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Name________________________ Date: ____________________________

English test paper 6th grade A

I. Use the correct form of THE FUTURE (Future Simple/be going to/ Present Continuous) in
order to express the following: - 10p

1) It’s very cold! I think it ........................... (snow) tonight.

2) ............................................................... (you / meet) me in front of the cinema?
3) Dad is busy. He ...................................... (not have) time to play with me.
4) I hope ....................................... (finish) my homework soon. -
5) A famous writer ............................................................. (visit) our school tomorrow.
6) My brother ......................................................... (be) a doctor when he grows up.
7) .............................................................................. (grandmother, buy) you a new bicycle?
8) We ................................................................. (not watch) the tennis match on TV tonight.
9) Tom ........................................... (meet) his friends, tonight at 6.
10) On Thursday, Tom ............................................. (help) grandma.

II. Complete with a suitable question tag: 10p

1) Jack is coming to the party …………………………………..?
2) The doctor has got a car ……………………………………..?
3) They work in a bank ………………………………………?
4) The car worked …………………………………………………..?
5) You won’t understand me …………………………………?
6) Brian and Terry don’t study ………………………………..?
7) There aren’t any people ……………………………………?
8) Your parents are buying you a new skateboard, …........................?
9) He shouldn’t do that to his computer, …...........................................?
10) Mark doesn’t have any money left, ….........................................?

III. Fill in the gaps with the Past Simple or Present Perfect of the verbs given. -12p
1. I___________________________(to see) Mike last week.
2. He______________________________(not/ watch) TV yesterday.
3. ____________________________________(Sheila/ go) to Madrid last week?
4. Mr Harris________________________(to be) a teacher for twelve years.
5. The volunteers _______________________( work) for Greenpeace since 2004.
6. _______________________________________(they/ visited) their parents ?
7. I_______________________________(not/ receive) a letter from them for a few months.
8. They ____________________________ (know) each other since they were kids.
9. She _____________ (write) some letters yesterday. She _____________________ (not/write)
any letters for a month.
10. I ______________ (meet) Laura last week. She ___________________ (change) a lot!

IV. Read the text carefully and answer the questions. 18p

Sheila is a very determined young girl. She is only sixteen but she knows exactly what she wants
to do. She wants to make a difference!

When the school year started I joined a dancing group and the school newspaper. I love
writing so I’m a reporter. I have to write an article every week and that keeps me very busy.
Although I’m quite a busy girl, I decided to join Greenpeace which is an international
environmental organisation founded in 1969 by a group of Canadian environmentalists. My school
has a Greenpeace group which gets together twice a week to make leaflets, organise protests and
write long, angry letters to the President of The United States asking him to do something about
global warming. Recently we have sent our letters to North Korea, begging them to stop their nuclear
tests. I love doing this kind of work. I feel I can help save the planet and that makes me feel a better
person already!
Since I’m quite good at French and, of course, English, the people at Greenpeace headquarters
asked me to translate some leaflets from French into English. They talked about wildlife
conservation, that is, the imminent extinction of the giant panda and what we can do about it. I felt
very sorry for the giant panda. It’s a cute animal and its extinction makes me very sad. Working for
Greenpeace has opened my eyes to a lot of environmental problems and I’m happy I can make a
difference. Lately I have developed new skills and I have gained a lot of working experience in this
specific area. Besides it’s important to follow our own interests. I receive much satisfaction from
giving my time to the Greenpeace group and it will help me choosing my future career.

Answer the following questions according to the text.

1 – How old is Sheila? (2p)

2 –Which environmental organisation has she joined? (2)
3 – What does the Greenpeace group do every week? (3)
4 – Which languages is she good at? (2)
5 - What did Greenpeace headquarters ask her to do? (3)
6 - What did the leaflets talk about? (3)
7 – Does she believe her job as a volunteer is important for her future career? Explain. (3)

V. Writing. - 30p
Write an opinion essay about the future of school. (100 words) Think about places,
people students and teachers, technology and learning-teaching process. Use the
language below.
In the future, …/Some people think that …/Others say that …/I’m sure that …/In my opinion,

+20points BONUS

I. Use the correct form of THE FUTURE (Future Simple/be going to/ Present Continuous) in
order to express the following: - 10p

11) It’s very cold! I think it will snow (snow) tonight.

