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Brayden Follett

Marriage and Family 210-100

The topic I am planning on looking into is the topic of parenting. I plan to especially look
into “Parenting Paradigms”, as they are named in the textbook. These types of parenting styles.
I want to look into how these different styles affect children, from advancement in cognitive
function, advancement in development, etc. I also want to look into any drawbacks certain
paradigms have. Such as Stunted growth, mental illnesses that may be more frequent, level of
connection with parents after entering adulthood, etc. This will help me explore how children can
grow, and establish some of the most effective parenting styles/parenting paradigms.

This topic interests me, as I have observed so many parents and their children, I have
seen so many ways that those parents affect their children, and I want to explore more about
what styles of parenting they may be using and the ways that things could be changed, and how
that would affect children. I also want to explore this topic as I will be having my own kids, and
don’t want to go into it fully blind, I want to have some sort of basis as to what methods work the
best. While also asking other parents about their own personal experiences, and possibly
making a poll of some kind as to the most used parenting style.

As for some “special” topics that may be involved in my topic, I have a lot that I can look
into. There are the topics that can impact parenting, such as single parenting, same sex
parenting, adoptive parenting, especially for later years, etc. These all may have different effects
on a child, and I would be interested in exploring if the most prevalent parenting paradigms are
different for these groups, in comparison to heterosexual parents, and if so, why, or if not,
exploring that much more.

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