN) encourages the creation of national parks around the world. The UN also established World Water Day,
an event to raise awareness and promote water conservation.

Governments enact laws defining how land should be used and which areas should be set aside as parks and wildlife
preserves. Governments also enforce laws designed to protect the environment from pollution, such as requiring
factories to install pollution-control devices. Finally, governments often provide incentives for conserving resources,
using clean technologies, and recycling used goods.

Many international organizations are dedicated to conservation. Members support causes such as saving rain forests,
protecting threatened animals, and cleaning up the air. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature
(IUCN) is an alliance of governments and private groups founded in 1948. The IUCN works to protect wildlife and
habitats. In 1980, the group proposed a world conservation strategy. Many governments have used the IUCN model
to develop their own conservation plans. In addition, the IUCN monitors the status of endangered wildlife, threatened
national parks and preserves, and other environments around the world.

Zoos and botanical gardens also work to protect wildlife. Many zoos raise and breed endangered animals to increase
their populations. They conduct research and help educate the public about endangered species. For instance, the
San Diego Zoo in the U.S. state of California runs a variety of research programs on topics ranging from disease
control in amphibians to heart-healthy diets for gorillas.

Scientists at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, in London, England, work to protect plant life around the world. Kew’s
Millennium Seed Bank, for example, works with partners in 54 countries to protect biodiversity
through seed collection. Kew researchers are also exploring how DNA technology can help restore damaged

Individuals can do many things to help conserve resources. Turning off lights, repairing leaky faucets, and recycling
paper, aluminum cans, glass, and plastic are just a few examples. Riding bikes, walking, carpooling, and using public
transportation all help conserve fuel and reduce the amount of pollutants released into the environment. Individuals
can plant trees to create homes for birds and squirrels. At grocery stores, people can bring their own reusable bags.
And people can carry reusable water bottles and coffee mugs rather than using disposable containers. If each of us
would conserve in small ways, the result would be a major conservation effort.

3.2 Air pollution control, the techniques employed to reduce or eliminate the emission into the atmosphere of
substances that can harm the environment or human health. The control of air pollution is one of the principal areas
of pollution control, along with wastewater treatment, solid-waste management, and hazardous-waste management.

Air is considered to be polluted when it contains certain substances in concentrations high enough and for durations
long enough to cause harm or undesirable effects. These include adverse effects on human health, property, and
atmospheric visibility. The atmosphere is susceptible to pollution from natural sources as well as from human
activities. Some natural phenomena, such as volcanic eruptions and forest fires, may have not only local and regional
effects but also long-lasting global ones. Nevertheless, only pollution caused by human activities, such
as industry and transportation, is subject to mitigation and control. 7
This module is a property of Saint Joseph Institute of Technology (SJIT). The term module refers to an instructional material that focuses on a specific course. Details
and activities vary according to specific content and focus on student-centered learning activities.
No part of this module may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or any means without approval of the CEO/President.
Most air contaminants originate from combustion processes. During the Middle Ages the burning of coal for fuel
caused recurrent air pollution problems in London and other large European cities. Beginning in the 19th century, in
the wake of the Industrial Revolution, increasing use of fossil fuels intensified the severity and frequency of air
pollution episodes. The advent of mobile sources of air pollution—i.e., gasoline-powered highway vehicles—had a
tremendous impact on air quality problems in cities. It was not until the middle of the 20th century, however, that
meaningful and lasting attempts were made to regulate or limit emissions of air pollutants from stationary and mobile
sources and to control air quality on both regional and local scales.

The best way to protect air quality is to reduce the emission of pollutants by changing to cleaner fuels and processes.
Pollutants not eliminated in this way must be collected or trapped by appropriate air-cleaning devices as they are
generated and before they can escape into the atmosphere. The emphasis of this article is air pollution
control technology as it is designed to remove particulate and gaseous pollutants from the emissions of stationary
sources, including power plants and industrial facilities. (The control of air pollution from mobile sources is described
in emission-control system.)

