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Anoushka - Reflection

1. What was your task and how did you contribute to the group work?

- Being a part of this group, I managed and tried to control the logistics of everything...I helped with pro-
moting our thoughts on our social media page. I tried my best to convey the real issues that the people of
the LGBTQIA++ community had to face by participating in interviews and analysing different case stud-
ies that I thought were crucial to our research.

2. What was your most memorable learning experience?

- I think the entire idea of being able to research about a topic (the rights of the LGBTQIA++ community)
that is often misunderstood by people all over the world is a great opportunity itself! Becoming more
aware about how people would like to express themselves, doing the needful to make a change in people's
mindsets, and loving people the way they are, is the most memorable part of our EUMIND journey! Inter-
viewing Miss Anjali was also extremely eye opening for me as I understood that people have learnt to
build communities (NGOs and agencies) with people who share the same sorrows and who are willing to
work towards a change.

3. What went well?

- The entire group shared a strong bond with each other which made it easier for us to communicate and
discuss our ideas clearly...Our google form was an extremely useful tool (by Vivaan Kenia, our leader) in
order for us to get opinions from our friends and teachers so that we know everyones thoughts on our

4. What could be better?

- The only thing that we could have worked upon is meeting certain deadlines faster than the pace we were
going at... If we could interact with the students of the Netherlands it could have cultivated a better under-
standing on the topic and hence would have led to a more impactful outcome.

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