12) Will you meet (you / meet) me in front of the cinema?
13) Dad is busy. He won't have (not have) time to play with me.
14) I hope I will finish (finish) my homework soon. -
15) A famous writer is going to visit (visit) our school tomorrow.
16) My brother is going to be (be) a doctor when he grows up.
17) Is your grandmother going to buy (grandmother, buy) you a new bicycle?
18) We aren't going to watch (not watch) the tennis match on TV tonight.
19) Tom is meeting (meet) his friends, tonight at 6.
20) On Thursday, Tom is helping (help) grandma.

II. Complete with a suitable question tag: 10p

11) Jack is coming to the party, isn't he?
12) The doctor has got a car hasn't he?
13) They work in a bank, don't they?
14) The car worked, didn't it?
15) You won’t understand me, will you?
16) Brian and Terry don’t study, do they?
17) There aren’t any people, are they?
18) Your parents are buying you a new skateboard, aren't they?
19) He shouldn’t do that to his computer, should he?
20) Mark doesn’t have any money left, does he?

III. Fill in the gaps with the Past Simple or Present Perfect of the verbs given. -12p

11. I______saw________(to see) Mike last week.

12. He ____didn't watch____ (not/ watch) TV yesterday.
13. __Did Sheila go____(Sheila/ go) to Madrid last week?
14. Mr Harris_______has been_____(to be) a teacher for twelve years.
15. The volunteers ______have worked____( work) for Greenpeace since 2004.
16. ____Have they visited_____(they/ visited) their parents ?
17. I____haven't received ___(not/ receive) a letter from them for a few months.
18. They ____have known___ (know) each other since they were kids.
19. She __wrote_ (write) some letters yesterday. She __hasn't written_ (not/write) any letters
for a month.
20. I __met__ (meet) Laura last week. She __has changed_ (change) a lot!

IV. Read the text carefully and answer the questions. 18p
Possible answers:
1. Sheila is sixteen.
2. She has joined Greenpeace.
3. The school Greenpeace group gets together twice a week to make leaflets, organise protests and write long,
angry letters to the President of The United States asking him to do something about global warming.
4. She is quite good at French and English.
5. Greenpeace headquarters asked her to translate some leaflets from French into English.
6. They talked about wildlife conservation, that is, the imminent extinction of the giant panda and what we can
do about it.
7. Working for Greenpeace Sheila could see a lot of environmental problems and she can make a difference.
She believe that the Greenpeace group will help her choosing her future career.
V. Writing. - 30p
Write an opinion essay about the future of school. (100 words) Think about places,
people students and teachers, technology and learning-teaching process. Use the
In the future, …/Some people think that …/Others say that …/I’m sure that …/In my opinion,

Intelegere scris A1 - A2
 4 points for appropriately beginning and ending:
 6 points for correct grammar structures and connectors
 5 points for the use of appropriate vocabulary
 10 points for covering the aspects demanded by the task
 3 points for a balanced structure (greeting/introduction, content, conclusion)
 2 points for the general impression
Matrice de specificaţii

C1: C2: C3 C4:

Competenţe Să extragă Reformularea unor Să Să scrie
corespunzătoare informaţii enunturi/rescrierea deducă relatări
nivelurilor generale şi unor cuvinte sensul simple
taxonomice specifice dintr- conform cuvintelor despre
un unor structuri din context si evenimente
text citit în gând studiate sa formuleze şi
enunturi experienţe
Teme/ personale
Conţinuturi/ viitoare
Unităţi tematice

Copilul şi lumea 30 p
înconjurătoare - opinion Ex V
Verbul - timpuri 22p
verbale: Future (will/be Ex. I, III
going to/Present
Continuous), Present
Perfect, Past Simple
Question-tags 10p
Ex. II
Reading Comprehension 18p
ex. IV
TOTAL 10 p 22 p 18p 30 p
Test iniţial Limba engleză
Clasa a VI-a A
Testul sumativ are în vedere verificarea nivelului de pregatire al elevilor (se anexeaza o copie a
acestui test). Prin acest test s-au verificat concepte operationale precum: timp verbal & structuri
Au fost totodata verificate cunostintele gramaticale ale elevilor prin cererea elevilor, la anumite
puncte, de a alege formele corecte ale verbelor în context diferite, prin indicarea elevilor de a conjuga
verbele folosind Moduri de exprimare a viitorului (Future Simple, be going to, Present Continuous
as future), Past Simple Tense sau Present Perfect Simple și Question-tags în context.
Testul a vizat de asemenea si capacitatea de exprimare liberă în scris a elevilor prin cerinţa de a
elabora propozitii pornind de la anumite întrebări date şi de a redacta un text.
Obiective operaţionale
O1 - să recunoască noţiunile/structurile gramaticale învăţate şi să le aplice corect;
O2 - să descrie, cu mijloace simple, formaţia sa profesională, mediul său înconjurător apropiat şi
să evoce subiecte care corespund nevoilor sale imediate.
O3 – să utilizeze corect timpurile verbale învăţate;
O4 – să relateze un eveniment sau o experienţă, şi să expună, pe scurt, argumente sau explicaţii
cu privire la un plan sau la o opinie.
O5 - să redacteze cu usurinta un text.

