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What is Drug?

 Any chemical that when consumed causes a change in an organism’s physiology, including its
psychology, if applicable.Drugs affect the way your body and mind function; they can change how
you feel, think and behave. People take drugs for different reasons and in different ways.

 Drugs are appealing for many different reasons. People may use drugs to feel good, self-medicate
uncomfortable emotions, enhance performance, or to simply experiment.Regardless of the reason,
many drugs and alcohol affect dopamine levels in the brain, which can cause repeated use and lead to

What is Drug Abuse?

 Drug abuse is when drug is used for a different purpose than intended, or in excessive amounts.
 The repeated and excessive uses of drug, it hampers a person’s power to practice self-control and
interferes with their ability to resist the urge to take drug.
 Drug abuse can involve illegal drugs, as well medicines. There many problems associated with drug
abuse, such as drug tolerance, dependence and addiction.

Why do people turn to Drug?

1. To Feel Good - One of the main reasons that people use drugs and alcohol is to feel good. Drugs like
heroin, meth, and cocaine cause a pleasurable “high.” Alcohol causes an enjoyable sensation of being
“tipsy” or “drunk.” The experience of being “high” varies depending on the drug.

2. To Improve Performance - Improving a person’s energy, strength, or focus can also motivate some
people to turn to drugs. Certain drugs are known to enhance physical and mental performance.They
are known to boost energy, attention, and self-esteem. For this reason, people may use them to study,
complete demanding tasks, and play sports.

3. Personality - Impulsivity is a personality trait that has often been identified as a risk factor for alcohol
and substance misuse (MacKillop, 2016). Addicted individuals assign lower values to delayed
rewards than to immediate ones.

4. Loneliness - The feeling of isolation is a major source of unhappiness. The experience of loneliness is
painful. That is why we sometimes turn to ice cream or other fatty foods when we are sitting at home
feeling alone in the world.
Addicts commonly lack enough positive human contacts to sustain happiness , and they resort to drug
intake partly as self-medication

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