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Question 1.

The challenge which I have confronted in the past year's is that, one day I was told to read a

something in front of so many people and it was my first time to do, for sure I was afraid but I

read it to the end, after that the comments from people were good and since that day I was telling

my self I can do it and no more fear or shines. Another challenge which I have faced these recent

years is that, Grace is the person who is very caring and once she cares for someone she is

committed fully to do so. People decided to take that for granted and I end up being

disappointed. All these challenges I approach them with a growth mindset.

Question 2.

I started to reduce some of my friends and put a space between me and them and I remained with

those who at least value me and I keep exercise more to participate in different activities in front

of many people and talk to my self while looking at the mirror telling my self that you can do


Question 3.

One thing that every human being must understand is that not everyone will like you and love

you or have a heart like yours. Sometimes you have to stand up for yourself and put yourself first

in any situation, help as much as you can but know your boundaries and limitations, put this in

your mind that people always change and keep telling to yourself despite anything I can do it.

Question 4.

Coping with change can be challenging but the following are several skills which I have used

and still using and it is very helping;

a) Adaptability
b) Resilience

c) Flexibility

d) Problem solving

e) Communication

Question 5.

I learned to love my self better than before, learned to socialize and do the things which I was

afraid to do them.

Question 6.

When I receive a constructive criticism, I go to the mirror and start talking to my self that, Grace

you are beautiful, courageous and no matter how people are saying about you don't mind them

because there is no one like you and there will be no one like you and I put my trust to the

Almighty God because he know me more than anyone else, then my mother who is always there

to support me and praying for me.

Question 7.

First I accept failures and challenges because I believe that failures it is the one which keeps a

person stronger and he/she will use that failure as a lesson to be strong and better person. Growth

mindset would help me in the following ways; by taking responsibility for my problems/failures,

by acknowledge my role in the situation and refraiming my mindset from claiming others or

making excuses to seeking solutions and taking action. I would ask myself a question like “ what

could I have dine differently”? Or what can I learn from this experience? And focus on finding

constructive ways to improve the situation. And I can seek feedback from other to gain new

perspectives and insights on how I can improve and take proactive steps.

Question 8.
When I experience negative emotions such as sadness, disappointment, or depression, it can be

tempting to give up and stop trying to achieve my goals but I never stop or trying again and

again because I believe tomorrow is going to be better. To overcome this fixed mindset, it’s

important to develop a growth mindset, which is the belief that we can improve and develop my

abilities through hard work and dedication. Here are some steps that can help;

a) Recognize and acknowledge your fixed mindset thoughts: the first step to overcome a

fixed mindset is to recognize when you are using it notice, when you are thinking things

like I am just not good at this or I'll never be able to do this.

b) Reframe your thinking; once you recognize these fixed mindset thoughts, reframe these

fixed mindset thoughts, reframe them into growth mindset thoughts for example, instead

of thinking I am just not good at this, try thinking I am still learning, and with practice

can improve.

c) Embrace challenges ;instead of avoiding challenges or giving up when things got

difficult, embrace them as opportunities for growth and learning. See challenges as a

chance to improve your skills and abilities.

d) Learn from failures; failure is a natural part of the learning process, instead of seeing

failure as a reflection of your abilities see it as a chance to learn and grow. Ask yourself

what can you learn from the experience and how you can improve going forward.

e) Practice self compassion; be kind to yourself and don't beat yourself up when things

don’t go as planned. Remember that growth takes time and effort and that everyone

makes mistakes.

Question 9.
A thing which I wanted to change is my public speaking skills and a fixed mindset prevented

me from doing it. The following are the concrete plan for improvement such as;

a) Setting a specific goal such as giving a presentation in front of small group.

b) Researching and studying effective public speaking techniques and strategies.

c) Practicing my presentation skills in front of a mirror or with a supportive friend or family


d) Seeking feedback from others and using it to make improvements.

e) Continuing to practice the skills I get from their feedbacks over time.

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