Descriptori de performanţă :
1-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
x Nu oferă  Oferă foarte puţine  Oferă paţial  Oferă integral
informaţii clare informaţii clare informaţii clare informaţii clare
despre sine; despre sine; despre sine; despre sine;
x Nu recunoaşte  Recunoaşte foarte  Recunoaşte partial  Recunoaşte
noţiunile/structur puţin din din integral
ile gramaticale noţiunile/structurile noţiunile/structuril noţiunile/structuri
învăţate; gramaticale e gramaticale le gramaticale
x Nu utilizează învăţate; învăţate; învăţate;
corect timpurile  Utilizează foarte  Utilizează parţial  Utilizează corect
verbale învăţate ; puţin corect verbele corect timpurile verbale
x Nu utilizează la timpurile timpurile verbale învăţate
corect ajectivele învăţate; învăţate  Utilizează corect
şi gradele de  Utilizează foarte  Utilizează parţial ajectivele şi
comparaţie; puţin corect corect gradele de
x Nu reuşeşte să ajectivele şi gradele ajectivele şi comparaţie;
formulize de comparaţie; gradele de  Reuşeşte integral
enunţuri logice ;  Reuşeşte foarte comparaţie; să formulize
x Nu reuşeşte să puţin să formulize  Reuşeşte parţial să enunţuri logice
redacteze o enunţuri logice formulize enunţuri  Redacteaza o
scrisoare  Redactează cateva logice scrisosare integral
cuvinte/propoziţii  Redactează parţial şi corect .
dintr-o scrisoare. o scrisoare.

Rezultate obţinute:
NOTA 1-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
NR.ELEVI 17 4 4 2
PROCENTE 62.96% 14.82% 14.82% 7.40%

Test iniţial Clasa a VIII-a B

Test iniţial Clasa a VIII-a B
16 9 & 10

10 7 &8
4 5&6 1,2,3&4
15% 63%
1,2,3&4 5&6 7 &8 9 & 10

 S-au observat lacune in folosirea timpurilor verbale, elevii nestiind cum sa le formeze si
cand sa le foloseasca.
 S-a constatat ca elevii nu stăpânesc limba engleză în folosirea structurilor gramaticale
studiate, deseori nu fac diferenta intre Past Tense si Present Perfect
 S-a observat de asemenea ca unii elevii probleme la formularea enunţurilor/propozitiile în
limba Engleza si ordonarea logică a acestora într-un text narativ.
 S-a observat de asemenea ca unii elevii problem de comunicare în scris, nereuşind să
redacteze un text narativ coerent şi corect din punct de vedere al exprimării lingvistice.

În ceea ce priveste limba cele mai multe dificultati sau greseli intampinate sunt:
 Vocabular destul de redus la unii elevi
 Nerecunoasterea unor cuvinte/sintagme din limba Engleza
 Imposibilitatea exprimării logice în limba engleză
 Folosirea foarte precară sau deloc a unor cuvinte de legătură, sintagme şi structure cu
grad de dificultate sporit în redactarea unui text narativ.

Astfel, in urma rezultatelor partial nemultumitoare, se vor lua următoarele măsuri:

 Reluarea şi consolidarea cunoştinţelor din anii anteriori ;
 Exerciţii de exersare orală şi scrisă pentru forma timpurilor verbale şi construcţii
verbale în context diferite (Past Tense si Present Perfect.)
 Fise de lucru pentru dezvoltarea/consolidarea compenţelor de exprimare în scris;
 Utilizarea dictionarului pentru insuţirea de noi cuvinte şi exerciţii de vocabular.
 Exerciţii de redactare de paragrafe/texte scurte şi eseuri scurte pe o tema de referinta.
 Exerciţii de comunicare verbal/în scris.

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