Week 4 Term: 2nd Semester: 1st Academic Year: 2020-2021

Subject Code: ES 1 Course Title: Environmental Science
1. Differentiate renewable energy resources and non-renewable energy resources
2. Recognize that natural gas and oil formed in ancient time.
3. Describe how wind, geothermal, solar and tidal energy are used to produce electricity.
4. Recognize the fuelwood is the major source of energy in less developed world.
IV. CONTENT TOPIC DISCUSSION (attach detailed content theories/applications and specific learning objectives)
Topic 4: Energy resources
4.1 Renewable energy resources and non-renewable energy resources
4.2 Biomass conversion- fuel wood, and solid waste
V. TEACHING LEARNING ACTIVITES (TLA’s) (with TLA guides, must be doable thru online)
 Lectures
 class discussions
 Summative test
 Oral
VII. ASSIGNMENT (include here the target module for the preceding MODULE guides)
Research and do an advance reading on Human impact on resources and ecosystem
 Bueno, David Cababaro, Biological Science for college students, Published 2011

 Krohne, David T., General Ecology, Wadsworth biology series Published 2012



Topic 4: Energy Resources

4.1 Renewable energy resources and non-renewable energy resources

Renewable and nonrenewable resources are energy sources that human society uses to function on a daily basis.
The difference between these two types of resources is that renewable resources can naturally replenish themselves
while nonrenewable resources cannot. This means that nonrenewable resources are limited in supply and cannot be
used sustainably.

When it comes to energy resources, there is always the question of sustainability. It is important that resources
provide enough energy to meet our needs—to heat our houses, power our cities, and run our cars. However, it is also
important to consider how these resources can be used long term. Some resources will practically never run out.
These are known as renewable resources. Renewable resources also produce clean energy, meaning less pollution
and greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to climate change.

The United States’ energy sources have evolved over time, from using wood prior to the nineteenth century to later
adopting nonrenewable resources, such as fossil fuels, petroleum, and coal, which are still the dominant sources of
energy today. But the Earth has a limited supply of these resources. Recently, renewable resource use has begun to
increase. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 11 percent of the U.S. energy consumption came
from renewable resources in 2017.

There are some challenges associated with using renewable resources. For instance, renewable energy can be less
reliable than nonrenewable energy, with seasonal or even daily changes in the amount produced. However, scientists
are continually addressing these challenges, working to improve feasibility and reliability of renewable resources.

Renewable resources include biomass energy (such as ethanol), hydropower, geothermal power, wind energy,
and solar energy.

Biomass refers to organic material from plants or animals. This includes wood, sewage, and ethanol (which comes
from corn or other plants). Biomass can be used as a source of energy because this organic material has absorbed
energy from the Sun. This energy is, in turn, released as heat energy when burned.

Hydropower is one of the oldest renewable resources and has been used for thousands of years. Today, every U.S.
state uses some amount of hydroelectricity. With hydropower, the mechanical energy from flowing water is used to
generate electricity. Hydroelectric power plants use the flow of rivers and streams to turn a turbine to power a
generator, releasing electricity. 8
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and activities vary according to specific content and focus on student-centered learning activities.
No part of this module may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or any means without approval of the CEO/President.
Geothermal energy comes from the heat generated deep within the Earth’s core. Geothermal reservoirs can be found
at tectonic plate boundaries near volcanic activity or deep underground. Geothermal energy can be harnessed by
drilling wells to pump hot water or steam to a power plant. This energy is then used for heating and electricity.

Wind energy generates electricity by turning wind turbines. The wind pushes the turbine’s blades, and a generator
converts this mechanical energy into electricity. This electricity can supply power to homes and other buildings, and it
can even be stored in the power grid.

Radiation from the Sun can be used as a power source as well. Photovoltaic cells can be used to convert this solar
energy into electricity. Individually, these cells only generate enough energy to power a calculator, but when
combined to create solar panels or even larger arrays, they provide much more electricity.

Searching for the right method of using renewable resources is a task that is growing ever more important as the
Earth’s supply of nonrenewable resources continues to dwindle. Converting to renewable energy will not only better
sustain the world’s rapidly growing population, but it will also provide a cleaner, healthier environment for the
generations to come.

There are four major types of nonrenewable resources: oil, natural gas, coal, and nuclear energy. Oil, natural gas,
and coal are collectively called fossil fuels. Fossil fuels were formed within the Earth from dead plants and animals
over millions of years—hence the name “fossil” fuels. They are found in underground layers of rock and sediment.
Pressure and heat worked together to transform the plant and animal remains into crude oil (also known as
petroleum), coal, and natural gas.

