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Practice Exercises

1. She prefers ___________ novels rather than watching movies.

2. It's crucial to avoid __________ hasty decisions in business.
3. I regret not _____________ more diligently for the exam. (study)
4. The new manager is determined _______ team collaboration. (to
invite) *Passive Voice*
5. Their plan involves ___________ a new branch in the next quarter.
6. After years of hard work, they succeeded in ____________ a
successful company. (establish)
7. He can't help ___________ about the upcoming presentation.
8. .It's worth ___________ time in developing strong communication
skills. (invest)
9. We are considering ____________ to a larger office space. (move)
10. The teacher encourages _____________ questions during the lesson. (ask)
11. She seemed surprised _____________ the news about the promotion. (hear)
12. They attempted ______________ the complex math problem together. (solve)
13. The challenge is ___________ to a constantly changing environment. (adapt)
14. I can't stand ________________ for delayed flights at the airport. (wait)
15. The government is committed _______________ carbon emissions. (reduce)
16. They were excited ___________ to the prestigious event. (invite) *Passive Voice*
17. I'm looking forward __________________ the new team members. (meet)
18. The scientist devoted his life________________ a groundbreaking cure. (discover)
19. After the accident, she hesitated _________________ the truth. (tell)
20. I enjoy ______________ different cultures when traveling. (explore)
20. It's essential ______________ a strong work ethic early in your
career. (develop)
21. She insisted on ____________ her own office for privacy.
22. He deserves _______________ for his exceptional
contributions. (recognize) *Passive Voice*
23. They succeeded in _____________ the client to sign the
contract. (convince)
24. The company decided ____________ heavily in renewable
energy projects. (invest)

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