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Self-Assessment Sheet - Creative entrepreneurship 2023-24

Group - 3 Name of the product/service – Wing warden

Names of Participants Roles

Aadit Weebly editor and product manager

Jahhaan Communication manager

Jahaan Leader

Ethan Weebly editor

Daniel Video editor

Checklist Max. Criteria Done Score Score

points Y/N students teachers
Attractive layout 3p -Information is readable and clearly presented 3 3
- All documents are visible in the article
- Multiple features of Weebly have been used
Group introduction 2p A short written/video introduction / Group photo/camera 2 2
shot is added
Students publish ‘The design thinking process’ (option 1) or ‘Brainstorming ‘Think and discuss
(option 2)
Option 1. Design 10p How good is the explanation on the phases empathize- 8 NA
Thinking define-ideate of the design thinking process?
Option 2. 10p How good is the overview of the ideas and of the pros 7 5
Brainstorming ‘Think and cons? How good is the explanation whether the
and discuss’ products can be produced physically and whether the
product is new.
Brainstorming 15p Have you uploaded pictures of the brainstorming on the 7 NA
Blueprint Weebly?
Are most questions of the brainstorming on the blueprint
addressed in a sufficient manner?
SDG goals. 5p How will your product/service address the SDG? 5 5
Roles 4p Is a clear division of the roles done? 4 4
Roles 1p Has the photograph of the worksheet on roles been 1 1
uploaded on the Weebly?
Feedback from local 10p Quality of the summary of the feedback from a local 10 NA
expert expert (about 300 words)
Production of the 10p How good was the explanation how you created the 10 10
prototype prototype? Or a written text of about 200-300 words
including min. 6 photographs or a short video followed by
the 200-300-words write up
Marketing 10p Quality of the Marketing plan/Promotion 10 10
Competences 2p Has each group member selected 10 Individual 2 2
competences on the worksheet Competences
Competences 2p Explanation why the group has selected the 5 most 2 2
important group competences.
Competences 1p Photograph of the worksheet to be attached to Weebly 1 1
Feedback from local 5p Quality of the preparation (PPT) 5 5
expert panel (pitch) Involvement all group members
What have you learnt from the feedback?
Individual reflection 10p Individual reflection (min. 200 words each) 10 10
100p 69 60

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