4.2 Biomass conversion- fuel wood, and solid waste

What Is Biomass?

Biomass is any organic matter-wood, crops, seaweed, animal wastes-that can be used as an energy source.
Biomass is probably our oldest source of energy. For thousands of years, people have burned wood to heat their
homes and cook their food.

Biomass gets its energy from the sun. All organic matter contains stored energy from the sun. During a process
called photosynthesis, sunlight gives plants the energy they need to convert water, carbon dioxide, and minerals into
oxygen and sugars. The sugars, called carbohydrates, supply plants (or the animals that eat plants) with energy.
Foods rich in carbohydrates (like spaghetti) are a good source of energy for the human body!

Biomass is a renewable energy source because its supplies are not limited. We can always grow trees and crops,
and people will always produce garbage.

Types of Biomass

Wood and Agricultural Biomass

Most biomass used today is home grown energy. Wood-logs, chips, bark, and sawdust-accounts for about 79 percent
of biomass energy. But any organic matter can produce

biomass energy. Other biomass sources include agricultural waste products like fruit pits and corn cobs.

Solid Waste

There is nothing new about people burning trash. What's new is burning trash to generate electricity. This turns waste
into a usable form of energy. A ton (2,000 pounds) of garbage contains about as much heat energy, as pounds of

Power plants that burn garbage for energy are called waste-to-energy plants. These plants generate electricity much
as coal-fired plants do except that garbage-not coal-is the fuel used to fire an industrial boiler.

Making electricity from garbage costs more than making it from coal and other energy sources. The main advantage
of burning solid waste is it reduces the amount of garbage dumped in landfills by 60 to 90 percent, and reduces the
cost of landfill disposal.

Week 5 Term: 2nd Semester: 1st Academic Year: 2020-2021

Subject Code: ES 1 Course Title: Environmental Science
1. Recognize that humans have an increasing impact on natural ecosystems
2. Recognize that mineral resources are unevenly distributed, which creates international trade in those commodities.
3. Identify forest and aquatic changes as a result of human activity.
4. Recognize that wildlife management focus on specific species
IV. CONTENT TOPIC DISCUSSION (attach detailed content theories/applications and specific learning objectives)
Topic 5: Human impact on resources and ecosystem
5.1 Historical basis of pollution
5.2 Costs associated with resource exploitation - mineral exploitation
5.3 Management on ecosystem-wildlife ecosystem
V. TEACHING LEARNING ACTIVITES (TLA’s) (with TLA guides, must be doable thru online)
 Small group or large class sharing of ideas
 Lectures
This module is a property of Saint Joseph Institute of Technology (SJIT). The term module refers to an instructional material that focuses on a specific course. Details
and activities vary according to specific content and focus on student-centered learning activities.
No part of this module may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or any means without approval of the CEO/President.
 Written exercises.
 Essay
 Summative Quiz
VII. ASSIGNMENT (include here the target module for the preceding MODULE guides)
Research and do an advance reading on Solid waste management and disposal
 Bueno, David Cababaro, Biological Science for college students, Published 2011

 Krohne, David T., General Ecology, Wadsworth biology series Published 2012




Topic 5: Human impact on resources and ecosystem
5.1 Historical basis of pollution
Although environmental pollution can be caused by natural events such as forest fires and active volcanoes,
use of the word pollution generally implies that the contaminants have an anthropogenic source—that is, a source
created by human activities. Pollution has accompanied humankind ever since groups of people first congregated
and remained for a long time in any one place. Indeed, ancient human settlements are frequently recognized by their
wastes—shell mounds and rubble heaps, for instance. Pollution was not a serious problem as long as there was
enough space available for each individual or group. However, with the establishment of permanent settlements by
great numbers of people, pollution became a problem, and it has remained one ever since.

Cities of ancient times were often noxious places, fouled by human wastes and debris. Beginning about
1000 CE, the use of coal for fuel caused considerable air pollution, and the conversion of coal to coke for iron
smelting beginning in the 17th century exacerbated the problem. In Europe, from the Middle Ages well into the early
modern era, unsanitary urban conditions favored the outbreak of population-decimating epidemics of disease,
from plague to cholera and typhoid fever. Through the 19th century, water and air pollution and the accumulation of
solid wastes were largely problems of congested urban areas. But, with the rapid spread of industrialization and the
growth of the human population to unprecedented levels, pollution became a universal problem.

