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Name: ___________Porras, Harold B.


Year/Course:_________BSIT -1_____________Teacher:_Ms. Maricar Batiancila_____

Chapter 10: The Social Menace of Drug Addiction

ACTIVITY Part II: Write your answers to the questions on the space provided below.

1. What is drug addiction?

- Drug addiction is a disorder that affects a person's brain and behavior, resulting in an inability
to manage the use of any drug or prescription, whether legal or illegal.

2. What are the classifications of dangerous drugs?


1. GATEWAY DRUGS •Are legal drugs that a non-drug user might try, which can lead him/her to more
dangerous drugs such as marijuana and shabu. •Teenagers who engage in early smoking & drinking have
higher chance of using and experimenting with dangerous drugs of abuse.

2. DEPRESSANT DRUGS • Slows down a persons central nervous system (brain, spinal cord, nerves). •
Doctors commonly prescribe depressants to help people who have anger management issues, stressed
or tensed. • Depressants relax muscles and nerves. • These drugs make patients feel sleepy and light
headed. Examples are: alcohol, barbiturates & tranquilizers.

3. STIMULANT DRUGS •Speed up a persons central nervous system. •Has the opposite effect of
depressants. •Makes a person’s energy high •Side effects are depression and tiredness. Examples are
amphetamines (shabu, caffeine, nicotine, cocaine)

4. NARCOTICS •Are drugs which relieve pain and induce sleepiness. •These are prescribed to patients
with mental disorders or with patients dealing with severe pain like cancer. •These drugs are illicit and
dangerous if taken. • Examples are cocaine, heroin and marijuana.

5. HALLUCINOGENS •Drugs which distort reality and facts. •Affects all senses; makes a user feel, hear,
see things that don’t exist in the time being. •Came from the word hallucinate (to perceive illusions) •
Examples are: Lysergic Acid diethylamide, psilocybin (obtained from mushrooms and mescaline
6. INHALANTS • Found in ordinary household chemical products and anesthetics. • Readily available and
accessible to young children • Inhalant toxins are similar to those of alcohol, the only difference is the
foul smell. • Abuse can lead to delusions, brain damage, liver damage, comatose and death. • Examples
are acetone, rugby (solvent), spray paints, cleaning fluids and air conditioner fluids (Freon).

6 CLASSIFICATIONS OF DRUGS ARE: 1. Gateway Drugs 2. Depressant Drugs 3.Stimulant Drugs 4.Narcotics
5.Hallucinogens 6.Inhalants

3. What are the common drug types and define each.

Marijuana - A psychoactive drug from the Cannabis plant used primarily for medical or
recreational purposes.

Alcohol - An organic substance having hydroxyl group as the functional group of the organic

Cocaine - Also known as coke, is a strong stimulant most frequently used as a recreational drug.
It is commonly snorted, inhaled as smoke, or dissolved and injected into a vein. Mental effects
may include an intense feeling of happiness, sexual arousal, loss of contact with reality, or

Meth - A potent central nervous system stimulant that is mainly used as a recreational drug and
less commonly as a second-line treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and

Heroin - Also known as diamorphine among other names, is an opioid most commonly used as
a recreational drug for its euphoric effects. Medically it is used in several countries to relieve
pain or in opioid replacement therapy.

4. What are the effects of these drugs?

The following are some of the harmful effects of drugs:

 drowsiness
 impaired coordination
 nasal damage
 severe dental problems
 sleep disturbances
 delirium
 hallucinations
 blood clots
 liver cysts
 muscle cramps,
 anxiety
 tremors
 numbness
 psychosis
 aggression
 violence
 depression
 impaired memory
 increased heart rate and blood pressure
 slowed breathing

5. What do you think are the reasons behind drug abuse?

- The one reason is Self-Medicating, these are all reasons why people would self-medicate with
mind-altering substances to cope with what they are feeling or what they do not want to feel.

6. What are the signs of drug dependency?

Signs of Drug Abuse

Physical Signs  

 Insomnia and abnormal laziness.  

 Loss of or expanded in craving, changes in eating habits  
 Cold, sweat-soaked palms; shaking hands.
 Red, watery eyes;
 Unusual smells on breath, body or clothes.  
 Extreme hyperactivity; over the top talkativeness.  
 Slowed or staggering walk; poor physical coordination. Irregular heartbeat.  
 Deterioration of cleanliness or physical health
Behavioral Signs

 Change in overall attitude/personality with no other identifiable cause.

 Change in activities or hobbies.
 Chronic dishonesty.
 Sudden oversensitivity, temper tantrums, or resentful behavior.
 Difficulty in paying attention; forgetfulness.
 Paranoia
 Moodiness, irritability, or nervousness.
 Hallucinations
 Impaired judgement
 Loss of self-control

7. How can your school and barangay can help in improving drug addiction?

- I can help my community or barangay control the use of illegal drugs by first teaching them
what horrible things happen to you when you use these illegal drugs, and then by stressing the
necessity of taking excellent care of our bodies - eating correctly, exercising, and getting a good
night's sleep. Discuss how amazing it feels to take care of yourself — how you can run, jump,
play, and even work for long periods of time. In this scenario, you can assist each of your
neighbors in learning how to avoid unhealthy behaviors.

8. Create a slogan about drug addiction.

- Don't let drugs keep you from your dreams.

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