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Title: Student Psychometric Test


Please read each question carefully and select the answer that best describes you. There are no right or
wrong answers – be honest and choose the response that most accurately reflects your thoughts,
feelings, and behaviors.

**Section 1: Personal Preferences**

1. In a group activity, do you prefer to:

a) Take the lead and make decisions.

b) Contribute ideas and collaborate with others.

c) Listen and follow instructions

2. How do you usually feel about trying new things?

a) Excited and eager.

b) Open, but slightly apprehensive.

c) Nervous and resistant

3. When solving a problem, do you tend to:

a) Use logical reasoning and analysis.

b) Rely on your intuition and gut feelings.

c) Seek advice from others

4. Which statement resonates with you the most?

a) I enjoy exploring new places and meeting new people.

b) I feel most comfortable in familiar environments with close friends.

c) I prefer spending time alone or with a small, close-knit group

**Section 2: Study Habits**

5. How do you handle deadlines for assignments?

a) Start early and complete them ahead of time.

b) Work steadily but finish just before the deadline.

c) Often struggle to complete tasks on time

6. What's your approach to studying for a test?

a) Create a detailed study schedule and stick to it.

b) Study when you feel like it, in shorter but focused sessions.

c) Leave most of the studying for the last moment

7. How do you feel about group study sessions?

a) Enjoy them and find them productive.

b) Participate if needed, but prefer studying alone.

c) Find them distracting and unhelpful

8. What's your reaction when faced with a difficult subject?

a) Embrace the challenge and work hard to understand it.

b) Give it a try but might get discouraged if it's too hard.

c) Feel overwhelmed and avoid it

**Section 3: Social Interaction**

9. How would you describe your circle of friends?

a) Large and diverse.

b) Small, but close and trustworthy

c) Limited, as I prefer to spend time alone.

10. How do you handle conflicts with your friends?

a) Address the issue directly and try to resolve it.

b) Give it time, hoping it will resolve on its own.

c) Avoid confrontation and hope the issue goes away

11. In a group conversation, do you:

a) Enjoy being the center of attention.

b) Contribute when you have something important to say.

c) Prefer to listen and observe

12. How comfortable are you when meeting new people?

a) Very comfortable, I enjoy making new connections.

b) Somewhat comfortable, it depends on the situation.

c) Not very comfortable, I'm shy around new people

**Section 4: Decision-Making**

13. When making a big decision, do you:

a) Weigh all pros and cons before deciding.

b) Trust your instincts and make a quick decision.

c) Seek advice from others before deciding

14. How do you react when things don't go as planned?

a) Adapt quickly and find a new solution.

b) Feel disappointed but eventually adjust.

c) Get stressed and find it hard to cope

15. What's your attitude toward risk-taking?

a) I enjoy taking calculated risks for potential rewards.

b) I prefer to play it safe and avoid unnecessary risks

c) I dislike taking any risks, even small ones.

16. How do you handle situations where you're uncertain about what to do?

a) Research and gather information before deciding.

b) Trust my instincts and make a decision based on gut feeling.

c) Feel indecisive and struggle to make a choice

**Section 5: Emotional Responses**

17. How do you usually express your emotions?

a) Openly and freely, without hesitation.

b) Depending on the situation, I might share or keep them private

c) I tend to keep my emotions hidden.

18. How do you handle stress during exams or important events?

a) Stay focused and manage stress effectively.

b) Experience some stress but handle it reasonably well.

c) Get overwhelmed and struggle to cope

19. When facing criticism, how do you react?

a) Accept it if it's valid and use it to improve.

b) Feel hurt but try to understand the feedback.

c) Get defensive and find it hard to accept

20. How do you generally approach challenges in your life?

a) View them as opportunities for growth and learning.

b) Take them as they come, adapting as necessary.

c) Feel overwhelmed and unsure how to handle them

Thank you for completing the Student Psychometric Test! Remember, this test is a tool for self-awareness
and doesn't determine your worth or capabilities.

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