By the middle of the 20th century, an awareness of the need to protect air, water, and
land environments from pollution had developed among the general public. In particular, the publication in 1962
of Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring focused attention on environmental damage caused by improper use
of pesticides such as DDT and other persistent chemicals that accumulate in the food chain and disrupt the natural
balance of ecosystems on a wide scale. In response, major pieces of environmental legislation, such as the Clean Air
Act (1970) and the Clean Water Act (1972; United States), were passed in many countries to control
and mitigate environmental pollution.

5.2 Costs associated with resource exploitation - mineral exploitation

Exploitation of Mineral Resources

Exploitation of mineral refers to the use of mineral resources for economic growth. Exploitation of mineral
resources at a mindless speed to meet the growing needs of modern civilization has resulted in many environmental
Although, the exploitation of minerals began at a slow pace during the industrial revolution in Western
countries, during the 20th century, the exploitation of some minerals, especially the fossil fuels increased
exponentially to meet the growing energy need. Today, about 80% of the world’s energy consumption is sustained
by the extraction of fossil fuels, which consists of oil, coal, and gas.
Consequences of Exploitation of Mineral Resources.
Excessive exploitation of mineral resources has led to the following severe problems.

 Deforestation and desertification

 Extinction of species
 Rapid depletion of high grade minerals
 Forced migration
 Wastage of upper soil layer and vegetation
 Soil erosion and oil depletion
 Ozone depletion
 Greenhouse gas increase
 Environmental pollution
 Natural hazards

5.3 Management on ecosystem- Wildlife ecosystem

An ecosystem (short for "ecological system") is generally defined as a community of organisms living in
a particular environment and the physical elements with which they interact. An ecosystem is an open functional
unit that results from the interactions of abiotic (soil, water, light, inorganic nutrients and weather), biotic (plants,
animals, and microorganisms usually categorized as either producers or consumers), and cultural
(anthropogenic) components.
This module is a property of Saint Joseph Institute of Technology (SJIT). The term module refers to an instructional material that focuses on a specific course. Details
and activities vary according to specific content and focus on student-centered learning activities.
No part of this module may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or any means without approval of the CEO/President.
An ecosystem can be as small as a field or as large as the ocean. It is used to describe the world’s
major different habitat types. Terrestrial ecosystems include: arctic and alpine ecosystems, dominated by tundra
with scarce vegetation; forest ecosystems, which can be subdivided into a whole range of types including
tropical rainforests, Mediterranean evergreen forests, boreal forests, and temperate coniferous, deciduous and
mixed forests; grasslands and savannas; and deserts and semi-arid ecosystems. Freshwater ecosystems
include lakes, rivers, and marshlands. Marine ecosystems comprise an enormous range, from coral reefs,
mangroves, sea-grass beds, and other shallow coastal water ecosystems, to open-water ones, including the
mysterious, little-known ecosystems of the abyssal plains and trenches of the world’s oceans.

Ecosystems sustain human societies and allow them to prosper, due to the nutritional, environmental,
cultural, recreational and aesthetic resources they provide. We all depend directly or indirectly on the products
and services of ecosystems, including crops, livestock, fish, wood, clean water, oxygen, and wildlife.

Climate is an integral part of ecosystems. Climate change has the potential to stress or even alter
ecosystems and their functions, including the many resources and services they provide to each other and to
our society. Some organisms may be able to adapt to new conditions, but some may not be able to keep up
with the changes. Climate change could benefit certain plant or insect species by increasing their ranges, but
could be also an eliminating factor for those species that lose their natural habitat. The risk of extinction could
increase for many species, especially those that are already endangered or at risk due to geographic isolation
caused by natural drift or by human development. Other risk factors include decreasing population numbers for
certain species, or a narrow temperature tolerance range. Human activities can pose a threat to biodiversity by
altering habitats or introducing non-native species. Climate change and various anthropogenic activities are
causing large losses to natural habitats and wildlife in both developed and developing countries.

According to the Fourth Assessment of the IPCC, there is a high confidence that the resilience of many
ecosystems (their ability to adapt naturally) in the 21st century will be exceeded by an unprecedented
combination of several factors, including change in climate, increased frequency of major disturbances such as
flooding, drought and wildfire, an increasing rate of biological invasions, and ocean acidification due to high
carbon dioxide levels.

Week 6 Term: 2nd Semester: 1st Academic Year: 2020-2021

Subject Code: ES 1 Course Title: Environmental Science
1. Recognize that the management of municipal solid waste in the future will require an integrated approach.
2. Describe the various method of waste disposal and the problem associated with this method.
3. Describe some method of incineration. method of source reduction.
4. Explain the complexity in regulating hazardous materials.
5. Describe the technologies in disposal of hazardous waste.
IV. CONTENT TOPIC DISCUSSION (attach detailed content theories/applications and specific learning objectives)
Topic 6: Solid waste management and disposal
6.1 Methods of waste disposal – landfill, incineration, composting, zero waste management, waste management in the Philippines.

V. TEACHING LEARNING ACTIVITES (TLA’s) (with TLA guides, must be doable thru online)
 Lectures
 Oral
 Written exercises.
 Quizzes
VII. ASSIGNMENT (include here the target module for the preceding MODULE guides)
Research and do an advance reading on Water management
 Bueno, David Cababaro, Biological Science for college students, Published 2011

 Krohne, David T., General Ecology, Wadsworth biology series Published 2012


Topic 6: Solid waste management and disposal

6.1 Methods of waste disposal

Sanitary landfill
This is designed to reduce the amount of waste that leaks out of it into the environment, It is designed to
protect that environment from pollution and uses the methane produced in the landfill to generate electricity. There
are two types of Landfill.

1. Trench Landfill – These are areas with low water table and soil deep enough for excavations. Garbage is piled into
a trench layers, compacted, covered with soil and compacted again by a bulldozer before the next is spread.

2. Area Land fill – These are areas where land depressions already exist. The garbage is placed on top of the
ground, compacted, covered with soil and compacted again.


This module is a property of Saint Joseph Institute of Technology (SJIT). The term module refers to an instructional material that focuses on a specific course. Details
and activities vary according to specific content and focus on student-centered learning activities.
No part of this module may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or any means without approval of the CEO/President.
This is a waste disposal method that involves the combustion of waste at high temperature. It is recognized
as a practical method of disposing of a certain hazardous waste material, though it remains a controversial method of
waste disposal in many places due to issues such as emission of gaseous pollutants.

Materials are put through a composting or digestion system to control the biological process to decompose
the organic matter and kill the pathogens. The resulting stabilized organic material is then recycled as mulch or
compost for agricultural or landscaping purposes.

Zero waste Management System\

This is the most preferred method of waste disposal. This system aims to achieve zero waste from its
source. This includes a method known as the 3R that stands for Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

1. Reduce – this intends to reduce the production of waste. This intends to cut waste disposal and handling
cost. There are various ways to reduce ways: one is to reduce packaging materials, avoid practices that produce
toxicity and to maintain durable products.

2. Reuse – This is reusing of a material repeatedly. This is finding alternative uses for materials we usually
considered as junk. For example, the reuse of plastics bags coming from department stores and supermarkets.

3. Recycle – is a method of processing used materials into a new product. Used or discarded materials can
be rendered useful again by changing them into another form or by manufacturing them into a new form. There are
lot of materials that can be recycled such as plastics, textiles, glass, paper and electronics.

Waste Management in the Philippines

Open dumping is the most common disposal method for solid wastes in the Metropolis. The recent closure
of two “landfills” (in San Mateo and Carmona) and the partial closure of the Payatas dump site have resulted in the
current garbage crisis in the Metropolis, with serious threats to the public health and no clear solution in sight.
The San Mateo landfill was closed in December 2000 while the Carmona landfill was closed 1998. These
Disposal sites handled 32% and 35% of metro Manila wastes, respectively. The Payatas open dump sites were
temporarily closed on August 2000 right after the Payatas tragedy in July 2000. The dump has reopened since then
to accommodate limited sources of wastes, mainly from Quezon City, where it is located.

Week 7 Term: 2nd Semester: 1st Academic Year: 2020-2021

Subject Code: ES 1 Course Title: Environmental Science
1. Explain the significance of groundwater, aquifers, and runoff.
2. List the various kinds of water use and the problems associated with each.
3. List the major sources of water pollution.
4. Explain how waste water treatment and salinization are being performed.
IV. CONTENT TOPIC DISCUSSION (attach detailed content theories/applications and specific learning objectives)
Topic 7: Water management
7.1 Kinds of water use- domestic use of water, agricultural use, industrial use, in stream use of water.
7.2 Waste water treatment and salinization
V. TEACHING LEARNING ACTIVITES (TLA’s) (with TLA guides, must be doable thru online)
 Lectures
 Written exercises
 Oral
 Writing exercise set
 Quiz
VII. ASSIGNMENT (include here the target module for the preceding MODULE guides)
Research and do an advance reading on Environmental policy and decision making
 Bueno, David Cababaro, Biological Science for college students, Published 2011

 Krohne, David T., General Ecology, Wadsworth biology series Published 2012



Topic 7: Water management
7.1 Kinds of water use- domestic use of water, agricultural use, industrial use, in stream use of water.
What is agricultural water?

Agricultural water is water that is used to grow fresh produce and sustain livestock. The use of agricultural water
makes it possible to grow fruits and vegetables and raise livestock, which is a main part of our diet. Agricultural water
is used for irrigation, pesticide External and fertilizer applications External, crop cooling (for example, light irrigation),
and frost control. According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), water used for irrigation accounts for
nearly 65 percent of the world’s freshwater withdrawals excluding thermoelectric power There are 330 million acres of
land used for agricultural purposes in the United States that produce an abundance of food and other products

When agricultural water is used effectively and safely, production and crop yield are positively affected. A decrease in
applied water can cause production and yield to decrease. Management strategies are the most important way to
improve agricultural water use and maintain optimal production and yield. The key is to implement management
strategies that improve water use efficiency without decreasing yield. Some examples include improved irrigation
scheduling and crop specific irrigation management. These strategies allow for the conservation of water and energy,
and decrease grower’s costs
This module is a property of Saint Joseph Institute of Technology (SJIT). The term module refers to an instructional material that focuses on a specific course. Details
and activities vary according to specific content and focus on student-centered learning activities.
No part of this module may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or any means without approval of the CEO/President.
Why should I be concerned about the agricultural water quality in my area?

Water quality can be affected by poor planning of industrial sites, animal farms, and barnyards and feedlots. Until
recently, the type of water source has been indicative of the potential risks of contamination. Poor water quality can
affect the quality of food crops and lead to illness in those who consume them. For example, the water may contain
germs that cause human disease. Irrigating crops with contaminated water can then lead to contaminated food
products which lead to illness when eaten. Groundwater, for example, has been considered one of the safest sources
of water. However, depending on field location and field size, it may not be possible to use water from these sources
for irrigation.

Where does agricultural water come from?

Agricultural water comes from a variety of sources. Typical sources of agricultural water include:

 Surface water
-Rivers, streams, and irrigation ditches
-Open canals
-Impounded water such as ponds, reservoirs, and lakes
 Groundwater from wells
 Rainwater
- Locally collected water such as cisterns and rain barrels
- Municipal water systems such as city and rural water can also be used for agricultural purposes.

7.2 Waste water treatment and salinization

High salinity industrial wastewater is difficult to treat using biological treatment system because of the high
concentrations of salt. The potential of a sequencing batch biofilm reactor (SBBR) process in treating synthetic high
salinity wastewater was evaluated at laboratory scale during a 110-day operation. The reactor was operated in a 12 h
cycle, and each cycle consisted of 0.25 h influent addition, 8 h aeration, 3 h anoxic reaction, 0.5 h sedimentation and
0.25 h effluent withdrawal. Gradual increase in salinity gradient was applied during the acclimatization period. The
acclimated SBBR system was demonstrated to be an effective process to remove organic compounds and ammonia
nitrogen under high salinity conditions with chemical oxygen demand (COD) and ammonia nitrogen (NH 3-N) removal
efficiencies of 88% and 80%, respectively. The microscopic examination indicated that rather than rotifers or
vorticella, the zoogloeal, filamentous fungus mingled with a small quantity of swimming infusorians were dominant
bacteria in SBBR system. The removal efficiencies close to 80% in COD and 75% in NH 3-N were achieved at an
organic loading rate (OLR) of 0.96 kg COD/(m3·d), pH of 7.0, salinity of 14 g/L and NH3-N of 30 mg/L

Week 8 Term: 2nd Semester: 1st Academic Year: 2020-2021

Subject Code: ES 1 Course Title: Environmental Science
1. Recognize the agencies and organization whose activities affect the environment and must begin to anticipate future
environmental problems
2. Recognize the beginning of the modern environmental movement, the first Earth Day.
3. Understand the United State Environmental Protection Agency- The enforcement options of the U.S EPA range from a
warning letter to a jail sentence.
IV. CONTENT TOPIC DISCUSSION (attach detailed content theories/applications and specific learning objectives)
Topic 8: Environmental policy and decision making
8.2 The development of environmental policy and regulation
8.3 Environmental backlash
V. TEACHING LEARNING ACTIVITES (TLA’s) (with TLA guides, must be doable thru online)
 Lectures
 Written exercises.
 computer exercises
 Quizzes
 Long test
VII. ASSIGNMENT (include here the target module for the preceding MODULE guides)
Study every topics in Finals for the Final Examination.
 Bueno, David Cababaro, Biological Science for college students, Published 2011

 Krohne, David T., General Ecology, Wadsworth biology series Published 2012



Topic 8: Environmental policy and decision making

8.2 The development of environmental policy and regulation

This module is a property of Saint Joseph Institute of Technology (SJIT). The term module refers to an instructional material that focuses on a specific course. Details
and activities vary according to specific content and focus on student-centered learning activities.
No part of this module may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or any means without approval of the CEO/President.
Environmental policy, any measure by a government or corporation or other public or private
organization regarding the effects of human activities on the environment, particularly those measures
that are designed to prevent or reduce harmful effects of human activities on ecosystems.

Environmental policies are needed because environmental values are usually not considered in
organizational decision making. There are two main reasons for that omission. First, environmental
effects are economic externalities. Polluters do not usually bear the consequences of their actions; the
negative effects most often occur elsewhere or in the future. Second, natural resources are almost
always underpriced because they are often assumed to have infinite availability. Together, those factors
result in what American ecologist Garrett Hardin in 1968 called “the tragedy of the commons.” The pool
of natural resources can be considered as a common that everyone can use to their own benefit. For an
individual, it is rational to use a common resource without considering its limitations, but that self-
interested behavior will lead to the depletion of the shared limited resource—and that is not in anyone’s
interest. Individuals do so nevertheless because they reap the benefits in the short term, but the
community pays the costs of depletion in the long term. Since incentives for individuals to use the
commons sustainably are weak, government has a role in the protection of the commons.

Regulation is used to impose minimum requirements for environmental quality. Such

interventions aim to encourage or discourage specific activities and their effects, involving particular
emissions, particular inputs into the environment (such as specific hazardous substances), ambient
concentrations of chemicals, risks and damages, and exposure. Often, permits have to be acquired for
those activities, and the permits have to be renewed periodically. In many cases, local and regional
governments are the issuing and controlling authorities. However, more-specialized or potentially
hazardous activities, such as industrial plants treating dangerous chemical substances or nuclear
power stations using radioactive fuel rods, are more likely to be controlled by a federal or national

Regulation is an effective means to prescribe and control behavior. Detailed environmental

regulations have resulted in a considerable improvement in the quality of air, water, and land since the
early 1970s. The strengths of regulation are that it is generally binding—it includes all actors who want
to undertake an activity described in the regulation—and it treats them in the same framework.
Regulations are also rigid: they are difficult to change. That can be considered as a strength, since rigidity
ensures that regulations will not change too suddenly. However, rigidity can also be considered a
weakness, because it slows down innovation, as actors seek to stay within the letter of the law rather
than creating new technologies, such as more-efficient emission scrubbers on smokestacks that would
remove more pollution than what the regulation mandates. When regulations demand standards that
are difficult or impossible to meet—because of a lack of knowledge, skills, or finances on the part of the
actors or mismanagement by policymakers—regulations will not be effective.

This module is a property of Saint Joseph Institute of Technology (SJIT). The term module refers to an instructional material that focuses on a specific course. Details
and activities vary according to specific content and focus on student-centered learning activities.
No part of this module may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or any means without approval of the CEO/President.

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